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Chapter 1



Language is very important in the daily lives of people since it is the means by

which people communicate. In the school curriculum, speaking skills performs a very

vital role in the learning process in terms of the learners’ proficiency. English has become

a global language in a variety of fields such as business, technology, and literature. In

addition, English is widely used for communication in different countries of the world

including Philippines (Jayapalan & Pillai, 2016).

Around 1.8 billion people in the world are using English as a means for

communication. Thus, oral communication ability is very important for technical-

vocational livelihood students to communicate their ideas (Ahmed 2015).

English is now considered as an important language, not only in learning

institutions but also within the society. Most employers seek employees who can

communicate competently in English that’s why the researchers decided to conduct a

research in this matter. Besides, the ability to speak in English is required in the society

since the nation is multicultural country. Therefore, having confidence to speak the

language is considered necessary. Language is definitely the medium of instruction.

Through language, people can understand each other. Language became very important

skills to learn in order to survive to the modern social environment. Furthermore, human

born to have its own native language inherited from generation to generation. Moreover,


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having a second language far from the mother tongue is the skill that extends the human

to communicate to other nation (Deccan, 2012).

Unfortunately, the standard of English among today’s graduates is disappointing.

One may argue that emphasize should be put on the skill needed to do a particular job

instead of focusing on being able to speak English well. However, in certain fields the

ability to converse well in English is mandatory. English is used around the world as a

major lingua franca in many developing and developed countries.

Based on the researchers’ observation some of the students kept in silent all the

time during the teaching and learning session. One of the reasons for this situation taking

place is the fact that they do not want to speak English. As what environmental article in

2018 explains, most of the time during class, the professor is the only one explaining and

trying to get the student’s to speak. Even when they know the answer to a simple

question, they still hesitate to open their mouths, and to volunteer in answering the

question orally. The major goal of all English language teaching should be to give

learners the ability to use English effectively and accurately in communication. However,

not all language learners after many years of studying English can communicate fluently

because they lack necessary knowledge and indifferent to conversing in English.

Being able to make their selves confident, and directing the self-confidence that

they have to speak in English is a hard effort. To be able to have this confidence,

individuals need to make sure that they are proficient in the language.

Studies have shown that there are many good technical minds in the workplace

but few of them can communicate effectively (Ahmed, 2015; Ngangbam, 2016).


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In order to be successful in any field, one needs to know how to communicate

effectively with others. English speaking skills are considered to be an asset for the

prospective technical vocational livelihood students.

Furthermore, Philippine is well-known to be the largest English literate country in

Asia. In which, English language became the second language of the country. It is widely

use though schools as part of the basic education from elementary up to college.

Regardless the race and educational attainment, English language is use across the broad.

Plus, its constitutional law was written in English language (Cabigon 2015).

The objective of this study is to identify the factors affecting the English speaking

skills of the Technical Vocational Livelihood Education students. Since these students are

soon to be professionals they should be competent in the language so as to qualify

themselves for the current competitive career seeking opportunities that they will face in

the future. In light of this situation by investigating this contributing factor, this research

can be a basis to come up with a mean for effective change.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Local Literature

Cabigon (2015), Globally, Philippines is recognized as one of the largest English-

speaking nations where in majority of its population know on how to speak English

language. Aside from that it is one of the strength of the Philippines that can use to

helped drive the economy and even made the Philippines as the top voice outsourcing

destination in the world because it is the language in commerce and law , as well as the

primary medium of instruction in education. Through the programs being offered locally

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the influx of foreign learners of English is also rise due to it is more relatively affordable

but quality English as a second language (ESL). The stakeholders cohere that the country

needs to step up its efforts in improving the teaching and learning of English. Enhancing

the teaching of English in the Philippines may presents a lot of opportunities for the

country specially in the area of tourism. If they know how to speak English fluently they

can easily reach or communicate other people.

As mentioned by (Claro, 2013), speaking fluent English is the strategic edge of

the country that can attract foreign investors to set up companies and outsource labor. But

others use it to belittle their countrymen who cannot speak it fluently. Like on his

example the young Filipina berating the security guard using her collegial English.

Fluency in English will continue to be a most useful skill set of every educated Filipino.

It is already part of the countries culture and global identity as a bilingual nation. And be

proud of it. But languages, because of their capacity for communication, must only be

used to unite people and never to divide sus by distinguishing the educated from the

unprivileged. Learning started in school, teachers need to encourage students to rethink

and reflect on how they should use the skills learned in school in order to use their

education to help others and not to belittle them.

English is used in the Philippines by media and various educated Filipino. It is

used widely in the education field. They taught it since grade one until college and it is

considered as one of a major subject and it is also the medium of instruction in many

schools. English is always there even in textbook for subject such as biology, physics,

mathematics and others. Aside from education, it is also used in religious affairs, print

and broadcast media and business. Some movies and TV programs in English has no

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subtitle and are expected to be directly understood. But the most significant contribution

of the English language to the Philippines might be on the socio- economic field. Because

of the strong command of English language of the Filipinos, several opportunities opened

for their country. These opportunities are mainly: overseas employment, the outsourcing

industry, tourism and enrolment of international students in the Philippines. English

language has a big role in economy, society and in country. But despite of the economic

benefits of being an English-speaking Nation Filipinos haven't been maximizing it and in

fact, studies are showing that the Filipinos' grasp of the English language is slipping

while other Asians are fast catching up. And based on the studies done by Reputable

international organization such as International English Language Testing System (IELS)

shows that the English skills of Filipinos are deteriorating. (2016)

According to (Loyala 2018), present status of English Communication skills of

Filipinos are quite impressive than the other countries that are also teaching and

communicating in English. The Philippines is one of the countries that are best known

when it comes in English speaking. Even though the countries like Singapore and

Malaysia are more learned to speak in English, Filipinos are better than them and from all

over the world they're still one of the best to communicate through universal language.

Philippines is the only country in the southeast Asia to fully mandate a bilingual public

education for all children starting from grade school aside from Malaysia. Philippines

educational system is very unique when it comes in teaching. They uses English language

as one of the mediums for teaching Science, Mathematics and technology courses and

this is one of the reason why the Philippines is recognized globally as one of the largest

English-speaking nations. Aside from good in communicating in English, Filipinos have


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the good personality and good sense of communicating skills that impress the tourists and

increase from year to year that also helped their country in many aspects such as

economy, education, and business.

Foreign Literature

According to Adil (2019), there are many problems that students faced by

speaking in English language fluently. Having the knowledge about speaking English is a

demand of today's world. People lead to understand and speak the English language.

Every place in this world anywhere you go, people can speak and even understand

English language. It plays a great role for the people in a society. It is an important

subject for the people to learn, understand and speak. For interacting and sharing

thoughts with the people all over the world, English can be a great medium to

communicate with them. The students are compelled to learn and study the English

language, the students’ needs to understand and speak English language. After 16 years

of studying students can't speak in English fluently. This is a very serious issue that the

researcher wants to study and know the reasons behind it.

