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Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230

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Variability of suspended particulate matter concentration in coastal

waters under the Mekong's influence from ocean color (MERIS) remote
sensing over the last decade
Hubert Loisel a,b,c,⁎, Antoine Mangin d, Vincent Vantrepotte c, David Dessailly c, Dat Ngoc Dinh b,
Philippe Garnesson d, Sylvain Ouillon a,e, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre a, Xavier Mériaux c, Thu Minh Phan f
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Université de Toulouse, UPS (OMP), CNRS, UMR 5566 LEGOS, 14 av. Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France
Space Technology Institute (STI), Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology (VAST), 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Géosciences (LOG), Univ. du Littoral Cote d'Opale (ULCO), CNRS UMR 8187, 28 avenue Foch, BP 80, 62930 Wimereux, France
ACRI-ST, 260 Route du Pin Montard, 06904 Sophia-Antipolis, France
University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH), 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Institute of Oceanography, VAST, 1 Cau Da, Nha Trang, Viet Nam

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Spatio-temporal patterns of suspended particulate matter, SPM, in coastal waters under the Mekong's influence
Received 10 December 2013 are examined through remote sensing data collected from January 2003 to April 2012 by the MEdium Resolution
Received in revised form 25 April 2014 Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) at full spatial resolution (300 × 300 m2). The first SPM climatology over this
Accepted 13 May 2014
region is provided and the SPM temporal variation schemes (irregular variability, seasonal variability, and long
Available online 14 June 2014
term trend) are described using the Census-X-11 time series decomposition method. The different spatio-
temporal patterns are then analyzed with regard to regional oceanographic and hydrologic conditions. The origin
Suspended sediment of the processes controlling the seasonality of the Mekong Delta plume is characterized. The increase of turbidity
Mekong Delta observed from June to December, starts with the Mekong sediment inputs which are maximum during the sum-
Ocean color remote sensing mer monsoon (the water discharge reaches its maximum in September/October). While the Mekong water dis-
Climatology charge decreases, the concentration of suspended sediment keeps increasing in coastal waters during the
following two/three months (November to January). This increase is explained by resuspension effects occurring
in the shallow coastal areas. Due to higher wave energy and oblique orientation of the waves breaking near the
coast, the winter monsoon triggers a high level of agitation and high value of resuspended material concentration
which are submitted to a longshore current directed towards the South–West. Deposition (in front of the Delta)
and erosion (northern and southern areas of the delta) areas are identified in good agreement with recent results
obtained from a prognostic model. While the temporal variability is strongly dominated by the seasonal compo-
nent, a long term trend of about −5% SPM concentration per year is observed in the pro-delta area and is attrib-
uted to the decrease of the Mekong river sediment output during the high flow season.
© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction main channels. Similarly to the other deltaic systems, the Mekong
Delta is very sensitive to natural forcing and human activities (Saito,
The Mekong river, which is the largest river in Southeast Asia, runs 2000; Syvitski et al., 2009; Xue, Liu, & Ge, 2011). One may cite, among
through five different countries (China, Myanmar, Thailand, Lao PDR, others, the well marked Monsoon regime which strongly conditions
and Cambodia) before entering in Vietnam through its Delta (Fig. 1). the hydrologic and the oceanographic patterns of the coastal region,
The Mekong Delta is one of the largest deltas of the world and is bound- the intrusion of saline oceanic waters in the delta plain, the land use
ed by the gulf of Thailand to the West and the Eastern Sea of Vietnam to change, the fast growing population and related environmental distur-
the East (Coleman & Roberts, 1989; Nguyen, Ta, & Tateishi, 2000). Its bances, and the recent construction of many dams as well as the river
spatial coverage is generally considered to begin at Phnom Penh in channel sediment extraction which all directly impact the sediment
Cambodia where the river divides into its two main branches, the supply and redistribution. A recent review of the climate and environ-
Mekong and the Bassac, which respectively divide into six and three mental change of the Mekong Delta is provided by Renaud and
Kuenzer (2012).
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 3 21996420; fax: +33 3 21996401. The annual sediment flux of the Mekong into the ocean is estimated
E-mail address: (H. Loisel). to about 160 million tons (Milliman & Ren, 1995), making this river to
0034-4257/© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
H. Loisel et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230 219

Fig. 1. Map of the study area. The 10 m isobaths are taken from Becker et al. (2009). The location of the Chau Doc station, where the discharge of the Bassac branch is measured is indicated
by a red star. The blue frame represents the area for which the wind and waves/swell data values are extracted (see Fig. 4). The small red frame corresponds to the region where SPM
extraction will be performed for comparison with the river discharge measured at the Chau Doc station (see Fig. 9). The three pink lines represent the transects along which satellite
data will be extracted (see Fig. 11).

