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20 IELTS Task 2
Sample Essays

Vol 3
20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

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Part of the IELTS Masterclass series of publications

20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays K.A.Dean


Hello and welcome, in this book you will find 20

Band 9.0 IELTS Task 2 Essays, they are taken from
the 20 most common themes from the test and
cover a variety of question types.

We have written these essays so that you can copy

the ideas and the structures for your IELTS

I hope you find them useful, we will be issuing

other volumes in the future.

Good luck with the test.

Kevin. A. Dean

20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 1

Most countries allow 18year olds to start driving a car.

Some say it is good to allow it at this age, while
others think that the age to start driving should be at
least 25.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In many countries people are allowed to drive at 18, some argue this is a suitable
age to do so, others believe it should instead be at 25. In my view, 18 is a
permissible age for this. This essay will discuss, how 18 yrs is already an age for
many other legal activities, also the problem of judging a drivers maturity.

In several countries 18 is the legal age for many more serious life events than only
being able to drive. If you are judged mature enough to join the army, fight and
possibly die for your country, and also marry, and start a family, which are surely
more serious events than driving, then why shouldn't a person be able to drive a
car. I agree that as long as a person is physically and mentally competent, they
should be allowed to be in charge of a motor vehicle. For example, a survey by the
UN showed that 80% of the approximately 195 countries in the world have 18 as
the legal standard age for driving, marriage, and military service.

However, others would argue that 18 is too young and that 25 is a more
appropriate age. It is believed that teenagers are too immature to handle such a
potentially lethal device as a car and think that people in their 20s are more
emotionally stable. I believe that over generalizing a persons maturity based purely
on age is very problematic. To give a personal example, I know several men in
their 40s who I would not trust with a bicycle due to their immaturity, whereas I also
know some young men who at 18 have started a family and have good jobs to care
for their wives and children.

In conclusion, despite some conflicting opinions on the appropriate driving age, I

believe that, provided the person is sound mentally and physically, 18 is a
reasonable time to start to drive, which view is shared by a majority of the nations
of the world.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 2

Some people say it is OK to use animals for our

benefit, others say it is not good to exploit them,

Discuss both views and express your opinion.

According to some, animals exist to be exploited by humans whereas others believe

that it is morally wrong to do so. I believe that animal exploitation is acceptable, and
shall discuss the use of animals as a food source, and the dubious scientific
experiments often conducted on animals.

For many people, animals are a vital source of protein and nutrition. They would
argue that meat from certain creatures is a necessary part of the human diet and
cannot be replaced by other sources, as well as the fact that many meat eaters do
so for reasons of taste. I would agree that in this case, as long as unnecessary
cruelty is avoided in the slaughter process, exploitation of sheep, pigs, cows, etc is
acceptable. For example, a survey by the supermarket chain Tesco in the UK
showed that 80% of it's customers ate meat on a regular basis and had no moral
concerns about this practice.

However, there are a significant minority who have strong moral objections to the
use of living creatures, especially in the field of scientific experimentation. Their
objection is based on the incompatibility between human and animal physiology
which they claim makes such research unfounded and scientifically dubious at best.
I can agree with this view up to a point, however, many areas of research such as
cancer, aids, etc, cannot be tested on humans for obvious reasons (such as
possible death of the test subjects) and in these instances I believe this exploitation
is justified and is shared by many people. For example, the Cancer Research charity
in the UK showed that over 90% of its members agreed that this kind of live animal
study was unfortunate but necessary.

In conclusion, the discussion around how society makes use of animals is a

controversial one, with one side claiming meat as an indispensable part of our diet,
while others have strong moral qualms regarding their use in medical research. My
own view is that, providing necessary safeguards are in place as to unnecessary
suffering, the use of animals is certainly justifiable.


20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 3

Childhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in

many countries.
Explain the main causes and effects of this problem,
and suggest some possible solutions.

The problem of obese children is becoming increasingly serious in many parts of the
world. It is argued that a sedentary lifestyle and over-consumption of fast food are
the main causes of this, and the effects will be a shorter lifespan as adults. This
essay will also show that parental control is a possible answer to this problem.

