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“Pain is ALWAYS born out of resistance to the present moment.

As soon as accept the present, you cease to suffer.” From

Dhyana Peetam

Nithyanandapuri, Mysore Road, Bidadi

Bangalore District, Karnataka, INDIA.
Ashram : 91-80-7270181 Secretary: 37803444
City Centre: 91-80-56691844, 56703444
email: w w


only in
your mind.
- Swami Nithyananda
Copyright © 2011 - 'Year of Sharing Enlightenment'

First Edition: 2004

Second Edition: July 2011

Print Edition ISBNs: ISBN 13: 978-1-934364-58-1 ISBN 10: 1-934364-58-4

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or
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All proceeds from the sale of this book go towards supporting charitable activities.

Contact us:
Nithyananda Mission, Bidadi Ashram,
Nithyanandapuri, Kallugopahalli,
Off Mysore Road, Bidadi,
Bangalore District - 562 109.
Karnataka, INDIA
Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Swamigal is a truly revolutionary
spiritual master of our century.
Swamiji embarked upon his spiritual journey at a very young age. He
traversed the length and breadth of India on foot, studying with great
masters in India and Nepal and practising intense tapasya with
extraordinary vigour. He experienced the final flowering of consciousness
on 1st January, 2000 - the sacred day of his Enlightenment.
With a pragmatic yet compassionate approach to life and spirituality,
and an enlightened insight into the core of human nature, Swamiji
has reached out to touch millions of hearts across the world.
Swamiji’s mission is simple - to awaken the divinity that lies latent
in man. To this end, he inaugurated the worldwide movement for
meditation - Dhyana Peetam - on 1st January, 2003. With its
spiritual nerve centre in Bidadi (near Bangalore in India) and over
100 centres around the world, Dhyana Peetam works towards the
transformation of humanity through the inner transformation of the
individual. Swamiji’s divine healing powers and simple, practical
meditation techniques help you blossom in every sphere of life - be
it physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual.
The most frightening thing in the world is Pain.

All living beings are afraid of one thing, and

that is pain. If you look deeply, you will find
that people don’t fear even death as much as
they fear the pain and agony they will have to
undergo at the time of death.

Many are afraid of poverty, some of relationships,

still others fear disease – but the root cause of
all these fears is Pain. All the fears of man
culminate in the fear of pain. And that’s why
people will endure even a major disease which
doesn’t cause pain – but rarely can we ignore
a simple headache!

Let us explore the subject deeply. Pain can be

What physical, mental or emotional.
is Physical pain is the least of our worries! It is,
Pain? in a way, a basic necessity for the body. Just
imagine, if we could feel no pain, we might start
styling our faces and limbs the way we style our
hair today! We certainly can’t put it past today’s youngsters! But
jokes apart, pain is the symbol of bodily wisdom. Pain is what
makes us integrated human beings.
Contrary to what we believe, most of us are not ‘living’ with our
entire body. We ‘live’ only in the upper parts, neglecting the lower
ones. To understand me better, just try this: close your eyes and
imagine yourself, your being. Call your name. Which part of your
body is being called to mind? It would most definitely be your face
and upper limbs, certainly not the lower body parts. This shows

that we are not fully alive in every cell, every limb. Even in our
minds, we make this distinction. The upper limbs are the masters,
the lower limbs the servants. When you create this separation,
even unknowingly, your energy or life force is channeled only to
those body parts that you focus on. Just touch your cheek.
Doesn’t it feel sensitive, alive? Now touch your foot. Does it feel
the same? Notice that you are not as alive in your foot as in your
cheek. Why is that? Though hard to believe, it is due to your lack
of attention to that part.

On the emotional and mental level, pain is

usually the result of some form of judgement.
the mind
Pain is always, ALWAYS born of resistance
to the present moment. Significantly, every
time you experience pain, it leaves behind a

residue of pain which becomes lodged in the body. By and by,

this accumulated pain creates a negative energy field around
you, which we now call the Pain Body. The Pain Body is
responsible for, and controls, most of our pain patterns.

