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Chatbot Testing Report Form

Tester Information
Tester's Name: ______________________________________

Date of Testing: ______________________________________

Time of Testing: ______________________________________

Session Duration: ______________________________________

Chatbot Interaction Details

1. Chatbot Name/Version: ______________________________________

2. Number of Distinct Sessions: ______________________________________

3. Total Number of Interactions (Messages with the Chatbot):


4. Interaction Start Time (First Session): ______________________________________

5. Interaction End Time (Last Session): ______________________________________

6. Purpose of Interactions:

□ General Inquiry
□ Specific Mental Health Concern
□ Feedback Submission
□ Other: _______________________________

User Experience
7. Initial Impression:
How easy was it to begin interacting with the chatbot?

□ Very Easy
□ Somewhat Easy
□ Neutral
□ Somewhat Difficult
□ Very Difficult
8. Chatbot Responsiveness:
How quickly did the chatbot respond to your inputs?

□ Instantly
□ Acceptably Quick
□ Slight Delays
□ Long Delays
□ Very Long Delays

9. Relevance and Clarity of Responses:

Were the chatbot's responses clear and relevant to your queries, without any confusing or
unrelated information?

□ Always Clear and Relevant

□ Mostly Clear and Relevant
□ Occasionally Unclear or Irrelevant
□ Frequently Unclear or Irrelevant
□ Often Unclear and Irrelevant

10. Understanding of Queries:

How well did the chatbot understand your queries?

□ Perfectly Understood
□ Mostly Understood
□ Occasionally Misunderstood
□ Frequently Misunderstood
□ Did Not Understand

Technical Performance
11. Encounter with Unexpected Responses:
Did you experience any unexpected or nonsensical responses from the chatbot that seemed
out of context?

□ Yes
□ No
If yes, please describe the context and the response:
12. Feedback on Chatbot Suggestions/Interventions:
How appropriate and helpful were the suggestions or interventions provided by the

□ Very Helpful
□ Somewhat Helpful
□ Neutral
□ Somewhat Unhelpful
□ Very Unhelpful

Overall Satisfaction
13. Overall Satisfaction with Interaction:

□ Very Satisfied
□ Satisfied
□ Neutral
□ Dissatisfied
□ Very Dissatisfied

Improvement Suggestions
14. What improvements would you suggest for the chatbot interaction experience?

15. Additional Comments:




Topics that you can address in your Additional Comments:


Does the chatbot start a conversation effectively?

Can the chatbot handle multiple conversation threads?

Understanding and Accuracy:

How accurately does the chatbot understand user queries?

Is the chatbot providing relevant and correct responses?

Error Handling:

How does the chatbot handle irrelevant or nonsensical input?

What is the response of the chatbot when it does not know an answer?

User Interaction and Engagement:

How effectively does the chatbot keep the user engaged?

Is the chatbot's tone and language appropriate for its target audience?

Speed and Performance:

Does the chatbot's performance degrade with complex tasks?

Integration and Compatibility:

Is the chatbot compatible across different devices and browsers?

Customization and Learning:

Does the chatbot demonstrate the ability to learn from interactions?

Can the chatbot be easily customized for different uses?

Feedback and Improvement:

How does the chatbot solicit and handle user feedback?

Are there mechanisms for users to report errors or suggest improvements?

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