For many children these days, exercise and healthy nutrition are a thing of the past.
Watching TV and playing video games all day long, while eating sweets, crisps, and
hamburgers seems to be the daily norm. This in many cases will lead to a
generation of overweight children who will in turn become overweight adults with the
attendant health problems, such as a shorter lifespan, that will bring. For example, a
recent survey by Edinburgh Medical University showed that 80% of male heart
attack victims between 40 – 50 yrs old were overweight as both children and adults.

However, this situation could be remedied at the source if parents exercised proper
control and responsibility for their children's lifestyle. This would mean strict rules on
how many hours their children could play video games, as well as refusing to let
them eat unhealthy foods such as burgers, crisps, and the like. One way to achieve
this, for example, would be to act as a role model and set a good example by taking
the children outside for exercise and teaching them the benefits of correct nutrition.
This may be difficult for some weak parents but in the end their children will thank
them for this.

In conclusion, obesity among children is increasingly commonplace around the

world, this essay believes this is a consequence of inactivity and improper
consumption habits, a solution to this could be to make parents take charge of their
children more firmly and set good examples for both exercise and diet.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 4

Directors of large companies often receive much

bigger salary increases than ordinary workers.
Employer’s organisations say that in a global market
this is necessary to attract the best management

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It has been argued that although in many companies directors pay is considerably
larger than most other employees, the reason for this is to recruit the most able
managers to a particular company. I strongly disagree with this opinion as in most
cases, company performance is not always about the decisions of management but
about other factors such as the global economy. This essay will firstly, consider just
how effective directors are, and secondly how the vagaries of the markets and
currency fluctuations affect stock price.

The oft given argument for the disparity of executive pay is that “talent” is expensive.
Employers often claim that to recruit the best staff, they must be paid proportionally
or they will go to another firm. This idea is based on the premise that directors have
a significant impact on company performance in terms of profits and share prices.
However, a recent survey by the CBI in the UK of 100 blue chip companies,
suggests that at best, directors have a minimal effect upon share price for example.

Another argument goes that stock market fluctuations and global events have
considerably more of an impact on a companies bottom line. As the stock market is
essentially a big casino, luck and chance have much more to do with performance
than directors, no matter how skilled. For example, the University of Harvard
recently conducted research that showed 90% of increases in the top 500
companies were due to external events, such as civil war, political turmoil, etc, not
the result of management decisions.

In conclusion, although in some circumstances, executive pay may be warranted, as

research indicates, the claim that directors automatically deserve more salary is
unjustifiable, due to the various effects that global circumstances may have on the
stock markets.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 5

Government investment in the arts, such as music and

theatre, is a waste of money. Governments must invest
this money in public services instead.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

It has been argued that state expenditure on the arts is wasteful, and that instead of
spending money on music and theatre the government should direct its investment
into public services. I agree with this statement and will argue that, the job of the
state is to protect its citizens first of all, and secondly that, as music and theatre are
forms of entertainment the private sector should provide for these art forms.

Political commentators would suggest that the principal function of a government is

the protection of its citizens. That is to say, having a strong welfare state with
adequate healthcare, good schools, and an impartial police force is a vital part of the
duties of government. Many citizens would no doubt agree with this idea and would
support paying taxes for these services, for example, a recent survey by the
University of Edinburgh showed that 90% of people questioned said they had no
issue with their tax money being used for such purposes.

Secondly, although music and arts may be an important part of a nations culture, it
could be argued that these pursuits are “entertainment” and therefore not part of the
duties of the state to supply. With the high levels of taxation imposed on many
citizens around the world, any country that spent money on these activities would
have to show that the vital public services of the state were adequately provided for
first. Therefore, such cultural activities would best be paid for by the private sector
and any citizens who wish to take part in these entertainments should pay out of
their own pocket.

In conclusion, although arts and music may be important in many ways, I believe
that the government should not pay for them, not while there are important state
services that need sufficiently funding. If people want to see such cultural events
such as music and artistic performances, they should pay for them and support the
private sector.
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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 6

One of the major problems facing the world today is

the growing number of refugees. The developed
nations in the world should tackle this problem by
taking in more refugees.

To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

It has been argued that increasing the number of leisure and sporting facilities is the
most effective way of developing and improving the health of the general public,
while others would argue that this would have little impact on health and that other
steps are needed. This essay will argue that simply building new sports centres is
not a viable answer, and that the key to developing a healthy citizenry is education.

