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Exam preparation

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Exam preparation

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This publication and its parts are protected by copyright.

Any use in cases other than those permitted by law therefore requires the written
consent of the publisher.
Published by telc gGmbH, Bad Homburg,
All rights reserved

1st edition 2023

© 2023 by telc gGmbH, Bad Homburg
Printed in Germany

Test booklet:

ISBN 978-3-86375-446-4
Order number/Order No.: 5060-B00-010101

Order number/Order No.: 5060-MP3-010101
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Dear reader,
Would you like to acquire internationally recognized proof of your language skills? Are you a course instructor
and would like to practice a telc exam in class? You can use this practice test to get an idea of what is required
on the exam.

our range
telc gGmbH is a non-profit, internationally oriented educational company based in Bad Homburg. In close
cooperation with over 2,000 license partners in Germany and around the world, we offer standardized certification
of language skills under the telc – language tests brand. Under the telc Training label, we conduct qualifying
seminars and courses and license examiners. As a supplementary offer, we also develop teaching and learning
materials. Offers for digital learning and digital exams round off our portfolio. We offer this exam in both a paper-
based and a digital version.

With general language and job-related examinations, we contribute to multilingualism and linguistic diversity in Europe. Our exams are
tailored to the needs of learners from around the world. We certify linguistic ability for everyday life, for studies and for work.

telc gGmbH is a subsidiary of the German Adult Education Association. V. We stand for lifelong learning. We are
particularly committed to language and integration as well as mobility in Germany and Europe. Our certificates
are recognized by employers, schools and universities as well as by offices and authorities. We provide our
participants with a unique system that combines needs-based test formats and flexible exam dates with objective
and transparent exam conditions.

Our network
The years and decades of close cooperation with many and very different telc partners make us strong. It
challenges us and motivates us to continually make high-quality, appropriate offers. A lot has changed since the
telc certificates were implemented in the 1960s. telc – language tests have always moved with the times. We
take new impulses from science and practice and implement them into action-oriented, valid formats. As a full
member of ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe) and as a member of EQUALS, we develop quality
according to European standards. telc gGmbH is certified according to the international standard DIN EN ISO
9001. You can find an overview of our program at

Jürgen Keicher
Managing Director telc gGmbH

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test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Test format telc German A2·B1 .............................. 7
Read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8th

Language modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Read and write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Hear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Listening and writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Oral exam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Marks on the answer sheet S30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Answer sheet S30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Evaluation criteria for writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Evaluation criteria speaking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Process of the entire test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Points and weighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Listening texts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Solution key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

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Test format
Test format telc German A2·B1

Subtest goal Task type Time

reading comprehension

Part 1 Understanding classified ads and assigning 5 assignment tasks

Part 2 Detailed information in a short text 1 True/False and
understand 3 multiple choice tasks 45 mins
part 3 Understanding global content in emails 4 assignment tasks
Part 4 Understanding detailed information in a longer text 5 multiple choice tasks

Language blocks Read and write

Part 1 Understand text structures 10 multiple choice tasks

Part 2 Understand email 1 True/False and
35 mins
1 multiple choice task
part 3 Answer email Write email

Hear Listening and writing

Part 1 Understand information in a short, everyday conversation 5 assignment tasks

Part 2 Understanding information in a professional conversation 5 true/false tasks

35 mins
part 3 Understand information in announcements 5 true/false tasks
Part 4 Understand opinions on a topic 5 assignment tasks
Part 5 Understand answering machine messages Write note


Respond appropriately to a question Write a short message 10 mins


Part 1A Imagine to give information

OralPart 1B Answer follow-up questions Respond to questions approx. 15

Part 2 plan something together Plan an activity or solve a task minutes

part 3 justify your opinion Discuss the question

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45 minutes of reading

Reading part 1

Read tasks 1-5 and advertisements a-h. Which ad suits which situation best?
There is no solution to a task. Then select x.

Example 0
0 You are looking for work in sales and love good bread. abcdefghx

1 You want to order food for a birthday party at home.

2 At the weekend you would like to eat in a garden restaurant.

3 You would like to rent a large room for your wedding reception.

4 On your birthday you want to eat at a restaurant but don't want to spend a lot of money.

5 You are looking for a job as a service employee in a restaurant.

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45 minutes of reading 9

Are you looking for the perfect location for your wedding celebration with up to 300 guests? We rent a beautiful hall on the
outskirts of Kempten, including tables and chairs. more ...

We are looking for friendly employees (m/f/d) for sales at the counter, from September, full-time, working hours also on
weekends, fair pay. You should have good knowledge of German. more ...

Our football club is turning 50 and we are looking for a party service for our celebration on October 20th that will provide us
with cold and warm food and drinks for 200-220 people. more ...

New Italian restaurant in Leipzig center with a large menu. There's more than just pizza and pasta here. Super cheap
opening prices until the end of April. more ...

For our Mexican restaurant in Trier we are now looking for waiters (m/f/d) full-time or part-time from Wednesday to Sunday, pay
€17/ hour. If you are interested, please let me know. more ...

No wedding without music! Small band with 3 musicians plays any kind of music according to your wishes, for dancing or
listening, all evening long. more ...

Would you like to celebrate at home or in your garden? We cook for you or deliver: international dishes, cold buffets or
warm dishes at affordable prices. more ...

h www.Bä
We are now looking for employees m/f/d in sales for our bakery in Münster, working hours Monday to Saturday mornings. With
us you will work in a friendly team. more ...

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10 45 minutes of reading

Reading part 2

Read the text and tasks 6-9. Which solution is correct?

Dear employees,
In our company we are committed to the environment.
Please take note of the following guidelines:
Waste: Don’t use unnecessary amounts of paper. Please print on both sides. Use paper that has only one side printed on it
as a notepad. Waste paper goes into the blue bin in the parking lot. Please break down packaging and boxes and bring them
to the warehouse. The yellow bins for plastic etc. are also in the parking lot.

Office kitchen: To save water and energy, we now have a dishwasher in the office kitchen.
Please put your used dishes in the dishwasher straight away. Only turn it on when it is full, so not every evening, but always
before the weekend.
Save energy: If you reduce the temperature on the heaters a little in winter, we save a lot of energy. In summer, please do
not turn on the air conditioning immediately. Simply open the windows or use our electric fans, which use less electricity than
air conditioning. Before you go home, check to make sure all computers and lights are turned off.

Thank you for your support.

6 Environmentally friendly behavior is important in the company.

right wrong?

7 waste paper
a goes in the same bin as cardboard boxes.
b must be put in the yellow bin.
c should still be used if possible.

