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School Aborlan National High Grade 9

School Level
DAILY Student Teacher Christian Lozada Learning Science
LESSON Cooperating Teacher Joannah Mary M. Padul Area
PLAN Teaching date and April 1, 2024 Quarter Fourth, week 1

A. CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates the understanding of:
projectile motion, impulse and momentum, and conservation of linear

B. PERFORMANCE The learner shall be able to:

STANDARD propose ways to enhance sports related to projectile motion

The learner should be able to: describe the horizontal and vertical
motions of a projectile; (S9FE-Iva-34)

C. MOST ESSENTIAL Specific Objectives

COMPETENCY At the end of lesson, the learners should be able to:
a) Define what a projectile and projectile motion is.
b) Illustrate the path travel by a projectile
c) Appreciate the application of projectile motion in relation to sports

Motion in two dimension

II. CONTENT  Projectile Motion
A. REFERENCES 1. EASE Science I. Module 18. 2. Science and Technology I: Integrated
Science Textbook. Villamil, Aurora M., Ed.D. 1998. p. 272.

B. OTHER LEARNING PowerPoint presentation, TV, Pictures, Tarpapel, Manila paper

C. TEACHING APPROACH Learner-Centered Approach
D. SUBJECT INTEGRATION English, Values and Math
E. VALUES FOCUS Teamwork, critical thinking and creativity

A. Preliminary activity
A. Greetings

Good morning, before we start, let us pray first.

Who wants to volunteer to lead our prayer? Sir

Yes, Francine! Lord our God, in your wisdom and love you
surrounded us with the universe. Send your
spirit upon these students and fill them with
your wisdom and blessings. Grant that they
may devote themselves to their studies and
draw ever closer to you, the source of all

Before you take your seats, kindly pick up the

pieces of paper around you, arrange your chairs
properly, and you may now take your seats.

B. Checking of Attendance
Let us check our attendance for
Who is your class secretary? Sir
None, sir!
Do we have absentees?

Very good, class.

B. Reviewing or Presenting the new lesson

During you first quarter the topic you have

discussed fall under the branch of science we called
biology, the study of life. During that quarter you
discussed about the different organ system.

During second quarter what have you discussed?

Sir, we discussed about matter, specifically

the composition, properties as well as
classification. Which will fall under branch of
During the third quarter what have you discussed? science chemistry.

Sir, we discussed about volcanoes, weather as

well as constellation and stars, and they fall
Now what about for this fourth quarter? What under the branch we called earth science.
branch of science are we going to discussed?

Do you have any idea?

Sir, Physics

C. Establishing the purpose for the lesson

(5 minutes)

Before we start lets have an activity first.


Direction: Re-arrange the jumbled letters to form

words that are essential to the topic today.
1. PTEJRILCOE - an object given an initial
velocity thrown/projected to be acted solely by 1. PROJECTILE
gravity in curve-like path.
where an object given an initial velocity
is thrown or projected and is allowed to be acted on
by gravity in a curved-like path.
3. TRARJECTOY - The curved path followed by a
that are launched with an initial velocity from an
elevated position and follows a curved-like path to
the ground.
5. AGLEN NDHCAUEL - projectiles launched at
an angle with respect to the horizontal and rises to
a peak while moving horizontally.

D. Presenting examples/instances for the new lesson

From your previous academic years especially in

Grade 7, you’ve learned about the descriptors of
motion in one dimension which govern on moving
objects traveling in either two of the straight lines
at constant acceleration. The horizontal motion and
vertical motion.

What do you think will happen if we combined

these two motion at the same time? Sir, if we put this vertical and horizontal
motion together at the same time, we will get
projectile motion.

Very good!

Do you have an idea about our lesson today? Sir, our lesson for today is about Projectile
Very good!

Before we start, let me introduce to you our

objectives for our new lesson.

Anyone? Who wants to volunteer to read? Sir.

At the end of lesson, the learners should be
able to:
a) Define what a projectile and projectile
motion is.
b) Illustrate the path travel by a projectile
c) Appreciate the application of projectile
motion in relation to sports

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

(15 minutes)

Before we proceed in our discussion let have a

group activity first. For our groupings please count
from 1 to 8.

You may proceed to your respective groups.

The title of our activity is Sketch Me.
Activity 1: Sketch Me Quick

Situation1: Free Kick!

Sam was given a free kick. Illustrate the trajectory
of the ball in order for Sam to get a goal. On your
answer sheet, explain how you came up with that

Free kick scenario in soccer

Situation 2: Throwing of Garbage

Mat wants to shoot a crumpled paper inside the
trash bin. Help him shoot his garbage right at the
trash can by illustrating the trajectory.

Throwing crumpled paper into a trash bin

F. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

(10 minutes)


May I request every representative of the group to

present discuss your work here in front.

Explain how you ended up with that trajectory.

Q1. What is the projectile in picture?
Q2. How do you describe its trajectory? (Group answers)

1. The ball is the projectile

2. The ball is travelling on a curved path.

Q1. What is the projectile in picture?