Firstly, while going to gyms and sports/leisure centres is undoubtedly a good thing
for a healthy life it can be suggested that motivation is the key factor in getting
people to exercise. If a person does not have the desire or will to get out of their arm
chair and go and exercise then having a gym built at the end of their street will have
little or no effect on their well-being. A recent study by the University of Bath showed
that 80% of people who buy a gym membership only went regularly for the first two
months then either went sporadically or not at all after that time. This study would
seem to back up the idea that motivation not availability of sports centres is the main
factor in exercising regularly.

What might be more useful is a government funded education campaign to show

people the dangers of not exercising, being sedentary, eating unhealthily, etc. For
example, when the UK government ran an anti-smoking campaign in 2014 across all
media, Drs around the country reported an increase of 50% of patients inquiring
about how to stop smoking. This clearly demonstrates that, as in all things,
education is often the most effective way to change peoples behaviour.

In conclusion then, although having a ready availability of places to exercise may

seem intuitively to be a good way to get people healthy, in reality if the motivation to
do so is not there then it will have little effect. A far better option would be to inform
citizens of the harm that modern life is doing to their bodies while educating them to
change their lifestyles for a positive outcome.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 7

It is important for children to learn the difference

between right and wrong at an early age. punishment
is necessary to help them learn this distinction.
To what extent do you agree/disagree?
What sort of punishment should parents and teachers
be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to
It has been argued that some form of punishment is a necessary part of teaching
children how to decide between right and wrong. I agree with the idea that children
be punished in some way if necessary and will argue that the form of punishment
itself need not be violent or harmful but rather it could be a simple withdrawal of

If children are to grow into adults with a strong moral sense, then teaching them
“right” and “wrong” at an early age would seem to be sensible. However, simply
telling a child that this or that is “right or “wrong” is essentially meaningless as a
child has no conception of what this means. Therefore, some demonstration or
example of punishment by the parents when a child misbehaves would seem
sensible. For example, causing a child some physical or mental discomfort when
they commit a “bad” act will associate the action and consequence in a child’s mind
and will make them think again in the future.

However, not all punishment need be harmful or painful to a child as this may well
be cruel. For example, denying a child his/her favourite toy, or turning off the
television, or not giving them their favourite meal, may be equally effective as a
physical blow. The effect of such “negative reinforcement” may be more efficient at
changing a child’s behaviour as physical punishment could well lead to resentment
and psychological problems in the future.

In conclusion, I agree that if necessary, some form of punishment may be used to

teach children moral values. However, not every act of chastisement need be a
physical or painful one, taking something away from a child may have the same
effect and may be less psychologically damaging in the long term.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 8

With the pressure on today’s young people to succeed

academically, some people believe that non-academic
subjects such as P.E and cookery should be removed
from the syllabus so that children can focus solely on
academic subjects.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It has been argued that non-academic lessons should be taken out from the school
curriculum so that school children can focus purely on academic subjects. I disagree
with this view and will argue that other subjects such as PE and cookery help to
make children more rounded individuals, and secondly that as children are too
young to know their future direction it makes sense to keep all their options open.

Firstly, we need to ask ourselves what is the purpose of education. That is to say, is
it just to prepare children to fill various roles in society and to turn them into
consumers and obedient wage slaves. If as some believe the purpose of education
is to make children more rounded and open individuals then it would make sense to
teach them skills other than academic ones such as PE and cookery so they can
function better in later life. For example, the University of London conducted
research in 2016 which showed that children who were taught a wide range of
subjects at school described themselves as more content and able to “handle” lifes
problems than those whose focus was purely academic.

Secondly, as children with their whole lives ahead of them does it make sense to
define their future studies and life path at such a young age? I believe that children
should be allowed to be children and to be taught a variety of subjects so that they
may decide later where their interests lie. For example, research by the Dept of
Employment in the UK in 2015 showed that 50% of employees expressed some
regret over the subjects they took at school and their subsequent career path.

In conclusion, although a focus on pure academia may seem a good idea, I believe
that exposure to a range of subjects allows children to be happier and have more life
skills, and also may prevent them from taking an unsatisfying career path in the

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 9

Public transport should be made free of charge.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a


Some people believe that all transportation used by the general public should be
without charge. It can be argued that the advantage to this move would be
congestion free city centres, while the disadvantage might be an increase in general
taxation to pay for it.