8 The dishwasher a must

be turned on every day.
b should be hired before the weekend.
c will only be cleared in the evening.

9 To save energy you should

a turn off the heating in the evening.
b Use electric fans. c prefer to use the air

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45 minutes of reading 11

Reading part 3

Read the four emails 10-13 and the eight subject lines a-h. Which subject line goes with which email?

10 Subject:
Dear Colleagues,
You can now find the current rosters for the next three months on the intranet. I stopped the schedule with all shifts
today. Everything remains as we discussed it in the team meeting yesterday. If you would like to swap shifts or
change something, please contact me. We will then try to find a solution.

Best regards
Silke Anders (nursing service manager)

11 Subject:
Dear Ms. Herzer,
I'm not feeling well today, I have a cold and a fever. So unfortunately I can't come to work. I have an appointment with the
doctor in the afternoon. Then I'll let you know how long I have to stay at home. Please remember that new copy paper must
be ordered. I couldn't do that anymore yesterday.

Best regards
Britta Martens

12 Subject:
Dear Colleagues,
As you all know, our employee Irene Engers is celebrating her farewell to the company on May 12th because she is retiring.
She has been working with us for 19 years. I would like to give something to Ms. Engers and ask for your help. Who
has ideas, who could collect money and who has time to get something? Please get in touch.

Best regards
Gaby Schmidt

13 Subject:
Dear Colleagues,
I have already informed you of the exact dates for the computer training courses in May. Many of you were very interested.
Unfortunately, only three colleagues have registered so far. Please remember to register for the courses by the end of
this week. We have to report the exact number of participants by Monday.

Best regards
Erkan Barzani

a Cancellation of the training e sick note

b Registration f pension application

c order g Shift schedules

d gift for colleague h Team meeting

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12 45 minutes of reading

Reading part 4

Read the text and tasks 14-18. Which solution is correct?

Shopping in the “supermarket on

wheels” What do you do when the fridge is empty and the nearest supermarket is miles away? Many
people in rural areas have this problem - especially the older ones. More and more shops in the village
have to close because many people are moving to the cities. This means that older people in particular
can no longer go shopping themselves. Often they don't have a car and taking the bus to the nearest
supermarket turns into a big day trip.

So a solution has to be found: the store comes to the people.

And so several small mobile supermarkets are already driving through the Eifel villages to supply people
with all kinds of food. Many of the products come directly from Eifel farmers, so they are regional and
particularly fresh. And the goods don't cost any more than in large supermarkets because there is no
delivery fee.

The villagers can easily shop right on their doorstep. Reliable and punctual, the car always comes on the
same day of the week, twice a week.

One of the drivers is Marina Nowak. Your working day starts very early in the morning. Then she stocks
the shelves of her mobile supermarket and off she goes. You can find an entire grocery store in their little
truck. Marina Nowak is on the road from Monday to Saturday.
It travels to 12 villages according to a set schedule. She sells the villagers fresh bread, milk, fruit, vegetables
and everything they need to eat and drink every day. This is pleasant for customers and at the same time
very personal. The drivers have known most of the customers for many years and therefore know what
they like to buy and what they like. Nevertheless, they often have new products on offer. While shopping,
there is often time for a little conversation about the weather, family or something else. The people and the
drivers like that. Dirk Hausen, who has only been driving his food truck through the Eifel for six months,
also loves this work because of the contact with people. Of course he works long days and doesn't earn
much, but that doesn't bother him because he enjoys his work.

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45 minutes of reading 13

14 supermarkets on wheels drive through the villages because old

people no longer want to walk to the store. b they supply the
shops in the village with goods. c many shops in the
countryside are closing.

15 The mobile supermarkets

a stop directly at the customer's house. b come to their customers
every day. c demand more money for their products.

16 Marina Novak
a also works on Sundays. b has
no drinks in her truck. c has to start work

17 Drivers a rarely offer new goods.

b always have new customers. c like to talk
to their customers.

18 Dirk Hausen a
receives little money for his work. b has been a
driver for many years. c would like to work less.

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35 minutes of language components – reading and writing

Language blocks

Read the text. Which word fits in each gap?

Your ad no. D/2436 on

Dear Mr. Kowalski,

I have one at 19 Saw ad. You rent a 4-room apartment in
Münster and I am very interested 20 .

I am 34 years old, a non-smoker, come from Iran and live in Germany. I currently still live in 21 17 years in

Hamburg and will be working on a permanent full-time basis from May 1st.
Job 22 Mechatronics engineer 23 of Deutsche Bahn AG in the city center of Münster

compete. The central location of the apartment is 24 wife, our perfect for me. We are three people, mine

eight-year-old son, who attends elementary school, and me. We have 25 pet.

We particularly like 26 Your apartment has a balcony and a bathroom with a bathtub. When

can we view the apartment? You can also reach us at short notice all day long by 27 . You can me

calling 0152/1234567.
I would 28 very happy to receive positive feedback.
Best regards

Navid Karimi

19 a yours 23 a 27 a possible
b yours b at b maybe
c his c in c probably

20 a for that 24 a but 28 a you

b therefore b therefore b me
c with it c both c yourself

21 a in 25 a none
b since b none
c before c none

22 a as 26 a that
b around b whether

c like c because

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35 minutes of language components – reading and writing

Read and write

You have received the following email.

At: Parents daycare

Reference: Kindergarten festival

Dear Parents,

The employees and children of the “Little Kobolds” kindergarten are planning the kindergarten festival on June 16th.

The children are really looking forward to it and practice songs and dances for their parents every week.

We also need your help, dear parents!

There will be activities for the children: painting, crafts, make-up. Which of you can support us in these activities?

The kindergarten organizes the drinks, but the parents bring the food: salad, bread, cake, international specialties... Who
could bring something?

One last question for you: How many people are you coming to the party with?

We look forward to a wonderful day with you and your children!

Best regards

Martina Winkel

Head of daycare center “Little Goblins”

Which solution is correct?

29 The kindergarten can organize the party without the help of the parents.
right wrong?

30 The children will be at the festival

a bake.
b dance.

31 Write an email. Answer the questions in the email.

Show what you can do. Write as much as possible. Don't forget the salutation and greeting.
Write your answer directly on the answer sheet, page 7.

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16 35 minutes of listening – listening and writing

Listening part 1

You hear a conversation. Which information ai fits which task 32-36? You hear the conversation twice. Now read the tasks.
You have 30 seconds to do this.

Where do you find these things?

