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5, MAY 2011

Recent Advances in Modeling and Online Detection

of Stator Interturn Faults in Electrical Motors
Arun Gandhi, Student Member, IEEE, Timothy Corrigan, Student Member, IEEE, and
Leila Parsa, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Online fault diagnosis plays a crucial role in provid- ea2 Back-EMF of healthy turns.
ing the required fault tolerance to drive systems used in safety- ea1 Back-EMF of faulted turns.
critical applications. Short-circuit faults are among the common ia1 Current through the faulted turns.
faults occurring in electrical machines. This paper presents a
review of existing techniques available for online stator interturn ia2 Current through the healthy turns.
fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) in electrical machines. Special M Mutual inductance due to coupling between
attention is given to short-circuit-fault diagnosis in permanent- healthy and faulted turns.
magnet machines, which are fast replacing traditional machines Ra,n Reluctance of the upper part of the nth stator tooth.
in a wide variety of applications. Recent techniques that use Rb,n Reluctance of the lower part of the nth stator tooth.
signals analysis, models, or knowledge-based systems for FDD
are reviewed in this paper. Motor current is the most commonly Rsb,n Reluctance representing the stator back iron.
analyzed signal for fault diagnosis. Hence, motor current signature Rt,n Reluctance representing the tooth tip section.
analysis is a topic of elaborate discussion in this paper. Addition- Rla,n Reluctance of the leakage-flux path of the upper
ally, parametric and finite-element models that were designed to part.
simulate interturn-fault conditions are reviewed. Rlb,n Reluctance of the leakage-flux path of the lower
Index Terms—Analytical model, artificial intelligence (AI), part.
condition monitoring, fault diagnosis, fault tolerance, feature ex- l Axial length of an induction machine.
traction, induction machines, permanent-magnet (PM) machines, r Average radius of the air gap.
turn fault.
g −1 (ϕ, θ) Inverse air-gap function (1/g in the case of uniform
Ni (ϕ, θ) Winding function of winding i.
Znp Coupled negative–positive-sequence impedance. Nj (ϕ, θ) Winding function of winding j.
Znn Negative-sequence impedance. ϕ Angle along the inner surface of the stator.
I˜p Positive-sequence current. θ Angle of rotor position with respect to a fixed point
I˜n Negative-sequence current. on the stator.
ei Instantaneous value of the back-EMF of the ith
vi Instantaneous value of the stator voltage of the ith I. I NTRODUCTION
ii Instantaneous value of the stator current of the ith
I N THE PAST, fault detection in machines involved simple
techniques such as overcurrent or overvoltage detection.
After detection, it was required to bring the machine offline
Rs Phase resistance. to clear the fault. In safety-critical applications, however, a
Ls Phase self-inductance. shutdown of the motor may not be acceptable. This demands
Mij Mutual inductance between the ith and jth phases. better fault-detection and remediation strategies. The first step
La1 Inductance of the faulty part of the winding (as1 ). in dealing with a fault in the drive is being able to detect it
Ra1 Resistance of the faulty part of the winding (as1 ). quickly and determine its location and severity accurately. This
La2 Self-inductance of the healthy part of the winding is particularly critical in stator short-circuit faults which can
(as2 ). cause catastrophic damage to the machine in a very short time,
Ra2 Resistance of the healthy part of the winding (as2 ). making any fault compensation impossible thereafter. It has
rf Fault insulation resistance. been shown in [1] that it takes less than 2 s for a single turn
if Instantaneous current in the fault loop. fault to develop into a critical fault in a typical 15-kW induction
Manuscript received January 26, 2010; revised August 24, 2010; accepted Stator short-circuit faults are a problem particularly for
September 25, 2010. Date of publication October 28, 2010; date of current ver- permanent-magnet (PM) machines, since this type of fault can
sion April 13, 2011. This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems produce magnetic field intensity higher than the coercivity of
Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180 USA (e-mail: the magnets, thereby demagnetizing the magnets permanently;; and, in the process, damaging the machine. However, in a fault-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at tolerant methodology, even if the turn-to-turn fault is detected
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2010.2089937 at an early stage, it is difficult to demagnetize the magnets by
0278-0046/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE
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to simulate interturn faults in electrical motors are presented

in Section IV. Section V reviews artificial-intelligence (AI)
methods for machine modeling and fault decision making.
Section VI concludes this paper.

