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Tristan Headrick

Mrs. Mills

British Literature

Apr 7, 2024

When I was a kid, I played almost every sport I could. I even had a left handed hockey

stick (I'm right handed). I loved the feeling of competing so I competed in every way I could.

Even though I was good at every sport I played , it came to a point where I thought about my

future. The only sport I felt like I really could go somewhere with was baseball. Competing and

future thinker were two of my top three traits naviance picked for me. They couldn't have been

any more correct.

I remember being a kid and looking at everything as a competition. I'd do WWE moves

on my dad to make him tap out, I would take school games extremely seriously to the point I got

in trouble. Even though I was slow, I took the tag at recess extremely seriously especially if I

lost. Naviance Strength Explorer I feel like describes it best how I see things, “You see many

things in life as a game, and you feel great joy when you win. You truly hate to lose because you

are always striving for first place.”(Strengths Explorer®) I think these things show that I am


Confidence used to be something I struggled with heavily. I used to fake confidence to

gain it, but was always too worried to be looked at as prideful. I've learned while playing

baseball confidence has to be an important part of you. You'll fail at hitting no matter what and it

can affect your confidence. I used to be the kid who cried after striking out or cried after losing

and let everything affect me in a game. Until a coach told me that you will never succeed in

baseball. There's no batting average that is as high as a passing grade so don't expect to meet that
standard. So I've learned you're gonna have a failing grade in most things in life. You might lose

most of your friends just because life moves on. You might apply for 10 colleges but only get

accepted to two. You cannot allow these things to affect you, cause as soon as you doubt yourself

you've lost. A quote on this I like is by michelle obama, “Your success will be determined by

your own confidence and fortitude.”

I think naviance and the stories I have told back up the personality traits I have been

given. I think competing and confidence will help me in my future with welding and real estate.

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