India Europe Japan Australasia

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International Relations (IR)

International Relations (IR)

India- Europe
India- Japan
India-Australasia Relations
International Relations (IR)
India –Europe Relations
India-Europe Relations
Europe is a very important player in the international arena
due to its Democracy, advanced Social and Political setup,
Economic & Military strength and regional integration

It is the most integrated region in the world -economically,

politically & militarily – with presence of matured, powerful
regional organizations like European Union (EU), European
Economic Area (EEA), North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
(NATO) etc
India-Europe Relations
European powers like Spain, Portugal,
Netherlands, Britain, France etc started
conquering the rest of the world during the 16th
Century. They vied with each other for global
supremacy. They started colonizing distant lands in
Asia, Americas and Africa and brought the
indigenous kingdoms and empires under their
India-Europe Relations
Renaissance, Scientific revolution, Agricultural
revolution and industrial revolution in Europe
endowed the technological and military
strength for European powers to conquer other
parts of the world.
Capitalism further necessitated the
colonization of new lands
India-Europe Relations
India-Europe Relations
In Europe
India-Europe Relations
Social reform movements like French
Revolution gave impetus to ideals of
Democracy, Liberty, Equality and Rule of Law in

European society started imbibing Modern

values at an early period
India-Europe Relations
The age of imperialism saw the dominance of
European powers all around the world. France and
Britain emerged as the major imperial powers

India came under British imperialism. The British

imperialists ruled India for nearly 200 years until
India got independence in 1947
India-Europe Relations
New Imperialism- a period of colonial
expansion by Western European powers,
the USA, Russia and Japan during the late 19th
and early 20th centuries

The process of Decolonization started in

colonies mainly after Second world War in 1945
India-Europe Relations
The Commonwealth of Nations:

Commonwealth is a political association of 54 member

states, which were former colonies/territories of
the British Empire
The Commonwealth of Nations was formally constituted
by the London Declaration in 1949- which established
the member states as "free and equal"
India-Europe Relations
Commonwealth Flag
India-Europe Relations
The Queen is the head of state of 16 member states
while 33 states are republics. 5 others have monarchies

The 16 states that acknowledge the Queen as Head of

state are called Commonwealth Realms - Canada,
Australia, Jamaica, UK and New Zealand are examples
of Commonwealth Realms

India is a member of Commonwealth but is a Republic

India-Europe Relations
Commonwealth membership is NOT a sign of imperial
bondage. Member states have no legal obligations to
one another, but are connected through their common
usage of the English language, historical ties and shared
values of Democracy, rule of Law, Human Rights, Liberty
and Peace
Commonwealth nations also work for common goals
and interests
India-Europe Relations
Most European countries are economically developed.
Western European countries like UK, France, Germany,
Switzerland, Ireland, Netherlands, Italy etc are advanced
capitalist economies with high per capita income

Most of the Eastern and Central European countries- which

were under the Soviet influence or were part of erstwhile
USSR during Cold War- Poland, Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania are
comparatively less developed
India-Europe Relations
India-Europe Relations
Eastern &
India-Europe Relations
Even socially and politically, the Western
European nations are considered advanced
compared to the Central and Eastern ones- due
to strong Democracy, Liberty, Human rights and
Free Market
Keep in mind- Value system differentiates
Western Europe from Central & Eastern Europe
India-Europe Relations
In the recent past, European and Transatlantic
organisations like EU and NATO are trying to
bring more Eastern and Central European states
under their spheres of influence and
membership e.g, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia,
Belarus, Ukraine etc
India-Europe Relations
Overview of India-Europe Relations:

Europe and India share common bonds of

Democracy, Rule of law, Human Rights, Peace,
Economic Cooperation and Friendship under
the Commonwealth
India-Europe Relations
India was one of the first countries to establish
diplomatic relations with Europe in the 1960s

The principal organization of Cooperation with Europe is

the European Union (EU). The agreement signed in 1994
between India and European Union (EU) took the
bilateral relationship beyond cooperation in trade.
India-Europe relations have greatly matured over the
recent past
India-Europe Relations
Following are the Opportunities under India –
Europe Relations :
 Democracy: Modern democracy emerged in
Europe. India is the largest democracy in the
world. Both states can cooperate in
strengthening democratic values and Human
Rights around the world
India-Europe Relations
 Trade & Economic Partnership: The EU is India's third
largest trading partner, accounting for €62 billion
worth of trade in goods in 2019. EU is the second-
largest destination for Indian exports after the USA