A detailed survey of different signal-processing methods that
have been used to extract fault features in electric machines
has been presented in [7]. MCSA has proven to be an efficient
technique for fault detection and is the most sought after.
In most drive systems, current sensors are already present to
provide good controllability. Hence, by using stator currents
for fault detection, the number of additional sensors required
for fault-tolerant operation of the drive can be minimized. Also,
Fig. 1. General overview of fault-diagnosis systems. MCSA is a completely noninvasive method for fault diagnosis.
In an induction machine, the frequencies produced by inter-
external means. This induces currents in the shorted turns that turn shorts [9] in the stator current around the base frequency
can damage the winding. For this reason, it is paramount that are given by
interturn faults are detected at the earliest.  
Short-circuit faults form 21% of the faults occurring in m
fst1 = fs (1 − s) ± k (1)
electrical machines [2]. It has been reported that most short- p
circuit faults begin as interturn faults [3], which occur due to
insulation failures but develop into more serious faults very where fs is the base frequency, m = 0, 1, 2, k = 0, 1, 3, 5, p is
quickly. Insulation failures are attributed to different reasons, the number of pole pairs, and s is the per-unit slip. The fre-
with the primary reason being excessive thermal stresses. Other quencies can be analyzed using any frequency-domain signal-
reasons for insulation failure include voltage stresses, aging, processing technique in order to extract the fault information.
vibrations, or mechanical handling during assembly. The standard method is to perform frequency analysis using
Any fault is an imbalance that is reflected in the physical Fourier transforms. In [10], the authors show the use of fast
quantities like the torque, air-gap flux, stator currents, and others. Fourier transform (FFT) for fault diagnosis in a mains or
By analyzing these signals, interturn faults can be detected. inverter-fed induction motor. Due to the presence of voltage
Fig. 1 shows the general steps involved in a fault-detection- unbalances and other asymmetries, only frequencies corre-
and-diagnosis (FDD) process in electrical motors. The signal- sponding to specific combinations of k and m in (1) can be
measurement block measures physical quantities that reflect the used for short-circuit-fault diagnosis. In [8], stator line cur-
fault. It can either be direct measurement or estimation based on rents of a three-phase star-connected induction machine were
observers/estimators. After the signal is obtained, fault features decomposed into positive- and negative-sequence components.
present in this signal are isolated in the feature extraction Third-harmonic components of these sequence currents are
block. The extracted information is then fed to a fault-decision then used for fault diagnosis. Using prerecorded information on
algorithm that compares it with prerecorded information on the these sequence components, effects due to voltage unbalance
signal to arrive at a fault decision. and inherent asymmetries were removed to isolate the fault
An exhaustive survey of detection and diagnosis methods signature. In [11], Fourier series has been used to monitor the
of various faults such as stator faults and bearing damage in second-order harmonic component of the q-axis current (same
induction machines has been presented in [4] and [5]. Interturn as the third-harmonic component of phase current) in a PM
faults are particularly challenging to detect at an early stage. synchronous machine (PMSM) under fault.
Several approaches have been proposed for the detection and FFT averages the signal in time and performs analysis in
diagnosis of interturn faults. A review of both online and offline frequency domain. As the original current signal is in time
methods available for interturn-fault detection in low-voltage domain, transforming it into frequency domain can mean loss
induction machines has been presented by Grubic et al. in [6]. of certain important events. These events can be speed or load
This paper presents a review and summary of various online variations of the machine. When such events are present, FFT
interturn-fault-diagnosis strategies for electrical machines with is not a reliable technique for short-circuit-fault detection [9].
a focus on PM machines and discusses their strengths and In [12], an envelope of the stator current has been extracted
weaknesses briefly. In this paper, the terms “fault,” “short- and used for fault diagnosis in an induction machine. The
circuit fault,” and “turn–turn fault” refer to an interturn short- envelope was obtained by constructing a smooth signal using
circuit fault unless stated otherwise. sampled positive peaks of the stator current. Fault signature
This paper is organized as follows. Section II reviews various from the envelope was extracted using a statistical clustering
motor current signature analysis (MCSA) techniques for both technique called Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). The signa-
induction and PM machines. Methods that use other signals for ture was then fed to a maximum-likelihood Bayesian classifier
fault diagnosis are reviewed in Section III. Models developed for diagnosis. The proposed method was found to be 99%
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fault feature extraction. One-dimensional continuous wavelet