English has become the widely spoken language in the whole world. It is spoken

in 101 countries, Arabic is spoken us 60, Chinese in 33, French in 51 and Spanish in 31

countries. English acquire lingua franca status in international business, worldwide

diplomacy, and science (Thierry 2018).

English has known to be the "universal" language comes with a large price, in

terms of vulnerability. Conflict begins to arise when English is used as a second language

to the speakers, listeners or even both. Their own understanding of English and their first


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language can change what they believe no matter how competent they are. They seem to

operate slightly when someone uses their second language; they tend to perform

differently that want they function in their language. This is referred to as the "foreign

language effect". This shows that native speakers, for example; Chinese tend to have

more risk in gambling when they received good and positive feedback in their native

language (wins), compared to the negative ones (losses). This trend disappeared, and they

become less hasty, when the same positive feedback was given to them in their second

Language-English. They are said to be more rational in speaking in English. Dealing with

the second language can be seen as a positive thing, when it comes to human interaction

the picture is potentially much darker. Research has found that speakers are also likely to

be emotional and show less empathy and consideration for the emotional state of others

using their second language (Thierry 2018).

According to Essberger (2010), reading English is a very active process. The

writer does a lot of work, but the reader also has to work hard, you have to imagine a

scene in your hand, understand clearly what the writer is trying to say and agree or

disagree with the writer when reading a text, you have to do some of these. Listening,

speaking and writing are important when you learn a language. Reading can also be very

helpful. Some of the advantages associated with reading include learning Vocabulary in

Context. You can learn or encounter New words by reading, by that you will widen and

learn this vocabulary easily. You may not even need to use a dictionary while reading

because you can easily guess the meaning from the rest of the text. Reading gives you a

good example for writing. You can learn from the structures and expressions that you

usually read and can use in writing. By reading you can also see correctly structured

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English that can give you guide in learning grammatical English naturally. Working at

your own speed, this is one of the big advantages of reading because you can read and

work at your own time and speed. You can read ten pages in 30 minutes and can explore

1 page in 1 hours, it depends on your own choice. It doesn't matter. Personal interest, you

can read any article that you like, for example if you like to read about football you can

read it in English, it will help you to improve your English and can get information at the

same time.

According to Nordquist (2019), (ESL or TESL) is known to be a traditional term

for the use of the English language by the non-native speakers in an English speaking

community. That specific community maybe a country which English is the mother

tongue. It's is also known as English for speakers of other languages.

Second language which is the English refers to specialized approach to language

teaching designers for those whose primary language is not English. You can divide up

countries according to whether they have English as a native language as a second

language or as a foreign language. There is a big difference between English as a foreign

language and English has an actual assigned communicate status within the society.

There is a total of 75 territories where in English has special place in the society (Kwon


Local Studies

The local study is the book and thesis based statements and to have more Insights

for this study, There were five local studies that was closely related to this study just like

the study of Benasing (2013), The English speaking proficiency of the fourth year


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students of Mindanao State University of Sultan Naga Dimaporo High School in the

school year 2012-2013 this study talks about the English speaking proficiency of the

fourth year students at the said school with a specific school year this study aims to

evaluate the proficiency of their students in speaking English.

As well as the study of Estaquio (2015), The Second Language Learners'

Proficiency Level and the factors affecting their Speaking Ability. This study attempted

to find out the English proficiency level of 367 second language learners of Isabela State

University and the factors affecting their speaking ability in many different perspectives

that Estaquio indicated based on his study that he conducted.

Another study was The Factors affecting the English Proficiency of the

Elementary pupils at Central Philippines University, (Solis, Eusebio, Yu, Aguilar, Bayot,

and Villaruel 2013). It studies the ability of mimicking the foreign language that would

lead to interconnectedness that would bridge nations and culture towards progress. It is

through language man can express his thought and free their selves from the prison of

ignorance. It has seven functions: (1) the instrumental function: using language to get

things.(2) the regulatory function : using language to control the behaviour of others.

(3)the personal function : using language to express personal feelings and meanings .(4)

the interactional function : using language to create interaction to others.(5)the heuristic

function : using language to learn and discover. (6) The imaginative function: using

language to create a world of the imagination. (7) The representational function: were

using language to communicate information, this statement were used in evaluating

questions to be utilized in their questionnaires.


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Speaking difficulties of Philippine Indigenous learners in English Phonology by

Leaño (2017), it studies the difficulties of the Filipino Indigenous learners in speaking

English the reasons, factors that influencing the said specific Indigenous learners, the

study uncovered speaking difficulties of indigenous learners in English phonology. It

determined deficiencies in Alphabet Knowledge; Phonics and Word Recognition; and

Phonological Awareness. It was a qualitative research conducted through case studies of

five mainstreamed Grade 2 indigenous learners in Isabela, Philippines.

Foreign Studies

Al Zoubi (2018), the purpose of his study is to enhance the oral communication

skills (conversations) of ANU students. The sample of the study consisted of 20 students

(12 female students and 8 male students) all of them are studying English language; the

majority of the sample were the seniors and juniors students, while freshman were

minority students. The researchers used random sample method. To achieve the

objectives of the present study, the researchers used semi- structured interview as an

instrument for data collection. The results of this study revealed that the students of ANU

face many problems related to speaking skill, such as confusion and embarrassment;

students did not learn speaking lessons correctly at school, and face difficulty in

pronouncing some words. The results also showed that the most frequent problems were

the limited amount of vocabulary among students, while the least frequent problems were

the difficulty in understanding questions. This study also presented some of appropriate

solutions to overcome the weakness in speaking skill, such as practicing speaking English

inside and outside the classroom effectively, using the modern social media to

communicate in English and to express the students’ feelings and needs.


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Based on the study conducted by (Al Hosni 2014) entitled “Speaking Difficulties

Encountered by Young English as Foreign Language Learners” speaking is the dynamic

utilization of language to communicate meaning, and for youthful students, the

communicated in language is the medium through which another dialect is experienced,

comprehended, rehearsed, and learnt. As opposed to oral aptitudes being basically one

part of learning language, the expressed structure in the youthful student's homeroom

goes about as the prime wellspring of language learning. However, speaking issues can

be significant difficulties to viable unknown dialect learning and correspondence. English

as Foreign Language (EFL) students, regardless of the amount they think about the

English language, despite everything face many speaking difficulties. Many have shown

that oral language improvement has generally been dismissed in the classroom, and more

often than not, oral language in the classroom is utilized more by instructors than by

pupils. Notwithstanding, oral language, even as utilized by the educator, barely ever

works as a methods for pupils to pick up information and investigate thoughts. To build

up the information to manage oral correspondence issues in an EFL setting, analysts first

need to know the genuine idea of those issues and the conditions in which 'issues' are


