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AI Software Developers COMP-377

Hands-On Test – Week 8

Be sure to read the following general instructions carefully:

- This test must be completed individually by all the students.
- You will have to upload the solution on eCentennial through the assignment link.
- Jupyter notebook file should be named: “YourFullName_COMP-

Exercise 1: Using Logistic Regression in /Prediction/Classification problems

In this exercise you will use logistic regression to train a model for predicting the diagnosis of
heart disease using the Heart Disease dataset from: Use the Cleveland database and only 14
attributes as indicated in the dataset description.

Write a Python program to train the data and build a prediction model. You will have to perform
all the data preparation operations as required by a logistic regression model.

Build a classifier, train, and evaluate the model. Use the model to make predictions on new data.

(10 marks)

Functionality: 85%
Correct implementation of requirements
Code explanation when asked
Algorithm design: correct design of classes and 15%
methods similarly to class examples and using
the naming guidelines.

Total 100%

You must name your Jupyter notebook file according to the following rule:

Example: JohnSmith_ COMP-377_MidTermTest_F2021

Submission rules:

Submit your solution as a Jupyter notebook file that is named as indicated above.

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