transform (CWT) is given by
1 ∗ τ −t
W (t, a) = √ s(τ )ψ dτ (3)
a a

where a is the scaling factor and ψ ∗ (τ − t/a) is the wavelet

function. An advantage of wavelet transformation over STFT
is that the wavelet function (ψ ∗ (τ − t/a)) is scalable. This
allows wavelet transformation to adapt to a wide range of
frequency and temporal resolutions. Also, discrete-wavelet-
transform (DWT) algorithms have been developed, which re-
quire less computation than STFT. In DWT, the signal is first
passed through both high- and low-pass filters. After down-
Fig. 2. Multiple-reference-frame-theory-based fault diagnosis [14]. sampling (by two), the outputs from the high- and low-pass
filters are referred to as approximation and detail coefficients,
respectively. To achieve higher detail levels, the same step is
accurate in detecting a single turn short (out of 240 turns) under repeated with the approximation coefficients in place of the
50% rated load. signal. DWT has been performed on the dq components of
Barendse et al. [13] have presented an adaptive algorithm the stator currents of an induction machine [17] and a PM
for fault detection in PM machines under dynamic conditions. machine [19] to extract fault-related detail coefficients. In [19],
It has been shown that the adaptive algorithm extracts fault- for a wide speed range of operation, it has been found that
related sinusoids from the motor currents. Root-mean-square rms values of the lower detail levels (levels 1–3) reflected the
(rms) values of these sinusoids reflect the presence of faults. fault unambiguously. A CWT block has been suggested to be
Cruz et al. [14] suggest the use of multiple reference frame used in parallel with the DWT block as CWT provides good
theory for fault diagnosis. This technique is shown to be im- fault-detection capability. Significant coefficient (scale = 32)
mune to voltage unbalances or nonstationary conditions. In this after CWT showed 40% increase in the case of a 12-turn short
method, the positive sequence of the stator currents of a faulty in a 380-V 6-pole 6000-r/min PMSM running at 1500 r/min.
induction machine has been assumed to be the superposition In [20], the authors have shown the use of CWT for fault
of the healthy machine currents (denoted by superscript h) and diagnosis in a voltage-source-inverter (VSI)-fed brushless dc
the fault currents (denoted by superscript f ). In order to obtain motor. Khan and Rahman [18] have presented a complete fault-
fault-current components ifds and ifqs from the phase currents, diagnosis procedure for an interior PM (IPM) machine using
negative-sequence currents were first removed (Fig. 2). Healthy wavelet packet transform (WPT) as the tool for feature extrac-
current components were estimated using motor parameters tion and neural networks (NNs) for fault decision making. WPT
and then were removed from the signal to give only the dq is similar to DWT, but in WPT, the high- and low-pass filters are
components of the fault current. applied to both the detail and approximation coefficients at each
To isolate significant fault features from the current sig- level. Hence, at the nth level, WPT gives 2n coefficients while
nals when the drive is operating under dynamic conditions, DWT gives only two.
it is advantageous to perform analysis in time and fre- The DWT of the shifted (downsampled) signal, in general, is
quency spaces simultaneously. An extension of FFT called the different from the shifted version of the DWT of the original
short-time Fourier transform (STFT) can be used to perform signal. This is because DWT is not a shift-invariant transform.
time–frequency analysis. The STFT of a signal [15] is given by Such a drawback can cause problems in fault classification.
 In [15], an improved version of the DWT algorithm called
ST F T (t, f ) = h(t − τ )s(τ )e−2πf τ dτ (2) undecimated DWT (UDWT) or stationary wavelet transform
has been proposed to add a shift-invariant property to DWT.
In UDWT, the downsampling process at each level is not
where s(τ ) is the signal to be analyzed and h(t − τ ) is the win- performed. Instead, the filters used at each level are upsampled
dow function used. In [16], two types of stator electrical faults versions (by two) of the filter used at the previous level.
are diagnosed using STFT—turn-to-phase short and change In [9], it has been found that it is beneficial to perform power-
in resistance between controller and motor. A classification spectral-density-based DWT. In this method, the energy of each
algorithm such as the linear discriminant analysis has been used detail coefficient at a particular level is defined as the sum
to identify the type of fault that had occurred. However, STFT of the squares of all detail coefficients up to that level added
requires high processing power [9] and is not very flexible as the to the square of the approximation coefficient of that level.
window function has to be chosen prior to analysis and cannot By monitoring the energies of the detail coefficients, which
be changed once selected. By fixing the window function, only include all the significant detail coefficients (from lower levels
a limited amount of speed and load variations can be handled. as well), the power-spectral-density method performs better
In order to overcome these problems, wavelet transform has than traditional DWT methods which only attempt to monitor a
been used in [9], [15], and [17]–[20] as an alternate tool for single detail coefficient.
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A disadvantage of wavelet transforms is that, once the III. OTHER S IGNALS U SED FOR FAULT D IAGNOSIS
wavelet family is fixed, the same is used over the entire data,
Different signals have been analyzed for fault-related
which makes it inadequate when fault current signatures are
features in both induction and PM machines. Cheng et al.
weak [22]. For this reason, other joint time–frequency analysis
[24] have shown that the coupled negative–positive-sequence
techniques such as Wigner–Ville distribution (WVD), Pseudo-
impedance Znp of an electric motor can be used to detect
WVD, and Zao–Atlas–Marks (ZAM) distribution that belong
short-circuit faults. For a Y-connected induction machine with
to the Cohen class have been discussed in [21] for brushless
inherent asymmetries, the steady-state voltage equation can be
dc motors. The general form of these Cohen-class quadratic
described as
time–frequency transforms [9] is given by
V˜n = Znp I˜p + Znn I˜n . (5)

