02 Activity 1

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1. To make a decision about launching a new product, SBC Co.

can use a qualitative forecasting method

called the MARKET SURVEY. This method a forecasting method that gathers information related to the
market from customers or potential customers regarding future purchasing plans can help prepare a
forecast, improve product design, and plan for new products. In this case, the R&D department has
already conducted surveys and other tests to gather data on the potential demand for the facial wash
product. By using this method, SBC Co. can make a more informed decision about whether or not to
launch the new product.

2. When Mae Cruz is proposing to place an Overload Fries Corporation cart in a mall near Makati, she
can use a qualitative forecasting method called the DELPHI METHOD. This method involves gathering
data and opinions from a group of experts through a series of rounds of questionnaires. The first round
of questionnaires would gather basic information about the potential location, such as foot traffic,
competition, and potential customer demographics. The results of the first round would then be shared
with the experts, who would then have the opportunity to revise their initial responses based on the
feedback from the group. This process would be repeated until a consensus is reached. By using this
method, Mae Cruz can gather more accurate and reliable data on the potential success of the cart in
that location.

3. To determine which products sell the most at Lazy Sundae, Lea can use a qualitative forecasting
method called the SALES FORCE COMPOSITE METHOD. This method involves gathering data and
opinions from salespeople and other employees who have direct contact with customers. These
individuals often have valuable insights into customer preferences and buying habits, which can be used
to make informed decisions about which products to promote as flagship products. By using this
method, Lea can gather more accurate and reliable data on which products are most popular among
customers, and use that information to make informed decisions about which products to promote.

4. When considering a collaboration with Overload Fries Corporation, the board members of Lazy
Sundae can use a qualitative forecasting method called the JURY OF EXECUTIVE METHOD. This method
involves a forecasting method in which one or more managers’ opinions, experience, and technical
expertise are summarized to arrive at a single forecast. By using this method, the board members can
gather more accurate and reliable data on the potential benefits and drawbacks of the collaboration,
and use that information to make an informed decision about whether or not to pursue it.

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