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‘he explorers are approached on Precipice by lanis Pup an agent who claims 10 be the proxy of an ‘anonymous yet powerful denizen of Precipice. nis’ mycerious Denefacor isin need of en experienced team toreirieve a priceless relic from deep within the Blackstone Fortress Afer agreeing to hear her ou, the explorers are {old tha the devices trapped in a sealed chamaber, along with the bodies ofthe fist group sent to retrieve it. Though there are means to got smaller objet assonsors and probes, entering physically appears to be imposible due to powerful force fields and the inside such resistant quality ofblckstone ize ans explains that heir sponsor Jhas since sent multiple forays to retrieve the Gray, but all have ‘enced badly ~ ether ambushed by the forces of Chaos, Test to the fortress’ many hucards after falling to penetrate the chambers defences. The powerful intelligence that guides Janis has determined that only at Ambull has any hope of gaining access tothe sealed chambe; Lperial histories are liter with tales of woe about any and all wo attempt to control a dreaded Ambul. Despite this, reed, glory ‘and the promise of rich rewards convinces the explorers to make the atrempt. With all m agreement, Tans lays ont the plan concected by her master which, while ricky, ‘wil guarantee results if successfully pulled off. All that remains is for the explorers to put it into action A DEADLY LURE “This expedition follows a group of explorers as they attempt the exceedingly ‘dangerous and dificult task of luring one of the most fearsome creatures in the galaxy an Ambull -towards a chamber that they cannot breach in the hopes ‘that i will bore through it and allow them to plunder the riches within. This will be tricky at best and suicidal at worst, a the Ambul Isa notoriously destructive and unpredictable beast, prone to rampages that have devastated planets and populations alike. “The quest forthe sealed chamber isa standalone quest that can be attempted ifthe explorers have completed the guest forthe Amboll’s lair and are not currently on another quest, such as the ques for the hidden vault. Before starting the expedition, the explorers can choose to undertake the quest forthe sealed chamber. IFthey o 30, fllow the rules presented heze to et up an expedition for this quest. Once the explocers have started thie quot, thoy may not start another until it has been completed. The quest forthe scaled cha rules from those presented for the ques for the hidden vault on pages 12-13 of the Blackstone Fortress: Rules booklet. Use the existing rules for New Expeditions, along with the fellowing new rules: You will alto need a copy of the Dreaded Ambull expansion for Blackstone Fortre¢ 1 be able to pay thie ques. STARTING THE QUEST FOR THE SEALED CHAMBER “This questi a sin mber uses some new rules and some existing ‘expedition made up of challenges and combais unique to this ‘quest. Both the challenges and combats ae labeled as stages, ec in the clever plan ofthe shadowy mastermind directing the explorers on their quest. “To begin the quest, follow the rules below, Set up the expedition as described i ing set piece ‘Blackstone: Fortress: Rules booklet, but with the following changes. Setting up tho expedition for the quest to the Sealed Chamber Daring step 3, do not create a deck of exploration cards as normal. Instead, the ‘explorers are trying to pull off set plan of action with multiple stages, Peach stage is successful, the plan goes off without «hitch and their mission will be success. Hovwever, the natural unpredictability and destructiveness ofthe Ambull means that this i by no means certain. IF they ful any stages, their quest will become more dificult, or worse, they will fail the quest outright and have to start again ach stage is resolved in the same way 2s n exploration round, following the rales on [page 11 of the Blackstone Fortress Rules booklet with the following adaitions, + Inthe exploration step. the leader reads aloud the text in italics at the sar ofthat szage. and then the players resolve the challenge or combat map as