Formative Tasks Rubric 2023

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1. The formative task has been carried out

appropriately resulting in a completed
2. There is evidence to show that the
student understood the requirements
of the formative task.

• The formative task has been carried out

appropriately resulting in a completed

• There is evidence to show that the

student understood the requirements
of the formative task. MARKS

• The formative task is complete and 8-10

finished to an excellent standard,
showing high levels of accuracy and

• The product would function well.

• The formative task is complete and
finished to a good standard, showing
some levels of accuracy and precision. MARKS
• The product would function well.

• The task is complete and finished to a

satisfactory standard showing some MARKS
levels of accuracy.
• The product would function.

• The task is complete and finished to a

below satisfactory standard showing
some levels of accuracy.
• The product may function.

• The task is incomplete or has been

completed with limited accuracy and
precision. 0-4

• The product would not function well.

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