Example 0
0 ground floor abcdefgh

32 1st floor

33 2nd floor

34 3rd floor

35 4th floor

36 attic

a Women's coats

b soccer balls

c Coffee machine

d children's clothing

e children's shoes

f perfume

g parking spaces

h smoking room

i Restaurant

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35 minutes of listening – listening and writing 17

Listening part 2

You hear a conversation. Are statements 37-41 true or false? You only hear the conversation once.
Now read the statements. You have 30 seconds to do this.

37 The cosmetic studio is planning a company party in the restaurant for the first time.

38 The company party will take place in six months.

39 There are two interns working in the cosmetic studio.

40 Ms. Petzold would like to decorate herself.

41 Mr. Pizaro would like to set the menu now.

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18 35 minutes of listening – listening and writing

Listening part 3

You will hear five short texts. Are statements 42-46 true or false? You hear the lyrics twice. Now read the statements. You have
30 seconds to do this.

42 For music lovers there is an event in Herne this weekend.

43 On Saturdays at 11 a.m. you can have breakfast in the restaurant.

44 The practice of Dr. Rosa Naumann cannot be reached until April 15th.

45 There is a construction site in Birkenweg until Saturday.

46 Your connecting train departs from platform 3.

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35 minutes of listening – listening and writing 19

Listening part 4

You will hear five opinions on a topic. Which opinion fits which person 47-51? You only hear the opinions
once. Now read the tasks. You have 30 seconds to do this.

Lila thinks that...

...a diet without meat is very healthy.

47 Nathalia believes that...

48 Robin thinks that...

49 Anatoli thinks that...

50 Carlos thinks that...

51 Carola thinks that...

a … the lifestyle has no consequences for health.

b ... it's not easy to only eat healthy foods.

c … you have to accept that you will be sick more often as you get older.

d … sport is more of a risk to health.

e … sport is always a good thing.

f ...stress is particularly negative for a healthy life.

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20 35 minutes of listening – listening and writing

Listening and writing

You will hear five voice messages. There is a task for each message, 52-56.

You hear every message twice.

Complete the telephone note directly on the answer sheet, page 5.

Example 54
Sabine Practice Dr. Feldman
Package is lying call back by
Where? in the garden house today

52 55
Ali Invitation
still shopping with Laura and Stefan
What? What to give?

53 56
Invitation Tailoring
to grill call back
When? number

Write directly on the

Answer sheet, page 5:

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10 minutes of writing 21


You have received the following short message. Reply. Write more than one word.

Show what you can do.

Write your answer directly on the answer sheet, page 6.

Are you coming to training on


No, I don't have time this


What are you doing?

Please note that the question is not always asked with the same question word.

Questions can be asked with when, what, why not, which, how long, where, where.

Write directly on the

Answer sheet, page 6:

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Oral exam
The oral examination is carried out as a pair examination and lasts approximately 15 minutes.

There is no preparation time.

Two licensed examiners are required for each exam. They both evaluate the performance of the participants (participants), but
only one of them acts as an interlocutor. After the participants have left the room, the examiners enter their individual assessment
on the corresponding answer sheets.

Part 1A Introduce yourself (approx. 1.5 minutes per participant)

In the first part of the exam (Part 1A), the participants introduce themselves. The task sheet with the key points is on the table for
everyone to see. The key points are intended to help the participants. They are neither mandatory nor limiting.

Part 1B Answer follow-up questions (approx. 1 minute per participant)

After the participant's contribution, the examiner asks some in-depth follow-up questions. The examiner sheets contain grammar
points that can appear in the examiners' questions on A2 and B1. These points only serve as a guide for the examiners. They are
not mandatory.

Part 2 Planning something together (approx. 5 minutes)

In the second part of the exam, the task is to plan something together. To do this, the participants should formulate ideas, make
suggestions and react to the suggestions of the conversation partner. The key points on the task sheet are intended to help the
participants. It is important to deal with the situation linguistically. An agreement on a common plan is not absolutely necessary.

Part 3 justify your opinion (approx. 5 minutes)

In the third part of the exam, the task is to justify your own opinion on a topic of general interest.

Participants are given a question that represents two different aspects of a topic. You then have about 1 minute to think about the topic
and take notes if necessary.

The participants express their opinions and represent their point of view using arguments and examples. You should respond to
the conversation partner's statements.

Convincing the interlocutor is not the aim of the task.

Task Time

Part 1A Imagine
approx. 2.5 minutes per participant
Part 1B Answer follow-up questions
Part 2 plan something together approx. 5 minutes for both participants

part 3 justify your opinion approx. 5 minutes for both participants

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Participants A and B Part 1A – Introduce yourself (approx. 1.5 minutes per participant)

Imagine. These bullet points can help you.




Place of residence




Participants A and B Part 1B - answer follow-up questions (approx. 1 minute per participant)

These grammar points can help you formulate questions:

for A2: Questions in the perfect tense, with when/ since when, with why, with where, according to the chronological order, in
for B1: Questions in the past tense, in the subjunctive II, in the passive voice, with modal verbs in the present and
past tense, about the age, when something was done or started/ when, with why

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Participants A and B Part 2 – Planning something together (approx. 5 minutes)

Situation: You and your conversation partner work in a company. They plan the Christmas party
together for all employees.

Task: Talk to each other about the details. Make suggestions and justify them.
Be responsive to your partner’s ideas. Come to an agreement.

To do something?


Who else can help?

How to inform?

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Participants A and B Part 3 justify your opinion

What do you like/ wish more?

Justify your opinion and give examples.

Water or lemonade?

Possible A2 questions:

• Is … better for the climate?

• What is better for health?

Possible B1 questions:

• Is one more environmentally friendly than the other?

• What is better for health?

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Marks on the answer sheet S30

Fields that the participants fill out

The answer sheet S30 is a thin booklet with perforated sheets. On pages 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 the participants enter their personal data
and confirm it with their signature. -S10-
On page
the answer sheetversion
· Test contains a· field
Exam in which participants
version · Exam enter the full subject
version · Esa number and test version. This is on the

On page 1, the answer sheet contains a field in which participants can enter the complete 7-digit number

German A2·B1
Enter order number. This is on the board.

They also transfer their solutions to answer sheet S30. Only the solutions on the answer sheet S30 – clearly marked fields – are
recorded and are therefore included in the overall assessment.