Research reveals that emotional imbalance can deeply disturb

the physical body. For example, sexual repression can result in
back pain, or the sense of shouldering too much responsibility
can cause pain in the shoulder. e.g. in a crowded bus you may
be packed with people of all kinds. But your being will not be
touching them - your mind, your consciousness will not allow
that. So your being will be shrinking deeper into yourself
instead. This is the problem.
A small story:
In Calcutta there are two small ashrams whose presidents are
not on good terms with each other. One day a person of some

authority arrives in one ashram and invites the president to join

him in visiting the other ashram. The president is in distress –
he cannot refuse, but he doesn’t want to go either. Suddenly
the president develops a high fever which prevents him from
leaving the place! I have seen this with my own eyes. As soon
as the other person left, the temperature came back to normal
again. Haven’t we all experienced Monday Morning Blues?
Even children display bodily symptoms of illness when forced
to do what they don’t want. This kind of illness is caused
simply by Un-Ease, by the mind and the body pulling you in
opposite directions. Thus you are not at ease with yourself –
this dis-ease is what is called Disease.
The other day, a handsome young man belonging to an
orthodox family was brought to our healing center. His
complaint was - sudden blindness! His parents started weeping
and told me that the boy was in excellent health, and turned

blind just a week ago. All medical tests revealed perfect

vision – but he couldn’t see!
After scanning his energy I asked to spend a few moments
alone with him. As soon as he was allowed to talk to me in
private, the boy poured out his troubles to me. He said that
he was deeply in love with a girl, but had been forced by his
parents to stop seeing her. I immediately figured out the root
cause of the problem. I asked the boy to procure a photograph
of the girl, and spend the next three days meditating upon it
continuously. H i s p a rents were t a k e n a b a c k a t t h i s
unconventional solution, that too from a spiritual man! But
the technique worked, for in 3 days the man regained his
vision perfectly.

When the boy was compelled not to see

Why what he most wanted to see, his consciousness
did this decided not to see anything at all. His
happen? blindness was deeply psychological. What
tremendous power the mind has over the
senses! The mind is everything.

In the Bhagavatha Purana it is mentioned: Krishna and Radha

took birth within a few moments of each other. Radha was a
normal baby in every way – except that she wouldn’t open her
eyes. A few days later, Radha’s mother visited Krishna’s house
to see the baby Krishna. She took her newborn daughter with
her. The moment Radha was brought into Krishna’s presence,
she opened her eyes and beheld Krishna before her.

Later in life, when questioned by a friend, Radha remarked,

“What else was there to see? It is for Krishna that I have taken

birth. So I waited till I was taken to his presence to open my

eyes.” This may be only a tale, but it illustrates the tremendous
power of the mind over the body.

In fact, we might say that Pain is a requisition letter written by

the body to the mind, saying, ‘Please pay me some attention!’
Because your attention is your energy. Wherever you direct
your attention, there your energy is also directed, and in that
direction you witness growth.

Not many people will believe it if they are

You invite told that all their pains are those they have
pain invited upon themselves, like honoured guests
upon into their household. Yet this is true.
A small story:
Nitti Mudaliar entered a restaurant and began

ordering vast quantities of food. Platefuls of steaming idlis, dosas

and jalebis made their way to his table. He ate with relish. After
a hearty meal, Nitti finally signaled the waiter to stop bringing
in the food. The waiter duly returned with a little white slip.

“What is this?’ asked Nitti, looking at the bill innocently. “Why

have you brought me this? I hadn’t ordered anything like this!”

In much the same way, we too invite pain and disease upon
ourselves with our immoderate habits and stressful lifestyles –
and then forget all about it and complain later when disease
takes its toll.

And sometimes we do enjoy the disease too, though no one ever

admits to that! Just like how an organ asking for your attention
develops a disease, you yourself fall ill in order to get the
attention of others.

This is not a wonder, for in the hectic pace of today’s life, who
has the time to pay attention to anyone else, unless they fall ill?
Attention is such a basic need! Psychology proves that normally
a man can stay alive without food for upto 90 days, but without
the attention of others he will lose his sanity in just 14 days.
Because attention is energy, it is a life-force. Though we are
unaware of it, the craving for attention is so great that to gain
it we create our own low-energy pool, and gladly suffer from
everything from cold to cancer.

In a relationship, you often notice that both parties are begging

for each other’s attention, begging bowls outstretched. Do you
think two beggars can have a positive and fulfilling relationship?
To truly attain freedom from disease, stop begging for attention.
This is a subtle, psychological begging, which happens without
our complete awareness, and which is ultimately far more

damaging than physical begging.

Life teaches us a lot of things. Understanding them is our

responsibility. But we live in a constant sate of somnambulism,
unaware of what we are inviting upon ourselves.

