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School GSS SUBJE ASSESSM CLA DURATI COEFFICI Section B: Vocabulary (10 marks)


Exercise 1(5 marks)
2023/20 TCHOUVO ENGLI Nº1 3eme 2 hours 3
24 UK SH Match word from each colum

Student's name:... a) motto 1- mariage to more than one wife

b) polygamy 2- box in which a dead person is placed for

Section A: Grammar(10 marks) burial
c) coffin 3- words that convey beliefs and ideas
Put the verb in brackets in an appropriate tense asked.
d) lyrics 4- something that warriors use to protect
a) Every Monday before going to class, principal (to deliver ) its their bodies against spears and arrows
traditional speech.(simple present)
e) shield 5- the words of a song
b) Last Sunday on the occasion of my father's birthday, men (to
wear) mostly boubous.(simple past) 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 .

c) Boys wash their classroom, while girls. .(to sweep) the yard. Exercise 2(5marks)
(present continuous)
Complete the following sentences with the suitable answer of your own choice.
d) During the last Christmas day, my father (to invite) his
brothers.(simple past tense) a) The yellow panel of the national flag stands for in the northern part of Cameroon.

e) Students (to make)noise, when the teacher left the classroom.(past b) The national flag is flown at half to show the passing way of an
continuous) important person around the country.

Exercise2:(5mrks) c) In allover the restaurant in Cameroon, you cannot miss the traditional .
Complete the sentences below with the suitable answers provided :when, who, both-and,
which, although. d) The main religions of our country are .and .

a) Please choose the answer .is correct. Section C: reading comprehension(10marks). The national symbols of Cameroon Flag

b) My Students sing well the National Anthem in French in English. The national flag was adopted in 1975. The flag is a tricolor with three vertical panels.
There is a star in the middle panel. The green panel represents hope and the forests of the
c) Teacher arrives everybody was already in class. southern parts of the country. The yellow panel represents prosperity, the sun and the
savannah lands of the northern parts of the country. The red panel in the middle stands for
d) Girls are the only student try to stay calm when I deliver my lesson. unity. The yellow star in the middle is called the "star for unity".

e) They carry on coming to class .They didn't pay their school fees. The flag, Iike the national anthem, reflects the pride of the people and thelr sense of
belonging to a nation. It is the symbol of the country's struggle to earn and keep its freedom.
The flag is flown proudly at official buildings in Cameroon. It is also flown in places
around the world where Cameroon is represented
A national flag can be draped over a coffin as a sign of respect to fallen soldiers.
However it is always removed before the coffin is buried as it must not touch the soiI. A
national flag is flown at half mast to show the passing away of an important person.

Questions (10marks)

1) In which year the national flag has been adapted? .

2) what's the symbol of the yellow star in the middle? .

3) the national flag should not be:

a- Treated with respect, b- Lied on the ground, c- Hoisted at the highest point

4) The yellow panel stands for which geographical part of

Cameroon? .

5) "to bury" is a verb. The noun derived form is: a-buried, b-burried, c-burial

Section D:

Topc1: You have certainly your favourite traditional dishes, tell how do you proceed to
obtain it.

Provide the details in clair and brief manners, in two paragraphs.

Topic2: Explain in clear meaning, how can people develop the tolerence and acceptance in
their society.

Only two paragraphs are waited.

Good luck!


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