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A Research Paper submitted to St. Camillus College of Manaoag Foundation, Inc.


In partial fulfilment to the subject Research in Daily Life


Submitted by:

De Vera, Kiechelle Ynez C.

De Vera, Roxane S.

Labarinto, Kyle Joshua O.

Leoveras, Denise Mikaela D.

Peralta, Brandon B.

Ms. Leah E. Madrid

Research Adviser

Feb 01, 2024


The researchers would like to thank those who contributed to the partial fulfillment of

this research proposal. First and foremost, we would like to thank our Heavenly Father for the

unwavering guidance that He has always instilled in us in making this proposal successful. A

big thanks to Almighty God for giving us knowledge, strength, and ability to undertake this

research study. Without His guidance and mercy, we would not be able to accomplish this

research and all of our daily endeavors.

To the President of this beloved institution, Atty. Diosdado R. Mendoza for giving us

this learning opportunity that helped us develop valuable life lessons of patience,

perseverance, teamwork, resilience, cooperation, and, most of all, the endless pursuit of


Second, we would like to convey our deepest and sincerest gratitude towards our

ever-thoughtful Research Paper Adviser, Ms. Leah E. Madrid, for her patience and dedication

in providing invaluable guidance, support, advice, comments, suggestions, feedback and

provisions that help us in the attainment and success of this study. It was a great privilege and

honor to work and study under her guidance.

We would also like to express our most incredible gratitude towards our parents,

friends, and research paper members for their endless love, prayers, support, and sacrifices.

This would not have been possible without their unselfish love and support given to us at all


Lastly, our appreciation goes to all the people who have supported us in fulfilling the

research work directly or indirectly. To God be the most excellent Glory!


TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 1.............................................................................................................................5
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY..........................................................................................5
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.........................................................................................5
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY...........................................................................................6
LIMITATIONS, RISKS AND ASSUMPTIONS......................................................................7
DEFINITION OF TERMS.........................................................................................................7
CHAPTER II-REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE..................................................10
A. Impact of plastic bags usage in food commodities..............................................................11
B. Reduction of plastic carrier bag us......................................................................................11
C. Marikina Law: Regulating the use of Plastic and Styro......................................................11
D. Survey on the usage of plastic bags, their disposal and adverse impacts on environment..11
E. Ecobags – Innovative, Eco-Friendly Paper Bags.................................................................12
CHAPTER 3-METHODOLGY............................................................................................14
Research Design.......................................................................................................................14
Data Gathering.........................................................................................................................14
Sampling Technique.................................................................................................................15
Conceptual framework.............................................................................................................16


This paper examines the shopping bag preferences of market vendors in Brgy. Baritao

Manaoag Pangasinan , providing insights into their choices in the context of sustainable

practices. Through in-depth interviews and direct observations, this study examines the

factors influencing supplier decisions, including material preferences, cost considerations,

and environmental consciousness.

Results will reveal that vendors in Baritao Market prioritize sustainability and cost-

effectiveness in their shopping bag choices while increasingly focusing on eco-friendly

alternatives. This study highlights suppliers' awareness of environmental awareness, showing

a willingness to adopt sustainable options as long as they meet their practical needs and

budget limits.

The study describes the current shopping bag landscape at Baritao Market and

provides insight into the potential for sustainable interventions. By recognizing supplier

priorities and challenges, this study proposes strategies for market organizers and suppliers to

promote environmentally friendly alternatives effectively. Applying this knowledge can lead

to a more sustainable market, increasing environmental awareness among suppliers and

customers. This research provides valuable resources for local initiatives to diminish plastic

squandering and advance economic hones in community markets.





The Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office Philippines (LGU

Odiongan, 2023) , is responsible for formulating adequate measures from the provisions of
municipality leaders and providing technical assistance in ensuring the delivery of essential
services for the common good of all. The office plans and strategies to take care of the
environment through programs and projects invoking rules and laws.
The town of Manaoag is already indicating its potential for growth and innovation.
The construction of establishments in the town as the central industry of commerce has been
renowned for its progress. In meeting their daily needs and demands, they are establishing
limitations for the capacity of their environment and not sacrificing the future. Henceforth,
the Local Government of Manaoag stands by that mandate in ensuring an environmentally
sound approach in implementing enhancement strategies in waste management and regulating
and maintaining cleanliness in consideration of the people's health since the growing
population would likely be affected and would affect the resources and stocks. The different
types of shopping bags catering to the shopping needs of consumers in Manaoag are one of
the established ways of maneuvering resolutions for the occurrence of issues against the
wealth of the environment. From an environmental standpoint, a separate collection and
recycling system for post-consumer waste might contribute to more excellent ecological
protection and economic advantages. Thus, the researchers want to determine the opinions of
market vendors on the different usage of shopping bags at Barangay Baritao, Manaoag, and
Pangasinan. Furthermore, this study sought to explore the vendors' preference for using the
different modes of shopping bags in brgy. Baritao, Manaoag, Pangasian. This includes the
determination of the opinion regarding the different modes of shopping bags. The indicators
of positive and negative comments will be determined, including the most convenient mode
of shopping bag used to cater to their shopping needs, recommendations, and suggestions to
be conducted.


This study aims to determine the vendor's opinion on the usage of different types of

shopping bags in Barangay Baritao, Manaoag, Pangasinan.

Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1.) What is the level of convenience on the usage of different mode of shopping bags in terms


a.) Durability;

b.) cost-effectiveness;

c.) flexibility; and

d.) quality?

2.) What are commendable understanding on how to protect the environment on the
shopping bags preferences of Baritao Market Vendors?

3.) Is there a difference among the opinions of the vendors on the convenience of plastic

bags, eco-friendly bags, and paper bags?


Modernization is fundamental to human nature and a component of developing a rising

sector of the economy. It implies changing one's style of life while minimizing disturbance to

the environment.

This study would be a great contribution to knowing the vendor's most convenient type
of shopping bags used in Barangay Baritao, Manaoag, Pangasinan. In addition, the research
study would aid in lessening the load of the barangay's waste. The study's crucial findings
would be extremely important and advantageous, in particular to the following:
Vendors. The purpose of the study is to give hints and enlighten Barangay Baritao's
vendors on the best kind of shopping bag to utilize their methods of providing customers with
more valued, practical, and reliable service.
Researchers. The study aims to give researchers a tool to help them improve their
writing and thesis-writing abilities. In addition, it will broaden the student's viewpoint in
acquiring the situations of marketing services and applying various forms of shopping bags
it may be a roadblock or an opening to fulfilling a competent and productive industry.
Future Researchers. The study has the potential to help future researchers by
providing them with knowledge of the steps necessary to produce an effective study. The
information provided will be used as a guide for future researchers conducting their work or
determining the validity of related findings.


This study focuses on evaluating the preferences of the vendor's on the use of the
various shopping bags in Barangay Baritao, Manaoag, Pangasinan. This study is qualitative
research that makes use of a descriptive research design. This research design is suitable for
the study because the researchers will observe and search for boundaries in the intervening
phenomena without manipulating the variables under investigation. This research strategy is
appropriate for the study. Particularly on surveys using the Likert scale, respondents were
asked to rate their satisfaction with the use of plastic, eco-friendly, and paper bags in terms
of: durability, cost-effectiveness, and quality. The socio-demographic profile of the
respondents, including their age, sex, and method of transportation, would also be included in
the questionnaire in order to ascertain the elements influencing their view of the vendors.
However, using questionnaires as a method of data collection had several drawbacks. By
instructing the respondents not to write their names on the questionnaire, the researcher will
ensure that proper privacy is maintained.

Since the researchers would administer questionnaires in the market, convenience

sampling under non-probability sampling will be used by the researchers as their sample
technique. Since non-parametric tests are distribution-free tests and do not assume regularly
distributed populations, the researchers will have a total of 9/9 respondents.

The Chi-Square Test for Independence is the statistical instrument to be used. In

Barangay Baritao, Manaoag, Pangasinan, the preference of the vendors for different types of
shopping bags will be examined. Since the variables utilized in this study are categorical
(e.g., sociodemographic profile and respondent's preference), and the researchers will employ
simple random sampling as their sampling method, the Chi-Square Test for Independence
will be applied.


1. Durability

the quality of being able to last a long time without becoming damaged durability.
(2023, October 25).

2. Modernization

The transformation from a traditional, rural, agrarian society to a secular, urban,

industrial society. (

3. Adequate

As much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purpose; fully sufficient,

suitable, or fit. (

4. Proficient

Proficient, adept, skilled, skillful, expert mean having great knowledge and

experience in a trade or profession. (


5. Validity

The quality of being based on truth or reason, or of being able to be accepted.

