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Quarter 2 – Module 2:
Responsibilities in a


Content Standard : The learners demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics

of attraction, love, and commitment.
Performance Standard : The learner shall be able to appraise one’s present
relationships and make plans for building
responsible future relationships.
Learning Outcomes : Upon completion of the module, the student is
(Syllabus) expected to identify ways on how to become
responsible in a relationship.
Competencies : Identify ways to become responsible in a relationship (MELC)
Competency Code : EsP-PD11/12PR-IIb-9.3

What I Know

Let us have first the pre-test to assess your prior knowledge. Write your answers
in any size of paper.
I. Multiple Choice
1. The following are primary factors needed in keeping a relationship healthy
and balance, EXCEPT
A. finances B. integrity C. respect D. trust
2. _____ allows partners to openly express about each other’s need for physical,
emotional, mental, and sexual health.
A. Affection B. Communication C. Equality D. Openness
3. Responsibilities in a relationship, EXCEPT A. Ensure the relationship is
mutually beneficial.
B. Respect the other party or parties involved.
C. Be ready to provide support when needed.
D. Cultivate codependency
4. ______ means following your moral or ethical convictions and doing the right
thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you.
A. Honesty B. Integrity C. Obedience D. Respect
5. ______ means being trustworthy.
A. Credibility B. Faithful C. God-fearing D. Resilience

6. The following are examples of integrity, EXCEPT A. Do not gossip or talk
badly about someone.
B. Keep your promises even if it takes extra effort.
C. Flirting with other girls while still in a relationship.
D. Never betray a friend's trust even if you get in trouble.
7. The right to ____ is violated when someone in the relationship suffered
violence such as hitting, slapping, and kicking from his or her partner.
A. have feelings and experiences acknowledged as real
B. live free from emotional and physical threat
C. be respectfully asked rather than ordered
D. emotional support
8. Considered as the primary source of comfort, love, and support.
A. Family B. Leaders C. Priests D. Teachers
9. Right thing to do as a responsible friend, EXCEPT
A. Not giving attention to a friend who is bothered by her partner’s behavior.
B. Go with friends who also believe that it is OK not to be ready for sex yet.
C. Introduce your friends to your parents.
D. Invite your friends to your home.
10.Is the willingness to be open to yourself and others, even in painful times
with a gentle, non-judgmental attitude.
A. Apology B. Compassion C. Gratitude D. Sympathy

II. Draw (happy face) if the statement /action can make the relationship
happy and healthy, (sad face) if it can make the relationship unhealthy.

__ 11. Appreciating the sacrifices of your parents.

__ 12. Expecting your partner to meet all your needs with no reciprocation on
your part.
__ 13. It is OK to say “No, I’m not ready to have sex” to your partner.
__ 14. Giving respect to each other as a common responsibility of any party
involved in a relationship.
__ 15. Constantly wanting to know where your partner is or who they are
with by texting, calling or stalking.

What I Need to Know

In this module you will be taught how to nurture relationships to make it
healthy, balance and long-lasting. There will also be discussion on rights and
responsibilities of the relationship for your protection and guidance.
Before we begin our lesson, please consider the objective, that in going through
with this module you will be able to:
▪ identify the ways to become responsible in a relationship

What’s In

How’s life senior high school students? Welcome again to your journey of
knowing the dynamics of attraction, love, and commitment. You have learned in the
previous module, the concept of relationship, that it is very broad and complex, but
worth preserving of course. Before you will start to go deeper into the concept of
identifying the ways on how to be responsible in the relationship, please do the
short activity below.
What Am I Thinking?


I think that… Reading this makes me


is beautiful VISUALIZATION

In my head I can
This reminds me of…

Adapted from

You may share your answer on this activity to your teacher, during your
synchronous schedule or may call her, or if you are comfortable, you can share
your thoughts to your parents, for validation.

What’s New

Put a HEART before each statement that you think is a sign of a healthy
relationship; put an X on each statement that you think is a sign of an unhealthy
____ 1. You can express your opinion without fear or dread.
____ 2. You and your partner can make decisions together and fairly.
____ 3. Each person takes responsibility for their own actions.
____ 4. Your partner respects your feelings about sex.
____ 5. Your partner supports you and your choices—even when they
disagree with you.

____ 6. You respect and encourage each other.

____ 7. You give each other space to study or hang out with friends or family.
____ 8. You were able to make your own decisions about spending your
money without worrying about your partner’s reaction.

____ 9. You can discuss pregnancy and parenting decisions and your view is

____ 10. You feel isolated from friends and family.

____ 11. Your partner tries to control how you spend time and who you hang
out with.
____ 12. Your partner tries to control how you spend money.
____ 13. Your partner does not support your decisions.
____ 14. You are sometimes forced to do something that you are not
comfortable with.
____ 15. Your partner threatens, insults, or humiliates you.
Source: (Deped Personal Development Module page 71)

What is It

Hello there, Senior High Learners! I know your answers are correct, as you
already have an idea about healthy relationship from your previous module. You

also learned that relationships are not static and that they continually evolved for
us to nurture to stay healthy and balance. Proceed to know how in addition to
knowing your rights and responsibilities in a relationship.