belong among the 10 largest suppliers of sediment over the world's in the subaqueous deltaic system (Xue, Liu, DeMaster, Nguyen, & Ta,
ocean (Milliman & Meade, 1983). Note that this estimation is based on 2010 and references therein). These sedimentary field studies mainly
data recorded before the construction of dams on the Mekong river, focused on the evolution of the Mekong Delta over long geological
which retain about 32 to 41 millions of tons of sediment per year time periods. A recent study has however documented the modern sed-
(Kummu, Lu, Wang, & Varis, 2010). While part of this tremendous con- iment distribution and accumulation rates on the seafloor in the sub-
centration of sediment is accumulated in the subaqueous delta region, aqueous Mekong Delta (Unverricht et al., 2013). Numerical studies
the other part is dispersed towards offshore waters and along the were also performed using various models to assess the Mekong's sed-
coast. The spatial and temporal patterns of the river-sediment dispersal iment transport and deposition in coastal areas of the Eastern Sea of
system within the coastal areas are very complex being modulated by Vietnam (Hordoir, Nguyen, & Polcher, 2006; Xue, He, Liu, & Warner,
many factors including river outflows, physical oceanographic condi- 2012). While these studies provided fundamental results on the origin
tions, bathymetry of the subaqueous delta, and the nature of the sedi- of the spatio-temporal sediment patterns in relation with the hydrolog-
ments themselves. The monitoring of suspended particulate matter, ic and oceanographic conditions, they only allow for a description
SPM, in coastal areas under the influence of the Mekong river is essential restricted to limited time periods. Besides, the realism of these numeri-
for both ecological and geomorphologic purposes. Riverine suspended cal simulations is tightly linked to the inherent approximations required
sediments reaching the oceanic waters bring a significant amount of for modeling the very complex processes involved. As a matter of fact,
new nutrients in coastal waters, and control the availability of light in sediment model solutions are sensitive to the parameterization of
the water column for photosynthesis and visual predators. These two sediment properties, as well as to the settling velocity of flocculated
features tightly control phytoplankton primary production and thus sediments (Xue et al., 2012). Some shallow water processes, such as
the associated dynamics of higher trophic levels. While these new sed- energy dissipation related to wave breaking, are also not systematically
iments allow phytoplankton primary production to be maintained, a taken into account (Hein, Hein, & Pohlmann, 2013). The adopted
loss of sediments and their associated nutrients can reduce this produc- parameterizations are therefore not entirely representative of the
tivity, but also alter phytoplankton bloom timing. These two phenome- situation encountered especially over the long time period.
na are known, from both open ocean and coastal waters studies, to Ocean color remote sensing data allow the optically significant com-
affect recruitment and fish catches (IOCCG, 2009). The impact of the ponent in surface waters to be assessed (Gordon & Morel, 1983; IOCCG,
Mekong river discharge on the fisheries productivity in coastal waters 2000; Loisel, Vantrepotte, Jamet, & Dinh, 2013). Satellite data are not as
has been known for a long time (Lagler, 1976). The coastline stability, accurate as in situ measurements and are limited to the surface layer.
as well as the maintenance of healthy mangrove largely present in this However, the latter limitations are largely compensated by the spatial
region (Gebhardt, Dao Nguyen, & Kuenzer, 2012), are also greatly relat- and temporal coverage offered by satellite observations. The present
ed to sediment input. For all these reasons, the assessment of the spatio- study aims at describing and analyzing the actual suspended particulate
temporal SPM patterns, which reflects and integrates the combined ef- matter, SPM, spatio-temporal patterns of the surface coastal waters
fects of natural and anthropogenic phenomena, is essential for a better under the influence of the Mekong river. Specifically, we propose to as-
understanding of coastal marine areas in the Southern part of Vietnam. sess the seasonal and inter-annual variability, as well as the trend of
Previous works, based on episodic geological and sedimentary field SPM of the coastal waters under the influence of the Mekong river
studies, provided spatial details of the Mekong river sediment dispersal over the last decade using ocean color remote sensing data collected
220 H. Loisel et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230

Fig. 2. Location of the in situ data points used for the development of the new algorithm.

by the MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) from January 01/01/2003 and 30/04/2012 time period. About 2000 MERIS full resolu-
2003 to April 2012. In the present study, the consistency of various SPM tion (MERIS-FR) images have been recovered from the ESA archive sys-
inversion algorithms for describing SPM spatio-temporal variations in tem recovery. Yearly availability of MERIS-FR is fluctuating mainly
the Mekong Delta has been specifically assessed. In a second step, SPM because of mission programming. For instance, the year 2003 is charac-
climatology of the coastal waters under the Mekong's influence has terized by a slightly lower number of full resolution images with respect
been generated and discussed. Finally, these spatio-temporal patterns to the other years. The standard masks developed for the processing of
have been analyzed with regard to the oceanographic and hydrological the MERIS data over coastal waters have been applied: cloud masking,
variability measured over the same period of time. water detection, no absorbing aerosols, no high and medium sun glint.
Unfortunately, whitecap correction is not performed by the MERIS stan-
2. Data and method dard algorithm. However, whitecaps generally occur when wind speed
is above 8–10 m·s−1 (Monahan & O'Muircheartaigh, 1980), which only
2.1. Ocean color data and algorithms covers a small fraction of the conditions encountered in our study area
(see Fig. 4b). Additionally, while the impact of whitecaps can be impor-
Ocean color data collected by the MEdium Resolution Imaging tant for clear waters, it is greatly reduced for turbid waters such as those
Spectrometer (MERIS) on board the European Space Agency (ESA)'s encountered in the present study.
Envisat platform are used for the present study (Rast & Bézy, 1995; The remote sensing reflectance, Rrs, used as an input parameter in
Rast, Bézy, & Bruzzi, 1999). This data set is entirely composed of full SPM algorithms, is derived from the top of atmosphere measurements
spatial resolution products (300 × 300 m2 at nadir), and covers the using the MERIS 3rd reprocessing atmospheric correction algorithm
H. Loisel et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230 221