Let me illustrate with a small story:

An engineer working in a large firm would bring he same dish

for lunch everyday. Everyday he would complain about how
much he hated that particular dish, and his sympathetic
friends would share their lunch with him. Taking pity on the
man’s plight, his friends finally advised him, “Why don’t you
ask your wife to cook something you like, for a change?
How can she not be aware that you hate this dish?”

“What wife?”, the man replied in surprise. “I’m a bachelor. I


cook my own lunch!”

This may sound funny, but it’s true: we live our lives in
much the same way. Through our lack of awareness, we first
invite pain upon ourselves, and then complain abut it and
resort to painkillers. And the truly shameful thing is, we
don’t even mind getting afflicted by the same disease again
and again – because we don’t identify ourselves as the root
cause of the problem. We throw the responsibility for the
pain on others, never on ourselves.

If pain is perceived as the absence of your

What is attention, then the remedy must be your
the cure presence. There is a simple and beautiful self-
for pain? healing meditation technique that channels
your ‘presence’ into the diseased limb. You

can try it out the next time you experience pain (e.g. leg pain).
It is definitely a better option to painkillers, whose side-effects
sometimes prove worse that the original complaint!

The meditation: Lie down in a dark room. Make a conscious effort

to, forget about your whole body, focusing only on the limb/ spot
which causes you pain. As you experience your painful limb,
deliberately drop the word ‘Pain’ from your mind. Your mental
chatter will continue to tell you that you feel pain. Switch it off.
Feel deeply, experience with an open mind. Look into what
happening inside your mind. You will soon see that your mind
was just exaggerating the pain. Put all your awareness on the
center of the pain, and it will soon shrink to become just a tiny
pinpoint of pain. Concentrate completely on this point, and you
will discover in a sudden moment that the pain has disappeared,
and in its place is pleasure, bliss. For the root of pain and pleasure

are the same, it’s the same sensation with two names. If you’ve ever
received a good massage from a friend or a professional, you’ll
realise that the same massage would seem like sheer physical
violence if you receive it at the hands of a stranger!

If you try to understand the truth of your experience, it will be

that ‘pain’ doesn’t exist at all. Pain has only a negative existence.
Like darkness, it is only an absence - the absence of awareness. As
darkness disappears of its own accord when light is brought into
a room, pain dissolves automatically when the energy of your
awareness is focused upon it. Any kind of pain can be transcended
by this meditation. I invite you to experience it for yourself, to
channel your pain into meditation and use it as a tool to enter your
being. You’ll find that Pain is a door to pleasure (Ananda).

A short story:
Two men, one a gnani (enlightened person) and
can be a
the other a haughty landowner, are traveling
through a forest in the dark. Suddenly a shaft
of lightning flashes in the sky. This leaves the
landowner trembling in fear of the impending
storm. On the other hand, the gnani uses uses the moment to
take a better look at the road ahead and ascertain that he’s
traveling in the right direction.
Pain is like this flash of lightning. Whether you use this pain,
or get used by it, is up to you. If you use it to look into your
being, you will realize that you are the cause of your own pain,
and only you can be the solution.
When you observe your pain deeply, an innocence opens up in

you. For the first time, you become aware that you are not the
body. No pain can touch the real You. Once you realize that
you are beyond pain, you transcend pain to become a Dukkha
Ateeta (one who has gone beyond suffering). You experience
the rare freedom that arises with non-attachment to the body
which you carry all your life. You transcend your mundane life
and are transported to a spiritual plane. You then exist in the
world as an Atman, an enlightened master. The whole material
world disappears and another world arises – of incomparable
beauty, innocence, joy and compassion.
As the Gita says:
“Sama dukkha sukha swastha sama loshtaashma kaanchana
Tulya priyaapriyo dheerasthulya nindaatma samstuti”
(“He who is ever established in the Self, takes woe and joy alike,
regards a clod of earth, a stone and a piece of gold equal in value, is

possessed of wisdom, receives the pleasant and the unpleasant in the

same spirit, and views censure and praise alike”.)
With gnana and dhyana, awareness and practice, pain can become
the magic portal to enter into Nithyananda, eternal bliss.
My blessings are always with you.




Q. Is enlightenment the only way out of this

world of pain and misery?
There is one thing you need to understand first: Enlightenment
is NOT an escape from pain! On the contrary, it is born of a
deep insight into the nature of pain, a profound and total
understanding of ‘Why am I unhappy? What is it in me that is
causing this pain?’
Just to see with intense inner clarity the nature and causes of
pain, will cause pain to evaporate of its own accord - because
it no longer has a reason to exist in you. And this realization
brings with it a state of absolute bliss, which is the state of
Enlightenment allows you to see, for the first time, that what
you called happiness and contentment earlier were not true
happiness, true contentment. Enlightenment showers upon you

real bliss, real ecstasy. It gives you a taste of the real.

