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Got Mad During a Test

Yesterday, we had a test about science which was basically

about mirrors and how they worked.
We arrived at our school at 6:55 am which is about 5 minutes
before school started, we were all lining up to get into the classroom,
and as our grumpy teacher Mr. Nardi marched into our class, he
seemed to be holding test papers for today’s test.
Then, we had our morning prayer, and Mr Nardi told everyone
to put away all our devices and our books inside the bag. He basically
was grumpy every day, so even though we were moving fast, he
always talked to us in an angry way. Sometimes he likes to curse on
us, or telling us to move faster, even though we were – he thought we
were Usain Bolt – after that when it was 7:20 am, the test had finally
In my opinion, the test overall was still a piece of cake even
though I had to burn the midnight oil, however, some of the questions
have never been thought, so I skipped the question.
After all of that, one of my friends’ named Bryan was called to
the front desk of the teacher, because the teacher said that his
calculation was wrong about how the fractions were implemented.
Since during fractions, whenever we want to divide, we have to
multiply and switch the numbers all the way around, but my friend
Bryan didn’t do that, and he literally came up with one of the most
ridiculous but funniest excuses of mankind:
“I forgot, sir.”
When he said that, my teacher’s blood started to boil, and he
started to curse Bryan and saying that he was a stupid boy and thought
that he never learned this type of things. He jokingly thought that
Bryan should go back to third grade, but all of us turned on the
teacher, which obviously made him uncomfortable with our eyes
jerking and looking at him.
After that, Mr Nardi apologized to Bryan for cursing out to him
and told him to redo his work, Bryan did redo his work and on the
next day he somewhat got an 80.
Welp, I do understand that Bryan needs to improve his
knowledge about fractions, but Mr Nardi should keep his temper
down and explain it in a pleasing way. I also remembered that time,
when he said that he won’t be mad even if we asked, but the plan
backfired, and he went back to his old habit: Getting mad to people.

Okay the end lol 😊.

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