large in situ data set, gathering measurements performed in various
coastal environments (Fig. 2) and described in previous studies
(Babin et al., 2003; Bélanger et al., 2008; Loisel et al., 2009; Lubac
Estimated SPM (g.m−3)
et al., 2008). Interestingly, the three constant coefficients are very
similar to those calculated by Siswanto et al. (2011) over an indepen-
dent large data set acquired in a Yellow and East China Seas between
1998 and 2007 (Fig. 3). The similarity in these two sets of coefficient

values provides an indication on the robustness of the proposed ap-

proaches for the SPM assessment in coastal waters.
As atmospheric correction is one of the main challenges for the ex-
ploitation of ocean color remote sensing over coastal areas, the impact

of potential atmospheric correction errors on the SPM retrieval should

be assessed. According to the ESA (2012) database, the relative percent-

age differences calculated between the estimated and measured reflec-

0.1 0.5 5.0 50.0 500.0 tance values in coastal waters at 490, 560, and 665 nm are − 8.7%,
Measured SPM (g.m−3) − 6.3%, and − 3.2%, respectively. The impact of these errors on the
SPM retrieval accuracy using Eq. (1) is simply assessed using the in
Fig. 3. Scatter plot of the inverted SPM concentration using Eq. (1) (black dots) and the situ data base presented in Fig. 2, by comparing the SPM values calculat-
model of Siswanto et al. (2011) (gray dots) as a function of in situ SPM values. The 1:1 ed using the true Rrs values, SPMtrue, with the SPM values calculated
line is over plotted as a black line. The data collected in the Mekong Delta coastal waters
in March 2012, not used in the development of the new model, are plotted in red.
using these Rrs values modified by the relative differences provided
above, SPMmod. These atmospheric correction errors only slightly impact
the SPM retrieval accuracy, as the mean relative absolute difference and
bias values calculated between these two SPM values in linear scale are
4% and 1%, respectively. The median value of the SPMtrue/SPMmod is
for coastal waters (Doerffer, 2011; ESA, 2012). Considering the very lim- 1.001 ± 0.059.
ited in situ data available in the Mekong Delta region for algorithm de-
velopment and validation purposes, three inverse methods, based on
2.2. Oceanographic and hydrological data sets over the studied area
different assumptions, were used to derive SPM, and their respective
spatio-temporal patterns were compared. The first algorithm is based
Since no in situ wave and swell data are available on the Mekong
on a semi-analytical relationship between SPM and the reflectance in
Shelf within the time scale considered in this study, satellite data
the red part of the spectrum (Nechad, Ruddick, & Park, 2010). In this
coupled with large scale dynamical models were considered. The signif-
spectral domain the absorption coefficient is fully dominated by pure
icant wave heights and direction data were obtained from the National
water, the Rrs variability in the latter spectral domain is driven by the
Centers for Environments Predictions (NCEP, reanalysis). This data set
particulate backscattering coefficient, bbp, which is directly proportional
covers the MERIS time period but with a much lower spatial resolution
to the SPM concentration at first order (Neukermans, Loisel, Mériaux,
(grid of 1°). Wind speed and direction are derived at a 0.25° spatial res-
Astoreca, & McKee, 2012). The SPM relative errors using the MERIS
olution through cross-calibration and assimilation of ocean surface
665 and 681 nm bands have been estimated to be lower than 40%
wind data from different sensors SSM/I, TMI, AMSR-E, SeaWinds on
(Nechad et al., 2010). Despite the fact that this algorithm has been
QuikSCAT, and SeaWinds on ADEOS-2 (
developed from an in situ data set collected in the southern North Sea,
node/31). Daily freshwater discharge time series (01/01/2001–31/12/
it has already shown some valuable performances in other coastal
2007) was gathered from the Chau Doc station operated by the Mekong
regions (Vantrepotte, Loisel, Dessailly and Mériaux, 2012). The second
River Commission (see Fig. 1 for the station location). Since this station
algorithm is based on a Neural Network algorithm (Doerffer & Schiller,
only gauges the Bassac river, temporal analysis will be performed using
2007). The SPM values are obtained from the inversed particulate scat-
MERIS data extracted in the coastal area in front of the Bassac outlet (see
tering coefficient at 442 nm, bp, assuming a specific particulate scatter-
Fig. 10). The bathymetry data from the recent study performed by
ing coefficient, bp/SPM, value of 0.578 g− 1 m2. This formalism is the
Becker et al. (2009), which provides bathymetry data at 30 arc sec of
standard MERIS SPM product distributed by the Kalicôtier web site
resolution over the global ocean, were considered. This bathymetry
(, which provides MERIS-FR products
has been recently used over the same region by Xue et al. (2012) for
over five different coastal sites from the 3rd reprocessing. A match-up
the development of a coupled wave–ocean-sediment transport model
exercise, based on a limited number of data points (ESA, 2012), has
on the Mekong shelf.
shown that the SPM retrieval values using this algorithm are in a rela-
tively good agreement with in situ data (determination coefficient, r2,
of 0.7, and slope, in log scale, of 0.76). The ESA (2012) validation data 2.3. Time series analysis
set is representative of case 2 waters where inherent optical properties
are not only driven by phytoplankton and associated material but also Monthly time series of SPM and ancillary data (wave, swell, wind
by other optically significant components such as suspended sediments. and river discharges) have been temporally decomposed using the
In situ SPM concentration varies between 0.01 and 150 g·m−3 in this Census X-11 method (Pezzulli, Stephenson, & Hannachi, 2005) which
validation data set. Finally, the third algorithm is based on the approach have been documented in detail in Vantrepotte and Mélin (2011).
developed by Tassan (1994), for which the wavelengths and the values Briefly, this iterative analysis based on the successive application of
of the coefficients have been adapted for the present study. This algo- bandpass filters aims at decomposing time series into three additive
rithm applies the Rrs values at 490, 560, and 665 nm through the follow- components representing the seasonal, irregular (sub-annual) and
ing function: inter-annual modulations in the data. The interest of this approach for
precisely describing the temporal variation schemes in the series has
SPM ¼ 10 ½a þ b  ðRrs ð560Þ þ Rrs ð665ÞÞ−c  ðRrs ð490Þ=Rrs ð560ÞÞ ð1Þ been illustrated for various ocean color applications (Beaulieu et al.,
2013; Vantrepotte, Gensac et al., 2012; Vantrepotte, Loisel, Mélin,
where a, b, and c are constant coefficients (a = 0.695, b = 27.29, and Dessailly, & Duforêt‐Gaurier, 2011). In addition, the presence of signifi-
c = − 0.638). For the present study, this function has been fitted on a cant inter-annual trends in the data has been investigated using non-
222 H. Loisel et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230



