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Metamorphic rocks

Estimated Comments on texture and Rock Name Metamorphic Brief comments on origin of rock
Listing of Minerals Percentage of grain size Grade and probable precursor rock type
 Quartz  50%  Medium to coarse Gnesis High grade  Since in contains mica, it was
 Feldspar  30% grained not formed in very high T and P
 Biotite Mica  20%  Gneissic banding  P(6-7.5 kbars)
 Foliated  T(600-750ᵒC)

 Quarts  15%  Foliated Muscovite Intermediate  Formed by dynamic

 Muscovite  5%  Medium to coarse Schist grade metamorphism at low
 Mica(Shiny)  80% grained temperatures
 P(5 – 8 kbars)
 T(500 - 600ᵒC)
 Andalusite  30%  Fine texture with Andolusite Intermediate  Formed due to contact
 70% microcrystalline grains Hornfels grade metamorphism of pelitic
 Ground Mass  Non Foliated protolithic
 High temperatures
 Low pressure
 T(430 - 600ᵒC)
 P(0 – 2 kbars)
 Quarts  5%  Foliated Biotite Schist Low grade  T(450–625 °C)
 Biotite  80%  Medium texture with  P(4 – 6 kbar)
 MIca  15% crystalline grains  Formed at high temperature &

 Quartz sand  100%  Sandy texture with fine Quartzite Intermediate  Sandstone is the parent rock
grains grade  Formed at low temperature and
 Non Foliated pressure from metamorphism
of pure quartz and sandstone
 T(100 - 400)
 P(6 – 8 kbars)
 Clay  100%  Fine grained no visible Slate Low grade  Parent rock shale or
 Too fine to grains mudstone
differentiate  Non foliated  Low pressure and
 P(0 – 2 kbar), T(260-
 Quartz  60%  Beats across grains Meta- Intermediate  Parent rock conglomerate
 Biotite  20%  Coarse grained conglomerate  Low P and T.
 Pyrite  20%  Non foliated

 Calcite  50%  Fine grained texture Marble Medium to low  Parent rock is Limestone
 Dolomite  50% with microcrystalline grade  Formed at high
structure temperature and pressure
 Foliated

 White Mica  100%  Grained well, Pyrite Intermediate  Formed at high

white developed temperature
mica  Non foliated  T(600-800)
 P (7-9)

 Amphibole  95%  Medium to coarse amphibolite High grade  Parent rock is ultramalfic
 Other(too fine to  5% grains schist igneous rock
tell)  Visible crystals  500-550⁰C
 7kbars

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