Gat Vocabulary

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Govt. Allama Iqbal Postgraduate College, Paris Road, Sialkot.


S# Words Meaning
1. Abate To make less in amount, degree, force etc.
2. Abbreviate To shorten (a word or phrase) by leaving out or substituting letters
3. Abduct To take (a person) away unlawfully and force or fraud; kidnap
4. Abilities a being able; power to do (something physical or mental)
5. Abounded To be plentiful; exist in large number or amount
6. Abstract Thought of apart from any particular instances or material objects; not
7. Adroit Skilful in a physical or mental way; clever; expert
8. Aerate To expose to air, or cause air to circulate through
9. Affluent Having an abundance of wealth, prosperity or other material goods;
prosperous; rich
10. Agile Quick and easy of movement; deft and active
11. Agitator A person who tries to stir up people in support of a cause: often used in an
unfavourable sense
12. Altruism Selflessness, unselfish concern for the welfare of others
13. Altruistic Of or motivated by altruism; unselfish
14. Ambiguity The quality or state of being ambiguous
15. Ancestors Forefathers; any person from whom one is descended, esp. One earlier in a
family line
16. Ancillary Subordinate
17. Antifreeze A substance of low freezing point added to a liquid or to the water in the
radiator of an automobile in the tank to prevent freezing
18. Appal To fill with horror or dismay; shock
19. Appliance The act of applying; application
20. Apprise To inform or notify
21. Arctic Of, characteristic of, or near the North Pole or the region around it.
22. Artifact Any object made by human work; especially a simple or primitive tool,
weapon, vessel etc.
23. Ascertain To make certain or definite
24. Assess To set an estimated value
25 Asylum A place criminals, debtors etc. were safe from arrest
26. Auditions The act or sense of hearing
27. Aver To declare to be true; state positively; affirm
28. Balletomane A person enthusiastic about the ballet.
29. Bawdy Characteristic of a bawd; indecent or humorously coarse; lewd
30. Bellwether A male sheep, usually wearing a bell, that leads the flock.
31. Beneath In a lower place; below
32. Bibliography The study of the editions, dates, authorship etc. of books and other writings.
33. Bibulous Highly absorbent
34. Billow A large wave; great swell of water
35. Bolster A long, narrow cushion or pillow
36. Boredom The condition of being bored; ennui
37. Bowdlerize To remove passages considered offensive from (a book, play etc.) to censor
38. Brevity The quality of being brief; shortness of time
39. Buffet A blow with the hand or fist
40. Buoy A floating object anchored in a lake, river etc. to mark a channel, warn a
hazard etc.
41. Carvings: A figure or design formed by some kind of cutting.
42. Catalyst: Something that causes activity between two or more persons or forces
without its being affected
43. Chevron A heraldic device in the shape of an inverted V
44. Chimpanzee Any of the genus of great apes of Africa, with black hair and large,
outstanding ears.
45. Chorus A group of persons singing in unison
46. Cloister A place of religious seclusion; monastery or convent
47. Comatose Of, like, or in a coma or stupor
48. Composure Calmness of mind or manner; tranquillity; self-possession
49. Conclude To bring to a close; end; finish
50. Condemn To pass an adverse judgment on; disapprove strongly; censure
51. Conflict To come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance or in
52. Consciousness The state of being conscious, awareness of one’s own feelings, what is
happening around one etc.
53. Contaminate To make impure, infected, corrupt, radioactive etc. by contact or with
addition of something; pollute; defile; sully; taint
54. Contemplation Thoughtful inspection, study etc.
55. Contribution The act of contributing
56. Controversy A lengthy discussion of an important question in which opposing opinions
clash; debate; disputation
57. Conviction The judgment of a jury or judge that a person is guilty of a crime as charged.
58. Crude In a raw or natural condition, before being prepared for use; not refined
59. Cruise To sail from place to place, as for pleasure or in search for something.
60. Culpable Deserving blame; blameworthy
61. Curative Of, or for the curing of disease
62. Curbing Anything that restrains or controls; a restraint; check
63. Cursory Hastily, often superficially, done, performed rapidly with little attention to
64. Curtailed To cut short; reduce; abridge
65. Cynosure Something that is the centre of interest
66. Decimate To select by lot and kill every tenth one of
67. Deter To keep or discourage (a person, group or nation) from doing something by
instilling fear, anxiety, doubt, etc.