(Lashin, Maha. 2022)

6. Advantageous

Involving or creating favorable circumstances that increase the chances of

success or effectiveness; beneficial.

7. Biodegradable

Refers to the ability of things to get disintegrated (decomposed) by the action of

micro-organisms such as bacteria or fungi.


8. Plastics

A synthetic material made from a wide range or organic polymers such as

polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc., that can be be molded into shape while soft and then set into

a rigid or slightly elastic form. (Hassani, N., et al., 2019).

9. Biodegradable

Capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms. (Simkova, I., et

al. 2021).

10. Circumstances
Fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action. (2013).




A. Impact of plastic bags usage in food commodities

Shopping bags were meant for convenience and reliability. The preference of the
vendors mostly depends on these criteria; however, some other factors may be hidden in the
eyes of the researchers for a long time. Thus, plastic grocery bags, paper bags, eco bags,
carrying bags, and shopping bags are all shopping bags. Each style, like everything else, is
designed to operate better in some circumstances than others and may be ineffective in
others. (Soleman et al., 2022)

B. Reduction of plastic carrier bag us

Plastic bags are a common means of carrying merchandise. Plastic bags are widely used
across the retail sector and are a necessity due to their quality trend, flexibility, relatively
cheapness, and ease of use. However, the deleterious effects contamination are the problems
identified throughout the years. Ayalon et al. (2021)

C. Marikina Law: Regulating the use of Plastic and Styro

Business establishments are prohibited from selling or using plastic bags

(biodegradable or not) as packaging material for dry goods (textiles, clothes, shoes, etc.) and
as secondary packaging for wet goods. Those selling rice, grains, feeds, salt, sugar, and flour
will be given exceptions. This means you can repack these goods into plastic bags/containers.

D. Survey on the usage of plastic bags, their disposal and adverse impacts on environment

Muleta 2019) stated that vendors in Jimma City, Ethiopia, used plastic bags more
frequently than other shopping bags. The main reasons for the vendors are plastic bags’ low
price and availability. The improper disposal of plastic bags in Ethiopia poses major
problems such as animal death, blockage of sewage lines, destruction of the environment, and
health problems. Thus, the re-usage of plastic bags and shopping bags can significantly

reduce the environmental burden and also implies that government policies and
implementation will be a decisive factor in executing the plan towards the reduction of
environmental burden.

At present, vendors use plastic bags more frequently than any other kinds of shopping
bags due to plastic bags’ low cost and availability. However, with its improper disposal,
problems such as animal death, blockage of sewage lines, destruction of the environment, and
health problems arise. Henceforth, the immediate answer would probably be to engage the
vendors’ chosen mode of shopping bags in the market. , Muleta (2019).

E. Ecobags – Innovative, Eco-Friendly Paper Bags

Another commonly used shopping bag by the vendors in the market is the paper
bag.Paper bags are biodegradable and made from a renewable resource. Over 10 billion paper
bags are used in the United States each year, necessitating the cutting of 14 million trees.
Recycling paper bags can save a tree while leaving polluted air and bodies of water at the
same time. Paper bags are often not recyclable since they are aggregates of paper and plastic,
yet they are still reusable with sturdy mechanisms and are convenient to use; they are reused
for giving gifts, covering books, crafts, and storage (Pahal, 2021).

At this point, several firms have tried to establish eco-friendly measures and are eager to
cope with the yester traditions by developing interventions for latter-day innovation. Eco-
friendly bags are proposed as an ideal option instead of paper and plastic bags. The invention
was thoroughly sought to be significant in saving our Earth from anything that hinders its
growth for enrichment. According to Pahal (2021), Eco-friendly bags can be recycled,
forming a mini-household ally. Hence, it helps reduce demands for virgin resources, reduces
the need for landfill space, and reduces the adverse effects on the ailing environment.




Research Design

This is the overall plan of conducting the study which will sought to answer the
research questions and to achieve the objectives of the study. The study will be using
descriptive research design to obtain nominal data in determining the most preferred mode of
shopping bag used.