D(t, f, ϕ) = ejξμ−τ ω−ξt) ϕ(ξ, τ ) When an interturn fault occurs, it changes the asymmetric
behavior of the machine. This causes a change in the value of
 τ ∗ τ Znp . In [24], the authors have shown that robust fault detection
×f μ + f μ− dμdτ dξ (4) can be achieved in closed-loop induction motors by monitoring
2 2
this change in the value of Znp . The method has been shown
to detect interturn fault within five cycles of the fundamental
where ϕ(ξ, τ ) is the kernel function and ξ and μ are the frequency. However, it does not account for nonlinearities
running frequency and time variables of the integration, re- associated with the inverter.
spectively. The rest of the variables are as defined for STFT In [25], rotor field voltage has been analyzed to detect
and wavelet transforms. In these time–frequency analysis tech- stator faults in a synchronous machine. Owing to structural
niques, a phase-locked-loop-based adaptive filter was used to asymmetries of the field coils, it has been found that specific
filter out the fundamental frequency from the signal. This field-voltage harmonics increase to clearly indicate the presence
improved the efficiency of these techniques in case of wide of any fault. The order of the fault harmonics depends on the
rotor-speed variations and weak current signatures. However, number of pole pairs in the machine. Fault is reflected in the
using adaptive filters involves computational complexity and odd harmonics, while voltage unbalance and time harmonics
additional hardware. This issue was addressed in an improved are reflected in the even harmonics. In order to increase the
technique called empirical-mode decomposition (EMD) [22], sensitivity of the method, search coils mounted on the rotor
where the current signal was decomposed into different oscilla- are suggested. In this method, only one signal needs to be
tory signals called intrinsic mode functions before carrying out monitored; therefore, it is easy to implement.
joint time–frequency analysis. The reported technique used the Henao et al. [26] have used stray flux sensors to detect
signal itself for the decomposition process, thereby making it short-circuit faults. It has been reported that this method works
independent of rotor speed. In [22], it has been shown that EMD well for both line-fed machines as well as VSI-fed machines.
has advantages when fault current signatures were weak. It was External flux sensors are noninvasive and can be used with
found to be more tolerant to measurement/sensor noises and existing machines.
other interferences. For a PMSM running at 600 r/min with 12 Bianchini et al. [28] have transformed phase voltages into
turns shorted, FFT performed on the decomposed current signal the αβ reference frame (Clarke Transform) before analysis,
showed a 19-dB increase (compared with the healthy case) in and they have claimed that −f and −3f components of the
the third harmonic [22]. Slot harmonics and rotor asymmetry voltage space vectors, where f is the fundamental frequency,
harmonics were also reported to have been identified during the provide the fault information. In [32], magnetic pendulous
EMD/ZAM analysis of the stator currents. oscillation phenomenon in electrical machines with faults has
Cohen-class-based time–frequency analysis is much more been used for fault diagnosis. Here, the swing angle has been
time consuming than FFT or DWT due to the complexity calculated using measurements of voltage and current. The
and computations involved. However, it is shown in [9] that, angular phase difference between the space vectors of stator
with the advent of fast digital signal processors (DSPs), the voltage and current has been plotted on a polar plane. The
time taken is very small for all practical purposes. It has been maximum deviation of this angle in the polar plane is defined as
indicated that it takes 98 μs to detect a fault based on an the swing angle. For a fault current exceeding the phase current,
optimized ZAM analysis on a data slice of length 129. As the swing angle has been shown to be a reliable fault indica-
EMD is an iterative procedure, it takes more time than the other tor. In the case of a 2-hp 2-pole induction motor running at
techniques discussed previously. However, it has been claimed 3510 r/min, the swing angle, averaged over 5 s, increased by
in [22] that there is sufficient time (takes tens of milliseconds) to 60% for 1.39% of shorted turns.
carry out new online EMD algorithms in the latest 32-b DSPs as In [29], a novel way of detecting short-circuit faults has
interturn faults develop with thermal constants that are at least been proposed in which the statistical distribution of current-
a few hundred milliseconds. controlled VSI (using space-vector PWM) switching states
MCSA depends on the current signal measurement device. were used to identify the fault. Another innovative technique
In [23], a Rogowski coil designed without an integrator is sug- has been proposed by Britz et al. [30] for the interturn-fault
gested such that the fault harmonics have significantly higher detection. In this method, a high-frequency (HF) current com-
magnitudes and can serve better in fault diagnosis. ponent was injected, and the negative sequence of this HF
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Fig. 3. Fault diagnosis by HF injection technique [31].