According to (Kiran and Al 2020), the principle discoveries of investigation were:

by showing English as a subject to the pupils and not as a language offer vent to

repetition memory just to finish the assessment out of weight. Enough time isn't given to

different activities and open doors for the improvement of talking capacity. Pupils

additionally complained about scolding, and discouraging by their instructors for not

talking effectively. In spite of the fact that the educators and pupils are similarly liable for

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the poor talking capacity, yet the instructors are increasingly mindful by having the

expert information and aptitudes. To improve the talking capacity, more weight on the

nature of books at the essential level, enough time given to talking and phonetic drills of

understudies, no chastening however arrangement of neighbourly condition, causing

useful and material procedures by educators for pupils while talking more often than not

in English, to create strength and trust in pupils for posing inquiries from their instructors,

no stuffed classes, grants and inspiration for pupils, the job of media, for example, tuning

in to CNN and BBC, consideration of viva-voce in the assessment framework at different

levels for checking the fitness of the applicants, forward-thinking and steady preparing of

instructors, orchestrating different exercises and offset in the courses regarding writing

and language ought to be there to give chances to improve the language competency of


Speaking is one of the most significant abilities to be created and improved as

methods for successful correspondence. Speaking ability is respected one of the most

troublesome parts of language learning. Numerous language students think that it’s hard

to communicate in communicated language. They are for the most part confronting issues

to utilize the unknown dialect to communicate their musings viably. They quit talking

since they face mental snags or can't locate the appropriate words and looks. The cutting

edge universe of media and mass correspondence requires great information on

communicated in English. This paper targets setting up the need to concentrate on the

components influencing on language students' English talking aptitude. This audit paper

follows out the group of research concerning the term talking, the significance of talking,

and attributes of talking execution, talking issues, and factors influencing talking

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execution. As per the audit of writing, proper talking guidance was seen as the students'

need and a field wherein they need more consideration. This examination can be valuable

to educators and specialists to consider their language students' communicating in needs

in English language instructing and learning setting (Kiran & Al 2020).

Relationship between the Present Study and the Future study

This present study is similar to the study of Liu (2015) because they aimed to

explore the factors related to the English speaking ability of students; however, they

differ on their respondents because the present study focuses on the Technical Vocational

Livelihood. Thus, a survey questionnaire investigated 147 engineering students The

results of the survey were as follows: 1) there was no significant difference in listening

and speaking ability between male and female students; 2) there was no significant

influence on geographical and parental factors, such as the level of education of parents

and the level of listening and speaking capacity of parents; (3) The average values of five

objective factors affecting listening and speaking ability range from high to low: social

environment, English teachers, teaching resources, teaching materials and curriculum

settings; and (4) the average value of the four subjective factors affecting listening and

speaking ability ranged from high to low: learning attitude, learning motivation.

This study is also comparable to the previous study of Palpanadan and Ahmad

(2018) because they both explore the crucial challenges faced by the English speaking

graduates. A survey technique has been used to gather data from a Malaysian university's

150 civil engineering graduates while the present study only focus on the Technical

Vocational Livelihood students. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and


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an overview of factors. The sampling adequacy value estimate for Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin

(KMO) was .907 (highly significant). Analysing the factor showed four primary factors:

lack of practice, poor reading habits, poor vocabulary and cramming habits. In addition,

the study gave some suggestions for improving their oral relational skills.

It is also similar on the study of (Solis, Eusebio, Yu, Aguilar, Bayot, and Villaruel

2013) conducted at Central Philippine University (CPU) entitled “Factors Affecting the

English Proficiency of the Elementary Pupils at Central Philippine University” because

they both focus on the possible factors affecting English skill and the English proficiency

of Central Philippine University (CPU), they only differ on their respondents because the

previous study emphasis on the Grades V and VI pupils, while this study only focus at

the Technical Vocational Livelihood students. Solis et al. (2013) it further examined the

respondents ' similarities and differences according to the factors listed, and their

connection with the pupils ' English skills. Chi-square, Cramer's V, and Gamma were

used to analyze data obtained from CPU Elementary Department 174 Grade V and VI

pupils who were subjected to a self-administered one-shot-survey. The studies have

shown that female pupils are more competent than male pupils, as shown by the

researchers ' results of the English ability test. The read level often reflects on the pupils '

English skills. Other variables such as age, sex, parental income, parental education,

study hours, orientation, extent of television viewing, text messaging, extent of use of

online social networks and computer games, and frequency of reading.

It is also comparable to the previous study of (Bhattacharya, 2017), “Factors

affecting ESL learners' English Speaking Skills” because they both intend to explore the

talking issues of a cross-area of college students studying Communicative English. The


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research tells about with the globalization of the world and the far reaching utilization of

the English language, the English students' oral correspondence ability, is getting

progressively significant. In this way, students are required to have high oral English

capability. In any case, disappointedly, and find that college students' English speaking

capacity stays far less attractive and the greater part of them despite everything can't

convey adequately and unquestionably. The extraordinary number of wrong expressions

that students of English produce means that how genuine the issue is. There is a need to

find the purposes for this stressing pattern. Given the shortage of research in Kolkata,

right now, was felt that it is opportune to examine this issue. It additionally investigates

the basic factors that add to the presence of these challenges. It looks to set up students'

self-view of their own troubles dependent on a poll study. The investigation recognized

the principle learning troubles in English speaking as apparent by the pupils. However,

they differ when it comes to the respondents of the study because the present study

focuses only on the Grade 11 Technical Vocational Livelihood Education students of

Camba National High School.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers developed a conceptual framework; this framework guided the

researchers’ analysis of research findings. The conceptual paradigm of the present study

where in the input-process-output model.

The first box or the input consists of the following: Demographic Profile (Age

and Sex), and the Factors affecting English speaking skills of the respondents specifically

medium-related, personal-related and school-related factors.


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On the second box, the process used in the study is described. The researchers

used observation, conducted survey through self-made questionnaires distributed to the

respondents to gather information needed and the analysis and interpretation of data

through different statistical tools.

And the last box is the output or the outcome which is the determination of the

research problems.

Conceptual Paradigm


Demographic Profile of  Observation Strategic Skills

the Respondents in  Gathering of Acquisition and
terms of: data needed Development for Oral
using the English Proficiency
 Age in related to the
 Sex determined the
Factors affecting  Analysis of factors affecting
English speaking skills data using English speaking
of the respondents in statistical skills of the Grade 11
terms of: treatment of Technical
data such as Vocational
 Medium-related weighted Livelihood
factor mean, Education students.
 Personal - percentage,
related factor standard
 School-related deviation,
factor ANOVA, and
 Interpretation
of data.


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Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

Statement of Problem

The study aimed to identify the factors affecting English speaking skills of the Grade 11

Technical Vocational Livelihood Education students of Camba National High School

More so, it sought to answer the following research questions;

1. How may the demographic profile of the respondents be described in terms of;

1.1 age; and

1.2 sex?