Firstly, the main benefit to such a policy would be car free streets. That is to say, if
people could get around their city for free, then they might well use the bus, metro,
etc, instead of going by private car. For example, a survey of commuters in 2015
conducted by the UK Dept of Transport said that if all public means of transportation
were free to use, 90% would be tempted to leave their cars at home. If this policy
were to be implemented then city centres might be car and congestion free.

Secondly, although this policy would undoubtedly be of benefit to citizens, a major

drawback would be the increase in personal taxation required to pay for this
scheme. That is to say, local government needs money to pay drivers of the bus,
tram, metro, etc, and the vehicles themselves need to be bought and maintained,
which is not cheap. Research carried out by the University of York suggests that
local taxes in the UK would have to go up by 25% in order to pay for this scheme to
be put into practice. It can well be argued that local tax payers would not be
particularly happy to fund such a policy, beneficial though it may be.

In conclusion, despite the fact that free public transport would be a significant
improvement to many towns and city centres, the cost of implementation may be too
prohibitive for this to become reality.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 10

For some people shopping is not about buying what is

necessary but a form of entertainment.

Is this a positive or negative development?

In many parts of the world shopping has changed from being about buying
necessities to instead being an entertaining activity. This essay will argue that this is
indeed a negative development and encourages personal dissatisfaction, as well as
being a waste of time.

For many people the act of shopping is not about satisfying a physical need, such as
buying food, instead it is about personal happiness. Adverts constantly tell us we will
be happier, thinner, more successful, etc, if we own a certain brand or product. In
this way, we are encouraged to spend our money on things we don’t need, or that
certainly are not necessary for our existence, unlike food. If we take the case of the
I-phone for example, Apple bring out new models every year, none of which are very
different or better than the previous version, yet we are told we are somehow “un-
cool” or unsuccessful if we do not buy them.

Secondly, spending time on shopping for non-food items can be a major waste of
time. If we go to the supermarket, we usually find the foods we want, buy them then
leave. However, endlessly shopping just for the sake of shopping can be very time
consuming. A recent survey by the University of London said that 90% of all women
questioned admitted to spending 7-8 hours a week looking through shops in a
shopping mall. This time is not spent on learning new skills, or developing
themselves personally, only on looking at and trying on clothes which they do not

In conclusion, people who shop for entertainment often end up feeling unsuccessful
and dissatisfied with their lives, as well as wasting a lot of time while doing so.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 11

Do you feel it is better to have a job that you love or

one that makes more money?

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

For some people the sole criteria for choosing a job is that of the salary offered,
while others think that it is best to love the job you do. I would argue that although
money is important, other factors such as job satisfaction are the best determiners
when taking a job.

It is obviously important to receive a reasonable wage or salary for the work that you
do. People have to pay their bills, eat, shop, and do all the other things in life that
would be impossible without money. However, once these basic needs are met, the
question is how much money does a person really need and what are they prepared
to do to get it? For example, many city bankers make a great deal of money but they
have to work very long hours a day, every day, and the resultant pressure has
driven some to suicide or depression and other mental illnesses.

For many people however, job satisfaction is the driving force behind what they do.
Many people work in sectors such as medicine, or charity organisations where the
salary is not so high, however, for those Drs, nurses, and charity workers, the
reason they do what they do is to help others. They want to make a difference in the
world, not merely take from it. Another reason is that, if you enjoy your job, you are
likely to not think of it as work. For example, to mention a quote attributed to
Confucius “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your

In conclusion, although the amount of money a job pays is certainly important, in my

view job satisfaction is or should be the prime motivator when considering
employment choices.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 12

In some countries the average weight of people is

increasing and their levels of health and fitness are

What do you think are the causes of these problems

and what measures could be taken to solve them?

In several countries there has been an increase in the average weight of the
population along with a related decrease in the general levels of fitness. I believe
these problems are caused by a sedentary lifestyle at work and at home. This essay
will describe how the way work has changed as the principal cause, and suggest an
innovative employer initiative as a possible solution.

Arguably, one of the main causes of the health crisis is a lack of sufficient physical
exercise for many people these days. It can be said that the nature of work in the
last century has changed from manual to mainly office based jobs This, along with
mass transportation, and a sedentary lifestyle in general means that daily physical
exercise is a thing of the past for a considerable number of workers. For example,
research by the National Labour Unit in the UK has shown that the number of
manual jobs has fallen by 70% in the last quarter century along with a similar
increase in office based work.