current was investigated to detect the fault. Any imbalance in Fig. 4. Arrangement of search coils in the stator teeth to detect short-circuit
stator phase windings due to a turn–turn fault has been reported faults [27].
to have given rise to different direct and quadrature axis leakage
inductances in the stationary reference frame. This imbalance
gave rise to a stationary saliency. Thus, by investigating the dc
component of HF negative-sequence current, the authors have Computer simulation using machine models facilitates the
shown that they were able to detect the fault and also the phase study of short-circuit faults in electrical machines. It provides
in which the fault had occurred. A similar HF injection tech- an inexpensive and convenient method for the initial develop-
nique, where saliency measurement was used for fault diagnosis ment and testing of a fault-diagnosis algorithm. Machine
in PMSMs, has been reported in [31]. HF sequence components models offer the additional flexibility of simulating different
of the currents of the healthy machine were stored in a reference machines by changing the parameters of the model.
table. Measured HF sequence-component currents were then Mathematical modeling has been the most commonly used
compared with the table values to generate residues that were modeling technique for studying short-circuit faults in electrical
used as diagnostic indices. Fig. 3 shows the blocks of the fault- motors. A transient lumped-parameter model of a PMSM is
diagnosis method used in [31]. presented in [40] and [41]. The equivalent circuit of such a
In [33], short-circuit-fault detection based on reference volt- model is shown in Fig. 5. Phase “a” has the interturn fault. as1
ages generated by current controllers of an IPMSM has been represents the faulty part of phase “a,” and as2 represents the
discussed. Reference voltages were generated using direct- and healthy part. Transient and steady-state values of the currents
quadrature-axis currents, and they contain the fault information. under interturn faults have been obtained from the following:
These voltages, when viewed in rotor reference frame, take into
dIs dif
account the speed change of the load (dynamic conditions). It V s = R s Is + L + Es − R0 if − L0 (6)
has been shown that the magnitude of the positive-sequence dt dt
component of the reference voltage is reduced in case of a fault. where
This technique has been proven to be simple and computation-
ally less intensive. It has also taken into account nonlinearities Vs = [ va vb vc ]T Is = [ ia ib ic ]T
associated with the inverter. Again, a lookup table has been used
Es = [ ea eb ec ]T R0 = [ Ra1 0 0 ]T
to generate residues used for fault diagnosis.
⎡ ⎤
Awadallah et al. [34] have monitored electromagnetic torque Ls Mab Mac
waveforms and the summation of phase voltages in order to L = ⎣ Mba Ls Mbc ⎦
detect faults. The DFT of these signals has been reported to give Mca Mcb Ls
the number of shorted turns (severity of the fault), and STFT has
been reported to provide the location of the fault. An Adaptive L0 = [La1 + Ma1a2 Ma1b Ma1c ]T .
Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) has been used to make
The voltage equation for the fault loop is given as
the fault decision. In [27], a search coil was placed in the stator
teeth (Fig. 4) to analyze the change in flux when a short circuit dia dib dic
occurs in a PM brushless machine. The output voltage of this Ra1 ia + (La1 + Ma1a2 ) + Ma1b + Ma1c + ea1
dt dt dt
coil was then used to identify a short-circuit fault. dif
Table I lists the least severity (percentage of shorted turns) = (Ra1 + rf )if + La1 . (7)
that was detected experimentally using the various detec-
tion techniques reviewed in this paper (as reported in the In [41], an inverter-fed PM machine under short-circuit faults
references). has been modeled. Pole voltage is defined as the voltage at the
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motor terminal with respect to the ground of the dc link. Under using the switching states of the inverter. In [40], the model (6)
unbalanced conditions, phase voltages cannot be obtained from has been transformed from abc to the dq reference frame. In this
pole voltages easily. Hence, (6) was derived in terms of line paper, spatial harmonics present in the back-EMFs due to PM
voltages. The line voltages were obtained from pole voltages flux distribution have also been taken into account. This has
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Fig. 6. Slot leakage-flux estimation [42].

Fig. 5. Equivalent circuit of a three-phase PMSM with interturn fault in phase

“a” [40].