2. How may the Factors affecting the English speaking skills of the respondents be

described in terms of;

2.1 Medium-related factor,

2.2 Personal-related factor, and

2.3 School-related factor?

3. Is there a significant difference between the demographic variables of the

respondents and the factors affecting their English speaking skills?


There is no significant differences between the demographic variables of the

respondents and the factors affecting their English speaking skills.


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Significance of the study

The result of this study may have significant value to the following;

To the Students

This study aims to contribute information regarding of the English speaking skills of the

students so that they can practice the precise treatment for them to improve their English

speaking skills and express their thoughts and ideas freely.

To the Teachers

If their students have the confidence to speak in English, therefore, teachers will be also

benefited because they can easily engage their students in learning and the discussion will

flow smoothly if the students can freely express their ideas.

To the School Administrator

This study will be essential for school administrator to understand how different
factors affects the skill of the students in regards with English Language. By
utilizing conventional and cutting-edge teaching techniques, they will be able to put
into practice a new memorandum about the quality of instruction. It will also assist
in determining which areas they should pay more attention to and further improve
to make the curriculum more responsive to preparing the students for their future

To the Researchers


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This study is also beneficial to the researchers because it can develop their English

speaking skills and good communication skills.

To the Future Researchers

Results of the study may serve as basis in coming up with another study to

support or negate present findings.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was delimited to determine the factors affecting of English speaking

skills of the Technical Vocational Livelihood Education students. The responses of the

respondents were based only on the survey questionnaire considering their age and sex.

Definition of Terms

Speaking –it is the act or skill of giving a speech at a public event (dictionary)- In this

study this refers to a way of communicating to other people through the use of voice.

Skills- the ability to do something well (dictionary) -In this study it is defined as the way

of performing a task effectively and efficiently through medium.

Lingua franca- a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers

whose native languages are different (dictionary) - In this study this refers to a language

or way of communicating which is used between people who do not speak one another's

native language.


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Global language- a world language is one that is spoken internationally and learned.

Many natural languages have been proffered as candidates for a global lingua franca

(dictionary) - In this study it refers to English as a language that is learned and spoken


Impede- delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder

(dictionary) - In this study it means to delay or block the progress of the students to learn


Chapter 2


This chapter presented the research method used, the respondents of the study, the
research instrument utilized, the data gathering procedure and the statistical tool
used in the analysis of data.

Research Methodology

This study utilized the descriptive method, wherein this type of research method

is used to gather data concerning the factors affecting English speaking skills of the

Grade 11 Technical- Vocational Livelihood students.

This study was a quantitative type of research; therefore, survey questionnaires or

survey checklists are used to gather information needed to accomplish the study.

It entails more than just with the collection and presentation of data and the

summarizing values that describe among the variables. It also requires correct analysis,

interpretation, comparisons, and trend and relationship discovery. (Formplus, 2020).

Respondents of the Study


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The respondents of the study comprised of eighty (80) Grade 11 TVL students.

There are total of four sections namely Titanium (Dressmaking), Platinum (Carpentry),

Copper (Cookery), and Mercury (ICT). In every sections the researchers have twenty

respondents for this study.

The venue, sample, and sampling scheme

This study was conducted at Camba National High School. It is located on

Camba, Arayat, Pampanga. Camba High School is situated nearby to Senior High
School Building, and close to Camba Elementary School. To get the total number
of respondents, the researchers asked to the advisers of Grade 11 to get the total
numbers of the students. Simple Random sampling was utilized. This type of
probability sampling in which the researchers randomly selected a subset of
participants from a population. Each member of the population has an equal chance
of being selected. The respondents of the study were the eighty randomly selected
individuals from grade 11 technical-vocational livelihood students.


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Figure 2: Settings of the Study

Evaluation of the Instruments

The researchers consulted to an English Teacher with Master Degree of

Exact Colleges of Asia to evaluate and validate the survey questionnaire used by
the researchers in related to the study. He/ she will evaluate the self-made
questionnaire using an evaluation sheet.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a research-made questionnaire and it served as the tool

in gathering needed data. The research adviser checked the designed survey
questionnaires. The questionnaire was divided into two parts, part one is the
demographic profile, second part is the assessment of the respondent’s according to
factors affecting English speaking skills of the grade eleven technical-vocational
livelihood students.

Data Collection

The researchers has sent a letter to the principal of the target school to seek
for the approval. The researcher created a set of question that accurately measure
the participants, opinion, experience and behavior. The objective of the survey of
the questionnaires was outlined in detail in both the letter of notice. The form does
not have a timer for the respondents to take the time to answer the questions in it.
Survey questionnaire will distribute to the respondents and retrieve afterwards.
Data gathered will computed, analyzed and using proper statistical tool.

Ethical Considerations

There were guidelines put into place for the research period. Prior to the
study, the researchers respected the rights and dignity of research participants. The
adequate level of confidentiality in regards with the personal information was also
ensured. The researchers avoided the false information of any kind and biased
reported primary data findings.


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Statistical Treatment of Data

In the analysis of information collected, the subsequent applied math

techniques and procedures were used. This methodology determines the
distribution of the topic in keeping with the frequency of responses to the issues
that were conferred during this study design.

The data that gathered from the checklist questionnaires and the general
average of the grade 11 students was grouped, tallied, tabulated, and interpreted.
The researcher will use percentage, weighted mean, standard deviation, t-test and
ANOVA as the statistical tool in testing the hypothesis.

1. Percentage
It is the category’s relative frequency calculated by dividing its
frequency by the total number of observations. The percent frequency for
each class of a qualitative variables equals the percent (%) of observations
in each category; it equals the relative frequency of the frequency of the
class multiplied by 100. (Jaggia and Kelly, 2020) It was used to describe
the relationship of the group with the whole population.

2. Weighted mean
The mean is the most common type of average that is computed. It is
simply the sum of all the values in a group, divided by the number of
values. A weighted mean can be easily calculated by multiplying the value
by frequency of its occurrence, adding the total of all the products, and
dividing by the total number of events. (Salkind, 2017).Weighted mean
was used to get the overall evaluation for the test questionnaires.

According to Nguyen (2022) Likert Scale is a type of scale used to

measure the respondent’s opinion towards a particular subject. The chief

Exact Colleges of Asia

reason for the popularity of the Likert scale is its potential to offer
different levels of agreement, quality, and disagreement to the respondents
for accurate insights about a subject.

Range of Mean Value Weight Qualitative Interpretation

3.50 – 4.00 4 Strongly Agree

– 3.49 3 Agree
1.50– 2.49 2 Disagree
1.00 – 1.49 1 Strongly Disagree
3. T test.
A t-test is a statistical test that compares the means of two samples. It
is used in hypothesis testing, with a null hypothesis that the difference in
group means is zero and an alternate hypothesis that the difference in
group means is different from zero.
This was used to test the significant differences between the
variables, which is the Factors affecting English Speaking Skills with the
demographic variables of the respondents. (Bevans, 2022)

4. Analysis of Variance

It is an analysis tool used in statistics that splits an observed aggregate

variability found inside a data set into two parts: systematic factors and
random factors. The systematic factors have a statistical influence on the
given data set, while the random factors do not. Analysts use the ANOVA


Exact Colleges of Asia

test to determine the influence that independent variables have on the
dependent variable in a regression study.