A simple solution to this problem would be if employers were, for example, to install
gym equipment on their premises or offer subsidised gym memberships to it’s
workers. Then the opportunities would exist for workers to take some exercise
during the work day and help to offset this condition. A recent survey in the UK
suggested that if employers took such measures 85% of their staff would seriously
think about making use of these options which could potentially have a significant
impact on the public health.

In conclusion, average weights have increased and fitness levels have decreased,
caused by a lack of exercise. This essay recommends that to combat this problem,
employers should take some responsibility for providing their workers with the
necessary conditions for exercise.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 13

In the past when students did a university degree they

tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they
have more opportunity to study abroad.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this


Previously when students went to university it was in their home country, however in
today’s world there are more opportunities to take degree courses abroad. This
essay will argue the main advantage of this is learning about a new language and
culture, while the main disadvantage is the potential for culture shock.

One of the benefits of studying in another country is the exposure the student will
get to a different language and culture. Also, the student will meet new people with
different views and lifestyles which may be completely alien to what they are used
to. For example, a recent survey by the University of Ghent showed that 85% of its
non Belgian students said they considered themselves to be more “open-minded” as
a result of their studies and the time spent away from home. This research suggests
that travel and living in an unfamiliar environment does change peoples attitudes
and values in a positive way regarding foreign cultures and lifestyles.

However, the potential downside to this is the possibility of culture shock. That is
when living in a new and “foreign” environment causes negative feelings such as
anxiety and depression to appear. For example, the National Union of Students in
the UK reported in 2016 that over 60% of international students in UK universities
had suffered from some form of depression during their studies. This is apparently
not uncommon among students studying abroad and can sometimes have serious
mental consequences for a minority of people.

In conclusion, as study opportunities around the world have expanded in recent

years there are both positive and negative sides to this phenomenon. The main
advantage is the chance to learn and experience different cultures and as a result
become more open-minded, while one of the possible disadvantages is the
loneliness and depression caused by negative culture shock.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 14

Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative

forms of medicine. However, at best these methods are
ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Alternative medicine is increasing in popularity currently, however some believe that

these forms of treatment are not as effective as traditional medicine and may in fact
cause harm to the patient. I disagree with this opinion and in this essay I shall,
firstly, argue that certain treatments are effective and safe, and secondly, traditional
medicines are as capable as causing harm.

Firstly, alternative medicine is a broad label and may include

acupuncture,Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbal remedies and so on. To take the
case of acupuncture, this has been gaining in popularity for some years now
especially in the area of easing back pain and helping people to stop smoking for
example. In fact, many Doctors recommend their patients to try acupuncture for
these conditions. A recent survey by the Medical Council of the UK showed that
some 75% of GPs have made such a recommendation in the last year. GPs would
hardly take risks with their patients health, not to mention their own reputations if
they were in any doubt as to the efficiency of such alternative treatments.

Secondly, traditional medicines are not as efficient as might have been thought. An
obvious example here is antibiotics, such as Penicillin. There have been several
warnings in the media in the last few years about how an increase in the prescription
of antibiotics has led to them becoming less effective, if not useless, against certain
strains of bacteria. A recent article in The Lancet (UK Medical practitioners journal)
said that unless these prescriptions were restricted to only the most serious
infections, there was a serious possibility of so-called “super bugs” springing up
which no anti bacterial agent could stop. The consequences of such bacterially
immune virus spreading among the population are too terrible to contemplate.

In conclusion, despite alternative medicine being criticised in some quarters, in my

view such methods of treatment (such as acupuncture) are just as valid as are
traditional medicines based upon drugs. My recommendation here would be that
both methods could well be used depending on what the patients problem is.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 15

Some people think that art is an essential subject for

children at school while others think it is a waste of

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It has been argued that the teaching of art to school children is a waste of time and
effort, whereas other would argue that art is a vital lesson to be taught at school.
This essay will discuss the lack of employment opportunities for artists, and also
how art stimulates a child’s creativity.