India is EU's 10th largest trading partner, accounting

for 1.8% of EU total trade in goods in 2020
India-Europe Relations
Some 6,000 European companies are present in
India, providing directly 1.7 million jobs and
indirectly 5 million jobs in a broad range of
India-Europe Relations
 Group of 26 states in Europe
 Schengen states have abolished all passport
and border controls at their mutual borders
 Schengen acts as a single jurisdiction for
international travel purposes with a
common visa policy.
 Schengen Visa
India-Europe Relations
European Economic area:
 The European Union (EU) is a single market
area in Europe
 It operates a single market which allows free
movement of goods, capital, services and
people between member states
 Members EU plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, and
India-Europe Relations
 Cultural & Sporting ties- English language,
Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Yoga, Cricket
 People to people ties - Education, Tourism,
Research collaboration etc
India-Europe Relations
In Germany
India-Europe Relations
 India Diaspora: Indian diaspora reside in Europe in large
numbers. After the UK, Italy hosts the largest Indian
diaspora in Europe.
Members of Indian diaspora hold important economic
and political posts in states like UK. In 2020, UK Prime
Minister Boris Johnson appointed three ministers of Indian
origin in his cabinet- Rishi Sunak, Alok Sharma, and Priti
 Present P.M Rishi Sunak.
 Humanitarian Co operation e.g., development of Covid-
19 vaccine
India-Europe Relations
 Environment & Climate Change:
EU and India have placed a strong focus
on climate change and reaffirmed their
commitment to protect environment and
to cooperate for the implementation of the
Paris Agreement
India-Europe Relations
 Terrorism & Security cooperation e.g., ISIS,
Afghanistan & Pakistan issue, Financial Action Task
force (FATF).
Europol and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
are negotiating a working arrangement to combat
organised crime and terrorism
 Maritime Cooperation- Recently, India and EU held
their first maritime security dialogue in virtual format.
India-Europe Relations
Europol- Law enforcement agency of the European Union

It combats organised crime and terrorism through

cooperation with EU member states as well as other
India-Europe Relations
 Tackling Religious fundamentalism- Religious
Fundamentalism is a challenge for both India and Europe.

In recent times, ‘lslamophobia’ is growing in Europe

India-Europe Relations
In Europe
India-Europe Relations
 Civil Nuclear Cooperation- India and
the European Union (EU) recently signed a civil nuclear
cooperation agreement in the year 2020
India has already signed civil nuclear agreements with
France, UK and Czech Republic
West Asia Peace process- Israel Palestine conflict &
Iran issue
India-Europe Relations
Countering Chinese hegemony in Eurasia and
beyond. Recently, China has announced its
intent to explore the Arctic and create a short,
alternative route to Europe
India-Italy-Japan Trilateral Indo-Pacific
India-Europe Relations
 Delay in signing India-EU Free Trade agreement (FTA)
WTO standoff and EU’s stance against India’s Trade
protectionism. European nations also have laid non-
tariff barriers and standards for Indian goods
 Divergent views on Climate change
Europe’s stance on Human Rights & Minority rights in
India-Europe Relations
to Kashmir
India-Europe Relations
European Indian Diaspora’s support for militant/extremist
groups e.g. Naga rebels, LTTE, Khalistan movement etc
Kashmir issue & Article 370- Europe has so far refused to
intervene in Kashmir issue and has stated that the recent
abrogation of Article 370 is an internal matter of India.
European states’ Participation Belt and Road initiative
(BRI) of China
 EU Sanctions on Iran
India-Europe Relations
Let’s take a look at some important initiatives
taken by India and Europe under their
India-Europe Relations
India-EU summit:
 First India-EU Summit took place in Lisbon,
Portugal in the year 2000
 16th India-EU summit- 2021
India-Europe Relations
India-Europe Relations
The leaders decided to strengthen the India-EU
Strategic Partnership, based on shared principles
and values of democracy, freedom, rule of law,
and respect for human rights, aiming at delivering
concrete benefits for the people in India and the
India-Europe Relations
India-EU Strategic Partnership:
 EU-India Strategic Partnership signed in 2004
 During the India-EU summit 2020, the leaders
endorsed the "India-EU Strategic Partnership: A
Roadmap to 2025” as a common roadmap to
guide joint action and further strengthen the
India-EU Strategic Partnership over the next five
India-Europe Relations
The leaders acknowledged the necessity to
preserve the rules-based international order
and effective multilateralism
India and the EU have a common interest in
each other's security, prosperity and
sustainable development.
India-Europe Relations
India-EU trade pact:
For a long time, India and EU have been trying to
establish a trade pact with each other.
Negotiations for India-EU broad based Bilateral Trade
and Investment Agreement (BTIA) , launched in 2007,
were suspended in 2014 following differences over
market access for key items such as automobiles, wines
& spirits, dairy and the movement of professionals.
India-Europe Relations
Subsequent attempts to re-start the talks failed as
the EU also wanted labour, environment and
government procurement issues to be part of the