appropriate following the rules on page 11 of the Blackstone Forres: Rules booklet, + In the leader step, the explorers cam exchange with each other (oF give away) discovery cards, resource cards, Ambul eggs and/or stronghold artefact card. THE AMBULL EGGS For each Ambull egg an explorer is carrying, place an Araball gg counter on their character card so that it covers one of theie activation dice spaces. This prevents that activation dice being rolled in the initiative phase in the same manner as a wound fr grievous wound counter. At the start oft before rolling activation dice, an explorer can drop 1 oF more Ambul eggs they are carrying. [fan explorer is taken out of initiative phos, ‘ction, oF if they have total af 4 wound or grievous wound counters on thir character car, they immediately drop any Ambul eggs they ae carrying. 1fa wound or grievous wound counter is placed on the same activation dice space as an Ambul egg co ‘mbull egg is dropped. An Ambull ‘egg counter cannot be place in the same activation dice space 25a wound or grievous wound count is destroyed ~ place the egg count an egg is dropped it back in the game box. During their activation tale the Pass (4 an explorer that is carrying an Ambull eag.s action ase (44); Choose a visible explorer within 3 hexes that has no hosiles in any adjacent hex. Remove one Ambull egg counter from this character card and place it on that explorers of ther activation dice 08 counter cannot be placed in the sane activation dice space asa character ead so that i covers spaces as described above (remember that an Ambul ‘wound or grievous wound counter). During step 4do not ereate an encounter deck. Each stage hes specific hostiles inthe same manner as a stonghold. Daring step 12 the leer should read the following aloud to the other explorers. ‘he explorers have delved deep into the lar ofan Amball and located it eggs. They have managed 10 avoid the creature tnt now, as its attemions were occupied by Spine Drone Anfestaion. Ths will not las long much longer ‘asthe Amal! has nearly deal with the frst incursion. ‘The explorers must make haste and ecape the lair before ‘he Ambullcan extricate itself from its attackers and deal with them. ‘Then resolve the fist stage ~ Escape! STAGE | — COMBAT ESCAPE ‘The explorers have made their way into an Ambul’ lar and cl da number of precious eggs. The creature itslfis temporarily distracted, but if the explorers are to escape with the eggs they will have to use caution or make a frantic rush tothe escape chamber. Jorers in anyof the 4 heses marked with the letter B, Each explorer starts this combat carrying ne Ambul og, Tats) ‘Get Ready to Run Th inthis combat ules fr Summon actions are not used [Apex Hunter: Ifthe Ambul isto be deployed onthe batilfield (by a reinforcement roll, for example) the hostile player must deploy the Ambull on an empty hex within 4 exes of splorercarying an Ambull egg and remove all wound counters that ere neat to the Ambull. During this combat, replace the Allis Das ‘Changing CConiitions an "Escape Chamber rests on the event table wth the following result RREAAAAAHHRRR':Ifthe Ambulli¢ not on the bate, the hostile player must deploy the Amball nan empty hex plore cazying en Amal egg and remove nters that were nex tothe Amball. If this is aot wacen all wouns ponible, place the Ambull as close as possible tan explorer Carrying an Ambul eg. IFthe Ambull is alteady on the bulefield and is adjacent to a hostile or an explores, takes the Swipe action Ifthe Ambul s already on the batletld andis not adjacent to a hostile or an explores it takes the Charge action, HOSTILE GROUPS A, Pedant ia the Ambull Enraged hostile reference cor forthe Ambul i this combat A. 2 tore resins A. tine Denes 0 a pl of thie stage ofthe plan carrying an Ambull egg must be om the magley escape transport ‘when the combat ends Any ctr est i treated asa flare. ‘Additionally, fthore arene explo Ambull xgs afer an explorer has finished their activation, then te explorers ‘mmdtely fil this stage ofthe plan. the explorers fall this stage of the plan, they mus estat the questo star anotber ‘quest I the