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1 Communication games

If this is the answer, what’s the question?


Q Did you see your friends on Saturday? Q Have you called your mom yet?
A No, they were busy, but we went out together A Well, I tried, but her phone was busy. She was
on Sunday. probably talking to my dad at work.

Q H ave you already seen the new Hunger

Q What did you do on the weekend? Games movie?
A Not much. I stayed at home on Saturday and A Of course. Haven’t you? It’s been in the
went for a walk on Sunday. movie theater for three weeks. I think Jennifer
Lawrence is great.

 ave you lived in (name of the town/city you Q Have you just been crying?
are in now) for a long time? A No, my eyes are red because I’ve been
A Yes, we moved here ten years ago. peeling onions.

Q Have you ever been to Canada? Q Why have you been working so hard?
A Yes, I went to Toronto last year, and the year A Because I have exams next week, and I had to
before I went to Vancouver. learn a lot of things.


Q Did you go to the beach yesterday?
Q Have you had your lunch yet?
A Yes, and we had a great time swimming in the
A No, not yet. And I’m really hungry!
ocean and playing volleyball.

Q What did you watch on television yesterday? Q Have you already finished your homework?
A A documentary about dolphins and a movie A Yes. Haven’t you? It’s really easy. It only took
with Johnny Depp. me 20 minutes.

Q Have you just been swimming?

Q Have you known your best friend for long?
A Yes, the water was freezing and I’m feeling
A Yes, we met each other when we were at
really cold!
elementary school.

Q Have you ever eaten Japanese food? Q What have you been doing this morning?
A Yes. In fact, last week we went to a restaurant A Well, first I had breakfast, then I cleaned my
where they serve wonderful sushi. room and after that I went out on my bike.

Get Involved! American Edition Level 4 © Macmillan Education Limited 2022

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