Drama of Lake Toba

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Drama of Lake Toba

Origin of Lake Toba

Act I
Intro: dangdut music to accompany the entry of Toba, the Orphan children who live in the northern
island of Sumatra, which is very dry with the equipment pole. Intro ended with dangdut music,
collaborating with pop music.
1.Toba: (Batak accent) "Hello, audience. What's she doing? Good - good are they? I'm here going fishing.
I pray for ya! "(After waiting about - about 3 hours)" Behold, I waited for the fish of the morning, but
why no one interested in the bait? What bait is out of date? Or, is there a more up to date more than a
bite? Feelings, this bait is the bait of the most up to date now. What is the goddess fortuna not
accompany my steps? How can I eat today? Lord, save thy servant. "
2.Toba: (swinging dreamily fishing line)
3.Toba: (expression of surprise arrived - arrived heavy fishing line) "Eh, what the audience is interested
in the fish bite?"
4.Toba: "Well, today I can carp. Greater. I ate enough for two days. The audience, Mr. - father, mother -
the mother, all who are here, definitely gets this goldfish. Take it easy. "(As he wiped a large carp)
5.Musik sung dangdut, the fish turned into a beautiful and graceful woman, and Toba shocked disbelief
mingled see it?
6.Toba: "Daughter of where are you? Of kayangankah? Because you look so beautiful. "
7.Putri: "Hello, all spectators. I'm the princess. I am from heaven. I have a dismal history. In the past, I've
cursed by the gods for having violated the rules in heaven and have written if I touched my hand it will
turn like creatures that touched me. Because I was touched by a human, then I became a man. "
8.Toba: "Long once told me you, I do not understand. Ah! Anyway, you go back to my house later you
tell me new again. "
Toba 9.after back to home
10.Putri: "This Brother house? Shit yes, audience! "
11.Toba: "Yeaaa. I'll bet you think my house is clean, safe, neat, and beautiful as the city the nickname
over there? Yes, this is when you live alone. I'm just at home that night. The rest, I take care of my
father's fields and fishing. "
12.Putri: "Well, where Aang's father? Why is not visible from that? "
13Toba: He had died three years ago, continuing a month after my father died my mother followed. Eh,
but whatever you do not have to think about. Not any more.
14.Putri: Sorry, I'm reminded brother with the past. By the - way, the name of Abang who?
15.Toba: "I, Toba. If you know who? Uh, wait, he said you were from heaven. Means the only call you
Princess. More beautiful to hear the villagers. Eh, you'd say why do you want more story to be so
damned goldfish. Ceritalah. I'm ready to hear. "
16.Putri: "Ah! Please, do not remember anymore. I do not want to remember my past. I had also been
shared with the audience and Abang, Abang bit late but it seems to think. What is important now, I can
enjoy it to be a human being. "
17.Toba: "Yeah, well if you do not want the story, an important audience already knows you lament. Let
me not know.
18.Toba: "The audience, I want to express my love with the princess yes. Daughter, to be honest, I fell in
love with you. Paras you are beautiful and graceful, you said a soft word, and all of them. Would you
marry me? "
19.Putri: "All right. I'm willing. But there is one condition. Let the audience be a witness. My brother told
me that I should not come from fish and when we have children later, my brother should not be insulted
as juveniles. "
20.Toba: "If the problem is you do not need to fear. This secret will look after good - good. Come, let me
introduce you to the village. I guarantee they are stunned to see keanggunanmu. Spectators can also
play this what I said. "
21.Toba: "Citizens, come on over here! I want to introduce you to my future wife who comes from the
i ...... "
22.Warga village: "Toba, from where did you get her? How did you meet him? When ketemunya? Is he
lost? "
23.Toba: (with a typical Batak accent) "He got from the next village. He said he got lost. Well if you ask
how long, plot, until I myself do not understand how I could meet with her flawless in this gracefully. I'm
one person who is more than lucky to be married. "
Act II
24.Toba and Princess were married and had moved house Toba.
25.Toba: (still with a thick accent Batak) "Princess, thank you all, as you I could live in the modern home
like this. Not like my old self. Once again thank you, Princess. Audience, I'm now so rich people who live
in modern homes, even though my attitude is still tacky. Understandably, I was born, a big, old and going
back home. "
26.Putri: "Brother, do not need to hesitate. What is important, now we are happy. Yeah, right,
audience? "
27.Toba: 'Yes' did you. "
28.Putri: (to exert its magic power) "Brother, this is my gift to last. After this, kesaktianku will be lost.
And, I can not give anything of value anymore. This latter use my gift to the best - good. Audience,
you've seen what I give to my husband. Next, I want you to monitor my husband. If he's naughty, report
to me, let me report to Mr. RT. "
27.Toba: "You do not need to fear. I would use it for things - things that are useful. You also do not
hesitate, I'm not going to make - nyiakanmu, for you, I can be successful. If you're not there, maybe I
was working alone on the farm now. The audience that just a little naughty, do not need to be reported.
I'll be that hard. Agree? "