Recently the two sides have agreed to explore the

possibility of renewing the BTIA talks
India-Europe Relations
India-EU High Level Dialogue:
In the first high level dialogue(HLD) held in
February 2021, both states discussed ways to
promote bilateral trade and investment.
The HLD is seen as a step forward towards
signing the BTIA
India-Europe Relations
Co-operation with NATO:
Even though India is far way from the Atlantic,
it shares common interests and challenges with
the North Atlantic Organization (NATO)
India-Europe Relations
In 2016, United States recognized India as a “major
defence partner”. This allowed India to obtain advanced
technologies from America on par with its closest NATO
allies and partners. India is also seen as a potential
major non-NATO ally of the US in future.

Some of the major non-NATO allies (MNNA) of US are

Israel, Egypt, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Brazil
India-Europe Relations
Strategic alignment with USA can take India
closer to NATO and European countries in
India-Europe Relations
NSG membership:
India is aspiring to become a member of
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Already,
important European players such as UK,
Germany, France etc are supporting India’s bid
for membership
India-Europe Relations
UNSC Reforms:
India is aspiring to become a permanent member
of the UN Security Council (UNSC). European P5
powers- Russia, UK and France are supporting
India’s bid for membership.

Germany and India are supporting each other’s bid

for permanent membership under the G4 platform
India-Europe Relations
India - France Cooperation:
India and France are seen as natural partners
vis-a-vis Democracy, Secularism, Global peace
and security, Maritime security, combating
Climate change and Indian Ocean cooperation
India-Europe Relations
Shared concerns in the Indian Ocean Region:
Maritime security terrorism and piracy,
especially in the Horn of Africa
 Respect of international law by all States, in
particular freedom of navigation and overflight
 Fight against organized crime, trafficking,
including in weapons of mass destruction
 Smuggling and illegal fishing
India-Europe Relations
Combating climate change particularly in terms of
natural disasters;
Protection of the environment and natural resources,
including tackling oil spills; and aid to victims of
To harness the opportunities and to meet the challenges
together, India and France have agreed in 2018 on an
action oriented Joint Strategic Vision for Cooperation in
the Indian Ocean Region
India-Europe Relations
In December 2020, France became the 23rd
member of Indian Ocean Rim Association

