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UNITS 1-10

Student’s Name: ______________ Teacher :

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences using the words below.

attracted essential spectacular widespread phenomenon

inherited judgement regarded recognition key

1. It is a good idea to try not to pass _______________ on people or their customs –

keep an open mind.
2. Agatha Christie is generally ____________ as the Queen of Crime, thanks to her
amazing ability to write thrilling books.
3. Einstein won many prizes, including the Nobel prize in 1921, in ______________ of
his achievements in the field of physics.
4. The _________________ to the soap opera’s success is that viewers want to keep
track of everything that happens to the main characters.
5. Football violence is a serious _______________________ which can be found in
most European countries.
6. Louis became rich when he _________________ a large sum of money from his
7. Sears Tower is one of the most __________________ landmarks in the Chicago
skyline and in the world. It is a must for all visitors to Chicago.
8. Almost everybody owns a computer today and the use of the internet is
9. More and more tourists are __________________ to this area because of its warm
climate and breathtaking views.
10. Previous working experience is __________________ if you want to get this job.

Exercise 2

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word
given. Use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. Who is the owner of that car? BELONG

Who ____________________________________________to?
2. In the past I never did much exercise. USE
I _______________________________________________ much exercise in the past.
3. Kim’s parents succeeded in finding a good piano for her. MANAGED

Kim’s parents _________________________________________ a good piano for

4. Both twins look the same to me. DIFFERENCE
I ___________________________________________________ between the twins.
5. You should relax tomorrow. EASY
You should _______________________________________________ tomorrow.
6. They’ll finish painting our house by the end of the week. COMPLETED
The painting of our house ________________________________________ by the
end of the week.
7. It won’t help if you complain to John. POINT
There’s __________________________________________ to John.
8. Tom won’t let us down this time. COUNT
We ____________________________________________ Tom this time.
9. “Shall we invite Ted over?” said Alex. SUGGESTED
Alex _____________________________________________ over.
10. Helen supports herself by selling the pictures she paints. LIVING
Helen _________________________________ selling the pictures she paints.

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words on the right.


Kim is a very ____idependent___ child, and always wants to do everything on her own.

1. It is dangerous to ___________ your skin to the sun for a long time. EXPOSURE
2. We weren’t surprised at Marks reaction. It was ________________. PREDICT
3. They made _________________ for the hotel on the internet. RESERVE
4. After a lot of ________________ , she came with us. PERSUADE
5. Her behaviour was very ____________ but she apologised afterwards. OFFEND
6. I’m sorry I didn’t hear you. Could you _________ what you said? REPETITION
7. I think Sue has a ____________ that we’re planning a surprise party
for her birthday. SUSPECT
8. Winning the gold medal in the Olympic Games was a great
_________________ for him. ACCOMPLISH
9. Paula’s whole ___________________ has changed since she cut
her hair short. APPEAR
10. When you go for a job, it is important to make a good ____________. IMPRESS

Exercise 4

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

GRAMMAR d. Supportive

1. “Why is Kate so annoyed with

“He ________ on her mobile 6. This time on Saturday I ____ in a
phone.” marathon.
a. Forever is calling her a. Will take part
b. Forever calls her b. Will have taken part
c. Is forever calling her c. Will be taking part
d. Calls her forever d. Going to take part

2. Jake _____________ his bike 7. Tess accused ______ her car

when he had the accident. without asking.
a. Tony of taking
a. Rode
b. He was riding b. Tony to take
c. That Tony took
c. Was used to riding
d. Was riding d. To Tony of taking

3. This place is really dirty. Why ___? 8. I ________ by a mechanic last

a. It isn’t cleaned Monday.
b. It hasn’t cleaned a. Had fixed my car
c. Hasn’t it been cleaned b. Had my car fixed
d. It hasn’t been cleaned c. Had had my car fixed
d. Fixed my car
4. “How does Linda have my phone
number?” 9. The zookeeper told us _____ the
“Craig ______ it to her.” animals.
a. Must have given a. To not feed
b. Should have given b. Not to feed
c. Would have given c. Not feeding
d. Needs to have given d. Not feed

5. Luckily for Tanya, she has a very 10. The guide took us round the
_____ family. house _____.
a. Supporter a. That in it Shakespeare lived
b. Support b. Where Shakespeare lived in
c. That Shakespeare lived in it
c. Supported
d. Where Shakespeare lived


1. After many years, Jill got ____ 6. The suspect was ______ by the
and was made a manager. police.
a. Acquisition a. Bargained
b. Application b. Negotiated
c. Significance c. Argued
d. Promotion d. Interrogated

2. If you’re ever in town, ___ me a 7. The doctor gave me a medicine

call! which was very ______.
a. Give a. Effective
b. Have b. Extensive
c. Do c. Offensive
d. Make d. Expressive

3. David was caught in the ____ of 8. The village is so ____ that there
stealing. isn’t even a bus service.
a. Method a. Ultimate
b. Act b. Unique
c. Means c. Private
d. Thick d. Remote

4. You have to be at the airport two 9. After the success of his first
hours ____ to departure. album, the singer planned an ___
a. Prior tour.
b. Before a. Initial
c. Ahead b. International
d. In front c. Independent
d. Influential
5. It is impossible to ____ the top of
the mountain by car. 10. There must be a _____. We
a. Wander didn’t order a bottle of wine.
b. Arrive a. Consequence
c. Reach b. Revenge
d. Lead c. Misunderstanding
d. Prejudice


Read the task below. Then write your story in 120-180 words.

Your teacher has asked you to write a story for the school’s English magazine. The story
must begin with the words:

Helen couldn’t sleep. She knew that the following day would be the most exciting day of her

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