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The Roman Republic describes the period in which the city-state of Rome existed
as a republican government ( from 509 B.C.E TO 27 B.C.E) One of the earliest
examples of representative democracy in the world.
-Rome is surrounded by water
-Water helped trade with the early roman

In 1000-500 B.C.E the Italian peninsula established ancient settlements to meet

the needs of the roman.

Three types of People

1. Latin ( indo-european)- first Roman who established the first settlement in
rome, live near the Tiber River
2. Greek (750-600 B.C.E)- greeks immigrated established colonies in southern
Italy and sicily
3. Etruscan (650 B.C.E)- this group natively occupied latium for a century the
Etruscan kings ruled the community in latium
-The Tarquin family is the most powerful in italy
-Rome is the richest and largest city in the entire peninsula
-During his conquest rome became the richest

One of the things they established was the FORUM or PLAZA, that became the
center of political, social and commercial life
-established contest
-established leaders
-etruscan alphabet
Because of the abusive Etruscan in 500 B.C.E the Etruscan were overthrown and
it was here that the first republic was established.

In 509 B.C.E the romans achieved independence because they deposed the last
king TARQUIN THE PROUD. The dark experience under an abusive king led the
romans to establish a government led by officials elected by the people this is the

The word REPUBLIC come from the Latin “Res Publika” which means public

Society was divided into two levels it was the PATRICIANS and PLEBEIAN
-Royalty Elect leader -worker
-owned lands Pay Taxes -Farmer
Serve in the roman army -Merchant

1. While unlike the patricians the plebeians did not have the right to preside over
the government.
2. from a monarchy ruled by a king a republic ruled by two consuls was
established in rome.

-the consuls oversaw every aspect of society in rome
-but unlike the king, their tenure is limited
-the only serve for one year
-nor could the roman who held office as a consul be elected a second time within
Ten years
-the consul has the power to veto or override the decis of another consul
-the consuls were elected from the most influential group of leaders in the
republic of rome called the SENATE.

-The SENATE consisted of 300 members of the Patricians
-Rule for life
-duty to make laws

During a crisis or war the senate elected the dictador

-power to make laws
-command the armed forces

All Roman citizens who owned land were obligated to serve in the army of

-a group of soldiers is called religion
-usually consisting of 600 legionaries or so called roman soldiers
-the legion was divided into smaller units called centuries consisting of 60 to 120
legionaries that made up the entire roman army
-because of the limited right to participate in the government the
plebeians protested
-in 494 B.C.E they agreed to pay taxes and join the army they also
threatened to leave rome and establish a city independent of
republican power.
-to appease the anger of the plesbeians the assembly was established
in 495 B.C.E
-it was composed of 10 members called the TRIBUNE who had the
power to make laws for the plebeians
-later they also had the power to make laws for the republic
-in 451 B.C.E success for the plebeins the establishement of 12 tables
law in the forum on 12 tablets,
-posted the tablets in the forum on the existence of the 12 tables
ended his existence his interpretation of the laws and upheld the rights
of the plebeians.
1. Marriage
2. Still enslaved
3. punishment

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