been shown to improve the accuracy of turn-fault simulation

Fault-tolerant PM machines typically have a modular struc-
ture with concentrated windings in order to have electrical,
mechanical, and magnetic isolation between phases. In such
cases, it becomes enough to analyze the single phase in which
the fault has occurred [42]. The governing equations for the
faulted phase (phase a) can then be written as
dia2 dia1
va − ea2 = Ra2 ia2 + La2 +M (8)
dt dt
dia1 dia2
va1 − ea1 = Ra1 ia1 + La1 +M . (9)
dt dt
Fig. 7. Basic DMRM of a single stator slot [39].
To accurately determine the transient and steady-state behav-
ior of a PM machine under interturn fault, it is necessary to Gerada et al. [39] have used the dynamic mesh reluctance
correctly estimate the self-inductances and mutual inductances model (DMRM) approach to model a surface-mounted PMSM
of the machine. Interturn faults increase the slot leakage flux under interturn faults. In this method, the machine has been
and reduce the main air-gap flux. Therefore, under fault, the modeled by geometrically dividing it into a number of elements
inductances are no longer only functions of the number of turns represented by reluctances. The flux through each of these re-
and slot geometry but are also dependent on the location of luctances was calculated as a function of the magnetic potential
faulted turns in the slot [42]. In [42], the total leakage flux difference across them. Faulted turns have been modeled as
linking the shorted turns has been computed by integrating additional phase winding that is magnetically coupled with all
the magnetic flux density. Flux density in the slot has been the windings but with no external source. Fig. 7 shows the basic
estimated using the following: stator-slot mesh model used in [39] for a three-phase double-
μ0 N I layer surface-mounted PMSM. A thermal model for Ra1 is used
B= (x − ha ) (10) to account for effects due to heating.
K hs
Computer simulations can be performed either using math-
where K is a factor that depends on slot geometry (Fig. 6) and ematical models or finite-element (FE) models. Analytical ap-
the location of fault. It is to be noted that the resistance of the proaches, although widely used, are unable to accurately model
faulty part of the phase winding (Ra1 ) in (7) is not constant. a machine when nonlinearities are present. With the advent of
It increases with thermal time constant because of the heating fast processors, FE-analysis (FEA) software has become effi-
caused by the high fault current [39]. This factor is not included cient and faster at providing solutions. Recent FEA packages
in the model discussed in [42]. use coupled field-circuit algorithms that allow the analysis of
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electrical quantities in the windings of a machine [43], [44].

This eases the study of interturn faults in electrical machines
and the acquisition of short-circuit data under varying operating
conditions. As the mathematical model depends on the accuracy
of the measurement of machine parameters, FEA was used
in [44] to generate the machine parameters. These parameters
were then used in a lumped-parameter transient model of a PM
machine under fault. This takes into account the presence of
slot leakage flux, which was neglected in [41].
Similar models have been developed for interturn-fault
analysis in induction machines [35], [37], [38]. A transient Fig. 8. Adaptive-observer-based fault diagnosis [46].
model of an induction machine under interturn faults has been
presented in [37]. The machine inductances were calculated
using winding functions as shown in the following: residual and the other (e∗qds ) that is used to correct the observer
parameters according to the operating conditions. This type of
2π model is robust to parametric variations. In [47], an analytical
Lij (θ) = μ0 rl g −1 (ϕ, θ)Ni (ϕ, θ)Nj (ϕ, θ)dϕ. (11) model of a delta-connected induction machine is developed and
linearized. An adaptive observer is then built to estimate the
motor state and the fault severity. Due to the adaptive nature of
Saturation effect was accounted for by including a sinu- the observer, it has been reported to work even in the case of
soidally varying second-harmonic permeance component in supply-voltage unbalances and speed changes.
the air-gap function. The winding-function approach developed In [49], an online parameter estimation technique is used to
for interturn-fault simulation in induction machines has been detect faults in a PMSM with a closed-loop drive system. In
adapted to brushless dc PM machines in [36]. In [38], a similar this paper, the machine parameters have been estimated using
circuit-based model of a doubly fed induction machine under a recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm. The RLS algorithm
interturn faults has been presented. maintains the residual of the parameters at a minimum in
Mahyob et al. [35] have developed a permeance network healthy conditions. When there is a fault, the unbalance is
magnetic model of an induction machine which is coupled with reflected in the estimated parameters, and the residual moves
the electrical model of the machine to perform analysis. The away from the minimum to indicate the fault.
permeance network model is obtained by dividing the machine In spite of the fact that FEA has become faster, it is still
into many small flux tubes. This method is similar to the computationally intensive and thus considered slow for appli-
DMRM [39] that was discussed previously for a PM machine. cation in fault detection. Mohammed et al. [45] have used the
While it is clear that machine models provide an easy way FE-based phase-variable model for fault detection. It combines
to acquire short-circuit data for fault analysis and development the FE field model proposed in [43] and the modified winding-
of fault-diagnosis algorithms, they have also been used for real- function model [37] to achieve considerable reduction in the
time fault-diagnosis purposes. This approach to fault detection computation complexity and, consequently, the time taken for
is generally referred to as model-based fault diagnosis. In this fault detection.
method, input to the machine is also fed to the model. Signals In [48], the model is generated using field reconstruction
from both the real machine and the model are acquired simulta- method (FRM). FRM is used to estimate the flux linking each
neously and compared against each other (residual generation) stator slot, which is then compared with real measured values
to arrive at a fault decision. This type of fault-diagnosis tech- to arrive at a fault decision (Fig. 9). This method is computa-
nique uses both the input signal and the output signal from the tionally less intensive because FEA of only one stator slot is
machine and can be completely noninvasive. During operation, performed and fields in the other stator slots are reconstructed
the model-based fault-detection mechanism still requires the using this information.
analysis of machine signals but the mathematical and computa- The biggest disadvantage of these model-based approaches
tional tasks are reduced by having detailed prior knowledge of is that any factor that was not modeled properly might lead
the behavior of the machine. In some cases, instead of directly to an erroneous detection of fault. Moreover, in the case of
using the input and output measurements for fault diagnosis, PM motors, which possess inherent nonlinearities, these model-
these measurements are used for state estimation. The estimated based approaches are to be carried out with utmost care.
states then serve as fault diagnostic indices.
State observer models have been used in [46] and [47] to
detect turn-turn short-circuit fault in induction motors. Fig. 8 V. AI A PPROACHES TO FDD
shows the observer model used in [46]. Input voltage (vdqs ) and Lookup tables offer a simple approach to store threshold
output current measurements (idqs ) are used by the observer to values of the fault indices for comparison and fault decision.
estimate stator currents (îdqs ). The estimated current is com- Data stored can either be from a healthy machine or a faulty
pared with the measured current to generate a current estima- machine or both. In cases where less data are available, inter-
tion error. The current estimation error is then decomposed into polation methods are used. However, this requires a higher
two terms—one (μqd if ) that is used to generate the vectorial margin of detection threshold, which slows the response to
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The problem of how many variables are needed for a best