Firstly, although art may well be useful for a child’s creativity, later in life it may be
difficult to find an art related job. If a child wants to continue with art as a profession,
it has to be noted that only a minority of artists are a success. For example, a recent
survey by the University of Hanoi in 2016 showed that 90% of arts graduates from
Vietnamese universities were unemployed for some years after graduation. This fact
may well explain many peoples attitude to the teaching of art in schools.

Despite the fact that art may not be immediately useful in finding a job, it is still a
vital subject for children. By learning to paint, draw, etc, a child’s mind will be
stimulated and lead to a more creative outlook on life. According to the Hanoi Child
Psychology Institute children who have early exposure to art display higher IQ s and
are more likely to go into higher education. This study reinforces the importance of
art, not only as a source of employment, but also as tool for developing a child’s
mental abilities.

In conclusion, although the teaching of art in school has been considered both vital,
and pointless, depending on your view, I believe that despite art not being potentially
useful for employment purposes, the effect it has on a child’s psychology is of
inestimable value. For this reason, I believe that art should remain on the school

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 16

Rich countries help poor countries financially to

eliminate poverty, but this is not working well.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

What are the other factors required to solve this

It is common practice for many well-off nations to send financial aid to the the poorer
parts of the world in a bid to end world poverty, however, these efforts are often
unsuccessful. I would agree that merely sending money to a poor country is unlikely
to wipe out poverty at its source. This essay will discuss how an end to corruption is
more likely to achieve this goal.

It is a part of many Western countries budgets these days to ring-fence a

percentage of GDP to be spent on international aid. This is in line with the UN goals
of poverty reduction to be implemented by 2030, however, despite some success in
reducing the number of people who exist on very low incomes, total elimination of
this problem has failed. For example, the UN has reported that although the total
figures have halved, still around a billion people live on around 2 dollars a day. This
is despite the estimated 100 billion dollars spent on aid annually.

It is clear from the UN's own figures that simply giving money to poorer nations is
not effective in itself. One reason why this does not work is arguably the corruption
culture in many countries which means that aid money is misspent or stolen, if that
is so then this cultural practice needs to end. For example, the Centre for Global
Development reports that this figure could be anywhere from 70 to 30% yearly in
Africa alone. If this figure is replicated worldwide then it seems that a significant
portion of aid money is wasted.

In conclusion, international poverty relief efforts are not as successful as they should
be, despite the huge sums involved many people are still desperately poor. As
corruption has been identified as a major drain on the total amount of money
available, it is clear that is this practice were put to an end then greater success in
this worthy goal might be accomplished.

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20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 17

In many countries in the world, some people earn

extremely high salaries. Some people think that this
good for a country. Others think that the government
should not allow salaries above a certain level.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In several countries, some people are extremely well paid. According to some, this
is beneficial for the country, others would argue there should be governmental
restrictions on salary levels. I believe some cap on earnings would be beneficial.
This essay will discuss, the amount of tax high earners pay into the economy, and
the social inequality that uneven salaries cause.

High earners usually pay high taxes, which find their way back into the economy by
allowing the government to spend on essential services. With this in mind, the
seeming unfairness of this should be disregarded as so long as they are taxed
proportionately as the rest of society. To give an extreme example, Bill Gates earns
billions of dollars every year yet he subsequently pays a sizeable portion in tax on
this income which the government can spend on public services such as education,
which benefits everyone.

However, I would argue that such disproportionate salaries may have the effect of
increasing inequality in society and will bring the “politics of envy” into the public
arena more forcefully. If the average worker sees what they perceive as blatant
unfairness between their typical average wage and such super high earners, this
may lead to protests and stimulate class warfare. For example, recently in
Venezuela there have been riots on the street in protest at the lowering of average
wages and lessened taxes on the rich. If such a wages cap were in place to restrict
earnings beyond a certain amount, this might go some way to mitigate these high
public feelings.

In conclusion, although some people earn a substantial salary, this may be offset in
most cases by the equally high taxes they pay. In my view, however, some
government curb on excessive earnings is necessary for public fairness and to avoid
social unrest.

302 words


20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 18

It is becoming increasingly popular for people to travel

to tourist destinations during public holidays.

What problems does this cause?

What solutions are there to these problems?

More and more people are travelling to tourist spots on national holidays these days.
This increasing number of visitors results in traffic congestion and litter. A possible
solution to this could be to charge people for admission to tourist sites, then the
revenue can be spent on better traffic management schemes and litter collection.

