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Manila Adventist College

(formerly Manila Adventist Medical Center & School of Medical Arts, Inc.)
1975 Corner San Juan and Donada Streets, 1300 Pasay City, PHILIPPINES
TELEPHONE NO. 8525-9191 *FAX NO. 8524-3256

BIO101 Anatomy and Physiology 1


Name: _______________________________________________________________
Student number: ____________________
230255 Date: ______________________

Directions: Read each questions carefully and write your answers on the space
provided. Identify what are being asked on the given illustrations below. Write your
answer on the space provided.

Part 1. Bones of the Lower Limb

A. The Hip Lateral View

1. Intermediate zone of iliac crest 12. Ramus of ischium

2. Tuberculum of iliac crest 13. Ischial tuberosity
3. Anterior superior iliac spine 14. Body of ischium
4. Body of ilium 15. Lesser sciatic notch
5. Anterior inferior iliac spine 16. Ischial spine
6. Acetabulum 17. Greater sciatic notch
7. Acetabular notch 18. Posterior inferior iliac spine
8. Superior pubic ramus 19. Posterior superior iliac spine
9. Pubic tubercle 20. Inferior gluteal line

10. Inferior pubic ramus 21. Anterior gluteal line
11. Obturator foramen 22. Posterior gluteal line

B. The Hip Bone Medial View

1. Iliac crest 12. Inferior public ramus

2. Anterior superior iliac spine 13. Obturator foramen
3. Wing calas of ilium 14. Ischial tuberosity
4. Anterior interior iliac spine 15. Lesser sciatic notch
5. Arcuate line 16. Ischial spine
6. Iliopubic eminence 17. Greater sciatic notch
7. Superior pubic ramus 18. Posterior inferior iliac spine
8. Pecten pubis 19. Auricular surface
9. Pubic tubercle 20. Posterior superior iliac spine
10. Symphyseal surface 21. Iliac tuberosity
11. Obturator groove

C. The Thigh Bone: Femur

Anterior View Posterior View

1. Greater trochanter 14. Medial supracondylar line

2. Head of femur 15. Trochanteric fossa
3. Fovea capitis 16. Gluteal tuberosity
4. Neck 17. Papiteal surface
5. Lesser trochanter 18. Lateral supracondylar line
6. Body (shaft) , Adductor tubercle 19. Lateral epicondyle
7. Medial Epicondyle 20. Lateral condyle
8. Medial condyle 21. Intercondylar fossa
9. Intertrochanteric crest 22. Patellar surface
10. Pectineal line 23. Lateral condyle
11. Linea aspera (Medial lip) 24. Lateral epicondyle
12. Linea aspera (Lateral lip) 25. Intertrochanteric line
13. Nutrient foramen

D. The Leg Bones: Tibia and Fibula

Anterior View Posterior View

1. Intercondylar eminence 15. Anterior border

2. Lateral intercondylar tubercle 16. Interosseous border
3. Medial Intercondylar tubercle 17. Medial surface
4. Head of fibula 18. Medial border
5. Posterior surface 19. Medial Malleolus
6. Medial crest 20. Inferior articular surface
7. Posterior border 21. Lateral malleolus
8. Lateral surface 22. Medial surface
9. Medial condyle 23. Interosseous border
10. Oblique line 24. Anterior border
11. Tuberosity 25. Head of fibula
12. Soleal line 26. Lateral condyle
13. Lateral surface 27. Gerdy’s tubercle
14. Posterior surface

E. Bones of the Ankle and Foot

Dorsal View Plantar View

1. Calcaneus 8. First metatarsal (shaft)

2. Body of talus 9. Proximal phalanx of big toe
3. Cuboid 10. Distal phalanx of big toe
4. Navicular 11. Proximal phalanx of small toe
5. Lateral cuneiform 12. Middle phalanx of small toe
6. Intermediate cuneiform 13. Distal phalanx of small toe
7. medial cuneiform

Part 2. The Muscles of the Lower Extremity

A. Muscles of the Thigh and Gluteal Region (Superficial and Lateral View)

1. Gluteus maximus
2. Biceps femoris
3. Sartorius
4. Tensor fasciae latae
5. Rectus femoris
6. Vartus lateralis
7. Iliotibial tract

B. Muscles of the Thigh (Superficial and Deep, Anterior View)

1. Tensor fasciae latae

2. Sartorius muscle
3. Rectus fermoris
4. Pectineus muscle
5. Adductor longus muscle
6. Gracillis muscle
7. Vastus lateralis
8. Rectus fermoris

Superficial Muscles

Deep Muscles

C. Muscles of the Thigh and Gluteal Region (Superficial and Deep, Posterior View)

1. Gluteus minimus
2. Piriformis
3. Superior Gemellus
4. Gluteus maximus
5. Obturator internus
6. Inferior gemellus
7. Quadratus femoris
8. Gracilis
9. Adductor magnus
10. Semimembranosus muscle
11. Biceps femoris muscle
12. Semitendinosus muscle

Superficial Muscles Deep Muscles

D. Muscles of the Leg (Posterior View)

1. Plantaris muscle
2. Popliteus muscle
3. Gastrocnemius muscle (medial and lateral heads)
4. Soleus muscle
5. Calcaneal tendons

E. Muscles of the Leg (Posterior View)

1. Tibialis anterior
2. Fibularis longus
3. Soleus
4. Extensor digitorum longus
5. Gastrocnemius
6. Fibularis brevis
7. Extensor digitorum brevis

F. Muscles of the Leg (Anterior View)

1. Gastrocnemius
2. Tibialis anterior
3. Fibularis longus
4. Extensor digitorum longus
5. Soleus
6. Fibularis brevis
7. Extensor hallucis longus

Part 3. Nerves of the Lower Extremity

A. The Lumbar Plexus

Type text here

1. 12th thoracic 9. Accessory obturator nerve
2. 1st lumbar 10. Femoral nerve
3. 2nd lumbar 11. To psoas and iliacus
4. 3rd lumbar 12. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
5. 4th lumbar 13. Genitofemoral nerve
6. 5th lumbar 14. Ilioinguinal nerve
7. Lumbosacral truck 15. Iliohypograstic nerve
8. Obturator nerve 16. Subcostal nerve

B. The Sacral Plexus

1. 4th lumbar 10. Posterior fermoral cutaneous nerve

2. 5th lumbar 11. Nerve to obturator internus muscle
3. 1st sacral 12. Nerve to quadratus fermoris muscle
4. 2nd sacral 13. Tibial division of sciatic nerve
5. 3rd sacral 14. Common fibular division of sciatic nerve
6. 4th sacral 15. Nerve to piriformis muscle
7. Nerve to levator ani muscle 16. Inferior gluteal nerve
8. Pudendal nerve 17. Superior gluteal nerve
9. Perforating cutaneous nerve

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