Wind Direction (°)






2002-01 2003-01 2004-01 2005-01 2006-01 2007-01 2008-01 2009-01 2010-01

10 b
Wind Speed (m/s)

2002-01 2003-01 2004-01 2005-01 2006-01 2007-01 2008-01 2009-01 2010-01

Water Discharge (m3/s)







2002-01 2003-01 2004-01 2005-01 2006-01 2007-01 2008-01 2009-01 2010-01

Significant Wave Height (m)

3.5 d
2002-01 2003-01 2004-01 2005-01 2006-01 2007-01 2008-01 2009-01 2010-01

Swell Height (m)



2002-01 2003-01 2004-01 2005-01 2006-01 2007-01 2008-01 2009-01 2010-01


Swell Direction (°)






2002-01 2003-01 2004-01 2005-01 2006-01 2007-01 2008-01 2009-01 2010-01

Fig. 4. Time series of (a) wind direction, (b) wind speed, (c) water discharge at the Chau Doc station, (d) mean significant wave height, (f) swell height, and (g) swell direction. The wind,
swell and wave data presented here are extracted over the domains delimited in Fig. 1.
H. Loisel et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230 223

a b c

Fig. 5. Inter-comparison of the SPM retrievals between the three different algorithms at the example of September 2010. The black line represents the 1:1 line. Scarce extreme values of up
to 1000 g·m−3 observed in the river outlet are not represented by the density plot.

parametric statistics (i.e. seasonal Kendall test and Sen's slope estima- analysis. Further, the presence of recurrent missing values does not rep-
tor, Gilbert, 1987). resent a limitation for the use of the X-11 decomposition procedure
A selection of the time series is performed before performing the which can be applied on “shortened time series” through a possible
statistical analysis (X-11 and trend detection). Basically, time series adaptation of the period considered for the various bandpass filters
presenting more than 25% of missing data are discarded from the (see the detailed procedure in Vantrepotte & Mélin, 2011). The Eigen
Vector Filtering approach (Ibanez & Conversi, 2002) is used to fill the
potential gaps in the series. In the present study, based on monthly
data, missing values represented less than 6% of the time series length.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. The oceanographic and hydrodynamic context of the studied area