Family name · Surname · Apellido · Nom · Cognome · Soyadÿ · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Trial name
version · First
· Test name
version · Nombre
· Versión · Prénom
del examen · Version ·d'examen
Nome ·· Adÿ · ÿÿÿ
Versione d'esame · Sÿnav sürümü · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Example: April 23, 2003

Example: April 23, 2003 .
Date of Birth · Date of Birth · Fecha de nacimiento · Date de naissance · Data di nascita · Doÿum tarihi · ÿÿÿÿ
Family name · Surname · Apellido · Nom · Cognome · Soyadÿ · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

First name · First name · Nombre · Prénom · Nome · Adÿ · ÿÿÿ

Example: April 23, 2003

Example: April 23, 2003 . .
Order number · Order number
Date of Birth · Date of Birth · Fecha de nacimiento · Date de naissance · Data di nascita · Doÿum tarihi · ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Order number · Order number

The fields for personal data appear in all telc languages, but the subtests are represented with pictograms.

A soft pencil should be used to fill out the oval answer fields as well as the personal and exam-related data fields.


Fields that the examiners or assessors fill out

By signing this document, I confirm that the information given on
The examiners mark the result of the oral examination on This
page form
2. isThe
correct and that I mark
assessors have completed the answer sheet
their assessments for the writing subtest on
pages 5 (listening and writing), 6 (writing) and 8 (reading and
my signature, I confirm that my personal information on
this sheet is correct and that I have filled out the answer

form independently.



By signing this document

this form is correct
Answer sheet S30
With my own information
on this answer sheet
20230228_1060-S30-000001.indd 1 02/28/2023 08:05:54

© telc gGmbH 5060-B00-010101

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German A2·B1

Trial version · Test version · Versión del examen · Version d'examen · Versione d'esame · Sÿnav sürümü · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Family name · Surname · Apellido · Nom · Cognome · Soyadÿ · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

First name · First name · Nombre · Prénom · Nome · Adÿ · ÿÿÿ

Example: April 23, 2003

Example: April 23, 2003 . .
Date of Birth · Date of Birth · Fecha de nacimiento · Date de naissance · Data di nascita · Doÿum tarihi · ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Order number · Order number

By signing this document, I confirm that the information given on

This form is correct and that I have completed the answer sheet
With my signature, I confirm that my personal information on this
sheet is correct and that I have filled out the answer form




Answer sheet S30

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28 1060

telc German A2 B1

Family name · Surname · Apellido · Nom · Cognome · Soyadÿ · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

First name · First name · Nombre · Prénom · Nome · Adÿ · ÿÿÿ

Only for examiners!

Oral exam trial version


Examiner: 1 Examiner 2

Content appropriateness Content appropriateness

I Communicative task completion I Communicative task completion

Part 1 Part 1
Part 2 Part 2
part 3 part 3

Linguistic appropriateness (parts 1–3) Linguistic appropriateness (parts 1–3)

B1 A2 A1 0 B1 A2 A1 0

well good well good

fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled

II pronunciation/ II pronunciation/
intonation intonation
III Formal III Formal
accuracy accuracy
IV spectrum IV spectrum
linguistic. Medium linguistic. Medium

Code number inspector: in 1 Code number inspector: in 2

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telc German A2 B1

Family name · Surname · Apellido · Nom · Cognome · Soyadÿ · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

First name · First name · Nombre · Prénom · Nome · Adÿ · ÿÿÿ

Trial version · Test version · Versión del examen · Version d'examen · Versione d'esame · Sÿnav sürümü · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Written exam
To read

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

f x
1 6 + – 6 10
a b c d e G H a b c d e G H

2 f x
2 7 7 11 f
a b c d e G H a b c a b c d e G H

3 f x
3 8th 8th 12 f
a b c d e G H a b c a b c d e G H

4 f x
4 9 9 13 f
a b c d e G H a b c a b c d e G H

5 a b c d e f H x

Part 4
a b c
15 a b c
16 a b c
17 a b c
18 a b c

Language blocks

19 19
a b c
20 20
a b c
21 21
a b c
22 22
a b c
23 23
a b c
24 24
a b c
25 25
a b c
26 26
a b c
27 27
a b c
28 28
a b c

Continue on page 7.

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telc German A2 B1

Written exam
Part 1 Part 2 part 3
32 a bb c d e f H i
32 37 + – 37 42 + – 42

33 a b c d e f H i 33 38 + – 38 43 + – 43

34 a bb c d e f H i
34 39 + – 39 44 + – 44

35 a b c d e f H i
35 40 + – 40 45 + – 45

36 a b c d e f H i
36 41 + – 41 46 + – 46

Part 4
47 a b c d e f
48 a b c d e f
49 a b c d e f
50 a b c d e f
51 a b c d e f

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telc German A2 B1

Family name · Surname · Apellido · Nom · Cognome · Soyadÿ · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

First name · First name · Nombre · Prénom · Nome · Adÿ · ÿÿÿ

Trial version · Test version · Versión del examen · Version d'examen · Versione d'esame · Sÿnav sürümü · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Listening and writing

52 52 +–

53 53 +–

54 54 +–

55 55

56 56

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telc German A2 B1

Just for review

57 writing

57 content
I Com. Task completion

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telc German A2 B1

Family name · Surname · Apellido · Nom · Cognome · Soyadÿ · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

First name · First name · Nombre · Prénom · Nome · Adÿ · ÿÿÿ

Trial version · Test version · Versión del examen · Version d'examen · Versione d'esame · Sÿnav sürümü · ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿ

Read and write

29 + – 29
30 a b

31 reading and writing for review


Send Cc…


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telc German A2 B1

for review

For reviewers only

31 Content appropriateness
I Communicative task completion
Rating 1 Rating 2 telc review

Topic missed? Topic missed? Topic missed?

Yes No Yes No Yes No

31 and 57 Linguistic appropriateness

Rating 1 Rating 2 telc review
B1 A2 A1 0 B1 A2 A1 0 B1 A2 A1 0
good good good good good good
fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled


Topic missed? Topic missed? Topic missed?

Yes No Yes No Yes No

Code number reviewer: in 1 Code number reviewer: in 2 Code number telc reviewer

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You will find information on the following pages

• on the evaluation criteria for the writing and speaking subtests,

• the course of the entire exam and

• on the points and weighting of the exam.

This is followed by the listening texts for the Listening – Listening and Writing subtest. The answer key for the individual subtests
completes this part.