France is the only country in IORA without

mainland presence in the Indian Ocean region
India – Japan Relations
India – Japan Relations
About Japan:
 Island country located in East Asia.
 One of the few developed countries in the
Eastern hemisphere
 Was an important military and economic power
during modern period
 Fought against the allied forces during World
War II
India – Japan Relations
India – Japan Relations
 Area-3.7 lakh
 Population - 12.5 crore
 3rd largest GDP in the world (nominal)
 Very important ally of USA
 Has historical animosity with China
 Maintains good friendship with India and is a
strategic partner in the Indo-Pacific
India – Japan Relations
Japan has maintained a Pacifist military policy
since World War II. Article 9 of the Japanese
Constitution outlaws war as a means to settle
international disputes
Following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, Japan came under the US “Nuclear
umbrella" on the condition that it will not
produce nuclear weapons.
India – Japan Relations
Let’s have an overview of India-Japan
The friendship between India and Japan has a
long history rooted in spiritual affinity and
strong cultural and civilization ties dating
back to the visit of Indian monk Bodhisena in
752 AD
India – Japan Relations
 Buddhism is a strong cultural link between India
and Japan
 Prominent Indians associated with Japan were
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Swami
Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore,
entrepreneur JRD Tata etc
 Netaji Subhash Bose sought military help from
Japan during Second World War.
India – Japan Relations
 India and Japan established diplomatic relations in
1952. PM Nehru visited Japan in 1957
 1998- Japan imposes economic sanctions on India
protesting against India’s nuclear tests
 ‘Global Partnership’ established between the two
sides in 2000 when Japan PM Mori visited India
 2007- QUAD partnership initiated by Japanese
PM Shinzo Abe
India – Japan Relations
PM Nehru
In Japan
India – Japan Relations
2013- first ever visit of then Emperor Akihito
and Empress Michiko to India
India and Japan enter into agreement for
developing Bullet Train network in India
India – Japan Relations
2014- PM Narendra Modi’s official visit to
Japan. Upgraded bilateral relations to
‘Special Strategic and Global Partnership’
2018- $75 billion bilateral currency
swap agreement
India – Japan Relations
 2019- G20 Summit held in Osaka, Japan
 2020- India and Japan sign a Military logistics
agreement. India has already signed such pacts with
United States, France, Singapore, South Korea, and
 2021- MOU for ‘specified skilled worker’ (SSW)
system signed under which Japan accepts Indian
nationals who have a certain level of expertise and
India – Japan Relations
PM Modi
In Japan,
India – Japan Relations
 Economic partnership: India-Japan bilateral trade stood at
around $18 billion in FY 2018-19. There is still great scope
for increasing the bilateral trade. India has already signed
a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
(CEPA) with Japan in 2011
Japan can invest in India’s economic development. It can
make use of India’s expertise and skills in sectors like IT,
space technology, healthcare etc
India – Japan Relations
India – Japan Relations
Democracy- Both countries are democracies
and share common values
Cultural ties- Buddhism, Sanskrit, Japanese
language, Movies etc
Sports, people-to-people ties
Indian Diaspora
India – Japan Relations
In Japan
India – Japan Relations
 Environment and Climate Change
 Civil Nuclear Cooperation- The landmark India-
Japan civil nuclear agreement came into force in
 Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC)
India – Japan Relations
Indo-Pacific Cooperation/Act East Policy
QUAD partnership
UNSC reforms- India and Japan support each
other’s bid for permanent membership at
UNSC under G4 forum
Defence cooperation e.g, Malabar exercise
India – Japan Relations
Trade protectionism- Japan has laid many
non-tariff barriers for Indian goods. Recently,
India has asked Japan to lower market
barriers for its agricultural produce, steel,
textile, pharmaceuticals and IT sectors
India – Japan Relations
 Divergent views on Climate change
 Japanese suspicion on India’s nuclear weapons
programme. This has largely reduced with the signing
of the India-Japan nuclear deal
 Japan’s plan to explore the Arctic region
 Certain political sections in Japan are demanding a
revision of Japan’s pacifist policy. They want to revive
Japan’s past glory as a military state. This may
undermine peace in the Asian region
India-Australasia Relations
India-Australasia Relations
Australasia is the region which
comprises Australia, New Zealand and
neighbouring islands

