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Chp 1: fundamentals of computer:

Short question answer

1. What is computer?
2. Discuss the use of compute in any two fields?
3. Name the eras of evolution of computer?
4. Describe artificial intelligence with examples?
5. List any five components present on mother board?
6. Write a note on input devices?
7. Write a note on output devices?
8. Define computer software and name its types?
9. Describe basic operations of a computer?
10. Differentiate between system software and application software?
11. Differentiate between compiler and assembler?

Long question answers

1. Describe the mechanical era of computer in detail?
2. Describe the electro mechanical eras of computer?
3. Describe the generation of computer and their key features with the help of diagram?
4. Write classification of computer according to technology?
5. Write classification of computer according to sizes?
6. Describe computer hardware and their functions?
7. Defines buses? Describe their types?

Chp 02 : fundamentals of operating system

Short questions
1. Define operating system? Give three examples of operating system?
2. Differentiate between GUI and CLI?
3. Differentiate between single user operating system and multi-user operating system?
4. If you are the manager of large organization which type of OS will you prefer? Give
Ans 4. If I am a manager of a large organization, I will prefer Windows for operating
system (OS). Reason of Choosing Windows as OS:
Because Windows, in all its varieties, is so widely popular, we are less likely to have
compatibility issues when sharing files with other organizations. (ii) The familiar
interface means that there will be less time wasted on learning a new
(iii) Windows also offers the largest library of commercial software and gives us access
to a large amount of freeware and shareware. (iv) We'll have more options for hardware
with Windows than with any other operating system. Drivers are easily available, and we
can pick and choose our various components for our PC itself.
5. Write down major steps for installing window OS?
6. Why it is important to install antivirus?
7. Write down steps for installing MS office?
Long questions:
List the functions of operating system and describe them briefly?
Define interface and user interface? Describe the types of user interface?
Describe types of operating system and discuss them briefly?

Computer science: chp 3 office automation

important questions
1. what is a word processor? Write three applications of a word processor?
2. What do you know about MS word?
3. Describe page layout in MS word? Name the group this tab has?
4. Describe theme group of page layout tab?
5. Describe working of page setup group? Name its options?
6. How can we apply margin in a document?
7. Explain column option in page setup group?
8. Describe different types of break in MS word?
9. Discuss line numbers and hyphenation option in page setup?
10. What does page background group do? Name options?
11. Why do we use watermark? Give examples? And how we use it?
12. Discuss page color and page border option in page background group?
13. Describe paragraph group in MS word and its options?
14. What is the function of arrange group?
15. Define position and wrap text options in arrange group?
16. Differentiate between bring forward and send backward option?
17. Discuss selection plane, align, group and rotate option in arrange group:
18. Discuss table of content (toc) and how you use it?
19. How toc helps book reader?
20. How can we type Urdu and sindhi languages in MS words?
21. What is MS excel?
22. List uses of spread sheet?
23. What is sorting? And how can we sort a list in MS excel?
24. How can we do calculations in ms excel?
25. How do we use charts in ms excel?
26. Write steps that will multiply 37 by 15 using the formula bar in ms excel?


1. Define the following
a) Data
b) Communication
c) Data communication
d) Data transmission
e) Baud rate
f) Bit rate
g) Digital signals
h) Analog signals
i) Topology

2. Differentiate between analog signals and digital signals, bit rate and baud rate and
radio waves microwaves and infrared waves, physical and logical address?
3. What is meant by transmission medium? Explain guided and unguided media
4. What do you mean by communication? Explain components of communication
5. Define topology? Explain its types.
6. Explain IPV4 address?
1. What do you know about computer security? Why is computer security important? Write
any three reasons.
2. Write a note on cybercrime?
3. Write a note on malware? Write different types of malware?
4. Write a note on antivirus? Describe most common antivirus?
5. Who is a hacker, cracker and what is ethical hacking?
6. Describe different ways o virus spread?
7. What do you know about software piracy?
8. Write few lines about plagiarism?
9. Describe patent copyright and trademark?
10. Describe professional ethics in computer field?


1. Define the following?
a) Web development
b) World wide web (www)
c) Web page
d) Website
e) Web browser
f) URL
g) Search engine
h) Web server

2. Define the term website? Describe different types of website? Any 5

3. Define HTML? How are image display in HTML page?
4. Describe steps involves in creating a web page?
5. Define HTML list? How many types of list be created in HTML?
6. How image be created in an HTML page?
7. How background color change in HTML?
8. Define term table? Differentiate between rows and column? Also describe formatting
features and attributes of tables?
9. List some popular text editor and different tools which helps in designing and
development of website?
1. Define term database, records and fields?
2. Describe uses and advantages of database? Describe characteristic of data base
management system DBMS with example
3. Differentiate between DBMS and flat file system?
4. Explain basic components of DBMS?
5. Define relationship? Explain its types?
6. What are referential keys explain its types?
7. Write three benefits of using relationship in data base?
8. Write steps to design ER model?

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