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The two writing achievements – reading and writing and writing – are assessed using the content and linguistic
assessment criteria set out here. The assessment of the appropriateness of the content is carried out
separately for the two writing tasks and recognizes the processing in relation to the task. Linguistic
appropriateness includes communicative design, formal correctness and the range of linguistic means as an
overarching assessment of both performances. These criteria are based on the expectations placed on learners
at the relevant levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages . In the listening and
writing part, four aspects are rated as correct or incorrect. The following criteria therefore do not apply to this

Content appropriateness Linguistic appropriateness

I Communicative task completion II Communicative design
III Formal correctness
IV spectrum of linguistic means

Content appropriateness

A b C D E F

item • All 3 questions • 2 questions • 1 question was • 1 question was • 1 question has • The questions
31 were were asked precise and broadly been answered, were not edited.
answered answered answered speaking requiring
precisely and precisely and appropriately. appropriate but the reader's • The topic is
appropriately. appropriately. • • 2 questions short cooperation. missed
All 3 questions were asked answered. (e.g.
were in the large • 2 questions • There is hardly misunderstood).
broadly and whole were answered- any reference
answered words, but the to the input text.
answered appropriately. reader's
appropriately. cooperation is

item The text reflects The text reflects The The The text The text is not
57 the content of the the content of the communication communication is difficult to understandable
received received is kept is kept understand and the and has no relation
message and message and general or general or reader's cooperation to the message
continues sets it continues with little continues with little is required received.
I communication. communication reference to the reference to the throughout. The topic
Details are included. continued. message message was missed.
received. received. The
is sometimes

If criterion I is set to F in item 31, criteria II to IV are set to zero.

If criterion I is set to F in item 57, criteria II to IV are evaluated based on item 31.

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Linguistic appropriateness

B1 well fulfilled B1 fulfilled A2 well fulfilled A2 fulfilled A1 0

Part Can one Can be a Can write a Can be a Can write a Can one
1-3 related simple, simple text that is short, very simple text. elementary
Write a text that together- appropriate to the simple and Hardly any text

is appropriate to the Write hanging text situation. situational Can do words write.
situation. that is appropriate Can common write adequate text. and word Can do words
Can combine a to the situation. connectors Can groups through and word-
series of Can do a number Use (“and”, “but”, the most common very simple ones use groups in
individual elements of short and “because”) to simple Connectors Connectors isolation.
into a linear, simple single Use (“and”, “but”) connect like
coherent utterance. elements too Sentences and to get some “and” or “then”.
a linear, coherent Groups of simple ones
II words with each other Sentences and
connect the relevant connect. Groups of
utterance. words with each other

Part Uses a repertoire Used a Uses simple Uses some simple Shows only Shows only
1-3 of forms and Repertoire of structures structures limited a clearly limited
phrases with frequently used correctly, but still correctly, but still mastery of a few one
sufficient accuracy forms does does simple grammatical Mastery of very
in familiar situations. and phrases in systematically systematically structures and few simple
familiar situations elementary elementary sentence patterns grammatical
are sufficiently Mistake. It Mistake. It in a memorized structures
Errors come correct. becomes largely becomes largely repertoire. tures and sentences

before, but it Mistakes occur, clear what is to be clear what is to be patterns in a

remains clear what but what is expressed. Spelling expressed. Spelling memorized
is to be being expressed is sometimes phonetic. is often repertoire.
expressed. remains largely phonetic. You can do that You can only
Spelling, orthography, clear Text is difficult partially
Punctuation and understand. understand the text.
design are should. The spelling,
precise enough so punctuation and
that you can read design are
the text precise enough so
can usually that you can
understand well.
Text mostly
can understand.

Part Has sufficient Has sufficient Has elementary Has short, Has a very Has a very
1-3 linguistic linguistic linguistic common elementary
skills skills means to cope expressions to spectrum of simpler elementary
means to cope means of with routine express simple, Stock of
well coping everyday concrete needs. Turns related individual
come. The come. The situations. Has nits to fulfill. to personal, words and
vocabulary vocabulary sufficient ability in Has concrete phrases.
is sufficient to is sufficient to familiar situations adequate vocabulary Uses very simple,
explain the most explain some in routine Subjects. short groups of
important aspects aspects of an idea situations. Has an element words.
of an idea with and express
sufficient precision one's own tare supply of

and to express reflections. Vocabulary. Used individual words

one's own Uses simple simple sentence and phrases.
IV reflections. Used sentence patterns, word
mostly simple structures. groups and
sentence speech formulas.
Uses some more structures.
sentence structures.

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In the speaking subtest, oral performance is assessed according to four criteria. The communicative task
completion criterion assesses whether the task has been completed in terms of content at the appropriate level.
The criteria of pronunciation and intonation, formal correctness and range of linguistic means capture the
linguistic implementation of the task. The Speaking subtest consists of three parts. Criterion I (communicative
task completion) is assessed separately in all parts. Criteria II to IV, on the other hand, refer to the performance
that the participant shows throughout the entire oral examination. These criteria are based on the expectations
placed on learners at the relevant levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Content appropriateness Linguistic appropriateness

I Communicative task completion II Pronunciation and intonation
III Formal correctness
IV spectrum of linguistic means

Content appropriateness

A b C D E F

Part Put that Put that Put that Completes Can express Doesn't
1-3 Task Task Completely the task himself or complete the
according to the according to the adequately adequately react with task at all.

situation and level situation and level completes the task depending on the individual words. Take Cannot express
according to the situation and level lots of breaks. anything or

B1 fully adequate. B1 mostly adequate. situation and level A2. respond to input.
Gives some details. A2. Can express
Can respond Can sometimes and respond Can express and

appropriately to input. respond appropriately concisely and react very briefly and/
to input. simply. or only partially
Can yourself Express yourself understandably.
relatively effortless not effortless Frequently stalls and

express spontaneously; needs to be replaced

spontaneously; Stalls come put on. Stuck very much

Stalls occur. often and has to be
several times. started again.

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Linguistic appropriateness

B1 well fulfilled B1 fulfilled A2 well fulfilled A2 fulfilled A1 O

Part The pronunciation is The pronunciation The pronunciation The pronunciation The pronunciation The pronunciation
1-3 understandable is largely is largely is generally of a very of a very
lich, albeit understandable, understandable, understandable, limited limited
accentuated. although but has such a but is so heavily linguistic linguistic
The intonation clearly accented. strong accent that accented that Repertoires Repertoires
supports that questions are questions are always can be can be
Said. The intonation occasionally necessary. understood with understood with
supports that necessary. Sentence and word some effort great effort
Said in Sentence and word accent
accent become. Sentence- become.
general. support partially support and word accent
what was said what was said. do not contribute to
mostly. comprehensibility.

