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KNITTING knitting is continuously flourishing.

traditional stitches and color patterns
Knitting is the process of using two or highly express the culture that we have,
more needles to loop yarn into a series the value of perseverance and hard
of interconnected loops in order to work, and the individual creativity and
create a finished garment or to create a brilliant ideas of Filipinos.
Continental method It is a customary
The origin of knitting is known to have knitting in many European and eastern
been lost in the mists of ancient times. It countries. The yarn is held over the left
was believed that the first knitters were forefinger and regulated by the other
probably a nomadic race living in the fingers. The right-hand needle digs into
Palaces of North Africa. Some of the the stitch on the left-handle needle and
items that they knitted were the tent flaps hooks the yarn through it to make a new
of decorative patterns believing that the stitch. The stitch through which it has
symbols knitted on flaps were used to hooked has now attained its mission in
frighten away evil spirits. life and becomes part of the fabric. There
Aside from the fact that knitting is a very are several popular ways to position the
adaptable craft, it could also be a good yarn. Tension is controlled partly with the
source of income. Ifugao women who index finger, extending it to tighten yarn
shift from farming into knitting of stylish after the needle passes underneath.
hats and scarves is one of the exemplary Many experts feel that greater speed can
shared experience. It was through be attained with this method and key is
Meredith Ramirez Tulusan, co-founder of flexible wrist movement.
the Ricefield Collective, who realized that English method Prevails in English
the Ifugao people cannot survive with speaking countries. The yarn is held in
rice alone, as they used to in the last few the right hand over the forefinger and
decades. They increasingly need other under others which regulate the tension.
source of income and to do so, many are Some knitters wind the yarn around the
moving away abandoning terraces. various fingers, starting by one or more
These realizations inspire the creation of winds around the little finger. The knitter
Ricefield Collective, a US-based online then digs the right hand needle-point
knitwear, selling stylish products to an into the first stitch on the lefthand needle
international clientele which was also and hooks the new stitch through. When
founded by Englishwoman, Anna Maltz reduce to its essential, can be by far the
and a Filipina from Ifugao Jean fastest in the annals of handknitting. The
Mundiguing. All knitters of the said right hand needle then has its right end
company are Ifugao women. Indeed, firmly secured in your forearm or under
from the very beginning up to this age, your armpit. The left end is held by
thumb and forefinger of the left hand. cord. The cord is usually plastic
The free right hand can feed the yarn but may be created out of other
and hook through the stitches at materials. The needles at each
surprising speed. end of the cord are typically
shorter than straight knitting
KNITTING TOOLS AND needles. Circular knitting needles
MATERIALS are available in 16, 24, and 36
inch lengths. They are often used
YARN - It is a long continuous length of
interlocked fibers, suitable for use in the
to knit in the round. But also
production of textiles; sewing, crocheting, make knitting flat pieces easier by
knitting, weaving, embroidery and rope allowing the fabric to be held on
making. There are various types of yarn the cable and thus reducing the
differing in twist, size and texture you can amount of weight being held on
choose from depending on the design you each knitting needle.
want for your knitted articles.

KNITTING NEEDLES - Knitting Needles 3. Double-pointed knitting needles

are the most important tool in knitting. They are knitting needles with points at
come in a variety of styles and materials. both ends. Usually, it comes in
Some of the most common knitting needles sets of four and are used for
include plastic, metal, and wood. Each type doilies, gloves, mittens, round
has various advantages and disadvantages. necklines, socks etc. or whenever
Knitting needles styles include: straight, a seam is not used.
circular, and doublepointed.