5. Standard Deviation
The standard deviation is the average amount of variability in
dataset. It tells, on average, how far each value lies from the mean. A high
standard deviation means that values are generally far from the mean,
while a low standard deviation indicates that values are clustered close to
the mean.


Exact Colleges of Asia


Chapter 3

This chapter presented the result of the data gathered on the factors affecting English

speaking skills of Grade 11 Technical-Vocational Livelihood Students.

The presentation of the data is based on the statement of the problem.

1. How may the demographic profile of the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex?

2. How may the Factors affecting the English speaking skills of the respondents be

described in terms of;

2.1 Medium-related factor,


Exact Colleges of Asia

2.2 Personal-related factor, and

2.3 School-related factor?

3. Is there a significant difference between the demographic variables of the

respondents and the factors affecting their English speaking skills?

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 1.1
Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to their Age
Age f %
15-17 years old 52 66
18-20 years old 27 33.75
21 years old and 1 1.25
Total 80 100%

Table 1.1 shows the respondents on four sections 11-TVL strands according to
their age, out of eighty (80) respondents fifty-two (52) or 66 % are in the age 15-17,
twenty-seven (27) or 33.75 % are in the age of 18-20 while the remaining one (1) or 1.25
% are in the age of 21 years old and above.

Table 1.2
Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to their Sex


Exact Colleges of Asia

Sex f %
Male 40 50

Female 40 50

Total 80 100%

Table 1.2 presents the frequency distribution of the respondents of four sections

11-TVL strand according to their sex. Both male and female respondents have the

frequency of forty (40) and both have 50 % to have a total of hundred percent (100%)

2. Assessment of the Respondents on the Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills

Table 2.1

Assessment on the Medium Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills

Indicator Mean Std Dev VD

1 I rarely practice English with 2.89 .595 A

2 I can freely express myself if 3.13 .786 A
I use my mother tongue whenever
I speak.
3 I do not have enough words to speak 2.19 .748 D
in English.

Mean 2.73 .815 Agree


3.50 – 4.00 4 Strongly Agree (SA)

– 3.49 3 Agree (A)


Exact Colleges of Asia

1.50 – 2.49 2 Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.49 1 Strongly Disagree (SD)

Table 2.1 shows the assessment of the respondents (Grade 11 TVL) on the extent of
their English speaking skills. In the table presented, it can easily observed the weighted
mean of every indicator. In the first statement which is "I rarely practice English with
peers." got weighted mean of 2.89 that falls under the category of agree (SD=.595). The
second statement which is " I can free express myself if I use my mother tongue
whenever I speak." got weighted mean of 3.13 that falls under the category of agree
(SD=.786). The third statement which is "I do not have enough words to speak in
English." got weighted mean 2.19 that falls under the category of disagree (SD=.748).

The results on the table 2.1 shows that the average weighted mean of the factors
affecting English speaking skills is 2.73 that is classified as agree based on the Likert
scale used by the researchers and with a standard deviation of .815, means that the degree
to which the results of studies included in a review are similar. Given the results shown in
the table, majority of the respondents agreed that there is a medium factors affecting
English speaking skills of the grade eleven technical-vocational livelihood students.

The findings of this study was parallel to the study of Salera (2020) that examined
the factors affecting English communication skills of grade 11 students at Bestlink
College of the Philippines, the most significant factor was the medium of communication
in which the practice of the language is observed daily. The preferred language of the
respondents to use is Bilingual, thereby significantly affecting their fluency. Media
influence the learners as they allot most of their time to social networking platforms, such
as Facebook, where the proficiency of the English language is not given that much
importance because people use slang and colloquial words nowadays. Students are
uncomfortable speaking English because of MTB, where primary learners are taught by
using their MT. Thus, students have difficulty in translating terms to English, which also
leads to a lack of ideas for creative writing. Communication becomes effective when a
communicator is competent and has a broad understanding of the language. English
competency provides a better opportunity in the corporate world and other fields.

Exact Colleges of Asia

Table 2.2

Assessment on the Personal Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills

Indicator Mean Std Dev VD

1 I have negative experiences in 3.18 .792 A

speaking English.
2 I believe learning English 2.30 1.011 D
English is just a waste of time
3 I seldom speak to teachers in 2.91 .773 A
English in the class.
4. I am terrified of the idea 2.80 1.023 A
of being laughed at.

Mean 2.79 .957 Agree


3.50 – 4.00 4 Strongly Agree (SA)

– 3.49 3 Agree (A)
1.50 – 2.49 2 Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.49 1 Strongly Disagree (SD)

Table. 2.2 shows the assessment of the respondents (Grade 11 TVL) on the extent
of their English speaking skills. In the table presented, it can easily observed the weighted
mean of every indicator. In the first statement which is I have negative experience in
speaking English. "I got weighted mean of 3.18 that falls under the category of agree
(SD=792). The second statement which is the " I believe learning English in a waste of
time." got weighted mean of 2.30 that falls under the category of disagree (SD=1.011).
The third statement which is the “I am afraid of committing mistake in front of other
people" got weighted mean of 2.91 that falls under the category of agree (SD=773). The
fourth statement which is the "I am terrified of the idea of being laughed at." got 2.80 that
falls under the category of agree (SD=1.023).


Exact Colleges of Asia

The results on the table 2.2 shows that the average weighted mean of the factors
affecting English speaking skills is 2.79 that is classified as agree based on the Likert
scale used by the researchers and with a standard deviation of .957, means that the degree
to which the results of studies included in a review are similar. Given the results shown in
the table, majority of the respondents agreed that there is a personal factors affecting
English speaking skills.

The findings of the present study was similar on the findings of Cabaltica (2021)
“confidence” is the main factor that affects the students’ speaking skills. They tend to
know what to answer but they lack of confidence to verbalize it in English. Students
would probably lose their confidence during speaking class when they are aware that they
are not good in speaking so they would rather keep silent while others do talking showing
that the students are lack of confidence to communicate (Al Nakhalah, 2015). As also
shown in the study, students thought that confidence or lack of confidence in speaking
class is the second factor that affects their speaking performance the same result as
listener support The researchers of the study conclude that affective factor is the main
factor that affects students’ speaking skill. Confidence or lack of confidence and pressure
to perform well is the main concern. Based on the teachers’ perception, it is the lack of
confidence of most students to speak English while the students said it is pressure to
perform well. Both of the said factor are under the affective factor. Both of the
respondents agreed that students were worried of making mistakes while
performing the speaking task. However, students also said that they were shy to speak
English in class.