Part Used a Used a Used Used Shows only a Only shows

1-3 repertoire of Repertoire of simple structural some simple ones limited one one clearly
shapes and frequently used tures correct, but Structures Mastering a few limited
Twists in forms still works correct, but still simple grammatical Mastering very
familiar ones and twists on familiar systematically works questions less easier
situations ones elementary systematically
sufficient situations Mistake. It elementary Structures more grammatical
correctly. Mistake sufficient becomes largely Mistake. It will and sentence- Structures
happen, but it correctly. Mistakes clear what is to be largely clear what is patterns in a and sentence-

remains occur, but what expressed. to be expressed. memorized pattern in one

clear what is to be is being expressed repertoire. memorized
III expressed remains largely repertoire.
should. Corrects clear
errors on one
signal of should. Join in
conversation partner new problems
ners. at.

Part Has sufficient Has sufficient Features Has short Has a very elemental Has a very
1-3 linguistic linguistic elementary common
skills skills linguistic expressions to make tare spectrum elementary
means to cope means of means to simple, concrete easier stock
well coping everyday ones Turns related individual
come. The come. The situations needs to personal, words and
Vocabulary is Vocabulary is predictable to fulfill. concrete Twists.
sufficient to cover sufficient to content Features in Used very much
the most important ones describe some to manage something. routine situations Subjects. simple, short
aspects of one aspects of a thought Features in Has an element groups of words.
thoughts with to explain and familiar about one
more sufficient your own situations sufficient tare stock
Explain thoughts about one Vocabulary. to individuals
accuracy to express. sufficient Used words and
and express Uses mostly Vocabulary. simple sentence Twists.
your own thoughts. simple ones Used patterns, word Used
simple groups and very simple
Used Sentence structures. Sentence structures. speech formulas. Sentence patterns

some and short

more complex word groups.
sentence structures.

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Written exam

The written exam lasts a total of 125 minutes and consists of the subtests Reading, Language Components - Reading and Writing,
Listening - Listening and Writing and Writing.

Before the exam begins, participants fill out all data fields on the answer sheet S30. The exam supervisor writes the full number of
the test version, which is given at the bottom left of the exercise booklet S10, and the order number on the board. The examination
supervisor informs the participants that aids such as dictionaries, cell phones or other electronic devices are not permitted and that
any attempt at deception would lead to immediate exclusion from the examination (see examination regulations §5 and 6). After the
participants have entered their personal data on the answer sheet S30, the examination supervisor collects sheet 1 of the answer
sheet S30 and distributes the exercise booklets.

Before the start of a subtest, the time for the start and end of the respective subtest should be written on the board so that it is
visible to all participants.

Participants have 45 minutes for the Reading subtest and 35 minutes for the Language Components – Reading and Writing
subtest . At the end of the processing time for the reading and language modules – reading and writing subtests , the examination
supervisor collects sheet 4 of the answer sheet S30.

The participants then continue with the Listening – Listening and Writing subtest . Playback of the audio recordings may not be
interrupted during this subtest and lasts approximately 35 minutes.
After the Listening – Listening and Writing subtest , the examination supervisor collects sheet 2 of the answer sheet S30.

After 10 minutes available for the writing subtest , the supervisor collects sheet 3 of the answer sheet S30 as well as all the exercise
books and notes from the participants. The written examination is now over.

Oral exam

The oral examination can only be taken by two telc-licensed examiners.

The test is generally carried out as a pair test and takes approximately 15 minutes. The person responsible for the examination
decides on the appropriate composition of the examination pairs. If only one person registers for the exam or there is an odd
number of exam participants, an individual exam may be taken. In this case, one of the two examiners takes on the role of the
second examination participant. In this case, column Participant B on the evaluation form M10 must be crossed out so that the
exam is clearly marked as an individual exam!

There is no preparation time.

Before the exam, a schedule must be drawn up that allows 20 minutes for each exam.

The oral exam consists of the parts introducing yourself, planning something together and justifying your opinion.

In Part 1 A, participant A introduces himself.

The bullet points on the task sheet serve as orientation, although participants can also address other topics.

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In the subsequent part 1 B , the examiner asks some follow-up questions that tie in with the presentation.

Participant B then introduces himself and answers examiner questions.

In part 2 , the participants plan something together in the role of colleagues (event, celebration, etc.). They should bring
in their own ideas and suggestions and respond to suggestions. The bullet points on the task sheet provide ideas.

In part 3 , participants explain their opinion on a topic of general interest. The participants have around 1 minute to think
about the topic and, if necessary, make notes.
The participants express their opinions and argue why they believe this and give examples. The participants should
respond to the conversation partner's statements.

What is expected of the participants?

The participants should talk to each other and respond to the conversation partner's statements in such a way that the
conversation is as lively and authentic as possible. Questions and mutual assistance are viewed positively.

What do the examiners do?

In all parts of the exam it is important that the participants have a conversation that is as natural as possible. The desired
course of the conversation should be supported by the correct seating arrangement. The participants should keep a clear
eye on each other so that they are as little tempted as possible to speak in the direction of the examiners. The distance
between the participants and examiners should be such that the conversation between the participants is not disturbed by
the examiners who are carrying out their assessment.

The examiners ensure that the time requirements are adhered to and move on from one part of the examination to the
next. An examiner takes on the role of moderator (interlocutor). The other examiner takes on the role of observer
(assessor). The distribution of roles between interlocutor and assessor should be maintained during an examination

The examiner, who leads the conversation as an interlocutor, introduces the second examiner and himself to the
participants. She/he then briefly explains that the oral examination consists of three parts and begins with the first part of
the examination.

The amount of speaking by the interlocutor must be kept as low as possible throughout the entire examination interview.
He only intervenes if a participant dominates too much in the conversation or does not actively participate.
In this case, he or she speaks directly to the participant who spoke less in order to include him or her in the conversation.
If the conversation stalls or breaks off at any point due to misunderstandings or excessive language deficiencies, the
interlocutor carefully intervenes and gets it going again. Open questions such as “What exactly do you mean by that?”,
“Could you explain that in more detail?” or repeating or taking up statements made by the participants are particularly

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In the telc German A2·B1 exam, 240 points can be achieved, 25 percent of which are divided into the four skills
of reading, listening, writing and speaking.

Tasks items Points per item Points

To read 5 20 3 60

Hear 5 20 3 60

Write 4 60

Speak 3 60

Total 240

There are several tasks to be completed for each skill. In the telc German A2·B1 exam there are mixed tasks
that test both the receptive skills of reading and listening as well as the productive skill of writing. The following
table provides an overview of the tasks and points distribution.

