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Hello, Facebook!

I just got a bad message that my account was shut down because
I didn't follow Facebook's rules for advertising. I don't know what I did wrong. Could
you please tell me? I promise this won't happen again. Appreciate you so much in

Hello, Facebook I received an unexpected message that my account was used to

promote advertisements that didn't adhere to your advertising policies. I reviewed
the rules of the policy and discovered which rule I broke.I created New landing
pages and ad creatives that adhere to the rules have now been created by me. I can
guarantee that this won't happen once more. Give me a chance to improve by
looking over my ad account. Thank You So Much.

Hello Facebook, I don't know why my Business page was close down. I've never
broken any rules, and my page ads have never been initially rejected. Please take a
look at this, thank you.

Hello there As soon as I checked my account, I received the undesired warning that
a policy violation had been detected. I don't comprehend the reason. Can you give
me a thorough explanation? I was surprised by this as I followed all the guidelines.
I'm merely spreading the word about popular topics and current events that are
available online across numerous platforms. I think I made a mistake. Please do
check it out and unblock my ad account so I can keep working. Regards.

Greetings, Facebook My advertising account was unexpectedly disabled because I

didn't adhere to Facebook's advertising policies. Since I always followed your rules
and procedures, I genuinely think that this was an error. I'm hoping you'll check at
my ad account more carefully and revive it as soon as you can. I appreciate you.
Hello, Facebook I was informed that my ad account had been disabled due to a
Policy violation. My ad account should be enabled again as soon as possible. I hope
this was a mistake.

Greetings, Facebook You eventually destroyed me today when I read a warning that
my ad account had been deactivated due to a rules violation. What sort of
infringement of policy? What has changed now after I spent $3,000 running
advertisements on your site where everything was working before? You're removing
me from your platform while I'm advertising Yukon excursions to people all over the
world? What makes it possible? You've been approving my adverts from the
beginning, so what happens next? I honestly feel that this was an error, and I
sincerely hope that you will look at my account and reactivate it as soon as you can.
I appreciate you.

Hi Facebook, I'm writing to you regarding the problem that I've been having with my
advertising account. I spent the entirety of my advertising budget on Facebook, after
which I increased that budget; however, I recently discovered that my advertising
account had been cancelled!!!! Why? There is no compelling reason for it because
every one of my activities is within the law and is in accordance with your policies
and standards. Because I was so careful to adhere to all of your guidelines and
regulations, I can only assume that this was done inadvertently. Looking forward!

Hey Meta Pro Team,

I'm not exactly sure which Policy I violated if any. I'll provide any information you
deem necessary and I'm willing to comply with everything or some more information
you might ask from my side. I'm really hoping we can get this Review across.
-Pro Ads ( Your Name)
Hey Facebook, I never makes any violation in my facebook ads manager, but why
does it got restricted? I think you AI mistakenly disabled my ads account - I demand
a proper human review, please have a look into this matter thanks.

Hello there, Facebook. My business manager is restricted, and I'm not sure which
policy I breached. There was some unauthorised activity in my business manager,
which I believe was hacked, but now I have full access to it. Could you please
reactivate my business manager? Thank you very much; I really appreciate it.

Greetings, Facebook When I received a notification that my ad account had been

deactivated due to a policy violation today, you eventually destroyed me. What sort
of violation of policy? You're removing me from your platform after I spent a lot of
money promoting space technologies? What makes it possible? You've been
approving my adverts from the beginning, so what happens next? I honestly feel that
this was an error, and I sincerely hope that you will look at my account and
reactivate it as soon as you can. I appreciate you.

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