Table 2.3

Assessment on the School Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills

Indicator Mean Std Dev VD

1 I only want to learn to 2.54 .927 A

speak English to pass the subject.
2 I find it difficult to speak in 3.06 .718 A
English especially if the teacher
is strict.

Exact Colleges of Asia

3 I seldom speak to teachers in 3.00 .656 A
English in the class.

Mean 2.87 .801 Agree


3.50 – 4.00 4 Strongly Agree (SA)

– 3.49 3 Agree (A)
1.50 – 2.49 2 Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.49 1 Strongly Disagree (SD)

Table 2.3 shows the assessment of the respondents (Grade 11 TVL) on the extent
of their English speaking skills. In the table presented, it can easily observed the weighted
mean of every indicator. In the first statement which is the “I only want to learn to speak
English to pass the subject.” got weighted mean of 2.54 (SD=.927). The second statement
which is the “I find it difficult to speak English especially if the teacher is strict.” got
weighted mean of 3.06 (SD=.718) .The third statement which is the “I seldom speak to
teacher in English in the class." got weighted mean of 3.00(SD=.656)

The results on the table 2.3 shows that the average weighted mean of the factors
affecting English speaking skills is 2.87 that is classified as agree based on the Likert
scale used by the researchers and with a standard deviation of .801,means that the degree
to which the results of studies included in a review are similar. Given the results shown in
the table, majority of the respondents agreed that there is a personal factors affecting
English speaking skills of the grade eleven technical-vocational livelihood students.

The results of the study was similar to study of Getie (2020) which entitled
Factors affecting the attitudes of students towards learning English as a foreign language
wherein findings that contains statements concerning students’ attitudes towards their
ages and sexes and English as a foreign language learning. As indicated in the literature
part of this study, learners’ ages and sexes are one of the contributors that change their
attitudes to be positive or negative towards the learning of their target language (English).


Exact Colleges of Asia

As most of the high school learners younger, and are eager to know a new thing and their
potential is important to their language learning, their ages are able to determine their
attitudes to be positive. This in turn shows that younger learners are good at their
attitudes towards learning English as a foreign language that supports the literature in this

3. Assessment of the Respondents on Differences of the Factors as per their

Demographic Variables

Table 3.1.1

Assessment on the Differences of Grade 11 Technical -Vocational Livelihood Education

as per their Age and Medium Related Factors
Medium Mean Std. Computed Sig. Interpretation
Dev F

15-17 years old 2.94 .503 3.034 0.000* Significant

18-20 years old 2.41 1.093

21 years old 1 0
and above
*Significant differences at 0.05 level

Table 3.1.1 reveals that the ANOVA has an F value of 21.09 and a significance
value of 0.000. Since the sig value is less than is 0.05, the figures are enough for the
researcher to reject the null hypothesis and claim that there is a significant difference in
the assessment on the medium factors and the age profile of the respondents.

Given the results on the table presented, it shown that it was similar to the
findings of the study of Ghawi (2012), there were statistical significant differences
between Saudi male students who started learning EFL at age 5-6 years and those who
started learning EFL at age 12-13 years in grammar, vocabulary, conversation and
writing skills in favor of the younger students. There were statistical significant
differences at level 0,01 or less between Saudi male students who started learning EFL at
age 5-6 years and those who started learning EFL at age 12-13 years in reading skills in

Exact Colleges of Asia

favor of the older students (who start learning English at age 12/13). Also support the
findings of the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH) of Penfield & Roberts who believed
that: children acquire languages with ease before the age of 9. In addition, these findings
strongly support those of Al Dali (2017) who concluded that “children who began
learning EFL in private school around age 5/6 exhibited greater level of English
achievement than did those who began learning English at ages 10/11 in public schools.

Table 3.1.2
Assessment on the Differences of Grade 11 Technical -Vocational Livelihood Education
as per their Age and Personal Related Factors
Personal Mean Std. Computed Sig. Interpretation
Dev F

15-17 years old 2.95 .643 3.024 0.000* Significant

18-20 years old 2.53 1.308

21 years old 1.75 1.5
and above
*Significant differences at 0.05 level

Table 3.2 reveals that the ANOVA has an F value of 9.907 and a significance

value of 0.000. Having a significance value lower than 0.05, the figures are enough for

the researcher to reject the null hypothesis and claim that there is a significant difference

in the assessment of the perceived personal factors and the age profile of the respondents.

This study is similar to the study of Gaibani (2016) which is the Age as an

Affective Factor in Influencing Public Speaking Anxiety of English Language Learners

at Omar Al-Mukhtar University. The study is to show how age factor can influence

public speaking anxiety among English Language Learners at Omar Al-Mukhtar

University. To indicate the influence of age factor a questionnaire was distributed to the


Exact Colleges of Asia

participants of the study. As well as differences was also undertaken to the data collected

to investigate the influence of age factor on public speaking anxiety. Results of the study

showed that, there is a positive significant influence of age differences on public speaking

anxiety of English Language Learners at Omar Al-Mukhtar University.

Table 3.1.3
Assessment on the Differences of Grade 11 Technical -Vocational Livelihood Education
as per their Age and School Related Factors
School Mean Std. Computed Sig. Interpretation
Dev T

15-17 years old 2.93 .551 3.034 0.000* Significant

18-20 years old 2.59 1.218

21 years old 1.3 0.949
and above
*Significant differences at 0.05 level
Table 3.1.3 reveals that the ANOVA has an F value of 8.802 and a significance

value of 0.000. Having a significance value higher than 0.05, the figures are enough for

the researcher to reject the null hypothesis and claim that there is no significant difference

in the assessment of the perceived school related factors and the age profile of the


This study was parallel on the study of Aiden (2017) which aims to identify the
effect of age, gender, and grade on the language anxiety among children wherein in the
ten items in the scale were found to be significant regarding the age variable children at
the ages of seven and 12 felt less worried. As for speaking English in the class, the
participants felt quite worried, while the participants at the age of 12 were less worried. It
was also found that when the participants were addressed by their teachers in English
classes, the level of anxiety was high as well, with the highest score at the age of ten.

Exact Colleges of Asia

What is more, younger students felt more anxious when they were given chance to speak
in English classes. Additionally, the participants at the ages of eight, nine and 10 suffered
more from anxiety. Similarly, the participants at seven years felt more anxious when they
had to speak in the target language without any preparation in advance. The participants
at seven years felt more worried about the idea of failing in English exam perceived more
anxiety when they did not understand what the teacher was correcting and felt more
anxious when they were asked a question for which they did not prepare in advance.
Finally, findings showed that the youngest age groups suffered more from anxiety when
other students laughed while they were speaking English.

Table 3.1.4
Assessment on the Differences of Grade 11 Technical -Vocational Livelihood Education
as per their Age and Related Factors Affecting English Speaking Skills

Factors Mean Std. Computed Sig. Interpretation

Dev F

Medium 2.80 .873 3.007 0.000* Significant

*Significant differences at 0.05 level

Table 3.1.4 reveals that the ANOVA has an F value of 30.986 and a significance

value of 0.000. Having a significance value lower than 0.05, the figures are enough for

the researcher to reject the null hypothesis and claimed that there is a significant

difference in the assessment of the perceived factors affecting English speaking skills and

the age profile of the respondents.

