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A Proposal Presented to the Fcaulty of Education Department, Saint Benedict College of

Maguindanao, Parang, Maguindanao in Fullfilment of the Requirements for the Degree in

Bachelor of Elementary Department


Darlin marie V. Diarcasie



In today's generation many students choose to have a part-time job while studying in

order to gain work experience and earn extra money. However, the impact of having a part-

time job on academic performance is a topic of on-going debate. Some people believe that

working while studying can have a negative impact on academic performance, while others

argue that it can have a positive impact. Having a part-time job can have a negative and positive

impact on academic performance. Students who work part-time jobs may struggle to balance

their work commitments with their academic responsibilities. This can lead to them being

unable to pass their activities on time, missing classes or not being able to study effectively for

exams. Students may also experience fatigue and burnout due to working long hours, which

can negatively affect their academic performance.

On the other hand, having a part-time job can also have a positive impact on academic

performance. For example, students who work part-time jobs may develop time-management

skills and become more disciplined in their approach to studying. They may also learn valuable

skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which can be beneficial in their

future careers. Furthermore, having a part-time job can provide students with financial

independence and reduce their reliance on loans and other forms of financial aid.

Students from St.Benedict College of Maguindanao, Inc. is also facing this challenge where

they have to enter part time jobs to fulfil their education. Some students works at a coffee shop

as a waitress, cashier at a store, salesman and even bellboys. Although there is a definite

schedule for their classes, managing both academics and part time job is a huge responsibility
for the students who are in this position. To minimize the negative impact of having a part-time

job on academic performance, students should develop a schedule that allows them to balance

their work and academic responsibilities. This may involve prioritizing their coursework and

setting aside specific times for studying and completing assignments. Students should also

communicate with their instructors about their academic commitments and seek flexible work

arrangements if possible. In addition, students should make time for self-care activities such as

exercise, sleep, and socializing to reduce stress and prevent burnout.


This chapter gives emphasis related studies which can be found from the different

readings as magazines, books and articles.

Part Time Job. Researchers defined part time job as a form of employment where an

individual works for fewer hours per week than a full-time job Nina Janza (2015). Generally,

part-time jobs require less commitment and offer more flexible work schedules than full-time

jobs. Part-time jobs may be ideal for individuals who are unable to work full-time due to

various reasons such as family commitments, education, or other personal obligation.

Student Experiences. According to Darlena Cunha (2018),Being a working student

has a number of advantages, including financial gain, lessons in budgeting, improved time

management, and particularly the opportunity to gain early job experience. Although it is well

known that many students work part-time jobs outside of school hours, little is known about

the effects of this employment. It demonstrates that the students would become more mature

and independent since they are now learning for themselves in their daily life. Yet, there may

also be a negative impact because the students may not offer an appropriate attention between

a part-time work and academic achievement. The duration of part-time job may have an impact
on the students' co-curricular and academic activities. Due to less time available for their part-

time jobs, the length of the school year may affect how much information and learning a person

can absorb. The college students' part-time job may also help them develop their personal skills,

such as time management, sense of responsibility, and workplace organization. This aids young

people in enhancing their employment prospects in the future. The majority of part-time jobs

build non-cognitive skills and potentials, which are undervalued by organizations in school

exams and class assessments.

Impact of Part Time Job. According to the research conducted by Watts and

Pickering (2000), while working part-time and studying full-time has a variety of positive

outcomes, respondents generally viewed part-time employment as a necessity to survive in the

contemporary higher education sphere. In Manthei and Gilmore's (2005) study, it is

understandable that the money earned from part-time employment is spent usually on essential

living expenses. From the perspective of students themselves, part-time work is often an

introduction to the real world which will assist them both in personal and career development

especially in the higher education sector (Tymon, 2013; Tomlinson, 2007). Higher education

institutions should identify opportunities to increase the extent to which students could be more

familiar with work and expose them to educational, part-time vocational and career experiences

(Yorke, 2004; Glover, Law & Youngman, 2002). Jogaratnam and Buchanan (2004), specified

that new students who choose to do a part-time job while having full-time academic load were

most likely to suffer from stress and sleep deprivation. As many studies suggested, indeed a

combination of full-time studying and part-time working can cause a damaging effect on the

physical and mental health of students. It can create a negative impact on academic

performance (Hovdhaugen, 2015; Creed, French & Hood, 2015; Darolia, 2014). In the study

of Curtis and Shani (2002), they believed that students who are working part-time would most

likely miss lecturers with a lot of lessons to catch and feel that they could achieve higher grades
had they not been working. For that reason, universities should be aware of contemporary

students' lives. They should introduce an element of flexibility as a mean of structuring

assignments and course requirements to support this (Curtis, 2007).