68. Diatribe A bitter, abusive criticism or denunciation
69. Dictatorial To, like, or characteristic of dictator; autocratic; tyrannical; domineering
70. Diligent Persevering and careful in work; industrious
71. Distinguished Celebrated; eminent
72. Divisive Causing division; esp. Causing disagreement or dissension
73. Doctrine Something taught; teachings
74. Dubious Feeling doubt; hesitating; skeptical
75. Dusk Dusky, dark in colour or shadowy
76. Ecosystem A system made up of a community of animals, plants, bacteria interrelated
together with its physical and chemical environment.
77. Ecstatic Of, having the nature of, or characterized by ecstasy
78. Ecstasy An overpowering emotion or exaltation; a state of sudden, intense feeling
79. Illegible Fit to be chosen; legally or morally qualified
80. Empathy The projection of one’s own personality into the personality of another in
order to understand the person better; ability to share in others’ emotion,
thoughts, or feelings.
81. Empirical Relying or based solely on experiment and observation rather than theory
82. Encouraging Giving courage, hope or confidence
83. Envisage To face; confront
84. Equalize To make equal
85. Erroneous Containing or based on error, mistaken; wrong
86. Erudite Having or showing a wide knowledge gained from reading; learned; scholarly
87. Espouse To make as a spouse esp. as a wife; marry
88. Essentially Of or constituting the intrinsic, fundamental nature of something; basic;
89. Esteemed To have a great regard for; valued highly; respected
90. Eulogy Speech or writing in praise of a person, event, or thing; esp., a formal speech,
praising a person who has recently died.
91. Evaluate To find the value or amount of
92. Evaporate To change, (a liquid or solid) into vapour; drive out or draw off in the form of
93. Evidence That which tends to prove or disprove something, ground for belief, proof
94. Evolution An unfolding, opening out or working out; process of development, as from a
simple to a complex form, or of gradual progressive change, as in a social and
economic structure.
95. Exhuming To dig out of the earth; disinter
96. Existed To have reality or actual being; be
97. Existence The act of existing; state or fact of being.
98. Exotic Foreign; not native
99. Explicitly Clearly stated and leaving nothing implied; distinctly expressed; definite;
distinguished from implicit
100. Explosion An exploding; especially a blowing up, or busting with a loud sound;
101. Exterminate To destroy or get rid of entirely, as by killing, wipe out, annihilate
102. Familial Of, involving, or common to a family
103. Familiarize To make commonly known
104. Felon A wicked person/ criminal
105. Flawed A break, scratch, crack, etc. that spoils something: blemish
106. Flints A fire-grained, very hard, siliceous rock, usually gray, that produces sparks
when struck with steal and that breaks into pieces with sharp cutting edges.
107. Foe Enemy (in all senses)
108. Folly A lack of understanding, sense, or rational conduct; foolishness
109. Fortitude The strength to bear misfortune, pain, etc. Calmly and patiently; firm courage
110. Frequently Often
111. Furtive Done or acting in a stealthy manner, as if to hinder observation; surreptitious;
stealthy; sneaky
112. Glance To look quickly or briefly
113. Gluttonous Inclined to eat too much and greedily
114. Gravity The force of attraction by which terrestrial body tends to fall towards the
centre to the earth; solemnity, graveness
115. Grimaces A twisting or distortion of the face, as in expressing pain, disgust etc.
116. Harbor A place of refuge, safety etc. Shelter
117. Heredity a) Transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring by means of
genes in the chromosomes
b) The tendency of offspring to resemble parents or ancestors through
such transmissions.