29.Toba and Princess blessed with baby boy - a cute boy.
30.Toba: "Nang, ning, ning, nang, ning, nung. Princess, you see our children funny 'time.' "The audience,
look, I'm a father now."
31.Putri: "Yeah, Bang. By the - way, what our children are given names, Bang! Brother still telmi yes,
audience, when it was going to be the father of my son "
32.Toba: "My son is funny, I called you" Naidoo ". Princess and the audience, right? "
33.Putri: "Naidoo, a good name. Suitable for our children, Bang.
34.Samosir: "Hello, the audience, I Naidoo, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Toba Princess. Greetings! "
Round IV
35.Anak it grew into a handsome boy, but this kid had a bad habit, he often feels hungry. This often
makes Toba angry.
36.Toba: (screaming, half angry) "Daughter, do not you cook today? How are you? Shame you did not
see the audience as much as this. You also do not know I was tired from work. In fact, until the house I
should be angry anymore. "
37.Putri: "Sorry, Bang. Naidoo was feeling very hungry. So, eat the same lunch for Abang Naidoo. It
would make my brother again for lunch. Wait ya, Bang.
38.Toba: (still half angry) Yes, I have waited for. But, next time you look out that way. "" Where's the
Samosir? '"Naidoo, where are you? It is full you eat, son? Delicious meal you've got your father's share
of this? You, know your father is tired, tired, and lethargic. You just eat a good father. "
39.Samosir: "Sorry, Dad. Earlier, Naidoo very hungry. So, eat Naidoo has a father. "
40.Toba: "Well, sorry dad. But you promise next time, may not take property of others. It is nothing
more than thieves. Understand? "
41.Samosir: "Yes, Daddy. Naidoo, promise. "
42.Toba: "Good."
This continued until 43.Hal akhrnya already exceeded the limits of patience Toba
44.Toba: (angrily) "Naidoo, what time you promised me? You broke your promise. Now, I must punish
you. "'You should not sleep in this house, before you can change your bad temper that."
45.Putri: (crying) "Do not, Bang! '" Naidoo was little, if Naidoo sick how, Bang! What brother can not
imagine what would happen if the brother did this Naidoo. Naidoo helpless, Bang. He was a child.
46.Toba: (still in an angry tone) "It would have happened if the child continues to be pampered. He
always acted as they pleased, did not think of anyone else. You two are the same. "
47.Putri: (a pleading tone) "Now it's up brother! If the brother wants to punish Naidoo. Please! But, my
brother must obey the request. I'm not evict Naidoo brother of the house. That's all I request. "
48.Toba: (eased somewhat angry) "Naidoo, because your mother is asking, my father could not refuse.
My father did not kick you out. But you still have to undergo a sentence. "" Over the past week, did not I
let you sleep in the room. Bed in the barn. '"Understand?"
49.Samosir: (crying) "Yeah, Dad. Naidoo understand. "
50.Empat months passed, Naidoo who is free from punishment, is still a habit that often hungry. This
time, anger is mounting Toba.
51.Toba: (very angry) "Naidoo, where are you?"
52.Samosir: "I'm here dad. What's going to call me Daddy? "
53.Toba: "Do not ask a lot of you! Do you eat more food for my father? "
54.Samosir: "Sorry, Dad! Earlier, very hungry Naidoo, Naidoo was forced to eat lunch Dad? "
55.Toba: (pulling ear Naidoo said, take out the house) "You know you from? You know my father was
working in the fields, Banting bone. You go around eating lunch Dad. Once, twice my father was sorry,
but this has been repeatedly. You know it's not?
56.Samosir: (crying) I'm sorry, Dad! Naidoo will try to not repeat them. Never again Samosir legal father.
57.Toba: "Stop it! No more excuses for a bad boy like you! "" Basic scallywag. Not ungrateful. Really
you're the offspring of women who are from fish! "
58. Weeping, Naidoo ran home to her mother at home. He complained to his mother that he was
beaten his father. All of the words spoken by his father slur tell him in anyway. Hearing her son's story,
the mother was so sad, especially since her husband had violated his oath to slur words he spoke to his
59.Putri: (surprised to hear the story Naidoo) My son, if you're telling the truth? Do not you lie to my
60.Samosir: "No, ma'am. Is it true that I'm a fish, ma'am? Answer, Mom!
61.Putri: "Now, my mother asked you to disregard the words of your father." "Please go up the hill
which is located not so far from our house and you have to climb the tallest tree located at the top of
the hill."
62.Samosir: "Okay, Mom!"
63. Naidoo mother's immediate command. He ran toward his mother and the hill is climbed.
64. When seen by his mother that Naidoo was almost to the top of the climb trees on the hill, he ran to
the river not too far from their homes.
65. Princess: (as he ran toward the river) "It's nothing more I can trust. Toba is treason! "
66. End of story, the Princess arrived on the banks of the river, lightning, thunder, the megelegar. A
moment later, he jumped into the river and suddenly turn into a big fish. At the same time, the river was
flooding and the come down too heavy downpours. Some time later, the river was already overflowing
everywhere and tergenanglah valley where the river flows. Toba can not save himself, he was drowned
by a pool of water. Over time, the vast pool of water and turned into a huge lake that would later named
the Lake Toba and the small island in the center is named the island.

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