Geography L4-6

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Geography Lesson 4

How do people depend on the environment and either

harm or protect it?

Humans cut down forests causing deforestation and

reduce of biodiversity to build cities, houses, and

factories. We may use technology to protect animals

that’re going extinct…

1. List 3 fossil fuels.

Petroleum, natural gases, and coal.

2. List causes and effects of deforestation.

Deforestation is causes by people cutting down trees to

build houses and create cities. Also, people hadn’t plant

more trees than the ones they used up.

Effects of deforestation include decreasing biodiversity

or causing animals to go extinct after losing their homes,

food, and clean water.

3. 2 examples of how technology affected our


Industrialization caused humans to cut down forests for

its land and supplies to build machines and factories.

New machines help people to clear forest lands easier to

build suburbs around these cities.

4. What are causes and effects of population growth

and urbanization?

A place with better food production and lifestyles

(caused when its industries and businesses improved)

causes a place’s death rate is less than its birth rate. This

place will have plentiful population, and so, more people

will be able to serve and provide better living conditions

and standard for the country. Especially in not well

developed countries, high population may cause the

people to use up all of its resources, or forced to eat

dirty food and water causing diseases and starvation.

People move mostly from rural areas to urban areas

which is called urbanization. Urbanization is caused by

desires of people hoping for better job opportunities.

5. How have people adapted and changed the


They build shelters, farmed or hunted for food,

businesses improved and food production increased,

cities were built, people moved in to urban areas.

6. List reasons of why people migrate.

People migrate or immigrant to places with fertile soil,

near bodies of water, or with mild climates instead of

having climates that’re too hot, dry, or too cold.

Pull factors are things that cause you to want to move to

another place, probably for better job opportunities.

Push factors are things that made or forced you to move

to another place. Ex: Slaves from Africa were enslaved or

forced to move to America.

7. How are renewable and nonrenewable resources

Renewable resources include energy we get each day

such as sunlight and wind. Water comes from water

cycle, plants come from seeds we planted or the plants

reproduced (drop down their seeds to the soil while its

flower bloomed) themselves. Fossil fuels were made

from remains of past living things that were pressed

beneath rock’s layers for millions of years.

8. What are reasons for land uses?

Different regions and people use lands for different

purposes. In artic regions, people might use the land for

hunting while people in grasslands might use the land

for farming.
Geography Lesson 5

1. Does every country form a single culture region?


There may be different cultures and traditions within a

country so not all places in a country can be unified with

each other into a single culture region.

2. How are languages and cultures related?

If you don’t have hand, speaking, or writing languages,

then you can’t communicate or tell your next generation

about your customs, traditions, and other beliefs or you

can’t spread your culture.

3. What are differences between social structure and

social classes?

Social structure is the interactions and relationships

within a society which groups of people share similar

culture whereas social classes is the division among

people by how good or bad their living standards are.

Ex: higher class, middle class, and lower class.

4. List 2 ways in which art are related to the society.

Music in different places may represent their own

cultures and customs in it while each religion have

sacred music to praise God which makes each of a

place’s music to differ from other place’s.

Visual art conveys a culture region’s customs and

traditions. Such as how Byzantine’s mosaic works let us

know about their daily lives in the past.

5. How does religion help shape culture?

Each religion are different from another, and there might

be places with same religions that can be unified into a

culture region that may share similar beliefs.

6. Why do culture changes?

Through trades, migration, and wars, each region’s

culture may spread from a place to another. The spread

of a place’s culture to another is known as cultural

diffusion or spread of cultural traits that includes

religions, languages, and customs.

7. How have technology changed our lives from the

past to now?

Technology devices and inventions such as the Internet

can help people to pass and spread their culture from a

place to another easily unlike the past.

Lesson 6

Can a change in the price of one good or service lead to

changes in prices of other goods or services?

A: A change in the price of one good or service can lead

to changes in prices of other goods or services.

P: If the price of a good or service becomes more

expensive in one company, the other companies can

make their product cheaper so consumers will prefer to

buy their good or service.

Ex: When a company changes its price on a good or

service, other companies may change their good or

service’s price, either to make it cheaper or more

expensive, to win the competition between companies

or to let consumers buy their product or service than the

other company’s, so a change in one price of a good or

service can lead to changes in other goods or services.

Can competition among companies affect producers

and consumers?

A: Competition among companies can affect producers

and consumers.

P: If a company is winning or attracting more consumers

to buy their products than other companies’, they get to

have more profit to hire more producers with lower

income but increase its efficiency in production ; when a

company is losing its consumers from other companies,

they don’t have much profit to hire producers, then each

producer is really important to its production which

means the company have to pay more income to

prevent its producer to move to another company, and

since the company doesn’t gain much profit but have to

pay lots of money to its worker, it got to increase the

prices of its product to survive which aren’t going to

attract consumers and cannot prevent them from buying

other companies’ products.

E: Since the winning and losing of the competition

among companies affect the numbers of workers and its

production’s efficiency which affect the number of

consumers they have, companies’ competitions do affect

their producers and consumers.

Are there differences among traditional, command, and

market economies?

A: There are differences among traditional, command,

and market economies.

P: People produce their own goods and exchange for

their daily needs with each other in a traditional

economy, people gain the same income no matter how

many products or services they produce, and

governments make all economic decisions in a command

economy, whereas, people can own their own

businesses and work harder in order to gain more profit

and success in a market economy.

E: Citizens make their own products but change for

needs in traditional economy, gain same income and

have no right in economic decisions in command

economy, and are encouraged to create their own

businesses and gain success in a market economy, which

proves that there are definitely differences in each


Are there costs in credit?

A: There are costs in credit.

P: Although the bank will lend you money, you need to

pay interests or money charged when you borrow the


E: Since you have to pay the interests when you lend you

money or loan of credit, there are still costs in credit.

Does credits have impacts on consumer’s spending?

A: There are impacts of credits on consumer’s spending.

P: In order pay back the credit and the interest to the

bank, people need to reserve money to save and pay


E: Since people need to save the money they earned in

order to pay the credit and interest to the bank, they

need to give up on their spending of things that they’re

not in need of.

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