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ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Ngày thi: 14/ 3/ 2018

Thời gian làm bài:150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Đề thi gồm 04 phần trong 09 trang


I. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence. Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered box. (1.0 point)
1. Salt and ice can be used to _________ food.
A. contaminate B. pollute C. include D. preserve
2. They named their daughter _________ their favourite movie star.
A. of B. for C. after D. on
3. I won't speak to her _________ she apologizes.
A. in case B. in spite of C. so that D. unless
4. I like that photo very much. Could you make an _________ for me?
A. increase B. enlargement C. expansion D. extension
5. Anna: “Would you like to have dinner with me?” - Helen: “_________.”
A. Yes, it is B. Yes, I’m very happy
C. Yes, so do I D. Yes, I’d love to
6. _________ in astronomy, the discovery of Uranus was by accident.
A. Alike many finds B. Many alike finds C. Like many finds D. It was like many finds
7. I can not help feeling anxious _________ the exam results.
A. on B. with C. about D. of
8. Do you really think those high-heeled shoes are _________ in the jungle?
A. loose B. ancient C. rough D. suitable
9. When are you going to _________?
A. get fixed your bike B. get your bike fixed
C. have your bike fixing D. have fixed your bike
10. He has bought a _________ statuette.
A. white beautiful marble little B. marble beautiful little white
C. beautiful little white marble D. beautiful little marble white

II. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered
box. (1.0 point)
1. Mr Baker works as a _telephonist________ in an office in the town center. TELEPHONE
2. He passed the exams because he had studied __industrially industriously__. INDUSTRY
3. He did the test __unsuccessfully _______ and went home disappointedly. SUCCEED
4. On his ____arrival_____, he found that his room had been broken into. ARRIVE
5. ___ Unemployment ______ is a very serious problem in many countries. EMPLOY
6. Joanna bears a strong _likeness_____ to her father. LIKE
7. The young cook will undoubtedly find it quite the __tastiest_______ food he has ever eaten. TASTE
8. During the field trip, care should be taken to __ensure_______ children enjoy the experience. SURE
9. All our courses are _personalized________ to the needs of the individual. PERSON
10. The old theater of our city is being enlarged and __mordenised_______. MODERN
III. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find and correct it. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered box. (0,5 point)
1. Only a little special guests came to the meeting in our school.
2. In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary that he work
as fastly as possible.
3. I am not accustomed to see boys and girls in the same clothes color.
4. Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial cities
5. I'd lost my front door key and I had to smash a window by a brick to get in.
* Your answers:

Mistake Correction
1 B A few
2 D fast
3 B seeing
4 B is
5 AC My front-door key with

IV. Supply the correct tense/form of the verbs in the brackets. Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered box. (0,5 point)
1. _ __ (not be) to the national park before, Sue was amazed to see the tiger.
2. It is very necessary that we (improve) _ __ our writing skill.
3. He would rather the friend next to him (not talk) _ __ too much in class.
4. Ninh Binh people are ready (welcome) _ _________ all tourists from all over the world.
5. You always (complain) _ _________ about my cooking.
* Your answers:
1 Had not been Not having been

2 improve

3 didn’t talk

4 to welcome

5 are/complaining


I. Fill in each of the gaps in the passage below with only one suitable word. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered box. (2.0 points)
Although the rising in the global temperature by 4 per cent predicted by many scientists may not sound like
much, it is the difference (1) __________ now and the last Ice Age, when huge glaciers covered Europe and most
of Britain. (2) __________ knows exactly what would happen in a warmer world, but we do know some things.
Heat a kettle and the water inside it expands. The temperature of the world has climbed more than half a degree this
century, and the oceans have risen by at (3) __________ 10 centimeters.
But just as it takes several minutes for a kettle to begin warning, so it may have taken the oceans thirty years
to swell. This means that the global warming we are now (4) __________ is a result only of the carbon dioxide we
have dumped into the atmosphere up to (5) __________ 1960s. Since then, the use of fossil fuels has increased
rapidly. Scientists working for the United Nations and European governments have been warning that what the
Dutch and the people of the East Anglia will need to do will be to build more extensive sea defences. Many of the
world’s greater cities are at (6) __________, because they are located at sea level. Miami, almost entirely built on a
sandbank, could be swept away. But the effects of (7) __________ sea levels will be much worse for the
developing countries. With a metre rise in sea levels, 200 million people could become (8) __________.
There are other fears too, (9) __________ to a recent United Nations report. The plight of the hungry in the
northern Africa could (10) __________, as rainfall in the Sahara and beyond is reduced by 20 per cent.
Your answers:
1. between 2.Nobody 3.about least 4.suffering 5.the
6.risk 7.rising 8. homeless 9. according 10.