But remember, none of this can happen till you have crossed the
‘pain barrier’ - a total understanding of the whole spectrum of
pain. Enlightenment is certainly not an ‘easy way out’ of pain!
And in a way, you need to be thankful for the pain and
suffering you experience - for aren’t they the catalysts that set
you upon your quest for truth and transcendence?

Q. I get easily angry and hurt when someone

insults me. How can I avoid this?
Why do you try to avoid it? To suppress pain, anger, humiliation
will only cause it to stay in your system in a repressed form.
Suppressed emotions can be dangerous - a little anger, a small
feeling of hurt, can fester over time into a deep and lasting

Instead, try accepting your emotion without judging yourself.

Are you feeling hurt? Right, now enter completely into the
feeling of hurt. Don’t avoid it, don’t reject it. Don’t sympathise
with yourself either, don’t direct it against the person who hurt
you - simply watch the emotion as it plays in your system. This
may take a while - maybe a few hours, even a few days And
then you will see a transformation you never imagined. After all,
emoton is energy, tremendous energy. Just how long can so
much raw energy circulate in your system? The moment you
accept your pain with no rejection, welcoming its role in your
life, the whole quality of pain changes. The same energy that
was pain, anger, suffering is transformed into the blessed emotions
of love and bliss.
This is Compassion, the silent force that moves in each of us,
the force that transforms the ugly into the beautiful. And
Compassion brings its own rewards.

Difficult to believe? It will certainly be, till you experience it

yourself. Give it a chance!

Q. Why do love and pain always go hand in

hand? I try to give a lot of freedom to my
partner in my relationships, but just end up
getting used.
In the first place, isn’t your idea of ‘giving freedom’ to your
beloved a very wrong one? Love itself implies giving the other
total freedom, unconditional freedom. To say that you are giving
a certain amount of freedom to the other (whatever you consider
necessary!) itself shows that you are holding back something in
your giving.
It is natural to want to possess your beloved - that is the play
of the ego. It is difficult to imagine that your beloved may need

space and time away from you, isn’t it! You try to do the right
thing - by ‘giving freedom’ to your lover - but when she
actually uses that freedom, you end up feeling exploited. Honestly,
you never expected that she would never use that freedom to
do her own thing, or to be with someone else, did you?
Don’t make the mistake of generalising: ‘Every time I give
freedom in my relationships, I get used.’ Are you sure the fault
is not yours as well? The reason that love usually brings with
it so much pain is that lovers unknowingly force each other into
the golden cage of their own expectations. But true love can
never blossom in captivity. You try and imprison your lover,
and she does the same, time after time - till you end up feeling
that love is so much misery that perhapsit is better not to love
at all. But once you close yourself to Love, what is left?
Love can be a door to joy and freedom, or it can become a

living hell. To experience love as pain is to miss the whole point

of Love.
There’s a saying: ‘If you love someone, set her free. If she’s
yours, she’ll come back to you; if she doesn’t come back, it
means she never was yours anyway.’ Try following that - not
just in your romantic attachments, but in all your relationships!

Q. We in India have been brought up on the

concept of ‘karma’, necessary suffering. Is
suffering really essential in our lives?
To start with, it will help to realise that suffering is not a state
of life, it is a state of mind. It is not an event in your life - it
is your response to some event. Whether you suffer or not in
a particular situation depends entirely on your reaction to that

When do you undergo suffering? When you fall ill? When your
neighbour gets a new car? When your boyfriend / girlfriend leaves
you for someone else?
Well, suppose you decided to just accept these situations without
anger or resentment. Just as they are, so be it. Would you still
suffer as much? After all, there is nothing inherently painful
about your neighbour getting a new car. Even if there is pain
in the moment, as when a loved one leaves, you cannot wish it
away. Try to accept the inevitability of the moment, without
reaction. It is ONLY your negative response to an experience
that allows it to hurt you. Don’t you see, no one or nothing can
make you suffer without your silent permission?
Make a habit of witnessing experiences minus your personal
judgement. Learn to recognise with clarity the causes of your
suffering - the obvious and the subtle. The ability to do this will

come, not in a day but certainly through practice.