Task skill item Points total

Reading part 1 To read 1-5 5×3 15

Reading part 2 To read 6-9 4×3 12

Reading part 3 To read 10-13 4×3 12

Reading part 4 To read 14-18 5×3 15

Language blocks Write 19-28 10×0.5 5

Reading and writing part 1 To read 29-30 2×3 6

Reading and writing part 2 Write 31 15 15

Listening part 1 Hear 32-36 5×3 15

Listening part 2 Hear 37-41 5×3 15

Listening part 3 Hear 42-46 5×3 15

Listening part 4 Hear 47-51 5×3 15

Listening and writing Write 52-56 5×1 5

Write Write 57 5 5

Speaking Part 1 A Speak

Speaking Part 1 B Speak

Speaking part 2 Speak 12

Speaking part 3 Speak 12

Cross-task Write 30
Evaluation criterion II-IV 30

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The Writing subtest consists of the following tasks:

• Language components • Listening and writing

• Reading and writing • Write

The evaluation is based on criteria or, for less complex tasks, as a decision as to whether the right solution has been found or not.

The achievable point values are as follows:

Task Item criterion A b C D E F

Read and
31 I 15 11 9 8th 4 0

Write 57 I 5 4 3 2 1 0

B1 well B1 fulfilled A2 well A2 fulfilled Under A2 not

fulfilled fulfilled assessable

Cross-task II 10 8th 6 4 2 0

III 10 8th 6 4 2 0
IV 10 8th 6 4 2 0

Task item Number of items Points per item Total points

True/False language modules 19-28 10 0.5 5

Listening and writing 52-56 5 1 5


The Speaking subtest consists of the following tasks:

• Introduce yourself • Plan something together

• Answer follow-up questions • Justify your opinion

The achievable point values are as follows:

Task Criterion A b C D E F

1 A Introduce yourself
6 4 3 2 1 0
1 B Follow-up questions I

2 Plan something
I 12 9 6 4 2 0

justify your
I 12 9 6 4 2 0


B1 B1 A2 A2 Under not
well fulfilled Fulfills well fulfilled Fulfills A2 assessable

Cross-task evaluation II 10 8th 6 4 2 0

III 10 8th 6 4 2 0

IV 10 8th 6 4 2 0

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Certificate A2 or certificate B1?

Whether a participant receives a telc certificate at level A2 or B1 for his/her examination performance depends
on the total number of points and the points achieved in the four subtests.

To pass the B1 exam, 70 percent of the total points must be achieved (168 points). In addition, at least 70
percent (42 points) in 3 of the 4 subtests reading, listening, writing, speaking and at least 40 percent (24 points)
in each subtest must be achieved.

To pass the A2 exam, 40 percent of the total points must be achieved (96 points). In addition, at least 40
percent (24 points) in 3 of the 4 subtests reading, listening, writing, speaking and at least 10 percent (6 points)
in each subtest must be achieved.

Max points Min points Min points Min. B1% Min. A2% B1 Minimum A2 minimum
B1 B1 A2 for for

TOTAL 240 168 96 70% 40% compensation compensation

To read 60 42 24 70% 40% 24 6

Hear 60 42 24 70% 40% 24 6

Write 60 42 24 70% 40% 24 6

Speak 60 42 24 70% 40% 24 6

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Listening texts


Boss (who welcomes a new employee) Good morning, Ms. Pastewka, and welcome to the “Tengel” department store,
where you will be working in sales from today.

Saleswoman Good morning, I'm looking forward to my work as a shoe saleswoman here in the house, but I don't even
know what's available here yet.

Boss Well, I would be happy to explain that to you briefly and tell you what can be found on which floor. When you come
into the house through the entrance on the ground floor, you are immediately in our drugstore department.

Saleswoman I've already been there, she's very big and beautiful.

Boss Yes, but our department for women's and men's clothing is even bigger on the first floor. You can really find
everything that has to do with fashion there.

Surely there are salespeople selling clothes for children there too, right?

Boss Unfortunately no longer, we had to close the children's clothing department last year. We no longer had good sales
figures. We now only offer shoes for children. The shoe department is on the second floor. We have a large selection of
shoes for young and old.

Saleswoman Aha, so that's where I work.

Boss Correct. On the floor above, on the third, there are sporting goods of all kinds, for ball sports, tennis, winter sports, hiking and
much more. Of course, it is also important for you to know where you can stay during the break.

Saleswoman Oh, yes, is there a smoking room? Unfortunately I'm a smoker...

Boss You are only allowed to smoke in front of the door, not in the house. But we have a nice break room for our
employees with a small kitchen and a coffee machine. This is on the 4th floor.

Saleswoman coffee is also important. Another question: Where is there parking? Are they all the way up on the roof terrace?

Boss No, we changed that. There is now a small restaurant with a terrace in the attic for our customers. But you can park
in the parking garage right next door.

Saleswoman Thank you very much, Mr. Breininger. I'm sure I'll get to know everything quickly in the next few days.

Boss I really hope that you feel comfortable with us and wish you a good start.

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Mr. Pizaro Good afternoon, Ms. Kaiser, nice of you to come by in person so that we can discuss everything.

Ms. Kaiser Yes, good afternoon, Mr. Pizaro. I've known your restaurant for a long time, I often eat here with my family, but we haven't
held a company party for our cosmetics studio here yet. First the most important information: We have to postpone the date from
December 12th to December 19th.

Mr. Pizaro Oh dear! We are pretty fully booked in December. I'll take a quick look... You're lucky, the 19th is still free.

Ms. Kaiser Well, we're early too. There are still 6 months left.

Mr. Pizaro Okay, so now the date has been set. How many people are coming?

Ms. Kaiser If all of our employees agree, including the intern and our two trainees, then we will be 24 people. I definitely only know
about it shortly beforehand.

Mr. Pizaro No problem. Up to 30 people fit in the small side room.

Ms. Kaiser: Nice, it's just us there.

Mr. Pizaro I think so too, and we will decorate nicely.

Ms. Kaiser Very good, I would like to take part in the decoration. It should fit the style of our studio. As a beautician, I have my own

Mr. Pizaro Of course with pleasure.

Ms. Kaiser Great, then we just have to talk about the food. So, there are seven of us vegetarians and three people don't eat fish, oh,
and one is allergic to nuts...

Mr. Pizaro Wait, that sounds pretty complicated, but I'm used to special requests these days.
We can handle that. However, that is still far too early. We will make another appointment for the exact menu plan. Get in touch again
in October.

Ms. Kaiser Thank you very much, Mr. Pizaro.