118. Humanitarian A person devoted to welfare of humanity through the elimination of pain or
suffering; philanthropist
119. Humdrum Lacking variety, boring, dull, monotonous
120. Hypocrisy A pretending to be what one is not; or to feel what one does not feel;
121. Iceberg A great mass of ice broken off a glacier and floating in a sea
122. Implicate To show to have a connection with a crime, fault etc.
123. Implied Indirect, not openly expressed
124. Impure Not pure
125. Inconsistent Not consistent, not in agreement, incompatible
126. Incredible Not credible; unbelievable
127. Indigenous Existing, growing or produced naturally in a region or country; belonging as a
128. Inevitable Unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary
129. Inference An act or process of inferring
130. Influx a) following in; inflow as of liquid, gas etc.
b) A continual coming of person or things
131. Inimitable That cannot be imitated or matched; too good to be equalled or copied
132. Initiating Bring into practice or use; introduce by first doing or using; start
133. Instinct (an) inborn tendency to believe in a way characteristic of a species; natural,
unlearned, predictable response to stimuli
134. Intimidate To make timid; make afraid; daunt
135. Invigorate To give vigour to; fill with energy; enliven
136. Laudatory Expressing praise; eulogistic; commendatory also.
137. Laurel Of a genus (laurus) of evergreen trees or shrubs of the laurel family.
138. Lax Loose; emptying easily (said of the bowels)
139. Liturgy Prescribed forms or rituals for public worship in any of various religions or
churches in a place or a level below another
140. Lowers In a place or on a level below another
141. Martinet A very strict military disciplinarian
142. Maverick An unbranded animal, esp. a strayed calf, a lone dissenter, as an intellectual
143. Mediocre Neither very good nor very bad; ordinary; average
144. Meticulous Extremely or excessively careful about details; scrupulous or finicky
145. Modesty The quality or state of being modest; unassuming or humble behaviour
146. Morass A tract of low, soft, watery ground; bog; marsh; swamp
147. Narrate To tell (a story) in writing or speech
148. Natives Inborn or innate rather than acquired
149. Negotiate To make agreements for, settle, or conclude (a business transaction, treaty
150. Nicaragua A country in central America
151. Nomadic A number of a group of people who have no fixed home and move according
to the seasons from place to place in search of food etc.
152. Novelty The quality of being novel; newness; freshness
153. Oblivion The condition or fact of being forgotten
154. Oblivious Forgetful or unmindful
155. Obstruction Something that obstructs, blocks, or closes up with an obstacle or obstacles
156. Obvious Easy to sea or understand; plain; evident
157. Oddly Being one of a pair of which the other is missing
158. Ornamental Serving as or pertaining to an ornament; decorative
159. Pacifier Someone who tries to bring peace; a rubber or plastic device, often shaped
into a nipple, for a baby to suck or bite on
160. Paleolithic Designating or of an old world cultural period (10,000 B.C)
161. Palisade Anyone of a row of large pointed stakes set in the ground to form a fence
used for fortification or defence
162. Panegyric A formal speech or piece of writing praising a person or event
163. Panhandler A beggar, esp. one who begs in the streets.
164. Parisian Of, or, like Paris, its people, or culture.
165. Passes A narrow passage or opening, especially between mountains; gap; defile
166. Peacemaker A person who makes peace, as by settling the disagreements or quarrels of
167. Pebbles A small stone worn smooth and round, as by the action of water.
168. Perforate To make a hole or holes through, as by punching or boring; pierce; penetrate
169. Perpetrate To do or perform (something evil, criminal, or offensive); be guilty of
170. Pickup The act of picking up, as in fielding a rapidly rolling baseball
171. Pitiful Arousing or deserving pity
172. Plausible Seemingly true, acceptable, etc. Often implying disbelief
173. Pleistocene Designating or of the first epoch of the Quaternary period in the Cainozoic
era, characterized by the spreading and recession of continental ice sheets
and by the appearance of modern humans.
