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Tense MCQs

(1) Harsha ……….. to be a Astronaut

(a) has been want
(b) had been wanting
(c) is wanting
(d) wants

(2) This driver…………………with us for ten years.

(a) has been working
(b) works
(c) is working
(d) does work

(3) If I ……….. to market, I shall buy several things.

(a) goes
(b) go
(c) went
(d) going

(4) 100 kms …………. a long distance.

(a) has
(b) was
(c) is
(d) were

(5) India …………..between Pakistan and Bangladesh.

(a) lying
(b) lies
(c) had lied
(d) lied

(6) He will be punished, unless he…………..his homework.

(a) completes
(b) had completed
(c) completing
(d) has completed

(7) Neither praise nor blame………… affect him.

(a) is seeming
(b) seeming
(c) seemed
(d) seems

(8) Long ………..the Indian republic.

(a) living
(b) lived
(c) live
(d) lives
(9) The Earth……………..round the Sun.
(a) is moving
(b) moved
(c) moves
(d) move

(10) Water………….. at 00C.

(a) isolating
(b) isolates
(c) isolated
(d) has isolated

(11) At the moment the boys…………………… the ground.

(a) plays
(b) playing
(c) has been playing
(d) is playing

(12) If you……………fast, you will be the first in race.

(a) run
(b) runs
(c) had running
(d) are runed

(13) He……………since morning.

a) Have been studying
b) has been studying
c) is studying
d) had been studying

(14) How……….you……….on with your studies?

(a) have, got
(b) is, getting
(c) is, get
(d) do, get

(15) She………….for Surendranagar yesterday.

(a) left
(b) has been leaving
(c) is leaving
(d) leaves

(16) He……………a bike eight days ago.

(a) has bought
(b) has been buying
(c) Had been buying
(d) bought

(17) She……………………‘The Hamlet’.

(a) have read
(b) is read
(c) was read
(d) has read

(18) I………………………the Taj Mahal.

(a) have visited
(b) is visited
(c) have visiting
(d) has visited

(19) We……………….in Mumbai since 1999.

(a) has been living
(b) was been living
(c) is living
(d) have been living

(20) Harsha ……………….that book for Six hours.

(a) was reading
(b) has been reading
(c) had read
(d) has read

(21) While she…………….a song, someone threw a stone.

(a) was singing
(b) had sung
(c) is singing
(d) sang

(22) If I……………that he was in the city last month. I would have met him.
(a) has knows
(b) had known
(c) is known
(d) was known

(23) When the doctor checked the patient, he………………already…………….

(a) has, died
(b) had, died
(c) was, died
(d) is, dies

(24) If he arrives, I………………you.

(a) Should telephone
(b) would telephone
(c) shall telephone
(d) telephone

(25)By next month, she………………….that job for six months.

(a) will have been doing
(b) will have done
(c) will be doing
(d) shall be doing
(26) They……………..the building by 1999.
(a) will built
(b) will have built
(c) build
(d) will build

(27) By this time next year, he………………….his university degree.

(a) shall take
(b) will take
(c) will have taken
(d) takes

(28) Choose the correct sentence of ‘future perfect tense’.

(a) She will have completed all her assignments by tomorrow.
(b) She has completed all her assignments by tomorrow.
(c) She must be completing all her assignments by tomorrow.
(d) She was completed all her assignments by tomorrow.

(29) We must wait until the invigilator………..the question papers.

(a) would give
(b) given
(c) will give
(d) gives

(30) Select the correct model to express permission.

(1) You………..return my book tomorrow.
(a) shall
(b) will
(c) may
(d) can

(31) Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blank.

(1) When it…….. dark, we will have to stop. We cannot work in the dark.
(a) will get
(b) will be getting
(c) gets
(d) is getting

(32) Which one of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

(a) How the books will sell depends on the author.
(b) How the books will sell is depending on the author.
(c) How the books will sell depend on the author.
(d) How the books will sell depended on the author.

(33) Choose the correct tense form of the verb in brackets for completing the sentence.
‘When we………..(have) lunch we will go for a walk.’
(a) had
(b) shall have
(c) have had
(d) shall had
(34) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence.
Modern research………..that there were invaders even before the Aryans
Poured into this land.
(a) proved
(b) has been proving
(c) has proved
(d) has been proved

(35) Many a flower……………born to blush unseen.

(a) are
(b) is
(c) will
(d) were

(36) A crowd of university students …………….surrounded the vice-chancellor.

(a) has
(b) have
(c) did
(d) were

(37) If you……………me some money, I………….buy a scooter

(a) give, will
(b) gave, may
(c) given, will
(d) gives, would

(38) The poet and philosopher……………my friend.

(a) is
(b) are
(c) have
(d) were

(39) Billiards …………….an expensive game.

(a) are
(b) is
(c) were
(d) have

(40) Neither the Headmaster nor the Assistant masters………….present.

(a) is
(b) are
(c) to be
(d) been

(41) The municipal corporation………..the old buildings to raise a new one.

(a) replaced
(b) changed
(c) hired
(d) destroyed
(42) find out the correct sentence of future Perfect Tense.
(a) I will have been complete this book by the end of the year.
(b) I will have completed this book by the end of the year.
(c) I will have been completing this book by the end of the year.
(d) I will be completing this book by the end of the year.

(43) I met Batman after I…………my work.

(a) have finished
(b) finished
(c) will have finished
(d) had finished

(44) When I reached his house, he ……………….. a letter.

(a) was writing
(b) had writing
(c) is writing
(d) has been writing

(45) The news …………….at 7 O’clock every day.

(a) came
(b) come
(c) comes
(d) coming

(46) I did not know it until you…………….

(a) speak
(b) speaking
(c) were spoken
(d) spoke

(47) Choose the sentence which in past perfect tense.

(a) She has been writing a letter.
(b) She had been writing a letter.
(c) She had written a letter.
(d) She has written a letter.

(48) 350 runs …………quite a decent score.

(a) is
(b) are
(c) are being
(d) was become

(49) do not mind ……………..with the cooking but I will not wash the dishes.
(a) to help
(b) for helping
(c) in helping
(d) helping
(50) It…………….continuously since 6 ‘O’ clock this morning.
(a) is raining
(b) has rained
(c) has been raining
(d) had been raining

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