1. Straight needles have a pointed MATERIALS:
end. When working with a pair of 1. Plastic knitting needles These
straight needles, the work is done needles are ideal for beginners
with flat and in rows. Work across and are the least expensive.
all the stitches on one needle, Plastic knitting needles are lighter
then turn work to other side and and more flexible than metal
work across all stitches on other designs. They are also very
needle. Straight knitting needles smooth, so you will likely be able
are usually available in 10 inch to knit more quickly.
and 14 inch lengths. These are 2. Metal knitting needles Metal
the knitting needles that usually Needle is stronger and more
come to mind when thinking durable than other materials.
about knitting. The smaller the However, metal knitting needles
number, the finer the needle. are cold to the touch. They also
2. Circular needles are needles that make clicking sounds while you
are connected together with a
knit. The advantage of these so you may have trouble keeping
needles is that they're extremely 115 stitches in place. Glass
smooth, so experience knitters knitting needles will also warm up
can knit quickly using them. as you use them.
3. Wood knitting needle Wooden
STITCH HOLDER - This is used by
knitting needles are very popular.
knitters to hold open stitches when not being
They are initially cold but will used by the needles. They can be used when
warm up from the heat given off finishing a side of an item, such as a sweater,
by your hands. They are also and preparing for the kitchener stitch. They
smooth, but not too smooth. The can be used on stitches separated from the
main disadvantage of wooden needle when splitting the piece. For example,
knitting needles is that they can when shaping the neckhole of a sweater, the
break easily. They are also one of stitch holder is placed on the group of
the most expensive options. stitches used to make the neckhole, and the
needles are used to continue to make the
4. Bamboo knitting needles There
stitches on either side. Stitch holders are also
are also knitting needles that are
used at the ends of sleeves of a sweater
made of bamboo. These needles
before they are attached to the body of the
are imported from Japan and are sweater. A large safety pin or extra knitting
lightweight and strong. Bamboo needle can be used in place of a holder.
designs are also less slippery than
STITCH MARKER - Stitch markers are
other designs so your stitches will
used to help keep track of the number of
stay in place better. Bamboo
stitches in a row or to indicate where a stitch
knitting needles are also more
pattern starts or ends. There are also
flexible than metal designs, but locking/unlocking stitch markers and split
less flexible than plastic designs. markers that can be used to mark a stitch on
5. Resin knitting needles Some a row. They can be removed later when the
knitting needles are made from knitting project is complete.
resin. These needles are hollow,
SCISSORS - In order to cut the excess yarn
so they weigh less than many
from your project, you need a pair of
other materials. However, they scissors. Either way, leave these scissors
are also strong, so they won't where you normally do your knitting or in
break easily. Knitting needles that your knitting bag, because you never know
are made from resin are when you might need them.
inexpensive and look like plastic
YARN BOBBINS - They are made of plastic
needles. and come in several shapes and sizes. They
6. Glass knitting needles One of the hold small amounts of colored yarns.
final materials used to make
SEWING NEEDLES - Sewing needles are
knitting needles is glass. Glass is
helpful for weaving in the ends of your
heavier than other materials. They
knitting project and for sewing together
are also very smooth and slippery
pieces of a garment, such as putting the
arms on a sweater. You can find needles BASIC KNITTING
suitable for working with yarn in plastic and
metal. Either is fine, though plastic is
preferred if you're knitting with children or SLIP KNOT - The slip knot is the first stitch
the accident-prone. Make sure you buy you place on your knitting needle. It sets up
needles with large eyes so the yarn can easily your cast row and anchors the following
pass through them. A needle threader might stitches. It’s also regulates the size of your
also be a handy addition to your knitting tool stitches on your knitting needle.
CAST ON - Casting on is a family of
CROCHET HOOKS - Why do knitters need techniques for adding new stitches that do
crochet hooks? Sometimes a crocheted not depend on earlier stitches. In principle, it
border on a knitted garment is a very nice is the opposite of binding off, but the
touch, but crochet hooks can come in handy techniques involved are generally unrelated.
even for those who don't know a single
crochet from a French knot. If the ends of KNIT STITCH - A basic knitting stitch
your yarn are too short to be woven in with usually made with the yarn at the back of the
a sewing needle, a crochet hook is an work by inserting the right needle into the
invaluable tool. The size of the hook you buy front part of a loop on the left needle from
doesn't matter that much, but it should be the left side, catching the yarn with the point
large enough to be compatible with a range of the right needle, and bringing it through
of yarn thicknesses. Armed with these simple the first loop to form a new loop compare
tools you can easily complete your first purl stitch.
knitted project. PURL STITCH - A knitting stitch usually
CABLE NEEDLES - Cable needles are a made with the yarn at the front of the work
special kind of knitting needle used by inserting the right needle into the front of
specifically to hold stitches in the front of or a loop on the left needle from the right,
behind your knitting so that the stitches can catching the yarn with the right needle, and
be picked up and knitted after knitting other bringing it through to form a new loop
stitches first. This is what allows the stitches compare knit stitch.
to cross each other and create cable stitches. CAST/BIND OFF - Creates and end to your
There are several different shapes of cable knitting. It is a safe and neat way to seal off
needles. There are curved cable knitting the stitches so that they don not unravel. To
needles and straight cable knitting needles. cast off knitting start a new row, and knit two
ROW COUNTER - A row counter for hand stitches loose so your cast off edge will
knitting is a tally counter for counting rows remain stretchy.
or courses worked, for counting stitch GARTER STITCH - The name for the
pattern repetitions, or for counting increases stitch was taken from the name of these
or decreases of the number of stitches in bands – supposedly garters were knitted in
consecutive rows. garter stitch (which is more elastic than
stockinette stitch)


