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COLÉGIO ESTADUAL JOSÉ BONIFÁCIO – E.F.M. – ANAHY-PR 07) Click on the correct preposition of time.

NAMES:________________________________________Nº_________ 1. Mary wore a witch costume________ Halloween.

ENGLISH TEST 2. I have English classes_________ Tuesdays.
01) Use in, on or at: 3. The children like to go to the park_______ the morning.
a) Meg lives________1928 Second Avenue. 4. Henry's birthday is________ November.
b) Susy works_______Bleecker Street. 5. Lots of people go shopping________ Christmas time.
c) John lives ________São Paulo. 6. Justin Bieber was born_______ March 1, 1994.
d) Fred is going to Europe_______Monday. 7. Leaves turn red, gold and brown________ Autumn.
e) My sister is ________home. 8. My friends like to go the the movies_______ Saturdays.
f) I visited my aunt_______Ipanema. 9.The pilgrims arrived in America______ 1620.
g) Labor day is________May 1st. 10. My sister likes to watch TV_______ the evening.
h) My father works_______a hotel. 11. I like to watch the parade _________ Independence Day.
a) I usually get up____6 o’clock. 12. Hippies protested against the war______ the 1960s.
c) I study _____St. Joseph’s School.
h) Peter play soccer_____the morning.
Brazil is a very big country. It is one of the biggest countries in
02) Underline the correct preposition: the world. That’s why it presents several different kinds of climate and
a) My birthday is (on, in, at) June 2nd. vegetation. It is very hot and humid in the north. It usually rains all the
b) He lives (at, in, on) 44 Sun Street. year. The Amazonian forest covers the whole region. Manaus is a
c) We go to school (in, at, on) Mondays. famous shopping center. People always go shopping when they visit the
d) My family goes to Minas (in, on, at) July. city. The northeastern region has a dry climate and it seldom rains
e) The lesson starts (in, on, at) 7 o’clock. there. It’s hot and it rains a lot in the west in the summer. People often
f) Bia is studying (at, in, on) Paris. go fishing in the rivers of the region. They also go hunting there. There
g) The new bank is (in, on, at) Baker Street. are a lot of mountains in the east. São Paulo, which is the biggest
03) Use in, on or at: industrial center in South America, is in the southeast. Sometimes it
a) She was at the club_____9 o’clock. snows in the south in the winter.
b) Thomas is studing______Miami. ACTIVITIES
c) Christmas Day is_______December 25th. 01) Escreva e assinale as respostas corretas de acordo com o texto:
d) Lucas study_____the morning. I – It rains___________________all the year.
e) My sister is ________home. a) in the west b) in the north c) in the east
f) There are a store_______235 Frank Avenue. II – The climate is dry in the_____________________
g) I was born________May. a) west b) northeastern region c) south
h) The test is_______April 22nd. III Sometimes it snows___________________________in the winter.
04) Use in, on or at: a) in the east b) in the west c) in the south
a) I usually get up____8 o’clock. IV – There are_________________________in the east.
b) Susy works_______Bleecker Street. a) a lot of mountains b) no mountains c) some mountains
c) I study _____St. Joseph’s School. V – People usually go_____________________when they visit the west.
d) Fred is going to Europe_______Monday. a) shopping b) skiing c) fishing and hunting
e) My sister is ________home. VI – The bigger industrial center is in the ______________________.
f) I visited my aunt_______Ipanema. a) north b) southeast c) east
g) Labor day is________May 1st. 02) Associe de acordo com o texto:
h) Peter play soccer_____the morning. (A) Brazil ( ) Is the biggest industrial center.
05) Complete with on or at. (B) North ( ) Sometimes it snows in the winter.
a) I have to be ______ time for my job interview. (C) Northeast ( ) It is one of the biggest countries in the world.
b) The bus leaves ______ 8 o’clock. (D) Central-West ( ) There are a lot odf mountains.
c) We are meeting ______ midday in front of the cafeteria. (E) East ( ) It is hot and rains a lot in the summer.
d) I study English ______ Mondays and Wednesdays. (F) Southeast ( ) It is very hot and humid.
e) What are you doing ______ Friday evening? (G) South ( ) Has a dry climate and it seldom rains there.
f) I always get up late ______ the weekend.
g) I love Paris ______ night. 03) Complete de acordo com o texto:
h) I clean my apartment ______ Friday. a) Brazil is a very_____________________
i) I have a dentist appointment ______ half past three. b) It is very hot and______________in the north.
j) I usually go to bed _______ midnight. c) The _______________________covers the whole north region.
d) There are a lot of____________________in the east.
06) Complete with in, on or at.
a)We are going to Paris ______ the summer.
b) Millions of people left Europe ______ the nineteenth century.
c) The opening will be ______ January.
d) I think driving ______ night is very dangerous.
e) I have one cup of coffee ______ the morning and another one
______ the afternoon.
f) Albert Einstein was born ______ March 14, 1879 and died ______
December, 1936.
g) Millions of people celebrate New Year’s ______ January first every
h) The tests will begin tomorrow early ______ the morning and will last
all day long.
i) I was born ______ a Saturday.
j) I prefer to work ______ the evening and I hate to get up early ______
the morning.

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