Australia and New Zealand are the two major

important states in Australasia
India-Australasia Relations
India-Australasia Relations
Overview of Australasia:
 Located strategically between the South Pacific
Ocean and the Indian Ocean
 Consists of many islands
 Located close to Antarctic continent
 One of the few largely undisturbed, pristine
regions of the world
India-Australasia Relations
 The great Barrier Reef is located along the north
eastern coast of Australia
 Rich in floral and Faunal diversity. Australia is called
as the ‘Land of Marsupials’
 Both Australia and New Zealand are economically
developed states. Largely market economies based on
 Australia is rich in natural resources like Coal, Bauxite,
iron ore, Uranium, Gold, Diamond, Silver, Nickel etc
India-Australasia Relations
 New Zealand also has reserves of Coal, Silver
iron ore and Gold. It is a leader in Dairy Farming
 Both Australia and NZ belong to the
Commonwealth realm of nations
 They are Parliamentary democracies
 Both Australia and NZ are major non-NATO allies
of USA
India-Australasia Relations
 Economic engagement- India Australia bilateral trade
stood $30 billion in 2019. In Contrast, bilateral trade
between Australia and China is valued more than $200
billion. India mainly exports engineering goods, gems &
jewellery, Chemicals and textiles to Australasia.
 India Australia ECTA(Economic Cooperation andTrade
Agreement)-Tariff Free.
 Natural resources- India can obtain valuable resources like
Coal, Gold, Uranium, Diamonds from Australia and New
Zealand; as well as dairy products
India-Australasia Relations
 Democracy
 People-to-people ties e.g., Education, Research,
Employment, Sports, Movies etc
 India - Australia ‘Strategic Partnership’ established in
2009. In 2020, elevated this relationship to a
Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP)
India-Australasia Relations
 Environment & Climate change
 Antarctic cooperation
 Maritime Security & cooperation. Recently Australia
joined key regional defence partners India, Japan and
the United States for naval Exercise MALABAR
 Indo-Pacific cooperation and QUAD Partnership
 UNSC reforms -Australia supports India’s bid for
permanent membership
India-Australasia Relations
Trade protectionism and divergence in Trade
talks- In the recent past, India walked out of
the Regional Comprehensive Economic
Partnership (RCEP) in which Australia and NZ
are also members
India-Australasia Relations
 Australia’s strong economic bond with China-
China imports raw materials from Australia and
exports many manufactured products. China has
heavily invested in Australia as well. China and
Australia have signed a Free Trade Agreement
(ChAFTA) in 2015
 Incidents of Racial discrimination against Indians
in Australia in the recent past
India-Australasia Relations
in Australia
India-Australasia Relations
Australian suspicion on India’s Nuclear
weapons programme. Earlier, Australia took a
strong stance against India’s 1998 nuclear
tests. Now, this has reduced after growth of
mutual trust over the years
India-Australasia Relations
India- Australia Nuclear deal:
In 2014, India signed a civil nuclear agreement
with Australia. India will now be in a position
to secure uranium from Australia to meet its
energy requirements.
India-Australasia Relations
India-Australia 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue:
The first India-Australia 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue
was held in September 2021. Similar to India-US
2+2 ministerial dialogue

In this meeting, the defence and the foreign

ministers of both the states hold discussions on
important issues for mutual cooperation
India-Australasia Relations
Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA):
IORA is an regional organisation consisting of 23
states bordering the Indian Ocean. It is aimed at
strengthening regional cooperation and
sustainable development

Both India and Australia are members of this

India-Australasia Relations
East Asia summit:
The East Asia Summit (EAS) is the Indo-Pacific's premier
forum for strategic dialogue. All key partners meet to
discuss political, security and economic challenges
facing the Indo-Pacific, and has an important role to
play in advancing closer regional cooperation.
The EAS has 18 members - the 10 ASEAN countries (plus
Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, South
Korea, Russia and the United States.
India-Australasia Relations
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC):
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a
regional economic forum established in 1989 for
cooperation in Asia-Pacific region
APEC goals- Promote balanced, inclusive,
sustainable, innovative and secure growth and
accelerate regional economic integration.
India-Australasia Relations
Australia and NZ are members of APEC. India is
NOT a member but has requested
membership in future.
One of the main reasons cited against India’s
membership is the fact that India does not
border the Pacific Ocean.
India-Australasia Relations
The Australia, New Zealand, United States Security
Treaty (ANZUS ) is a collective security agreement
between Australia and New Zealand and, separately
between Australia and the United States, to co-
operate on military matters in the Pacific
Ocean region.
As of now, NZ remains partially suspended from ANZUS
Previous year Questions- Mains
1. “Indian diaspora has a decisive role to play in the
politics and economy of America and European
Countries”. Comment with examples (Answer in 150
words) 2020
Practice Questions
1. India and Japan are natural partners in the
Indo-Pacific region. Substantiate. 150 words
2. Discuss the major opportunities and irritants
with respect to India-Europe Relations. 250
Practice Questions
3. Identify the areas of cooperation between
India and Australasia. Do you think India has
not tapped this relationship to the fullest
extent? Analyze 200 words
4. Analyse the scope for cooperation with the
Middle powers in Europe. 150 words

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