stitch (or stocking stitch in UK) is formed by
one row of knit stitches, one row of purl resembling a herringbone pattern, or
stitches. Learning the stockinette stitch is a herringbone cloth.
great next step once you have learned how
NETTED STITCH - A lace knitting pattern
to knit and purl. It can be used for everything
that creates a textured mesh fabric, ideal to
from sweaters and cardigan, to bags, hats
knit bags, wraps, shawls or summer tops.
and socks.
Easy to knit (4 rows only) and just a few
MOSS STITCH - American/Irish moss stitch techniques to implement.
is created by alternating knit and purl stitches
LINEN STITCH - The linen stitch simulates
in the same row, repeating that row, then
a woven fabric like linen by alternating
knitting the opposite stitches in the next row
wrapped stitches over slip stitches. The result
and repeating that row.
is a tight dense fabric that is very sturdy and
SEED STITCH - Seed stitch knitting is a durable. It is great for scarves, potholders,
common, easy stitch pattern in knitting. It is bags, and jacket.
made by alternating knit stitches and purl
BAMBOO STITCH - This is a very easy
stitches within a row and between rows. It is
knitting stitch that is a simple two row repeat.
called seed stitch because the stitches create
You simply yarn over, knit two stitches, then
little bumps that may look like seeds.
pass the yarn over the two knit stitches.
RIB STITCH - Rib stitch is a textured Repeat for the first row. On the next row,
vertical stripe stitch pattern and is created by you simply use the purl stitch across.
alternating knit and purl stitches in the same
row, then knitting the same stitch in the next TERMINOLOGIES AND
row. This forms columns of knit and purl ABBREVIATIONS
stitches, and is often used for cuffs or brims.
k knit
ANDALUSIAN STITCH - The Andalusian p purl
stitch is an easy to knit stitch pattern. It is yo Yarn over
basically stockinette stitch but with a little md round
twist. Every fourth row alternates knits and st stitch
purls, as in 1+1 ribbing. It is simple but with a
tog together
little more texture to it than the regular
beg beginning
stockinette stitch. This stitch can be used for
psso Pass slip stitch/
sweaters or blankets.
Over knit stitch
BASKETWEAVE STITCH - The dp Double pointed needle
basketweave stitch is a lovely stitch pattern
that uses only knits and purls to create a “- inch (es)
fabric that looks woven like a basket.
* - (asterisk) – it means that you have to
HERRINGBONE STITCH - A herringbone repeat everything after asterisk as many
stitch is a needlework stitch used in times as specified in instructions. One or
embroidery, knitting and crochet. It is so more asterisks (*) in the instructions indicates
named as it resembles the bones extending that the instructions following the symbol will
from he spine of a herring fish. In knitting, it be repeated a specified number of times
is a stitch that creates a fabric pattern closely
( ) - parenthesis in instructions indicates that
the instructions within the parenthesis are to
be repeated a number of times



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