Once of the most deeply hidden reasons for suffering is: you
could be enjoying it! For example, falling ill can become a
source of pleasure if it fetches you the attention and care you
have been craving. Examine why it sometimes gives you pleasure
to inflict pain on yourself, or on others. Is there a better
channel through which you can receive the same pleasure -
without the suffering? Become Aware - this is the first step.
The second is to Accept totally the Here and Now - without
questions and without reaction. Awareness with Acceptance -
this is the only way out of suffering.
The second part of the question - is suffering essential?
Yes, in a way it is. Because suffering can be a powerful catalyst
to growth. Just like a seed first has to rupture before a plant can
grow and blossom, intense suffering can break down the defenses

of your ego, leaving you open and vulnerable to existence. With

your usual thought patterns shattered, you begin to see things
as they actually are. You begin to recognize a subtle distance
betwen you and the pain - that it is not ‘your’ pain, someting
intrinsic to you. In fact, pain is simply the response you’ve
chosen to that particular situation. And once you see that, how
can you suffer anymore? In consciously accepting your pain,
you truly let go of it.
Suffering is not necessarily the key to bliss. But if you learn
your lesson well, suffering can certainly open your eyes to the
unreality of suffering. It can teach you how unneccessary it is
to suffer at all. This is what I call ‘necessary suffering’!

Q. You say the dropping of pain can bring bliss

- but bliss too leads to pain when it ceases.

How do I make the move from pain to bliss?

What you first need to understand is that pain and bliss are not
opposites. Bliss has nothing to do with pain. Pleasure is the
opposite of pain - and like all opposites, they have no existence
without each other. You are right, you cannot enjoy pleasure
without suffering pain. It is significant that ancient Indian
scriptures used the same word, Pain, to imply both pleasure and
pain - because pain is the ultimate result of both.
Bliss is that which arises when you drop the ideas of both pleasure
and pain. And you have to drop them both together - there is no othe
way. Bliss is what floods you when both and pleasure have ceased to
disturb you. Bliss is beyond pain and pleasure both. It is perfect
harmony, complete inner silence, total peace.
Can you understand me?


Ph: 04282-253 874 Sri T. Rangaraj

Mob: 098427 67668 24, Salai Road, Salem – 636 001
Ph: 0427 - 226 9086
Sri S.K. Prasad
Smt. Vani Prasad Sri P. L. Ramasamy
Advocate & Notary Panel Advocate 76 / 7, Shankar Nagar
23, Sriram Nagar Salem – 636 007
Behind Premier Roller Flour Mills Ph: 0427-241 4636
Reddiyur, Salem – 636 016
Smt. Sivashakti Leela
Ph: 0427- 444 429
W/o. P. Ganesan
Sri R.M. Palaniyappan 4/96, Kathavarayani Koil
25, Kannara Street, Shevapet Thalavaipatti Post, Sithanoor
Salem – 636 002 Salem – 636 302
Ph: (O) 0427-220 245 (R) 220 624 Ph: 0427-240 0675 / 240 0272
Sri A.V. Prakasam Sri P. Suriya Kumar Anbazhagan
Kumar Shirts, 142, 1st Agraharam 173, Gnana Subramanya Nagar
Salem – 636 001 Thoppukadu, Fairlands, Salem – 636 016
Ph: 0427 - 224 1352
Sri Sridhar
Dr. K.K. Rajagopal 9, Krishnan Koil Street, Salem – 636 001
Kamala Hospital Ph: 0427-225 3976
256, 2nd Agraharam, Salem
Sri M.P. Sekar
Ph: 0427-226 0468
19-A, Sannadhi Street

Subramaniya Nagar, Salem – 636 005 Sri M.S.P. Subramaniam

Ph: 0427-244 4168 Smt. Lalitha Subramaniam
Sri Saluja Anand Kumar
2B, Sarada College Road
33, Vidyalaya Road, Salem – 636 007
Salem 636 007
Ph: 0427-231 6926
Ph: 0427 - 231 3795 / 231 2969
Sri Sudhakar
Sri R. Shashidhar
Tower House, 80, Cherry Road
4/93, Greenways Road, Fairlands
Salem – 636 007. Ph: 0427 - 231 2702
Salem 636 016
Dr. Sridhar Ph: 0427-244 7142
7A, Sankar Nagar, Salem – 636 007
Smt. K. Sumathi
Ph: 0427-242 0523
1A/1, Yercaud Main Road
Sri Thangavelu North Side of Collectors Bungalow
Sri T. Senthil Kumar Salem 636 007. Ph: 0427 - 240 0242
Smt. Punidavathi
94, Greenways Road
5-D, Kasakanoor
Fairlands, Salem – 636 016
Salem 636 005
Ph:0427 - 2447396
Ph: 0427 - 2442638
Smt. R. M. Sigappy
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76/7, Shankar Nagar, Salem – 636 007
Mettupatti Thathanoor (PO)
Ph: 0427-310 0664
Ayodhyapattanam (Via), Salem.
Ph: 0427 - 248 4837