explorers succeed, retolve Stage 2 Note tht, in 1 suceed at this stage ofthe plan, steriices may bbemade... st ie exponen tit STAGE 2 — CHALLENGE NEAR MISS ‘As the explorers escape from the Ambul’ lair, a terrible screeching sound annownces the creature’ pursult and glant claws tear into the maglev. The explorers must dislodge the Ambull before i kills dhem or wrecks the speeding transport chamber. In leader order, each explorer must take a weapon action as ifthey were attacking an adjacent hostile, Use wound and grievous wound counters te keep track ofthe total damage {nlicted by all weapon actions daring thi challenge Ifthe tot damage inflicted i 7 or less, apply one wound to each explorer IFthe total damsage inflicted is 8 or more, the explorers are ‘unharmed (for nove), but the Ambull continues to tear atthe imagley transport chamber. Repeat this process, but this time the explozers will have a wound applied to them ifthe toral ‘damage from their weapon actions is less than 16 (including the previous damage inflicted), Once this is done, consult the Vietory section tothe right, If dhe total damage inflicted by all weapon actions taken during this chalenge fe 16 or more, the Ambul is dislodged and the explorers escepe, [fat least one sxploreris carrying an Ambull ag ue to page 54a resolve Stage 4 Securing the Perimeter Ifo explorers are carrying Amball egg at thie point, then the caplorers immediatly Fall this stage ofthe plan ~ they must restart the quest or start ncther quest. Ifthe sora damage init by all weapon actions taken during this chalenge i less than 16, the Ambul tears into the maglev and t cashes. Each explorer suffers grievous wound, Ifat Jest one explorer carrying an Ambul egg, turn to page 52 and resolve Stage 2: The Long Wak. Ifno explorers re carrying Amba eggs at this paint then the explorers immediatly fail this stage ofthe plan they must restart the quest or srt anotber quest STAGE 3 — COMBAT THE LONG WALK ‘Theexplorers clamber from the wreckage ofthe maglev and view their surroundings. They have boen siguificantly thrown fram ‘their pats, and their destination is now a greater distance to travel than they are comfortable with - especially considering the Ambul that now hunts them, They must begin along trek through hostile territory if they are to reac thelr gol. ial be 3 Neal Cats (NC Ase The explorers startin the m 2.Chaes Reesemen (CB) 3 Traitor Goardman (TG) By ‘indie Dene (0 A. Deanna ue the Amball in this combat. sul hostile eerence end for Precious Prize ist, cach explorer can choose to protect one Ambul eg they were carrying during the crash: Then roll the | ackstone dice or each ogg an explorer is arrying that they ae not protecting: ifthe result 8 ors, that egg is destroyed. fan explorer chose to protec an ey, they suffer T wound instead, and that eggs unharmed. ‘Apex Hunter: ifthe Ambull 0 be deployed on the bated (bye reinforcement rl for example) the hostile player must ploy the Arnall on a empry hex within 4 hexes ofan explorer ‘carrying an Ambull egg and remove all wound counters thar were next tothe Ambul, Desig this combat, replace the Allis Dus; Changing CCongitions nd ‘Escape Chamber’ results on the event table with ‘he fllwring result: RRRAAAAAHHRRR! Ifthe Ambulls not onthe batted the hort player must depoy the Ambul in an empty hex adjacent to an explorer entrying an Ambul egg and remove all wound counters that were next othe Ambul. this not possible place the Ambull as close as possible to an explorer acrying an Ambull egg Ifthe Ambul is already onthe batlefeld and isadjacent toa hestle or an explorer, takes, the Swipe action, Ifthe Ambull isalready on the batleiold 1 is not adjacent toa hostile or an expover, it takes the (Charge action aE “To pall off this stoge of the plan tlesst one explorer that, {scarrying an Ambull egg must bean the magey escape | chamber when the combst ends Any other results treated ‘pa fire, Additional ifthere ae no explores carrying Aambill eggs afer an explorer has finshed thelr station, then the explorers immediatly fail thie stage ofthe pan. Ifthe ‘explores fll his stage of the plan, they must