Q2. How do you describe its trajectory?

Very Good! 1. The garbage is the projectile.

2. The garbage is travelling on a curved path.
Lets give them a round of applause.
G. Developing mastery
(15 minutes)

What is Projectile motion? Sir, it is a form of motion where an object

given an initial velocity
is thrown or projected and is allowed to be
acted on by gravity in a curved-like path.

What is Trajectory? Sir, the curved path followed by a projectile

We have two types of Projectiles

Type 1: Horizontally Launched Projectiles

Horizontally launched projectiles are projectiles
that are launched with an initial velocity from an
elevated position and follows a curved-like path to
the ground.

A man diving into the water

What is the motion of the man as it dives into the Sir, the motion of the man as it dives into the
water? water is moving along a curved path

Sir, due to a natural force called gravitational

Why is the motion of the man going downward? force of the earth or gravity.

Very Good!

Gravity is the natural force that causes objects to

fall towards the earth. The acceleration due to
gravity is always directed downwards and has a
value of -9.8m/s2.

Type 2: Angle-Launched Projectiles

Angle-launched projectiles are projectiles launched
at an angle with respect to the horizontal and rises
to a peak while moving horizontally.

Take a look at the picture on the screen.

A sepak takraw player kicking a rattan ball over the net

What will happen to the ball if it reach its

maximum height?
What is the projectile in picture?
Sir, Upon reaching the peak, the projectile
How do you describe its trajectory? falls with a motion that is symmetrical to its
path upwards to the peak.

In mathematical terms, what do you call this Sir, the rattan ball is the projectile
Sir, the rattan ball is travelling on a curved

This shows that as the player kicked the rattan ball

in the air, the ball will eventually go back to the Sir, Parabola. An angle-launched projectile
ground still due to gravity as it moves horizontally. exhibits a full parabolic trajectory motion.
We can say that projectile motion consists of
horizontal and vertical motion that is working

Do you have any questions or clarifications No, Sir.

regarding our topic today?

H. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living


Since you have no questions, lets have an another


Activity 2: World of Sports!

Direction: Accomplish the table below by listing a
set of five different sports activities that can
be considered to involve projectile motion.
Sports Projectile Way in
Ex. Long Athlete Jumping from
Jump(Athletic one point to
s) his/her
longest reach.

Discus Throw Discus Throwing the

Through the

5. No, Sir.
Time is up, please pass all of your papers.
Do you have any questions or clarifications
regarding our topic today?

I. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

(5 minutes)

Anyone who wants to volunteer to summarize our

lesson that we discussed today? Sir, today we discussed about projectile
motion, projectile, trajectory, the two types of
projectile motion, horizontally launched and
angle-launched projectile. Also the curve-like
path that we called parabola. The projectile
motion consists of horizontal and vertical
motion that is working independently.
Very good!

Do you have any question or clarifications? No, Sir.

J. Evaluating learning
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. 1. D
Write the chosen letter on a 2. C
3. C
1. What do you call the path followed by a
4. D
projectile? 5. B
A. Project 6. C
C. Target 7. C
B. Projectile 8. A
D. Trajectory 9. B
2. What is referred to as an object that is given an 10. B
initial velocity and is then acted solely upon by
gravitational force?
A. Project
B. Target
C. Projectile
D. Trajectory
3. Which of the following composed the two linear
motions of a projectile?
A. Horizontal and Circular Motion
B. Vertical and Circular Motion
C. Horizontal and Vertical Motion
D. Vertical and Curvilinear Motion
4. What is the shape of the trajectory of a
A. Circular
C. Hyperbolic
B. Elliptical
D. Parabolic
5.What force enables objects to fall on to the
A. Frictional Force
B. Gravitational Force
C. Magnetic Force
D. Tension Force
6. Which illustrates projectile motion?
A. Running
B. Driving a car
C. Shooting a ball
D. A bottle dropped straight down into trash can
7. Which of the following is NOT an example of
Projectile motion.
A. A baseball that has been pitch
B. A rock being thrown over a bridge
C. A person sitting on a chair
D. A car driving off a cliff
8. The picture on the right side shows what type of
projectile motion?
A. Angle-launched
B. Horizontally
launched projectile
C. Vertical motion
D. Horizontal motion
9. The picture on the right side shows what type of
projectile motion?
A. Angle-launched
B. Horizontally
C. Vertical motion
D. Horizontal motion
10. What do you think is the projectile in the
A. A man
B. A ball moving
on a curve-like
C. A flag
D. None of the above
K. Additional activities for application or remediation
(5 minutes)

Activity:3 Take-A-Photo Challenge

Demo of a Projectile Motion

1. Take a picture/photo of a particular demo of a

projectile motion (showing the path of a projectile
whether Launched or at an Angle).
2. The photo must be recently taken.
3. Provide title for the photo

Is the instructions clear class? Yes, Sir!

Goodbye class! Goodbye, Sir!

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did remedial lesson work? No. of learner
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:
Christian B. Lozada
Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:
Joannah Mary M. Padul
Cooperating Teacher

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