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Definition: a chance to pursue your college studies in a foreign country

• increasingly popular option

• exciting and life-changing experience
• not only enhances academic and professional goals but also personal growth
• incredible opportunity for students to gain new perspectives, learn about different
cultures, and broaden their horizons

Problems: a lot of problems, cultural shock, feeling alone/like an outsider, overcoming language
barrier, getting used to new currency, difficulties adapting

Homesickness: a common experience; being away from family and friends can be difficult
new and unfamiliar place
hard to adapt
need to be open minded; ready to try new things
o stay in touch with family/friends; regular videocalls
o explore new surroundings
o get involved in student clubs/activities
o attend cultural events
o socialise; make an effort to build new relationships with other students and locals
 an opportunity to develop greater independence and resilience
 chance to experience new customs, traditions and foods
 can foster greater empathy and understanding
- isolation
- mental problems (lead to depression and anxiety)
- health problems (frequent crying and sleeping problems)
Friends: difficult
cultural differences
language barriers; hard communication
o socialise
o be open and friendly
o don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone new
o make an effort to build new relationships with other students and locals
o get involved in student clubs/activities -> a great way to meet people who share your
o attend cultural events; meet locals
o travel together; create lasting memories
 don't give up - making friends takes time, don't get discouraged
 sense of belonging and connection
 feelings of loneliness, isolation and boredom
 impact on one’s mental health and well-being

Finances: expensive (studies, accomadation, transportation, basic needs)

financial help from parents
o apply for scholarschips
o student loan
o use student discounts (transportation)
o consider working
o avoid unnecessary expenses
 learn to be financially responsible/to manange your finances
- time consuming (studying)
- energy consuming, exhausting, stressful
Knowledge: can provide a rich and diverse knowledge

Cultural knowledge
 allows students to experience a different culture firsthand, providing insights into customs,
traditions, and ways of life that may be vastly different from what they're used to

Language knowledge
 provides an opportunity to learn or improve language skills in a natural setting
 improve their vocabulary, grammar, and fluency in a way that is not possible in a classroom
 easily overcome language barrier

Academic knowledge
 offer courses and programs that are not available at home institutions

- academic pressure
- make use of the resources available ( tutoring services, study groups, or office hours with

Professional knowledge
 valuable experiences that can enhance one's professional development
 including: internships, volunteer opportunities
 gain exposure to different industries
 learn about career paths that may not be available in their home country
 valuable intercultural communication skills and cross-cultural competency that are highly

Personal knowledge
 provide opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery
 build independence, resilience, and adaptability

Future possibilities:
 career opportunities
 more marketable to potential employers
 employers look for candidates with international experience and cultural competency
 academic advancement

Stress: alll of the above

 feelings of confusion, frustration, and isolation

Personal experience: relatives who studied in Germany

 Uncle – adapted very well, found very good job, started family, never returning back to home
 Cousin – didn’t adapt, found work, but no friend group, homesickness, returned
Bulgaria: there is a certain influx of students who want to study abroad, but in recent years there has
been a tendency to return after a year or two

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