The lower Mekong area is under the strong influence of Monsoon re-
gime. A wet season, associated with the summer monsoon character-
ized by South Western winds, generally occurs from May to October
(Fig. 4a). The wind speed presents its minimum values during that peri-
od (about 1–2 m s−1), with however a marked peak (up to 7 m s−1)
generally occurring in August (Fig. 4b). During this period water dis-
charge reaches its maximum value (generally in September or October)
with an average maximum flow of about 7000 m3 s−1 measured at the
Chau Doc station (Fig. 4c). The same seasonal pattern is measured at
Pakse station, located far inland in Cambodia, before the Mekong river
separates into its two main branches, with liquid discharges of
about 40,000 m3 s−1 (Xue et al., 2012). The remaining part of the year
is generally dry and associated with the winter monsoon (November–
March) characterized by North Eastern wind of higher intensity
(about 8–11 m s−1) compared to those observed during the summer
monsoon. During this time period water discharge is greatly reduced,
reaching its minimum value in March–May (200–300 m3 s− 1 at the
Chau Doc station). This decreasing rate is in agreement with the one
observed at the Pakse station.
The tidal signal, responsible of sea water intrusion during the dry
season, differs between the two sides of the Delta. A diurnal tide is dom-
inant in the Gulf of Thailand, while a semi-diurnal tide is dominant in
the Vietnam East Sea. Average daily tidal range varies between 3.5 m
and 4.5 m in the East Sea and between 0.5 m and 0.8 m in the Gulf of
Thailand (Nguyen, 2012; Wolanski & Nguyen, 2005). The relative
shallow waters (b 10 m, Fig. 1) favor deposition processes during
water discharge events, as well as resuspension of sediments under
the influence of waves and swell forcing following wind seasonal pat-
terns (Fig. 4b, d–e). The significant wave height is maximum in winter
(2–2.5 m) and minimum in summer (about 0.5 m) (Fig. 4e) in agree-
ment with Xue et al. (2012).

3.2. Comparison between three SPM algorithms

Fig. 6. Variation coefficient of the suspended particulate matter concentration over the en-
The selection of the most relevant algorithm is based on an inter-
tire study period calculated using (a) new algorithm, (b) Nechad et al. (2010), and comparison exercise (Fig. 5), and analysis of the variation coefficient
(c) standard MERIS products. spatial patterns (Fig. 6). The variation coefficient is calculated as the
224 H. Loisel et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230

SPM concentrations higher than 1.2 g·m−3 (Nechad et al., 2010). While
SPM variation coefficients for these two algorithms present some large
discrepancies offshore, due to their different sensitivities at low SPM
values, they are quite consistent in coastal areas (Fig. 6a–b). The season-
al impact of the water discharge is for instance noticeable for the two in-
verse methods. This is not the case for the standard MERIS product
which presents very low variation coefficient in coastal areas, and for
which the water discharge impact is not noticeable (Fig. 6c). This is
explained by a saturation of this algorithm for SPM concentrations
greater than 60 g·m−3 (Fig. 5b–c). The adoption of a constant bp/SPM
value in this inversion model may also bias the results, as this ratio
presents some natural variability depending on the size and biogeo-
chemical composition of the bulk particulate matter (Neukermans
et al., 2012). Strong SPM concentrations above 500 g m−3 are consistent
with our present knowledge on SPM concentrations encountered in the
different Mekong estuaries. Therefore, based on these different observa-
tions, the new, Tassan-like, algorithm (Eq. 1) has been selected for
assessing SPM temporal variations in the coastal water masses influ-
enced by the Mekong river.