fit of an NN/FL model in the stator turn-to-turn fault detection
is addressed in [52]. FFT is used to extract the fault signature
from stator currents. The third harmonic of the current is
identified as the best indicator. This component is then fed to
an ANFIS. It should be noted that the data here on current are
less granular than those of other models which would use three-
phase currents as inputs.
The authors use a combination of the stronger elements of
NNs and FL and examine a model that uses only motor current
and ωm (mechanical frequency) against one that includes three
additional parameters—stator winding temperature, bearing
temperature, and the noise of the motor. The five-input model
also considered bearing failures, explaining the inclusion of
motor noise as an input. It has been explained that a turn-to-
turn fault causes an imbalance in the air-gap flux, which causes
a characteristic humming as the fault develops. This model
improved detection by 2% over a two-input system. This illus-
trates the strength of AI-based fault-detection systems. It will be
Fig. 9. FRM [48]. difficult to incorporate such noise data into mathematical-based
or table-based detection methods. NNs and other AI methods
fault. Also, in case of nonlinearities, lookup-table-based fault- are able to allow a larger range of inputs.
decision systems are not very efficient. In [53], the authors take existing methods for turn-to-turn
Knowledge-based systems provide an effective alternative to fault detection using NNs for open-loop systems (where con-
lookup-table-based methods. Fault decision using NNs allows ditions are relatively constant) and create a feedforward NN
for better diagnosis of current signatures without giving false for closed-loop systems. This allows the NN to predict turn-
alarms. An example of an implementation of a fault detection to-turn faults over a wide range of frequencies and loads. Phase
using an unsupervised NN model has been explained in [51]. shifts between phase voltages and line currents have been used
This method was used for interturn faults on an induction ma- as the input to the NN model. This methodology is carried
chine, but the method would work similarly for a PM machine. out on a test bed providing a practical validation of NNs in
The first stage in this method is the use of Clarke–Concordia turn-to-turn fault detection. The authors carried out training
transformation to change the phase currents to the αβ reference with a 28.8-kVA variable-frequency drive connected to an
frame 11.25-kW, 640-V, 60-Hz, Y-connected, eight-pole PMSM over
a variety of load conditions both under healthy and faulty
2 1 1 conditions. Different fault conditions were simulated using
iα = ia − √ ib − √ ic (12) taps in the stator windings. The technique was tested for load
3 6 6 variations of up to 45% and was able to detect incipient faults
1 1 effectively (6.25% of a normal 25-A phase current).
iβ = √ ib − √ ic . (13)
2 2 NNs require training using different initial values of param-
eters to achieve a robust model. In [54], the authors describe
The variables iα and iβ are then the inputs to the NN model, a fuzzy NN model trained using genetic algorithms (GAs)
sampled over time. The NN has a single layer of neurons that provides a very flexible and specific response to nonlinear
(no hidden layers) that performs a Hebbian-based principal situations unique to a machine construction.
component analysis. The output of the NN is monitored for fault A method using particle swarm optimization (PSO) for de-
indications. Under healthy conditions, the output is a circular termining the location and severity of the fault is proposed in
plot, similar to the shape of a Park Vector. When in fault, the [55]. PSO shares the ability of NN and fuzzy logic systems to
output vector is an ellipse with the principle axis indicating the handle nonlinearities. It trains using both data measured from a
faulted phase. healthy motor as well as data obtained from simulation of faulty
In [12], the extracted current envelope is normalized and used conditions. The PSO starts with a random selection of particles
as the parameter for a GMM. GMM creates a mixture for many and then iterates until the error is minimized, according to
healthy conditions as well as each type of fault considered.  
The detection scheme then classifies envelope signatures while vik+1 = wi vik + c1 rand1 × pbesti − xki
running into one of these mixtures using a Bayesian maximum-  
+ c2 rand2 × gbesti − xki (14)
likelihood classifier. It classifies a new signal based on its
proximity to an existing mixture. This method requires less data xk+1
i = vik+1 + xki (15)
processing than many NN or fuzzy logic (FL) techniques, but
shares other issues. For example, this method requires that the where xi is the ith particle, c1 and c2 are positive “acceleration
majority of the data come from fault conditions. constants,” and w is the “inertia constant” of the particles.