Smt. Vasantha NORWAY

26, Marimuthu Street, Ammapet
Salem 636 003. Ph: 0427 – 224 1352 Smt.Ellen Elisabeth Ramsoey
Hans Aanrudsuei 18B
TRICHY 2618 Lillehammer, Norway
Sri. A Sheik Mohammad Email:
5, 2nd Floor,Tab Complex
Cantonment, Trichy. Ph: 0431-240283
YERCAUD Smt. Radhika Vadiraja
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Smt S.P. Geetharaj 37, Bath Road, Hounslow
House of Peace, Ram Road Middlesex TW3 3BP
Yercaud. Ph: 04281 - 222 262 United Kingdom
Smt. Madhavi Kannappan Email:
Marylands Estate, Pattipali
Yercaud – 636 660
Ph: 04281 - 222 350 / 222 351 Smt. Ana Ahluwalia
Sri L.R.M. Valliappa 4525, Olde village CR
Smt. V. Vasantha Edmond, OK - 73013, USA
Vasambadi Estate, Yercaud 636 601 Ph: + 405 475 9450
Ph: 04281 - 222 282, Mob: 094432 22282 M: + 405 54 8106

Sri. Chowdappa Ramakrishnan Email:

108 APT ‘G’ West Constitution
Sri Subu Subramanian
Norman OK 73072
Smt. Nacha Subramanian
Sri. Niranjan Krishnamoorthy Krishna Subramanian
10340, Maya Linda Road Nachi Subramanian
B-106, San Diego CA 92126 41816, Mission Cielo Court
Ph: + (858) 536 8992 Fremont, CA 94539. Ph: 510-668-1750
M: + (858) 922 3293 Email:
Dr. R. G. Krishnan M.D., F.R.C.S. Sri. Siva Vallabhaneni
31, Snowberry Guide, Venitia - PA 16367 1009 Caines Hill Road,
Edmond OK 73034
Sri. Ram Vairavan
Ph: + 405 330 6363, M: + 405 204 1766
1647, Andorre Glen, Escondido CA 92029.
Ph: + (760) 233 0733 Dr. Swarna Reddy
M: + (760) 443 5598 869, Floros De Oro
Email: S.Pasadena, CA 91030
Ph: 323-255-9988
Smt. Rashmi Ramaprasan
939, Azure Street, Apartment 4
Sunnyvale, CA 94087. Ph: 408-887-9646 Smt. Vijaya L Malpani
1617 Queens Town RD
Smt. Sharmila Mackallor
Okla City OK 73116. Ph: + 405 843 2770
5788, Rochester Court
San Jose, CA 95123. Ph: 408-227-9645


List of Titles
The Formless in Form
A pictorial biography of Swamiji
The Gossip Of Nithyananda
A collection of Swamiji’s most memorable quotes
A Small Story...
Swamiji’s best-loved parables
The Many Moods of Swamiji
Swamiji captured on camera
From Pain to Bliss
Insights from Swamiji
From Worrying to Wondering
Insights from Swamiji
Question + Swamiji + Answer!
Your questions answered
The Simple Truth, Straightaway!
A public address by Swamiji

Is Spirituality relevant in our time?

A frank talk with the press
Om Mani Padme Hum
27 ways to approach the Master
Discovering Love
Insights from Swamiji
Open the door... let the breeze in!
Swamiji’s guide to simple living & high thinking
Ananda Healing : Your shortcut to God!
An introduction to healing initiation
A Garland of Memories
Devotees’ reminiscences of time spent with Swamiji
Voices of Gratitude
Testimonials about healing miracles
A printed collection of devotional songs
Nithyananda : Oru Arimugam
Nandri! Nandri! Nandri!
“Pain is ALWAYS born out of resistance to the present moment.
As soon as accept the present, you cease to suffer.” From
Dhyana Peetam

Nithyanandapuri, Mysore Road, Bidadi

Bangalore District, Karnataka, INDIA.
Ashram : 91-80-7270181 Secretary: 37803444
City Centre: 91-80-56691844, 56703444
email: w w


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