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Letran’s Seminar

The seminar titled "You're On Your Own Kind: Recognizing Childhood Trauma and How
We Can Deal With It," held at Colegio de San Juan de Letran's SC Auditorium, became a
significant moment in life—an unexpected catalyst for profound self-discovery and healing.

From the outset, we were drawn to the seminar by a sense of curiosity mingled with
fear. We had long harbored unresolved feelings about our own childhood experiences, yet
lacked the courage to confront them head-on. Little did they know, the seminar would offer us
a safe space to do just that.

As the speakers—Ms. Rainier S. Ladic, MA, RPsy, and Mr. Alvin Joseph Mapoy, MS, RPm,
RPm, RPsy, AJ Mapoy—shared their insights into the twist of childhood trauma, we found
ourselves on an emotional rollercoaster. Memories long buried beneath layers of denial and
repression surged to the forefront of our consciousness, each one carrying with it an ingrained
intensity that left us reeling.

Tears flowed inside as we grappled with the pain of our past, but amidst the darkness,
there was a flicker of light—a sense of validation and understanding that came from hearing our
own experiences echoed in the stories of others. It was a revelation—an affirmation of their
own humanity and a recognition of the shared struggles that bind us all together.

In the aftermath of the seminar, we found ourselves hopping on a journey of self-

discovery—a journey characterized by vulnerability, introspection, and a newfound sense of
empowerment. We began to unpack the layers of our trauma with courage and compassion,
confronting the demons that had long haunted our psyche.

With each step forward, we felt a weight lifted from our shoulders—a sense of liberation
that came from embracing our sensitivities and reclaiming our narrative. We no longer saw
ourselves as victims of our past emerged stronger on the other side.

But the seminar was more than just a catalyst for personal growth—it was also a
testament to the power of community and connection. As we listened to the stories of our
fellow attendees, we were struck by the strength and courage displayed by each individual. In
sharing their experiences, they created a space of solidarity and empathy—a space where
healing could take root and flourish.

In the days that followed, we continued to reflect on the lessons learned at the seminar,
integrating them into our daily life with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. They
sought out therapy and support groups, recognizing the importance of seeking professional help
in their journey towards healing.

Through it all, we remained grateful for the opportunity to attend the seminar and for
the insights gained along the way. We knew that the road to healing would be long and
challenging, but we also knew that we were not alone—that we had a community of support
behind us every step of the way.

Looking back on our journey, we were filled with a heartfelt sense of gratitude—for the
speakers who shared their wisdom, for the fellow attendees who shared their stories, and for
the Letran Psychology Society for providing a platform for healing and growth.

In line with that, the seminar was a life-changing experience for us, offering a glimpse
into the depths of our own psyche and the courage to confront our past with bravery. It was a
journey of self-discovery—one that would shape our understanding of ourselves and the world
around us for years to come. And for that, we are forever grateful.

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