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42 You hear event tips on the radio:

What's going on in our region this weekend? Here are the most important events. The big music festival “Classic to Pop” begins in
Bochum on Saturday with a total of 20 concert dates. There is a city festival in Herne with many attractions for young and old and a
large flea market takes place on the Theaterplatz in Dortmund on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

43 In the department store you hear the following announcement:

Dear customers,

Visit our Tuscany restaurant and treat yourself to delicious food from Monday to Saturday. Enjoy our breakfast buffet from 10:00
a.m. to 11:15 a.m. and delicious dishes from the weekly menu from 11:30 a.m.; warm dishes are only available until 4 p.m.

Between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. you can enjoy food from our cake and salad buffet.

44 You call the doctor's office and hear the following message on the answering machine.

Hello, you are connected to the general medicine practice Dr. Ruckert. We are currently on vacation and the practice will be closed
from April 8th to 15th. In urgent cases, please contact our representative, Dr. Rosa Naumann, Blücherstr. 12, telephone 0681/564329.
From April 16th we will be there for you again during the usual opening times.

45 At the bus station you hear the following message:

Here is an important message about bus line 113 from the train station to Birkenweg. The 113 cannot reach the Birkenweg stop this
week due to road construction work that will last until Saturday. Please get off at the Talstraße stop or take line 109 to the Kleineich
stop. Birkenstrasse is within walking distance from both stops. Thank you for your understanding.

46 You are sitting on the ICE Hamburg-Frankfurt. You want to go to Berlin.

Dear passengers, our ICE has a technical problem. That's why we arrive in Hanover 20 minutes late. Passengers to Berlin and
Cologne will miss their connection. To Cologne take the train from platform 6 at 2:10 p.m. It only leaves platform 3 for Berlin at 2:40
p.m. We regret the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

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Numbers 47 to 51

Speaker Good morning, dear listeners. “What do you actually do for your health?” We asked around about this topic
and got various interesting answers. Hear the first opinion here:

Lila My name is Lila and I feel fit and healthy, I only rarely get a cold. The reason for this is definitely my diet. I am a
vegetarian and completely avoid meat. Well, I'm not a vegan, I eat eggs, milk, cheese and so on, but above all a lot of
vegetables and fruit, some of them from my own garden.

Speaker What do you think, Natalia?

Natalia You always hear how important sport is for your health. That's true, but I still have my doubts. I know a few
people who injured themselves while training and have been struggling with the consequences ever since. My father
has had shoulder pain since a sports accident and my girlfriend has problems with her knees because she plays so
much tennis.

Speaker Do you see it the same way, Robin?

Robin No, I have a completely opposite opinion: sport and exercise are particularly important for a healthy life. You
don't have to do extreme sports. But regular exercise through running, cycling or swimming is good for everyone and
also keeps you healthy. My favorite hobby is playing football, I enjoy it and being outside in the fresh air. I go to training
twice a week.

Speaker Are you also sporty, Anatoli?

Anatoli Yes, I exercise regularly, go for walks a lot and stuff like that. But above all, I think that a life without stress
contributes to health. Lots of relaxation, rest and enough sleep, for me these are the most important conditions for
staying healthy. You should avoid stress, hecticness and anger whenever possible. I sleep enough, at least 8 hours,
and do yoga every day. This makes me feel calm and balanced.

Speaker And you, Carlos?

Carlos Well, honestly... I think health or illness, it's just a matter of luck. You can't influence that. Let's take my grandma
as an example. She turned 95 last week. And she is in good health, even though she has hardly done any exercise
throughout her life. She only ate what she liked. She even smoked. That's why I just live the way I feel comfortable.

Speaker Finally, your opinion please, Carola.

Carola I have been overweight and diabetic since I was over 65 and my doctor recommended that I give up everything
that I like and enjoy: chocolate, cream, cake and so on. But cooking and baking are my hobbies and I enjoy all these
delicious things so much. It's just extremely difficult for me to eat almost only vegetables and fruit. Eating only healthy
foods is easier said than done.

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Example Hello, this is Sabine. The postman dropped off a package for you. I don't want to just leave it on your doorstep. But I have
to go now. The package is in our garden house. You can find it there when you get home.

52 Yes, hello Ali. The kids are coming to eat today, so I want to make pizza. There's still plenty of cheese and salami in the fridge.
But I don't have any tomatoes anymore. Can you please bring me a kilo when you go shopping later? Thanks.

53 Hello, this is Elisabeth Helmer speaking from the third floor. I invite all the neighbors to a barbecue in the yard on Sunday
evening. Most people have time there. Please let me know if you're coming too. Maybe you can bring a salad.

54 Practice Dr. Feldmann, good afternoon. Ms. Grell, you have an appointment with us tomorrow at 5 p.m. Unfortunately we have to
cancel, Dr. Feldmann is sick. Please call us back by 6 p.m. today. Then we can make a new appointment. Thank you for your

55 Hello Elena, you are also invited to Laura and Stefan's on Saturday evening. Do we want to give something together? I know they
want plants for the balcony. I can get something from the nursery and you give me money later. So, what do you think?

56 Hello, this is Paloma Ferrante from the tailor shop. I still have questions about the clothes you dropped off here. Could you please
call me back today? My cell phone number is 0174 610293. I can be reached all day long.

5060-B00-010101 © telc gGmbH

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Solution key
To read Language modules 19 Hear
Part 1 b 20 Part
a 21 1 32
b 22 a 33
a 23 e 34
3a b 24 b 35
4d b 25 c 36 i
5e a 26
a 27 Part
a 28 b 2 37
Part 2
+ 38
6+ + 39
7c Read and write – 40 +
8b 29 – 41 –
9b 30 b
31 is rated part 3
42 –
part 3 43+
10g 44 –
12 d 45+46+

13 b
4 47
Part 4 d 48
14c e 49
f 50
15 a
a 51 b
18 a Listening and writing
52 is rated
53 is rated
54 is rated
55 is rated
56 is rated

57 is rated

© telc gGmbH 5060-B00-010101

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Ecole ÿ telc
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Français A2 Ecole
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ÿA1 ÿ Start German 1
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ÿA1 ÿ telc English A1 ÿ telc
ÿ telc German A1 Junior Français A1 Junior
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ÿA1 ÿ telc Italiano A1 ÿA1 ÿ. telc ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ A1
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PORTUGUES Türkçe A2 Okul ÿ telc ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
Türkçe A2 ÿlkokul

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ÿB1·B2 ÿ telc Jÿzyk polski B1·B2 Szkoÿa Practice tests for all exams are free at
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tasks, a fixed requirement profile in the form of learning objectives and generally
binding assessment guidelines ensure these high standards in all telc language
exams. This practice test is used to realistically simulate the telc German A2 ·B1
exam from a content and organizational perspective, to prepare exam participants,
to practice, to train examiners, and to provide general information.

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