3.3. Main SPM spatio-temporal variability patterns

SPM variation coefficient calculated over the entire MERIS archive

using the new algorithm exhibits a very specific spatial pattern
(Fig. 6a). The main temporal variability, with a variation coefficient
higher than 80%, is observed offshore and decreases towards the coast.
The main reason of the relatively lower temporal variability in coastal
areas compared to offshore waters is the presence of the river plume
and of shallow waters promoting a nearly permanent sediment resus-
pension process under tide and wave forcing. The impact of the strong
seasonality in the river water discharge is however clearly noticeable
in front of the different rivers outlets and is characterized by a strong
variation coefficient of about 100%. In contrast to the Eastern area, a
thin turbidity belt with high coefficient of variation (100%) is observed
along the coast in the Western part of the study area (Gulf of Thailand).
The Census-X11 method is used to assess the relative contribution of
the seasonal, trend, and irregular components to SPM temporal variabil-
ity patterns over the whole studied area (Fig. 7). Between 50% and 90%
of the total variance is dominated by the seasonal component (Fig. 7a).
The coastal area where the seasonality in the data is maximal is located
in front of the rivers outlets and in the Rach Gia Bay. The irregular com-
ponent can explain up to 40% of the temporal variability (Fig. 7b). The
irregular component extracted from the X-11 procedure represents
the variability of the signal remaining when the long term (interannual)
and seasonal oscillations have been subtracted. It therefore corresponds
to the variation at sub annual scale. In the case of monthly data this can
be related to temporal variations in terms of resuspension, and advec-
tion processes, for instance. The coastal area in front of the Delta is char-
acterized by relatively low irregular changes (between 10 and 20%),
except in a narrow band at the limit of the prodelta, along the 10 m
Fig. 7. The contribution of the (a) seasonal, (b) irregular, and (c) trend components to the
depth isobath. The trend-cycle component explains about 10% of the
total variance of SPM (new algorithm) as calculated with the Census X-11 method.
temporal variability, but maximum values can reach 20–25% especially
along the west coast (Fig. 7c).
The seasonality in the SPM distribution over the whole studied area
is analyzed in further detail through the climatological maps established
ratio of the standard deviation to the climatological mean SPM value from the entire MERIS data set (Fig. 8). The high turbidity belt, charac-
for each algorithm. While the new and Nechad et al. (2010) algorithms terized by SPM concentrations greater than about 5 g m− 3, presents
provide relatively similar SPM retrieval (Fig. 5a), the latter algorithm is its maximum extension to the shore in winter (November to February),
not able to retrieve SPM values lower than about 2 g m−3. This is due the maximum being reached in January. This extension goes far offshore
to the use of the red band which is not sensitive enough at relatively in the South Western direction at the Camau peninsula (up to about
low SPM concentration (Ouillon et al., 2008), and to the formalism of 120 km from the coast). This period of time is characterized by the
their model. As a matter of fact, this algorithm tends to converge to- Northern Monsoon with relatively high winds blowing from the
wards offset value appearing in their equation (B = 1.74) for very low North-Eastern direction (Fig. 4a–b). This South-Western SPM extension
Rrs(665) values (see their Eq. 14 with the coefficients provided in pattern is related to surface currents mainly following the wind trend
Table 1). This result is not surprising since this algorithm was not dedi- over the studied area at this time scale (Xue et al., 2012): northeastern
cated for waters with relatively low SPM loads, as it was calibrated using direction during summer season and southwestern direction in winter.
H. Loisel et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230 225

Fig. 8. Monthly SPM climatology based on the entire MERIS archive.

The mean significant wave heights are maximum during this period, so monsoon period, sediment transport is dominated by tidal currents in
does the wave-driven bottom stress. The latter forcing induces strong the subaqueous delta and adjacent shelf regions (Unverricht et al.,
resuspension of sediments which were deposited in the shallow near- 2014). These patterns, established from ocean color remote sensing
shore area during the previous summer monsoon. During summer, data, are in good agreement with the Xue et al. (2012) results established
the river discharge is maximum, and new continental sediments are from sediment transport simulations.
brought to the coastal area. This is clearly seen in the August–October The impact of oceanographic conditions (waves, swell, and wind) on
period when high SPM concentrations appear just in front of the SPM variability over the entire study area is summarized through corre-
different river outlets. The relatively low significant wave height occur- lation maps between physical parameters and remotely sensed SPM
ring during this period (see Fig. 4d) induces a rapid settlement of values (Fig. 10). Note that waves, swell, and wind data fields present
suspended sediments down to the sea bottom. The tight relationship heterogeneous spatial resolution. The validity of this exercise is there-
between river outflow measured at the Chau Doc station and SPM con- fore tightly linked to the assumption that the variations of wind, swell,
centration extracted in front of the Bassac estuary is exhibited in Fig. 9. and wave fields follow shorter length scales compared to SPM. Strong
The main SPM peak in October and minimum SPM loads in April/May positive correlations, meaning that low/high wave heights induce low/
correspond to the maximum and minimum water discharge values, re- high SPM values, are observed between SPM and significant wave
spectively (Fig. 9a–b). In contrast, the second SPM peak observed for heights along the turbidity belt, as well as in the northern and southern
some years in December does not correspond to an increase in water parts of the Delta (Fig. 10a). The same observation stands for the swell
discharge. This supports the hypothesis that resuspension processes alone, with however lower regression coefficient values (Fig. 10b).
generated by waves are responsible for this second peak in winter. Fur- This confirms that SPM variability in this region is mainly driven by
ther, the water discharge–SPM relationship is in good agreement with waves and swell actions over a seasonal scale. Very low, positive, re-
Kummu and Varis (2007) for the lower Mekong (Fig. 9c). The second gression coefficients are generally found in the outlet of the different
South-Western wind speed maximum occurring around July/August river mouths, reflecting the regulation of SPM loads by river discharges
(Fig. 4b), of lower intensity compared to the main one in winter, could ex- in these peculiar areas. These different patterns are in very good agree-
plain the slight off-shore extension of the turbidity zone during that peri- ment with the identification of deposition (low r values in front of the
od. The minimum offshore extension is observed in April/May, when both rivers outlets) and erosion (high r values northern and southern areas
river outflow and oceanographic forcing are low. During this inter- of the delta) areas identified from a prognostic model recently used to
226 H. Loisel et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230




SPM (g/m3)




2002-01 2003-01 2004-01 2005-01 2006-01 2007-01 2008-01 2009-01 2010-01 2011-01 2012-01

Water Discharge (m3/s)