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pbesti and gbesti represent the local particle best fit and the nique but are more time consuming. Artificial models, once
global swarm best fit data, respectively. rand1 and rand2 are trained, provide a fast and accurate simulation of the machine.
random functions in the range [0, 1]. PSO works similarly to However, these models are machine specific and require exten-
GA when searching for a solution space. However, in GA, sive training to provide good results under all conditions.
information is swapped between all cases, whereas in PSO, only A purely signal-based model may be successful at detecting
the best particle passes on its information to the next iteration. positives for fault behavior and will be cheap and fairly easy to
The authors claim a fit of +/−0.5% within 25 generations implement, but incorrectly triggers for other fault situations. For
using a population of eight particles. this reason, a thresholding-based fault-decision process may not
In all the methods discussed, after training, the models be- provide sufficient robustness. It is seen that the fault-decision
come machine specific. Hence, for a new machine, a new set of process is further improved by combining feature extraction
training data will be required. Also, these methods assume that with a knowledge-based decision-making process. Motor cur-
short-circuit-fault data are available to train the model. How- rent has been the most commonly monitored signal for faults
ever, as elaborated in [50], it is possible for unforeseen fault because it is easy to monitor and no additional sensors are
conditions to arise, which the model has not been trained for. required. Wavelet analysis and other time–frequency analysis
As a result, the fault may not be detected or may be erroneously techniques are found to be the most efficient in extracting fault-
detected. The authors of [50] propose a way of reducing this related features even under nonstationary operating conditions
training burden through “Continual Online Training” (COT). of the drive.
This essentially allows the weighting of the NN on a moving Time taken to detect a fault depends heavily on the feature-
basis, and the model “forgets” previous weights. extraction and fault-decision processes. Algorithms used in
Global minimum training (GMT) is a type of training al- these two steps have to be chosen and coordinated well in
gorithm in which the NN is taught to ignore nonideal char- order to develop a quick and reliable fault-diagnosis proce-
acteristics that are normal to a healthy machine. In GMT, dure. Hence, for effective short-circuit-fault mitigation, fault-
each training vector of the database is presented to the NN diagnosis techniques must be quick in detecting not only the
several times, and the weights are updated until a sufficiently inception of a fault but also its location and severity. Fault-
low estimation error is obtained. However, in COT, an input diagnosis techniques developed for PM machines are few in
is presented only once. The rest of the training happens as number when compared with induction machines. There is
and when data are obtained. Hence, data need not be saved much scope for research in this area.
to a database. The NN weights “forget” past operating con-
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Arun Gandhi (S’09) received the B.E. degree Leila Parsa (S’00–M’05–SM’10) received the Ph.D.
in electrical and electronics engineering from the degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M
College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, University, College Station.
Chennai, India, in 2007. He is currently working In 2005, she joined the Department of Electrical,
toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at Computer and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, as an Assistant
His research interests are in condition monitoring, Professor. Her research interests are in the design,
fault-tolerant drives, and linear machine design. analysis, and control of electromechanical energy
converters and power electronic converters for
various applications.
Dr. Parsa is the recipient of the 2010 RPI School
of Engineering Research Excellence Award, the 2009 Office of Naval Research
Young Investigator Award, the 2007 IEEE Industry Applications Society Out-
Timothy Corrigan (S’09) received the B.Eng. standing Young Member Award, and the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications
degree in electrical engineering from The City Society Transactions Paper Award.
College of New York, New York, in 2008. He is cur-
rently working toward the Ph.D. degree at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
Has worked in the renewable-energy field and his
research interests are in the design, analysis, and
control of power electronic converters for renewable-
energy systems.

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