CL 8 4TH Q Exam

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Junior High School Department

Oroquieta City
S.Y. 2023-2024

Fourth Quarterly Examination
April______, 2024

Name:____________________________________________________________ Score: ______________

Grade& Section:___________________________________________________ Perfect Score: 80
Rating: _____________
A. Identification. Identify what is asked in each statement. Write your answer on the space provided before the

Gentiles Cana St. Stephen 13 Hulog ng langit

Turning of water into wine Bahala na Gospel of John Saul Ichthys

_______________1. It is the Filipino idiom that describes a person or thing considered to be God-sent.
_______________2. It is an expression that signifies leaving something or someone in the care of God.
_______________3. It is the sign of the fish and it was used by early Christians as a secret symbol during the
time of persecution.
_______________4. It refers to the first miracle of Jesus.
_______________5. This refers to where the book of signs can be found.
_______________6. In what name was Paul introduced in the Acts of the Apostles.
_______________7. Paul was present at the stoning to death of _____________.
_______________8. Paul is called the “Apostle to the _________________”.
_______________9. How many letters are attributed to Paul in the New Testament?
_______________10. This refers to where Jesus turned the water into wine.

B. Multiple Choice. Directions: Read, understand, and answer each question concisely. Choose the letter of
the correct answer. Write it on the space before the number.
_____________11. How many gospels are there in the New Testament?
A. Three B. Four C. Five
_____________12. Who is the mother of Jesus?
A. Mary B. Magdalene C. Rebecca
_____________13. He prophesied the birth of Jesus in the Old Testament.
A. Isaiah B. Moses C. Abraham
_____________14. He is the only Begotten Son of God.
A. Jacob B. Jesus C. Eli
_____________15. It means “in a glance” or “seen together”.
A. Quantic B. Synoptic C. Quintic
_____________16. It is the Greek word for self-emptying.
A. Kenosis B. Living C. Christian
_____________17. In what place Jesus was born?
A. Bethlehem B. Nazareth C. Egypt
_____________18. This what we commemorate every 25th of December.
A. Passion of Jesus
B. Incarnation of Jesus
C. Resurrection of Jesus
_____________20. What are the two natures of Jesus?
A. truly God and human
B. truly human only
C. truly God only
_____________21. Which is TRUE about the New Testament?
A. God established a covenant with Adam, Noah, Moses and David.
B. It consists of the four gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the epistles or letters and
the Book of Revelation.
C. It consists of the stories about Jesus, Job and Esther.
____________22. Which of the following is NOT a synoptic gospel?
A. Mark B. Luke C. John
____________23. Who are the four evangelists?
A. Matthew, Mark, Luke, David
B. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
C. Mark, Luke, John, Peter
____________24. Which of the following is NOT a gospel?
A. Mark B. Luke C. Jordan
____________25. What is the first season of the liturgical year?
A. Lent B. Advent C. Ordinary Time
____________26. What is the liturgical color for the Season of Advent?
A. Red B. Green C. Purple
____________27. It is a set of four candles usually made with evergreen cuttings and used for household.
A. Advent Wreath B. Advent Lamp C. Advent Candle
____________28. How many purple candles are there in the advent wreath?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4
____________29. How many Sundays are there in the season of advent?
A. Four B. Five C. Six
____________30. The Third Sunday of Advent is also called
A. Gaudete Sunday B. Laetare Sunday C. Palm Sunday
____________31. What is the power of Jesus?
A. Compassion B. Love C. Care
____________32. White candle represents_____.
A. Jesus B. Joshua C. Levi
____________33. Advent means _______.
A. coming B. swimming C. running
____________34. How is ash for Ash Wednesday made?
A. By burning palms used during previous Palm Sunday
B. By burning logs
C. By burning books
____________35. What is Good Friday?
A. The day Jesus rose from the dead
B. A day of over-eating
C. The day Jesus was crucified on the cross
____________36. When does Lent end?
A. Ash Wednesday B. Good Friday C. Holy Thursday
____________37. What is Easter Sunday?
A. The day Jesus rose from the dead
B. Jesus' birthday
C. The day Jesus was crucified
____________38. According to the law of fasting, what is the age range for those who should fast on Ash
A. 18-59 B. 14-95 C. 16-46
____________39. Which type of meat are you allowed to consume on the Fridays during Lent?
A. Beef B. Chicken C. Fish
____________40. Which of the following is not part of the tree pillars of Lent?
A. Almsgiving B. Prayer C. Complaining
____________41. Which of these days is NOT part of Lent?
A. Friday B. Sunday C. Saturday
____________42. Why do we celebrate Lent?
A. To be gluttonous and eat whatever we want
B. Preparing for the commemoration of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus
C. It celebrates the construction of churches
___________43. Which of the following are you supposed to give up for Lent?
B. Any leisurely activity or item
C. Candy
___________44. Which of the following is NOT part of Lent?
A. Overconsumption B. Acts of charity C. Giving up something
___________45. The day after Good Friday is called?
A. Easter Saturday B. Harmonious Saturday C. Holy Saturday
___________46. What does a "media" fast refer to during Lent?
A. Abstaining from media, such as movies and TV shows
B. Indulging in a variety of media, including video games and movies
C. Abstaining from certain food groups
___________47. To what does "alms-giving" refer?
A. Reading B. Fasting C. Charity
___________48. How were ashes imposed during Ash Wednesday?
A. The shape of a cross was drawn on the forehead.
B. Ashes were smudged across closed eyelids.
C. Ashes were poured or sprinkled over the head.
___________48. Why do people give things up for Lent?
A. To follow the example of Jesus' 40-day fast in the wilderness
B. To help us focus on prayer and devotions
C. All of the above
___________49. Why does Lent last 40 days?
A. To represent the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, tempted by Satan
B. To recall the 40 days and nights the earth was flooded in the Old Testament
C. To remind us of the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the desert
___________50. According to the law of abstinence, what is the age range for those who should abstain on Ash
A. 14 and above B. 15 and above C. 16 and above
___________51. What do we learn through fasting?
A. self-awareness B. self-control C. selfishness
___________52. According to the Church, fasting during Lent means
A. Consuming only bread and water
B. Eating one full meal and two smaller ones
Cs. No food at all

B. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is false, underline the word which
makes it wrong and write the correct word on the space provided to make the statement correct.
__________53. The letter to the Thessalonians is the oldest among all the New Testament writings.
__________54. Paul was imprisoned and beaten, driven away from cities.
__________55. Paul was a Pharisee, educated, intelligent, who believed that Jesus don’t deserved to die for
__________56. The sisters of Lazarus were Mary and Magdalene.
__________57. Lazarus was a good friend of Jesus.
__________58. Paul desired to become smaller in order to present Christ as greater.
__________59. It would make sense for Paul to use his Roman name as he travelled farther and farther into the
Gentile world.
__________60. Jesus told Ananias to find “Saul” in Damascus and restore his sight.

C. Enumeration.
What are the Seven Signs of Jesus in the Gospel of John?
D. Answer the questions concisely.
John 11:5-6 tells us that after Jesus heard about Lazarus’ sickness he waited two days to leave. It also tells us
that the reason he waited was because he loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus.

68-71. How was Jesus’ waiting an expression of his love toward this family?

72-75. Both Mary and Martha told Jesus, “If you had been here my brother would not have died.” How do you
think they felt about Jesus’ delay in coming?

76-80. How has God at times expressed his love toward you in confusing ways. How have you responded to
him in those times?

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