Combining Approaches For Language Teaching Term Paper

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Tricia P.

Ricaro EL103


Learning is an active process

Active learning is a method used in teaching learning and strategies in education to

promote students’ active learning in knowledge construction processes. This strategy may
include hands-on activities, writing, discussion, problem-solving, information gathering, role
play, and other activities. This approach is to engage learners’ critical thinking skills through
articulation of knowledge, rather than through the passive transmission of facts and ideas.

Active learning processes are built upon constructivist theories of learning, which tackle the
importance of cooperation and collaboration of the learners to build connections between the
new information and their existing knowledge. Active learning tasks are designed to measure
the learners’ current understanding, make that understanding more specific, and then create a
chance for learners to integrate new knowledge into their understanding. It’s a strategy that
involve a variety of individual and collective task, giving the students the time to reflect or
predicts performance outcome, share their ideas, and have a discussion with their peers.

Active learning's fundamental requirement is for students to actively process information.

Individuals are more likely to understand and remember knowledge when they actively engage
with the issue. This involvement can take many different forms, such as making inquiries, taking
part in conversations, carrying out experiments, resolving issues, or instructing others. These
mental exercises energize the brain, promoting the growth of mind connections and enabling
the transfer of information from short-term to long-term memory.
Student’s are able to learn more by engaging in actual activity, they able to process the
information that they acquire by listening to teacher discussion and exchanging ideas to their
classmate, they learn through experience. By participating in various activity learner will able to
expand their knowledge and understanding. As future educator we should engage our students
in various classroom activities.

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