The study of Elisabeth Hovdhaugen (2015), emphasizes that there are many possible

factors why students leave in a specific university before having the degree of completion, and

one of the most commonly cited is being engaged to work while studying. With the use of

survival analysis, this paper evaluates the impact of employment status on dropout rates. It

identifies that employment status does have an influence on dropout rates to students who are

less likely to complete their program due to working full time alongside studying full time than

students working short part-time or not working at all. However, it seems that working more

than 20 hours a week increases the risk of dropout as much as full-time work as if there is a

threshold to how much students can work. The integration of employment status into the

analysis does not change the effect of variables known to influence on dropouts such as gender,

grades, and social background, but it adds to further explain who the possible students that may

dropout are. This denotes that models for retention and dropout must also take such external

factors into justification, not just consider what happens at the university, as in the model of

student departure.

Time Management. According to Marie Anderson (2013), Most college students are

currently pressed for time, under stress, and as a result of the heavy workloads that students are

now dealing with, their academic performance is declining. This demonstrates how valuable

time is for all college students who have part-time jobs. Students in college should not squander

their time if they want to maintain a career while attending classes. Students need to be

competent in time management and organization, as well as know how to use their time

properly. College students should spend their time, which includes accomplishing the correct

tasks at the appropriate times. This might make it easier for the students to see what they have
to do in terms of scheduling time for studying while still being able to take care of their

obligations to their families, jobs, and schools, which might lead to better overall student

performance and academic success for the chosen college students.

Classroom Participation. As mentioned by Kleinschmidt (2013), The stress of having

little time to study might cause panic, particularly if a term paper is due tomorrow and the

student is exhausted from work and hasn't had enough sleep after a long shift. This can

ultimately cause college students to lose it. This demonstrates that students believe they should

meet the deadline in order to be on time for both their jobs and their academic obligations. A

working student's likelihood of experiencing stress increases the less sleep they receive because

of their busy schedule and need to keep up for all the recruitment's they need to do. Only

students who devote more time to academic-related tasks throughout their everyday activities

outside of class, such as reading books, finishing projects, studying, and writing reports, may

achieve better academic success. On the other side, working while in school may encourage

young people to work harder in class to reach a certain professional goal. This study makes a

serious effort to aid students in understanding how employment could affect their academic

achievement. The results of this study will assist college students make better judgments about

whether to take a part-time job, if it will improve their academic performance, and how it may

affect their personal and professional lives.

Filipino students are still able to support themselves financially through working

although they have financial problems. According to The Working Student (2016), to set down

the job options of Filipino working students namely online jobs, paid corporate internship, fast-

food crew, and school jobs. Filipino students are struggling because they have to meet the

standards in their work so that they will not lose their job and maintain academic performance

so that they will not get a failing grade. Around 216,000 understudies in the Philippines are

right now juggling school and work, the most recent information from the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED). About 8% out of the total number of college students in the

Philippines is a working student (ABS-CBN News, 2010). According to CHED (2010), only

half of the employed students can finish college, as many cannot concentrate on their studies,

while others have poor health, and other give up because of financial problem.

In Davao Region, the low rates of the study accomplishments are the central concern

of the Department of Education (DepEd). The study of Ramento (2011), states that the low

educational attainments of the students in the City of Davao were due to a low salary which

leads the students to combine working and studying. Thus, the students that have financial

problems are spending more time working than studying, and because of this, they attained

poor grade and poor performance in school.



The 2020 Global Gender Gap Report of the World Economic Forum (WEF) found

that Filipino women are enrolled in college are significantly higher rates than men, according

to an annual report that measures gender equality in 153 countries. It is found that 71.3% of

women are enrolled in secondary education and 40.4% in college, compared to only 60.2%

and 40.4%, respectively, among men.

Educational Attainment

The percentage of full-time undergraduate students who were employed was lower in

2018 (43%) than in 2000 (53%). Similarly, the percentage of part-time undergraduates who

were employed was lower in 2018 (81%) than in 2000 (85%).


The independent variables of this study includes the participant’s demographic profile

such as Age, Gender and Educational Attainment. While the dependent variables were The

Impact of Having a Part time Job on Academic Performance of Students as Perceived by

College Instructors of St. Benedict College of Maguindanao, Inc. to include the time

management and class performance.


