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1. Cuaca………………

2. Write type weather in Indonesia !

3. Bersepeda…………

4. Jas hujan………………

5. Diluar……………

6. Musim salju atau cuasa salju…………………..

7. Cuaca panas……………….

8. Cuaca hujan……………..

9. Cuaca berawan………………

10. Cuaca cerah……………..

11. Sumber energi in English is……………..

12. The Humans need energy from (Manusia membutuhkan energi dari)……………

13. Write the source of energy !

14. The biggest of energy in world is………………..

15. Write the change of energy !

16. Write 5 examples from heat energy !

17. Write 5 example from chemical energy !

18. Write 5 example from sound energy !

19. Microwave, stove, toaster is examples of ……………

20. Petrol, food, battery is example of……………

21. She is listening to the music. Music is……………..

22. Drum, flute, bell, guitar are………………..

23. Mango tree is needing sun to………………….

24. The human need food and water to………………

25. Penanak nasi………….

26. Pemanggang roti…………

27. Kulkas…………….

28. Topi………………..

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