II. Read the following passage and choose the best option to answer or complete each sentence. Write your
answer in the corresponding numbered box. (1.0 point)
America's foods began to affect the rest of the world - not only raw staples such as wheat and corn, but a
new American cuisine that spread throughout the world. American emphasis on convenience and rapid
consumption is best represented in fast foods such as hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks, which almost all
Americans have eaten. By the 1960s and 1970s fast foods became one of America's strongest exports as franchises
for McDonald's and Burger King spread through Europe and other parts of the world, including the former Soviet
Union and Communist China. Traditional meals cooked at home and consumed at a leisurely pace - common in the
rest of the world, and once common in the United States - gave way to quick lunches and dinners eaten on the run
as other countries mimicked American cultural patterns.
By the late 20th century, Americans had become more conscious of their diets, eating more poultry, fish,
and fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer eggs and less beef. They also began appreciating fresh ingredients and
livelier flavor, and cooks began to rediscover many world cuisines in forms closer to their original. In California,
chefs combined the fresh fruits and vegetables available year-round with ingredients and spices sometimes
borrowed from immigrant kitchens to create an innovative cooking style that was lighter than traditional French,
but more interesting and varied than typical American cuisine. Along with the state's wines, California cuisine
eventually took its place among the acknowledged forms of fine dining.
1. Fast foods such as hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks __________.
A. are traditional meals of the US people
B. are popular because of their nutrition values.
C. became more popular than meals cooked at home in China
D. became popular with other European and Asian countries
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “cuisine” in line 2?
A. Cooking B. Style of cooking C. Cooker D. Cook
3. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. America's cuisine used to have an influence on many countries.
B. McDonald's and Burger King are American food suppliers successful in Europe and other parts of
the world.
C. Traditional meals cooked at home and consumed at a leisurely pace are not common in the USA.
D. Fast foods became one of America's strongest exports.
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. By the late 20th century, fast foods had lost their popularity in the USA.
B. Americans used to eat more poultry, fish, and, fresh fruits and vegetables than they do now.
C. Cooking styles of other countries began to affect America's by the late 20th century.
D. Fewer eggs and less beef in the American diet made them fitter.
5. An innovative cooking style was created in California __________.
A. by borrowing recipes from immigrant kitchens
B. to attract more immigrants to the state
C. and made the state's wines well-known
D. by combining the local specialties with immigrants' spices
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

III. Read the passage below and choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. Write your answers
in the corresponding numbered box. (1.0 point)
Man is a land animal, but he is also closely tied to the sea. Throughout history, the sea has served the need of
man. The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to travel to many parts of the world. Today, nearly
two thirds of the world’s population live within 80 kms off the sea coast.
In the modern technological world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive. Resources on land
are beginning to be used up. The sea, however, still can be hoped to supply many of man’s needs. The list of riches
of the sea yet to be developed by man’s technology is impressive. Oil and gas explorations have been carried out for
nearly 30 years. A lot of valuable minerals exist on the ocean floor ready to be mined.
Fish farming promises to be a good way to produce large quantities of food. The culture of fish and shellfish is
an ancient skill practised in the past mainly by Oriental people.
Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy. Experts believe that the warm temperature of the
ocean can be used in a way similar to the steam in a steamship. Ocean currents and waves offer possible use as a
source of energy.
Technology is enabling man to explore even more deeply under the sea. The development of strong, new
materials has made this possible.
The technology to harvest the sea continues to improve. Experts believe that by the year 2050s the problems
that prevent us from fully exploiting the food, minerals, and energy sources of the sea will be largely solved.
1. The major things that the sea offers man are ___________.
A. food, energy sources and minerals B. fish and oil
C. minerals and oil D. ocean currents and waves
2. The sea serves the needs of man because ___________.
A. it provides man with sea food B. it offers oil to man
C. it supplies man with minerals D. all of the above
3. We can conclude from the passage that ___________.
A. the sea resources have largely been used up
B. the sea, in a broad sense, hasn’t yet been developed
C. the problems that prevent us from fully exploiting the sea have already been solved
D. by the year 2050, the technology will be good enough to exploit nearly all the sea resources
4. The word “Oriental people” in the third paragraph probably means ___________.
A. European people B. African people
C. Asian people D. American people
5. The word “Besides” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. rather than B. other than
C. next to D. in spite of
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