Payne & Lynn (2013) conducted a study where the aim was to investigate sex

differences in second language comprehension. The results showed that amongst 11 to


Exact Colleges of Asia

14-year-olds, girls performed better than boys in second language ability. However, in

first language ability, the girls did not perform better than the boys. The results also

showed that girls have a stronger mental faculty than boys to learn a second language. On

the other hand, in a study conducted by Wucherer & Reiterer (2018) the male students

performed better than the female students in phonetic speech imitation ability

(pronunciation). Nevertheless, females outperformed males in grammar learning. Feery

(2012) summarizes the current perspective on the role of gender in second language

acquisition in her paper.

One of the points Feery (2012) mentions is that several studies made in European

countries showed that girls in most cases (though not in all) outperformed boys in second

language tests; both at a primary and a secondary level. The reasons why there are

differences in the performance could according to Kettemann et al (as cited in Feery,

2012) be the following three: what their general attitude towards learning a foreign

language is, how popular languages in school are amongst girls versus boys, and what

learning strategies girls and boys use. Furthermore, Ludwig (as cited in Feery, 2012)

discovered that there are also differences in regards to boys’ and girls’ motivation for

learning a foreign language. Girls choose a foreign language out of interest, whereas boys

choose it for more practical reasons. In regards to their attitudes toward learning a foreign

language, Kettemann et al (as cited in Feery, 2012) found that females were more

positive than males were. Also Schröder (as cited in Feery, 2012) detected that girls were

more positive towards learning foreign languages, that they had a greater desire to do so

and also to better their previously acquired knowledge of the foreign language

Table 3.2.1


Exact Colleges of Asia

Assessment on the Differences of Grade 11 Technical -Vocational Livelihood Education
as per their Sex and Medium Related Factors

Medium Mean Std. Computed Sig. Interpretation

Dev T
Male 2.92 0.357 3.567 0.000* Significant
Female 2.55 1.067
*Significant differences at 0.05 level

The results shown in table 3.2.1 showed that there is a statistical difference
between the sex and the medium related factors wherein the sig. value is 0.000 that is
lower than the p-value of 0.05 and the computed T-value is 3.567

In the study of Ahsana (2015) that used an interview as a research instrument,

gives focused was the participants’ preference in using language learning strategies and
their reasons. This was aimed to let the students express their feelings towards language
learning strategies in a more informative way. The interview was also used to verify data
previously obtained in the questionnaire. The data pointed out that there was no
statistically significant difference between male and female students in using language
learning strategies. It can be seen by the significant value of .278 which was greater than
p.05. As remembered if the sig. value is lower than .05 it means that there is statistically
significant difference between the groups.

Table 3.2.2
Assessment on the Differences of Grade 11 Technical -Vocational Livelihood Education
as per their Sex and Personal Related Factors

Medium Mean Std. Computed Sig. Interpretation

Dev T
Male 2.97 .403 3.198 0.001* Significant
Female 2.63 1.272


Exact Colleges of Asia

*Significant differences at 0.05 level

Table 3.2.2 reveals that the T-Test has an F value of 6.67 and a significance value

of 0.001. Having a significance value lower than 0.05, the figures are enough for the

researcher to reject the null hypothesis and claim that there is a significant difference in

the assessment of the perceived personal factors affecting english speaking skills and the

sex profile of the respondents.

This study was parallel on the study of Ketabi (2013) which entitled theory and
practices in language studies that aimed at investigating the differences between self-
esteem, age and gender on the one hand and speaking skills on the other hand. For this
purpose, based on an OPT test twenty intermediate Persian learners of English were
selected from among undergraduate EFL students studying towards a B.A. in teaching
English as a foreign language at Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch. As
presented on the table 3 of the study, there is meaningful associations between these
gender and as results show significant difference at the 0.04 level of significant. This
finding is in agreement with the findings of Gorjian, Moosavian and Shahramiri (2012).
In their study concerning the effect of oral summery of short stories on male/female
learners' speaking proficiency, significant differences was found between gender and the
speaking skills.

Table 3.2.3
Assessment on the Differences of Grade 11 Technical -Vocational Livelihood Education
as per their Sex and School Related Factors.
School Mean Std. Computed Sig. Interpretation
Dev T
Male 2.91 .301 0.639 0.524 Not Significant
Female 2.83 1.102
Significant differences at 0.05 level


Exact Colleges of Asia


Table 3.2.3 reveals that the T-Test has a T value of 1.651 and a significance value

of 0.79. Having a significance value higher than 0.05, the figures are not enough for the

researcher to reject the null hypothesis and claimed that there is a no significant

difference in the assessment of the perceived personal factors affecting English speaking

skills and the sex profile of the respondents.

The results of the study was similar to the study of Ghazvini (2012) that

examined the gender differences in factors affecting academic performance in English of

high school students, as for academic self-concept, results show very similar levels in

both boys and girls, since the differences we found were not significant. Regarding use of

learning strategies, results do not show differences in boys' and girls' use of study aids

and test strategies. Female students make greater use of attitude, motivation, time

management, anxiety and self-testing strategies, whereas, differences were found as a

function of gender in the use of concentration, information processing and selecting main

ideas; male students make greater use of these learning strategies.

Table 3.2.4
Assessment on the Differences of Grade 11 Technical -Vocational Livelihood Education
as per their Sex and Related Factors.
Factors Mean Std. Computed Sig. Interpretation
Dev F

Exact Colleges of Asia

Medium 2.80 .873 4.340 0.000* Significant

*Significant differences at 0.05 level

Table 3.2.4 reveals that the T-Test has an F value of4.340 and a significance value

of 0.000. Having a significance value lower than 0.05, the figures are enough for the

researcher to reject the null hypothesis and claim that there is a significant difference in

the assessment of the perceived personal factors affecting English speaking skills and the

sex profile of the respondents.

The results given was similar on the study of Gowka (2014) that examined the
impact of gender on students’ achievement in learning English as a foreign language in
secondary and higher vocational schools in Poland, as well as teachers’ and students’
opinions concerning the importance of this influence. The collected data provided ample
evidence that girls achieved significantly better results than boys.

Chapter 4

The present study was designed to determine the factor affecting English speaking
skills of Technical-Vocational Livelihood students of Camba National High School


Exact Colleges of Asia

located at Camba, Arayat Pampanga for the school year 2022-2023. Utilized 80 grade 11
TVL students at the said school, and a descriptive method of research, through
formulating the different factors affecting English speaking skills of the respondents, the
researchers used the result as the basis and answer to the following questions;

1. How may the demographic profile of the respondents be described in terms of;

1.1 age; and

1.2 sex?