Participants Demographic Profile The Impact of Having a Part time Job on

Academic Performance of Students as

a. Age
Perceived by College Instructors of St.
b. Gender
Benedict College of Maguindanao, Inc.

c. Educational attainment a. Time Management

b. Class Performance

This study was aimed to determine The Impact of Having a Part Time Job on Academic

Performance of Students as Perceived by College Instructors of St. Benedict College of

Maguindanao, Inc.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the participants in terms of;

a. Age

b. Gender and

c. Educational attainment?

2. What is The Impact of Having a Part Time Job on Academic Performance of Students

as Perceived by College Instructors of St. Benedict College of Maguindanao, Inc. in terms of:

a. Time management

b. Class performance


This study would be beneficial to the following.

To the Students. This study will be helpful to the students become systematically,

intellectually and emotionally engaged in their academic performance despite having part time

job while dealing with their studies.

To the Teachers and School Administrators. The findings might be helpful for teachers and

administrator in improving effective student-teacher relationship. The student must be

competent and be able to cope up in their classroom activities thus the teacher must be

considerate and patient in order to achieve the goal of successful academic year.

To the future Researcher. The result of the study may serve as the reference of the future

researcher who will study similar to the said problem.


This study was limited to know The Impact of Having a Part Time Job on Academic

Performance of Students as Perceived by College Instructors of St. Benedict College of

Maguindanao, Inc.. The researcher will use the structured self-made questionnaire. The

expected participants of the said study will be College instructors of SBCMI.


For readers to have a clear understanding of this study, the following terms was well defined

operationally as used in the study.

Impact. Impression made by an idea

Academic Performance. Refers to the thing that need to measure in this study.

Part Time Job. Form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job.


This chapter presented a brief description of the research design of this study, research

locale, research participants, sampling technique, research instrument, data gathering

procedure and measures.

Research Design

This study used both quantitative and qualitative research design. The quantitative

approach was used to quantify the data that was gathered. The qualitative approach was used

to determine the perception on Impact of having Part Time Job on Academic Performance of

Students of St. Benedict College of Maguindanao,Inc.

Research Locale

The researchers conducted this study at St. Benedict College Of Maguindanao, Inc.

(SBCMI), located at Baranggay Nituan, Parang, Maguindanao, Del Norte. The researchers

chose this as a locale of the study because the teachers at the said school are capable of

answering the questions prepared by the researchers, concerning part time job in the academic


Research Participants

The participants of this study was (11) teachers from St. Benedict College Of Maguindanao

Inc, who gave perceptions on part time job on academic performance.

Sampling Technique

The sampling technique employed was convenience sampling, in which the researchers

includes the individuals who happen to be the most accessible to the researcher.

Research Instrument

The instrument used in this study is a self-constructed questionnaire. The instrument

consisted of two parts. Part 1 is the participant’s demographic profile such as their age, gender

and educational attainment. Part 2 is composed of 5 items in time management and 5 items in

classroom performance on the perception on Impact of Having Part Time job on Academic

Performance of students of St. Benedict College of Maguindanao, Inc. as perceived by college

instructors. The instrument was answered with the use of Likert’s Scale.

Scale Range Description Interpretation

5 4.20 - 5.00 strongly agree Participants highly

in favors on the

items of perception

on impact of part

time job to students

in terms of time

management and


4 3.39 – 4.19 Agree Participants slightly

favors on the items

of perception on

impact of part time

job to students in

terms of time

management and



Participants are

3 2.58 – 3.38 neutral undecided on the

items of perception

on impact of part

time job to students

in terms of time

management and



Participants slightly
2 1.77 – 2.57 Disagree
not favour on the

items of perception

on impact of part

time job to students

in terms of time
management and



Participants highly
1 0.96 – 1.76 Strongly disagree
not favour on the

items of perception

on impact of part

time job to students

in terms of time

management and


Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to the conduct of the actual study, a preliminary data was gathered to determine

possible participants of this study. A letter with the consent of the mentor was given to the

institution of St. Benedict College of Maguindanao, Inc. and allowed the pre data collection.

The study was approved for data collection, a letter to the participants is attached to the

questionnaire. The procedure was to distribute the questionnaire to the participants. For this

study, the researchers provided the participants specific instruction to answer the

questionnaire as honestly as possible, and also informed them that their answer was treated

with utmost confidentially. The accuracy was in the data gathered, the researchers established

rapport with the participants.


Since this study was quantitative-qualitative research, the statistical measures used are

the frequency, percentage, distributions, and standard deviation. These descriptive statistics is

employed to interpret and analyze the data gathered.

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