2002-01 2003-01 2004-01 2005-01 2006-01 2007-01 2008-01 2009-01 2010-01 2011-01 2012-01


SPM (g/m3)






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Water Discharge (m3/s)

Fig. 9. Temporal evolution of (a) monthly SPM concentrations extracted from the MERIS data at the outlet of the Bassac river (see Fig. 1) and (b) river discharge measured at the Chau Doc
station. (c) Scatter plot of SPM at the Bassac outlet versus river discharge at Chau Doc. The relationship (y = 0.00085 x1.3) established by Kummu and Varis (2007) is over-plotted.

assess the fine sediment dynamics in the region under Mekong's water ability to catch the main spatial patterns previously described from
influence (Hein et al., 2013). Logically, offshore waters present the low- SPM climatology (see Fig. 1). The offshore delimitation has arbitrarily
est regression coefficient due to the presence of deeper waters. Wind been fixed by visually determining the distance from which the SPM
intensity presents much lower co-variation with SPM than waves and value does not present strong spatial variability. Two transects are posi-
swell (Fig. 10c). tioned in front of the main river outlets in the North part of the area, and
one is located in the South. The bathymetry of two northern transects is
3.4. Spatial extension of the turbidity belt in relation with environmental characterized by a plateau of about 3 meter depth from the coast to
parameters about 13 km offshore (corresponding to the limit of the prodelta,
which is the part of the delta lying beyond the delta front, and sloping
The spatial extension of the turbidity belt is examined through near- gradually down to the basin floor of the delta), followed by a sharp
shore to off-shore SPM evolution along transects computed for three decreasing to reach a bottom depth of about − 20 m 24 km offshore.
contrasted months: January, May, and October (Fig. 11). Three transects, Conversely, the bottom depth progressively decreases towards off-
perpendicular to the coastline, have been selected according to their shore waters for the southern transect.
H. Loisel et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230 227

coast in the North (transects 1 and 2), and 40 km offshore in the

South (transect 3). While SPM progressively and consistently decreases
from near-shore to off-shore waters in the South (transect 3), two dif-
ferent spatial patterns can be noticed in the North. SPM values are in-
deed relatively constant up to 12–15 km offshore, and then sharply
decrease due to the settling of particles (see below). Winter period is
characterized by low water discharge and strong waves. The maximum
value of the significant wave height is about 2.5–3 m which roughly im-
plies a closure depth value of 5–6 m (Hanson, 1989). The formulation
provided by Hanson (1989) was for sandy sea floor, which corresponds
to the dominant sediment type (with silty sand) in front of the Mekong
Delta area (Unverricht et al., 2014). Particles previously deposited on
the sea floor can thus be resuspended in the water column for a water
depth less than five meters (definition of the closure depth), which cor-
responds to the coastal region spreading up to 15 km offshore. This po-
tential resuspension area is in good agreement with the near-shore SPM
plateau observed in the northern region. SPM progressively decreases
all along the southern transect, following the bathymetry.
During the inter-monsoon season (April–May), when the water
discharge is still low and the significant wave heights present their
minimum values, the turbidity belt reaches its minimum offshore ex-
tension (about 12, 16, and 6 km for transects 1, 2, and 3, respectively).
The combination of these hydrological and oceanographic conditions
explains the sharp SPM decrease noticed along the transects during
this period of time. In October, when the significant wave height values
are still low, the strong water discharge is responsible for the offshore
extension of the turbidity belt, especially, in the Northern part (about
25, 25, and 12 km for transects 1, 2, and 3, respectively).

3.5. Long term trends

The analysis of MERIS time series (01/2003–04/2012) reveals

the presence of significant inter-annual modulations in SPM loads
(Fig. 12a). Strong decreasing trends (up to 6%/year) are observed in
front of the Mekong Delta along the 10 m isobath. The average X-11
trend-cycle signal extracted for the corresponding region reveals that
the observed changes correspond to a rather continuous decrease
along the time series considered (not shown). Interestingly, no signifi-
cant concomitant trend in wind, waves, and swell data can be identified.
This result suggests that SPM trend pattern in front of the Mekong Delta
is most likely related to modification in the Mekong river SPM discharge.
The detailed description of the inter-annual changes in SPM loads
considering the two different water outflow regimes confirms the latter
assumption (Fig. 12b). As a matter of fact, the SPM decreasing pattern is
much more pronounced during high flow time period (July–November)
than during low flow period (January–May) (Fig. 12b). Different natural
factors (climate and hydrological cycle variations) but also anthropo-
genic ones, such as dams and sand extractions, can be at the origin of
the observed decreasing trends (Xue et al., 2011). For instance, Xue
et al. (2011) have shown an abrupt drop of the maximum and minimum
water levels on the delta plain between the pre-dam (1950–1993) and
post-dam (1993–2005) periods, which inevitably should reduce the
load of sediment discharge to the coast (which is observed in Fig. 12).
Meteorological regional factors may also play an more important role,
as they also showed a much better correlation between runoff and re-
gional precipitation and ENSO during the post-dam period than during
the pre-dam period.
Fig. 10. Correlation maps between SPM and (a) waves intensity, (b) swell, and (c) wind
speed. Due to the unavailability of wind speed data in near shore areas, the correlation
coefficient between wind speed and SPM concentration cannot be calculated (gray areas 4. Summary and concluding remarks
in panel c).
Different approaches have been tested to assess SPM from remote
sensing reflectance data delivered by the MERIS sensor between
In January, the turbidity belt is wider only for the Southern transect January 2003 and April 2012 at a relatively high spatial resolution
considering a SPM threshold value of 5 g m−3. This relatively constant (300 × 300 m2). This study stressed the importance of the analysis on
value of SPM of about 5 g m−3, used to arbitrarily characterize the off- the distribution of variation coefficient patterns in the selection of the
shore limit of the turbidity belt, is found at about 25 km from the appropriate inverse bio-optical algorithm. The temporal variability of
228 H. Loisel et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230