restart the quest ‘or tart another quot. Ifthe explorers succeed, resolve Stage 4 ‘Securing the Perimeter, STAGE 4 — COMBAT SECURING THE PERIMETER halls and corridors lies within, Theeesplorers have arrived atthe area they suspect the sealed chamber tobe in. Though the Blackstone Fort ‘are constantly reordered, the sealed chaonber seems remarkably stable- perhaps sonte effect ofthe Grayl Intulia th Such concerns are quickly put aside, asthe explorers must fist deal withthe massed Chaos forces swarming in the area, CNT BY 269 pie Nerns 0 2 Rogue Pekers (RD) 4 Negavelt Culsts (NC) AX © Miter Guerdemen (76) AY Be Ambul. Use the Ambull hostile 0 | the Ambul in this combat. Se aes) ‘On Patrok Do not make behaviour cols for hoses nl the Hist “Too Far to Go Back Now: The rules for Suramion actions are no used in this combat a Daring this co Conditions and the Alls Dust ‘Changing ype Chamber’ resaltscn the event table wath the following esl RRRAAAAAHHRRRE ifthe Ambullienoton the bateteld, | the hose player mst deploy the Ambul in an empty hen adpcent catryingan Ambul egg and emove AMlwound counters that were nest othe Ambul I thsi not posable pce the Ambul clove at pone wan explorer rying an Ambul eg, the Ambul iaedy onthe Battfid and is ade to nose ran explorer rakes the Swipe ction. Ifthe Ambul already onthe batted ands not adjacent oa hole orn explore takes the Charge action aU If before the event roll, all hostile on the mop aze sain, the bat ends. Ifno explorers are carrying an Ambul egg, then this tage is filed ~ they must restart the quest or start, another quest at lest one explorer ie carrying an Ambul age 5: The Lure vy STAGE 5 — COMBAT THE LURE The explorers have succeeded thus far again all ods, they have lured an Amnbull into position and survived both the creature's “attentions and the attacks of roamsing heretic troops. Afler depositing the egg: inthe sealed chamber through a series of chutes and _grav-ifers, al that remains isto wait for the Ambull 0 bore through into the chamber. This wll be easier said than done, as the (presence of such a mighty creature has driven the forces of Chaos into. frenzy. Afterall slaying such a beast isan act that may wellearn the notice of Malle, o, fr the more fortunate amongst the heretics, the eyes ofthe Dark Gods themselves. CUNT Ay Beant Abul hate renee Dontt Quit On Me Now: The rules for Summon actions are not used inthis combat Wave after Wave: e-rall enforcement rllsiPhostle ‘enorme toon ‘Tho Eyes ofthe Gods are Upon Ust: Hoctles te rell led attack rolls that target the Ambul Ifthe Ambul i visible t «hostile tha hostile teas itas the nearest, only vsbe explorer unt its slain ar an explore isin a adjacent hex (andthe Ambul is pt also in anajacent hex) In addition ifthe Amba ion the hati hostile reinforcements must ahwaysbe placed onthe battle ss-lose as possbleto the Ambul Ifthe Ambull 4 not on the battleeld, deploy hess folowing the roles on page 3 the Combot booklet ‘Reach the Eggs: When the Amball activates roll ones the bbeheviou tebe below instead of the behaviour table on the Ambull bose refeence card, Because of ts single-minded determination to etseve th eggs the Ambul only takes one action cach turn in this comb, rather than two do not use the Hulking Creature cule ‘on itshesile reference card, Simla, ignore the Driven Off ule on that ard =the Amal wil rot abandon its ees. Finally, don forget that the Ambul treat all ether hostiles as explorers (fllosing the rules on page 9 of The Dreaded ‘Ambul book) CRE 1 Burow Bera Burow Burew a5 Pred ie Onslaught Borrow Burrow 19 | Burrow Shut Burrow Brew 10-12 Burrow | Onsaght Avene | parrew [345 Burow Onslaaht Grace Charge [te-19 Burow | Swine Grave here [a | Burow — fash Chee | Poa Ts ‘ ‘Barrow itis not alredyin the hein which it wat deployed 1 [Qstettude Do satmakeacetinyrollatsestneer | | Macete Amalia that ex ace reves woand token on the next turn Blood crazed Anacks The Ambul lesa Charge ‘ction, Once the Ambull hes taken this action it ths jaken less than 8 poins of damage or there are no hontkes or esplocers visible to i place it in the hex in ‘which twas deployed. Savage