According to Mugenda, (1999) it is a systematic, empirical inquiry into which the

researcher do not have a direct control of independent variable as their manifestation have
already occurred or because the inherently cannot be manipulated. This research design will
demonstrate relationships and will describe what these existing relationships are. Thus, this
shows how the structures bind together in trying to address the central research questions and
attempted to gather data from a sample of population taking into consideration the possible
instances for demerits and used to ensure the integrity of the information gathered in the


The scale of the data in the study are categorical data (e.g., socio-demographic profile
and respondent’s preference). Nominal scale apply to those data to be gathered consisting of
names, labels, or categories. Ratio scale apply to those data to be gathered in the
questionnaire using likert scale. In this study, names were not included to maintain the
confidentiality and privacy of the respondents.

Data Gathering

Data gathering Questionnaires was adopted as the main data collection tool to be used
in the study. Its content would be divided into two parts: (1) closed-ended questionnaire
which would provide specific answers depending upon the choices, this includes the age, sex,
and the mode of transportation of the respondents; and (2) a five-point likert scale
questionnaire divided in terms of: durability, cost-effectiveness, flexibility and quality which
would determine the factors affecting their preference. In ensuring adequate privacy of the
respondents, the researchers would not let the respondents to write their names on the
questionnaire. These questionnaires would narrow down the set objectives and would
determine the level of satisfaction of the respondents on the usage among the different mode
of shopping bags using a five-point likert scale.


In this study, the researchers will gather information through the market vendors to
know and determine the most preferred type of shopping bags.

According to Guest, Bunce, and Johnson (2006) the ideal sample size for a qualitative
research is 12 to 15 individuals. This is due to the phenomenon called saturation, which
means the additional respondents do not provide insights (Latham, 2018). The researchers
will randomly select market vendors, a total of 9/9 will be chosen to participate in the
survey questionnaire. The researchers will

randomly select market vendors, a total of 9/9 will be chosen to participate in the survey
interview. The subject and respondents of this study are the Market Vendors of Baritao
Manaoag, Pangasinan.

Sampling Technique

Convenience sampling technique is the most appropriate technique for this research
since the researchers need to gather information through Market Vendors of Baritao
Manaoag, Pangasinan.


The modernization era has been became an aspect of necessity among the different
modes of shopping bags used in transporting goods across the retail sector of commerce and
industry. Exchanging of goods to either only from basic to complex, from light to heavy and
from less reliable to most, shopping bags are evidently needed. Every shopping bag has its
environmental impact which depend upon the constituents for it to be polished.
At the present, consumers use plastic bags more frequently than any other kinds of
shopping bags due to plastic bags' low cost and availability. However, with its improper
disposal, problems such as animal death, blockage of sewage lines, destruction of
environment and health problems arises. Henceforth, the immediate answer would probably
engaging someone else's self in disciplined action, thus he would find the uncovered
significance of every mode of shopping bag. "Every little action would make a big
difference" (Researchers, 2023).


Ho: There is no significant difference among the different modes of shopping bag, in terms
of: a.) durability;
b.) cost-effectiveness;
c.) flexibility; and
d.) quality.

Ha: There is a significant difference among the different modes of shopping bag, in terms of:
a) durability
b.) cost-effectiveness
c.) flexibility; and
d.) quality.

Conceptual framework

Independent variable Dependent


Vendor’s Preferenceon the

convenienceof plastic bags,
eco-friendly bags and paper

Different mode of
shopping bags in terms
a.) Durability
b.) Cost-
c.) Flexibility and
d.) quality

on how to protect the
environment on the shopping
bags preference of Market


Adane L, Muleta D (2019) Survey on the usage of plastic bags, their disposal and adverse

impacts on environment: A case study in Jimma City, Southwestern Ethiopia. J Toxicol

Environ Health Sci 3(8):234–248

Ayalon et. al (2021, April 18). Reduction of plastic carrier bag use: An analysis of

alternatives in Israel. Waste Management.

LGU Odiongan, plastic waste will be replaced with free groceries. (2023, March 23). MENA


M. (2014, January 23). Marikina Law: Regulating the use of Plastic and Styro. Inside



Pahal. (2021). Ecobags – Innovative, Eco-Friendly Paper Bags .


Prendergast, Gerard P., et al. "Consumer Perceptions of Shopping Bags." 2001,

Soleman, R., Amjad, A., Ismail, A. et al. Impact of plastic bags usage in food commodities:

an irreversible loss to environment. Environ Sci Pollut Res 29, 49483–49489 (2022).


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