IV. Read and choose the best option to complete the passage. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered
box. (2.0 points)
One of the most urgent environmental problems in the world today is the shortage of clean water. Having
clean drinking water is (1) _______ human right. But acid rain, industrial pollution and garbage have (2) _______
many sources of water undrinkable. Lakes, reservoirs and even entire seas have become vast pools of poison. Lake
Baikal in Russia is one of the largest lakes in the world. It (3) _______ a rich variety of animals and plants,
including 1,300 rare species that do not exist (4) _______ else in the world. But they are being destroyed by the
massive volumes of industrial effluent which pour into the lake every day. (5) _______ where law existed, the
government did not have the power to (6) _______ them. Most industries simply ignore the regulations. The
Mediterranean Sea (7) _______ 1% of the world’s water surface. But it is the dumping ground for 50% of all
marine pollution. (8) _______ sixteen countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles off shore.
Water is free to everyone. A few years ago people thought that the supply of clean water in the world was
(9) _______. Today, many water supplies have been ruined by pollution and sewage. Clean water is now scarce,
and we are (10) _______ beginning to respect this precious source. We should do something now.
1. A. basic B. basis C. based D. basics
2. A. done B. took C. made D. caused
3. A. consists B. comprises of C. composes D. contains
4. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. where D. wherever
5. A. If B. Even C. However D. But
6. A. force B. enforce: làm cho có sức mạnh, có hiệu lực, thúc ép, ép buộc, bắt tuân theo C. put D. lead
7. A. occupies B. makes C. accounts D. takes
8. A. Most B. Mostly C. Almost D. The most
9. A. limited B. limitless C. limitedless D. limit
10. A. at last B. lately C. last D. lastly
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

PART D: WRITING (6 points)

I. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same as the original sentence. Write your
answers in the space provided. (1.4 point)
1. Although Richard is competent in his work, he does not know how to deal with this client.
=> Competent though/as Richard is in his work, he does not know how to deal with this client .
2. We didn’t return home until we finished the test.
=> Not until we finished the test did we return home.
3. We know that most people prefer buying goods from someone they trust.
=> Most people are known to prefer buying goods from someone they trust .
4. They were about to leave the house when the phone rang.
=> They were on the point of leaving the house when the phone rang .
5. It isn't necessary for you to finish the work today.
=> You don't have to finish the work today.
6. Hai finally managed to get a job.
=> Hai finally succeeded in getting a job.
7. She can meet him if he arrives before eleven.
=> So long as he arrives before eleven, she can meet him .

II. Use the word given to write a new sentence in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the first one. DO
NOT change the form of the given word. Write your answers in the space provided. (1.6 point)
1. Valerie found it hard to concentrate on her book because of the noise. DIFFICULTY
=> Valerie had difficulty in concentrating on her book because of the noise.
2. He had a traditional upbringing, didn’t he? TRADITIONALLY
=> He was brought up traditionally, wasn’t he?
3. She has a good relationship with her colleagues. TERMS
=> She is in good terms with her colleagues.
4. Doing the same things every day gives me no pleasure. ENJOY
=> I don’t enjoy doing the same things every day.
5. Young children like Disneyland. POPULAR
=> Disneyland is popular with young children
6. No one can learn all that in one day. CAPABLE
=> No one is capable of learning that in one day.
7. I strongly suggest that you shouldn’t forget your textbook next lesson. BETTER
=> You had better not forget your textbook next lesson.
8. You have to put more effort in if you want to succeed. FAIL
=> You will fail if you don’t put more effort in.
Or : - u have to put more effort in if you don’t want to fail.
- Unless you put more effort in, u will fail.

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