174. Pogo stick A stilt with paddles and a spring at one end, used as a toy to move along in a
series of bounds
175. Precision The quality of being precise; exactness, accuracy, etc.
176. Predetermine to determine, decide, or decree beforehand
177. Premises A tract of land including its buildings; a proposition supporting a conclusion
178. Prevail To gain the advantage or mastery; be victorious; triumph
179. Prevalent Stronger, more effective, etc. dominant
180. Primitive Of or existing in the beginning or the earliest times or ages; ancient; original
181. Probable Likely to occur or be; that can reasonably the expected
182. Prosaic Of or like prose rather than poetry; often, specific; heavy, flat, unimaginative.
183. Prosecute To follow up or pursue (something) to a conclusion
184. Proselyte To try to convert ( a person) esp. to one’s religion
185. Pungent Producing a sharp sensation of taste and smell; acrid
186. Quizzical Odd; comical
187. Radioactive Capable of giving off, radiant energy in the form of particles or rays
188. Rapacious Taking by force; plundering
189. Rebellion An act of armed resistance to one’s government
190. Recital (A) A reciting; a telling of facts; (B) story or description
191. Redundant More than enough; over abundant; excessive, superfluous
192. Regiment A military unit consisting two or more battalions and forming a basic element
of a division.
193. Rescue To free or save from danger, imprisonment, evil etc.
194. Resist To withstand; oppose; fend off; stand firm against
195. Retaliate To return like for like; esp. to return evil for evil; pay back injury for injury
196. Reverence A feeling or attitude of deep respect, love, awe, as for something sacred;
197. Rue To feel remorse or repentance for (a sin, fault, etc.)
198. Rumor General talk not based on definite knowledge; mere gossip; heresy
199. Salvage a) The rescue of a ship and cargo at sea from peril such as fire, shipwreck,
capture, etc.
b) Compensation paid to those who assist in the rescue operations
200. Sanction The act of recognized authority confirming or rectifying an action; authorized
approval or permission.
201. Scandalous Causing scandal; offensive to a sense of decency or shocking to the moral
202. Scanning To analyse (verse) in terms of its rhythmic components, as by counting
assents and syllables and marking the metrical feet
203. Scanty Barely sufficient; not ample; meagre
204. Scarce Not common; rarely seen
205. Scrutinize To look at very carefully; examine closely; inspect minutely
206. Serene Not disturbed or troubled; calm, peaceful, tranquil, etc.
207. Simultaneous Occurring, existing etc. together or at the same time.
208. Skyrocket A firework rocket that explodes in mid-air in a shower or colours.
209. Sluggish Lacking energy, alertness or vigour; indisposed to exertion; slothful
210. Sophisticated Not simple, artless, naive, urbane, wordly-wise, etc. or knowledgeable, subtle
211. Speculation The act of speculating, or meditating, a thought or conjecture
212. Stabilize To make stable, or firm
213. Straighten To make, become less confused, easier to deal with, etc.
214. Strip To deprive of covering or strip a fruit of its rind; to remove (the clothing or
215. Stupefy To make surprised, astonish
216. Succinct Clearly and briefly stated, terse
217. Sufficient As much as is needed; enough
218. Surprising Causing surprise, amazing
219. Sustain To keep in existence; maintain
220. Sybarite Any of the people of ancient Sybaris --- a Greek colony
221. Tirade A long speech based on denunciation, harangue
222. Trauma A bodily injury, wound or shock
223. Trench A long, narrow ditch; to cut or dig
224. Trooper An enlisted soldier in the trooper cavalry
225. Truculent Fierce, cruel, savage.
226. Turn To move about a central point, revolve, rotate
227. Unscrupulous Not restrained by the idea of right and wrong; unprincipled
228. Varsity The main team that represents a university, college or school in competition.
229. Verbiage An excess of words beyond those needed; wordiness
230. Version A particular form or variant of something.
231. Vicious Characterized by vice; evil; corrupt
232. Victim Sufferer, one who suffers an injury or harm etc.
233. Victor The winner in a battle or struggle etc.
234. Violate To break a law etc.
235. Vitality Power to live or go on living
236. Wicked Morally bad or wrong, depraved
237. Witness One who gives testimony or evidence
238. Yawn To open the mouth wide as a result of fatigue or drowsiness

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