January May October

0 0 0
100 (1) 100 (1) 100 (1)
-5 -5 -5

Bathymetry (m)
10 10 10

-10 -10 -10

SPM (g.m

1 1 1
-15 -15 -15

-20 -20 -20

0.1 0.1 0.1

-25 -25 -25



















0 0 0
100 (2) 100 (2) 100 (2)
-5 -5 -5

Bathymetry (m)
10 -10 10 -10 10

SPM (g.m

-15 -15 -15

1 1 1
-20 -20 -20

0.1 -25 0.1 -25 0.1 -25

-30 -30 -30






















0 0 0
100 (3) 100 (3) 100 (3)
-5 -5 -5

Bathymetry (m)
10 -10 10 -10 10

SPM (g.m

-15 -15 -15

1 1 1
-20 -20 -20

0.1 -25 0.1 -25 0.1 -25

-30 -30 -30






















Distance from coast (km) Distance from coast (km) Distance from coast (km)

Fig. 11. Spatial evolution of the surface suspended particulate matter concentration along the three near-shore off-shore transects depicted in Fig. 1. Dotted blue: bathymetry, solid red:
SPM concentration.

suspended particulate matter, SPM, at the seasonal and inter-annual Walsh and Nittrouer, “This pattern reflects the impact of waves and tides
scales, has been estimated for the very first time over the Mekong coast- on the depth and distance of sediment accumulation”.
al areas using the Census X-11 time series decomposition procedure. While the main temporal variability is dominated by seasonal oscil-
SPM variability is tightly related to the river discharge especially in sum- lation, a significant SPM decreasing trend has been noticed over the
mer, and to the marked resuspension processes triggered by high waves examined period of time. This decreasing is mainly observed during
appearing in winter. The spatial extension of the turbidity zone is max- the high flow season. The reported spatio-temporal patterns of
imum in winter and minimum in April/May. This extension is visible far suspended particulate matter, SPM, of the coastal waters under the
offshore, up to 120 km of the Camau peninsula in January. The strong Mekong's influence reflect and integrate the combined effects of natural
impact of waves, and to a lesser extent of swell, is particularly apparent and anthropogenic forcings affecting the Mekong Delta. While further
in the northern and southern parts of the delta. The impact of the river examinations, based on longer data records including specifically
sediment outflow in the coastal area is particularly well noticed from extended in situ data, are needed for understanding the observed
August to November when high SPM values are confined to a restricted decreasing trends in suspended fine sediment, the impact of different
area in front of the different river outlets. natural and anthropogenic forcings such as hydropower dam impact,
The present patterns are in agreement with the observations river bed aggregate extraction, and meteorological extreme events
of Walsh and Nittrouer (2009) who classified the Mekong Delta as a should be specifically examined.
Subaqueous-delta-Clinoform system, based on tidal range (greater The remote sensing approach applied in this study confirms the
than 2 m), mean significant wave height (lower than 2 m), and annual main results obtained from numerical simulation of the sediment trans-
sediment flux (greater than 100 million tons). This family of river- port and deposition in the Mekong Delta coastal area. Differences are
sediment dispersal system on continental margin, is characterized by however noticeable. This for instance includes the spatial extension of
two different patterns. First, the coastline is characterized by a “tide- the plume in front of the Delta which is less pronounced than predicted
dominated delta” presenting a triangular shape where tidal flows repre- by numerical models (Hein et al., 2013). The remotely sensed SPM data
sent the major forcing parameter acting on fine-sediment load transport represents therefore a valuable source of information for improving
towards offshore waters. Second, the sediment accumulation zone is hydro-sedimentary models for which the availability of SPM data over
generally aligned with bathymetric isobaths, and varies in depth and long period of time and at relatively high spatial resolution is crucial
distance depending on the impact of waves and tides. According to (see, e.g., Ouillon, Douillet, & Andréfouet, 2004; Sipelgas, Raudsepp, &
H. Loisel et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 150 (2014) 218–230 229

funded by the CNES (MSAC/116516/127951), using ESA ENVISAT

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