Maing: The Amballtakes an Enormous “Mandible and Claws weapon action against each hortileand explorer adjacent tot Ihere are 00 ‘exploces or stile adjacent o ple | grievous \weund counter on the tunnel hex. Nightinare Behemoth The Ambul takes an Enormous Mandible and Clive weapon action against exch hese 46 7-10) | andexplorer adjacent to it Ifthere are no explorers or See ena ae Fagg | Bette Te ade pd mn emo ‘wound counter from that expoeer’ character card, ‘Mind with Faye Ambulat Move acon, Sen ae lee teres reer, |. pq, | ines peo (rt onl hr thermal pelea) Once i nul ten te |b oy Veeeesee tees etter ee vat Chiba betes ueaiomsteloe % ‘Swripe: Take the Swipe ation from the Ambull hostile reference ard, Berserk Smash: Take the Swipe action fom the Ambul hostile reference card, Re-rol filed attack actions for that action Rash: Move tard the coset explorer or howe Then thee Charge ston | "To pull of this tage ofthe plan, the Ambul mast bre the sealed chamber. The sealed chamber is breached when is wound counters have been piced on the tunna! Trex Once the sealed chamber has been bresched, remove the ‘Ambul from the battlefield ~ de ot make reinforcement soils fort Then each explorer can also enter the chamber. To do {his they must end a Move action in the same hex the Ambul was deployed in ~ if they da, remove thera fom the baclefild (hey ae not ext of action). Once each explorer that snot ‘ut of action has en‘ered the sealed chamber in this way. the explores have pulled ofthis sage ofthe plan and combat tence immediatly. Now rcv Stage 6 The Arnall at Bay I the Ambll i dain, or every explorers taken out of action, thon this tego aed ~ they ust restartthe quest or start another ques. STAGE 6 — COMBAT THE AMBULL AT BAY ‘The explorers have achteved the nigh-Imposs have manipulated the Arabull to enter the se reward avraits, Howe ul will not stand any interruption ast gathers its egzs. It must be slain before the explorers cat safely retrieve the Grayl Intulia and make their excape. Tay "The Ambull (A Deploy the explorers in the exes marked € = forthe Ambul n this combat See etsy AMBULL BEHAVIOUR TABLE 1-10 | onstavcht Advance Charge 11-18] swine Charge Rash 19-20 | Gorsencsmach | Rush Rush aU Tes ‘Out of Luce Do not make sdesting rll et the stato 1 | trenerttarn Tal | Omot Tine the Anbulwieys Chae sae, 1g | Hilt Rae The xe Ft om he ball eB satire grievous wound ‘Nighteare Hbenoth iby ABLSIGanp ei OE eet were a TA) |aerst abuso wonscncra bit doehsre Ga eenege ‘Coste Hone Tu adereeorovont epee: } 11-14) thacealorercn eke one weapon acon sable gl ast 15-17 Inspiration: The leader picks an explorer. That explorer eer Bleed late: The leader pls an explo: Remove th | ee ee | Hse ith Rage: The Anbulcannotbe tanned for theres CTC TT a Ta Swipe: As per the Swipe ation on the Ambull Enraged hostile reference card Hersek: Smash: Take the Seip action, Re-roll fled atack actions for thet action. Rush: Move towards the closest explorer or hostile Then take a (Charge action ‘To pall off thie tage ofthe plan, the explorers mast slay the ‘Amball ~ nothing else matters! If they do soya that remains is forthe explorers to fight past the Chaos forces in the area ~ resolve Stage 7: The Final Rush, Ifevery explorer is taken out of action, then this tage sfaled~ they must restart the quest or start another quest STAGE 7 — COMBAT THE FINAL RUSH ‘The explorers scavenge a remarkable hoard of valuables from the bodies ofthe fallen explorers whese corpses litter the chamber. Amongst a large amount of usable items is the fabled Gray! Intulia, With the procious cargo safe in hand, the explorers must only deal with the thronging servants of Chaos before they can escape, CaS AA 200s Spice Marines 2 Rogue Peers (RP) 4 Negavolt Cltists(8C) A. Sire cuerion Deploy the explorers i the hexes marked E aa Stay ‘Only One Way Outs The rule fr Summon actions ars net used inthis combat, In order to determine whet valusbles were recovered from the Te pal ff his stage of the plan all explorers ‘ut of action must be inthe maglevesape cl Upon 1 explorer are given a roward by

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