2. How may the Factors affecting the English speaking skills of the respondents be
described in terms of;

2.1 Medium-related factor,

2.2 Personal-related factor, and

2.3 School-related factor?

3. Is there a significant differences between the demographic variables of the

respondents and the factors affecting their English speaking skills?

Summary of Findings:

1. The frequency distribution of the respondents which are the six sections of Grade 11-
TVL students according to their age shows that eighty (80) respondents, fifty-two
(52) or 65% are in the age of 15-17 years old, twenty-seven (27) or 33.75% are in the
age of 18-20 years old, while the remaining one (1) or 1.25% are in the age 21 years
old and above. The frequency distribution of the respondents of six sections 11-TVL
strand according to their sex shows that both male and female respondents have the
frequency of forty (40) and both have fifty 50 % to have a total of hundred percent
2.1 The indicator that got the highest weighted mean was “I have negative experiences
in speaking English” having a 3.18 weighted mean that falls under the category of
agree was a Personal related factor.


Exact Colleges of Asia

2.2 The indicator that got the second highest weighted mean was “I can freely express
myself if I use my mother tongue whenever I speak” having a weighted mean of 3.13
which falls under the category of agree was a Medium related factor.
2.3 The indicator that got the third highest weighted mean was “I find it difficult to speak
in English especially if the teacher is strict” with the weighted mean of 3.06 which
falls under the category of agree was a School related factor.

3.1.1 The researcher found significant differences between the age profile of the
respondents and the medium factors affecting English speaking skills of the TVL students
with a significant value of 0.000

3.1.2 The researcher found significant differences between the age profile of the
respondents and the personal factors affecting English speaking skills of the TVL student
as the result for significant value is 0.000.

3.1.3 The researcher found significant differences between the age profile of the
respondents and the school related factors affecting English speaking skills of the TVL
student as the result for significant value is 0.000.

3.1.4 The researcher found significant difference between the age and the factors
affecting English speaking skills as the result on the findings it has p value of 0.001
which is p<0.05

3.2.1 The researcher found significant differences between the sex profile of the
respondents and the personal factors affecting English speaking skills of the TVL student
as the result for significant value is 0.000.

3.2.2 The researcher found significant differences between the sex profile of the
respondents and the personal factors affecting English speaking skills of the TVL student
as the result for significant value is 0.001.

3.2.3 The researcher found no significant differences between the sex profile of the
respondents and the personal factors affecting English speaking skills of the TVL student
as the result for significant value is 0.524.


Exact Colleges of Asia

3.2.4 The researcher found significant difference between the sex and the factors
affecting English speaking skills as the result on the findings it has p value of 0.000
which is p<0.05

Based on the findings of this study, the researchers came up with the following

1. Majority of the respondents are with ages of above 15-17 years old and also, it
was found out that male and female have the same number of frequency.
2.1 Based on the results, the researchers conclude that the respondents prefer to use
their mother tongue as their medium when speaking to express their idea.
2.2. Utmost of the Technical-Vocational Livelihood students have experienced such
negative situations when speaking in English.
2.3 Many of the respondents agreed that it is tough for them to speak in English
particularly if the teacher is strict.
3 The findings of the study showed that the age has significant differences in terms
the three related factors. While on the sex profile of the respondents, the results
showed that there is two factors found significant which the medium and
personal related factors were while the school related factors does not have
significant difference. Based on the findings, the researchers conclude that age
profile of the respondents has a significant effect in terms of second language
The sex profile of the respondents does not have significant effect in terms of
learning English language, therefore the researchers conclude that male and
female may have both experiencing the same in regards with language

Based on the conclusions made, the researchers recommended the following:

1. The findings suggest that it is fine for the respondents to use their mother tongue
when communicating. Likewise, they should develop their fluency in English


Exact Colleges of Asia

language, just like practice speaking in English with peers and classmates to
enhance the communication skills in English language since it is essential in the
professional world that could be use in future career purposes.
2. The Technical-Vocational Livelihood students should give more time practicing
speaking in English, and they should give enough time in reading English books,
Novels, magazines or even story books to widen their vocabulary and
understanding in English language for them to practice good communication
skills and have confidence to avoid the undesirable experience that they could
encounter if they don’t .
3. Students were worried of making mistakes during speaking performance, with
this teachers should encourage the listener to be supportive and sympathetic as
well to help each of them to improve their speaking skills. Giving feedback is
necessary to evaluate students’ speaking skill.


Exact Colleges of Asia



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APPENDIX A. Letter from the English and Statistics Critic

Republic of the Philippines

Arayat, Pampanga


This certifies that this Research entitled “ Factors Affecting English Speaking
Skills of Grade Eleven Technical-Vocational Livelihood Students” has been daily edited
by the English critic and scrutinized by statistician whose signature are affixed below.


English Critic Statistics Critic

__________________ __________________

Date Signed Date Signed


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APPENDIX B. Letter for the Principal

March 16, 2023
Ruby Rosa C. Sagum
Principal IV
Camba National High School
Camba, Arayat Pampanga

Dear Madam,
We are the 3rd year Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education students of
Exact Colleges of Asia, Suclayin,Arayat Pampanga. One of the major requirements in
fulfilling this semester is the completion of a research. Our study entitled “FACTORS
NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL” calls for the Grade 11 students in your school as our
With that, we are requesting for permission to conduct our study among your Grade 11
students this year 2022-2023. The results of the questionnaire will be used for this study.

Your favorable approval is highly appreciated.

Thank you very much and God bless.

Respectfully yours
Group Representative
JOYCE B. CARREON Approved by:
Research Adviser Mrs. Ruby Rosa C. Sagum
Principal IV

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APPENDIX C. Research Instrument



INSTRUCTION: Please answer the questionnaires honestly by putting checkmark

(✓) to the appropriate boxes that describes you.

Name (Optional); _____________________________________________







21 above

PART 2. Assessment of the respondents according to factors affecting English

speaking skills of the Grade 11 Technical -Vocational Livelihood students

INDICATORS 4-Strongly 3- Agree 2- Disagree 1-Strongly

A. Medium Disagree
1. I rarely practice
English with peers.

Exact Colleges of Asia

2. I can freely
express myself if I
use my mother
tongue whenever I
3. I do not have
enough words to
speak in English.

INDICATORS 4-Strongly 3- Agree 2- Disagree 1-Strongly

Agree Disagree
B. Personal Factors
1. I have negative
experiences in speaking
2. I believe learning
English is a waste of
3. I am afraid of
committing mistake in
front of other people.
4. I am terrified of the
idea of being laughed at.

INDICATORS 4-Strongly 3- Agree 2- Disagree 1-Strongly

C. School-Related Disagree
1. I only want to
learn to speak
English to pass the

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2. I find it difficult
to speak in English
especially if the
teacher is strict.
3. I seldom speak
to teachers in
English in the


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APPENDIX D. Sample Answer on the Survey


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APPENDIX E. Researchers while Conducting the Study


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