Every public holiday it is common to see many visitors flocking to popular attractions
such as national parks, or similar beauty spots. However, this popularity comes at a
cost of traffic congestion, as many people travel by car, and also littering as many
people are not so particular about taking their rubbish home with them. For example,
the North Yorkshire National Park in the UK has an estimated 4 million daytrips a
year, and leave approximately 5 tons of rubbish per every million visits.

To solve these problems, if people had to pay for admission to such places, then the
income generated could be spent on hiring staff to direct traffic, and also to hire
dedicated litter collectors. Such a scheme may be unpopular but if the benefits were
made clear then many people would see the logic behind such a move. For
example, the local council in The Lake District (in the UK) has a policy of charging
10 GBP per car for visitors to its most well-known spots. This money is then
reinvested in better facilities and clean-up operations which helps to maintain the
natural beauty of the area.

In conclusion, increasing tourist numbers during holiday periods can have a

negative impact on popular beauty spots. This can be ameliorated by a policy of fee
charging with the income derived being spent on efficient facility management.

289 words


20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 19

The internet has transformed the way information is

shared and consumed, but it has also created
problems that did not exist before.

What are the most serious problems associated with

the internet and what solutions can you suggest?

The way that people access and share data has undergone an undeniable
transformation with the advent of the internet, however this change has brought new
problems into being. One of the most significant issues are new types of crime,
while a possible solution to these might be stricter controls over internet access.

As new technologies enter our lives, someone, somewhere will find a way to exploit
them. Cyber crimes such as fraud and identity theft are one of the drawbacks of life
online. Many people have paid for goods that didnt exist or had their personal details
stolen by internet fraudsters. For example, the FBI estimates that losses from cyber
crimes were in excess of 1.3 billion dollars in 2016. This is one of the drawbacks of
new data sharing technologies.

However, there is a way to reduce or halt these activities, which is to remove the
anonymity of online access. Many internet companies allow you to create an email,
or join a shopping site with no adequate background checks, so for criminals it is
relatively easy to fake their identity and commit crimes. For example, if people had
to supply photo ID before signing up for an email or creating an online presence, this
would significantly reduce the number of fraudsters operating on the internet.

In conclusion, although the internet has brought many benefits, it has not come
without its drawbacks such as new types of crime in the form of fraudulent selling
and stealing of personal information. These offences can be reduced if not halted,
by stricter personal identification rules for everyone accessing online services such
as supplying photo ids when signing up.

275 words


20 IELTS Task 2 Sample Essays

Essay 20

Many people believe that criminals should not be

imprisoned. Instead they should do unpaid work to help
people in the community.

Do you agree or disagree?

According to some, criminals should be spared jail and receive community

sentences instead. I disagree with this idea as crime must be seen not to pay, and
for some crimes incarceration is the only suitable punishment.

The purpose of prison is clear, it is to punish and to deter others from committing
further crimes. Also, for the public to have confidence, justice must be seen to be
done, criminals must be made to properly pay for their crimes and a prison sentence
is the best way to do this. For example, a recent survey by the Guardian newspaper
showed that 80% of its readers supported firm and judicious prison terms for
convicted offenders. Although only one survey, this research suggests that a
sizeable proportion of UK citizens support the prison system and not community

Another point to consider is the seriousness of the crimes committed. For petty
offences such as burglary or fraud, or similar low level crimes, I would agree that
unpaid service could be an adequate punishment. However, other crimes such as
rape, violent robbery, murder, or sex offences can only be served by a lengthy term
of jail time. For example, the same survey by The Guardian revealed that not only
do many people oppose community sentences but they also support the death
penalty for major crimes such as those mentioned above. As capital punishment is
not longer an option in the UK, only hard jail time will suffice for these most serious

In conclusion, despite some people holding the view that unpaid local service is a
viable option instead of imprisonment, I disagree with this view. I concede that for
some petty crime this could be a suitable punishment however, for certain crimes
only a substantial period of incarceration will be sufficient.

298 words


20 IELTS Task 1 Sample Essays K.A.Dean


Well, that's the end. 20 essays covering different

question types, opinion, discussion, advantages,
two parts, etc. I hope these samples will give you
some ideas as to how to write your essay in terms
of structure, and good luck with your exam.

If you need any personal corrections or lessons,

please see our website


Kevin. A. Dean


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