A relationship cannot grow and flourish on its own, it needs effort and hard
work from both parties. Here are the suggested ways in keeping relationship
healthy and mutually beneficial:

A “thank you”, can boost In times of betrayal and

positive emotions and can disagreement forgiveness is an
strengthen relationships option then move on

Family first, they Learn to

are the source of forgive
Gratitude Open yourself and
comforthealthy others in a gentle and
Connect Be non-judgmental
with your Nurture Compassionate
family Your
Spend s
Give time to the right Acceptance of other’s
socialize in a amount of Accept strengths and
balance and time others weakness without
healthy way Create compromising your
together Ritual welfare

Nurture closeness throu

gh enjoying common interest
Adapted from:
o (DepEd Personal Development Module page

The diagram above showed the interrelatedness of our actions in nurturing



For the relationship to last and become beneficial is it important that

responsibilities had to be well-performed and basic rights had to be respected and
Responsibilities in a
Basic Rights in a Relationship

1. Be responsible for what you think 1. The right to emotional support
and say to the other person. 2. The right to be heard by other and to
2. Be responsible for what you
3. The right to have your own point of
promise to do or not do. view, even if this differs from your
3. Ensure the relationship is mutually partner’s
4. The right to have your feelings and
experiences acknowledged as real
4. Respect the other party or parties 5. The right to live free from accusation
involved. and blame
5. Be ready to provide support when 6. The right to live free from criticism
and judgment
7. The right to live free from emotional
and physical threat
8. The right to live free from angry
outbursts and rage
9. The right to be respectfully asked
rather than ordered

Guide Questions:
1. How we can relay our emotions and/or ideas to others to be heard correctly
and interpreted properly?
2. What are the reasons a person can stand and hold on promises of the future
from another?
3. Do you believe in “letting go is loving you”? Why or why not? Cite
situations/events in which setting yourself free is showing love.
4. How you assure yourself and the next person with you that time is not a
question for you being together?

In a relationship, give and take is best and knowing thyself is needed for it to

What’s More

After reading the discussion above, you now understood how important
healthy relationships are to our well-being in maintaining such communication are
vital to keep it going. For it to thrive it also demands shared responsibility and most
of all it needs mutual love and respect for it to last a lifetime.

Now, let us have a short activity to show your understanding about the
topic. Put a checkmark on the box before the statement that talked about
responsibilities in a relationship.

Relationship Bucket List

Together Let’s…

1. Pray for each other.

2. Care each other less.
3. Celebrate special occasions.
4. Hide secrets from one another.
5. Fulfill the promise of supporting each other.
6. Taking advantage of the kindness of the other.
7. Find time in watching sunset at the beach together.
8. Being there for each other in good times and bad times.
9. Be willing to understand and accept each other’s limitations.
10. Be open to one another when there’s problem about the

What I have Learned


This is to check your comprehension about what you had read in this
module. Read the statement and make the connections by writing the word/s or
sentence/s that you were able to read from this module that will prove, explain or
justify the statement given and then write your thoughts about it.
I Read… My Thoughts…

Blue Zones research states that the
healthiest, longest-living people in the
world all have something in common:
they put their families first

Never feel obligated to “pay someone

back” with sex in return for a date

or gift.

Say “no” and mean “no” if that’s how

you feel.

Rubric for Grading

5pts 3pts 1pt

Content Interesting content and Some interesting Cursory; gives the
presentation; ideas content; points not impression of writing
wellconceived and developed sustained or not fully just to complete the
with sufficient examples. developed. assignment.

Relevance Logical progression of ideas with Organization is clear. Connections between

a clear structure that enhances Transitions are present. ideas seem confusing or
the thesis. Transitions are incomplete. No
mature and graceful. transition present.

Mechanics Is free of mechanical, Has one or three severe Has four or more
grammatical, and spelling errors mechanical or mechanical or
grammatical errors grammatical errors

What I can Do

Identify your rights and your responsibilities in the role you are/will be
playing in the relationship. Write your answer on the boxes specified in
the graphic organizer given.

My Rights and Responsibilities

Me as a
I have a right to… I have a responsibility to…



Future Partner

Adapted from:


Rubric for Grading

5pts 3pts 1pt

Content Interesting content and Some interesting Cursory; gives the
presentation; ideas content; points not impression of writing
wellconceived and developed sustained or not fully just to complete the
with sufficient examples. developed. assignment.

Relevance Logical progression of ideas with Organization is clear. Connections between

a clear structure that enhances Transitions are present. ideas seem confusing or
the thesis. Transitions are incomplete. No
mature and graceful. transition present.

Mechanics Is free of mechanical, Has one or three severe Has four or more
mechanical or mechanical or
grammatical, and spelling errors
grammatical errors grammatical errors

Read the statement carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in a
separate answer sheet.
1. Elements of a healthy relationship, EXCEPT
A. Trust one another
B. Respect one another
C. Open and honest communication

D. One person makes all the decisions
2. Considered as the primary source of comfort, love, and support.
A. Classmates B. Family C. Teacher D. Leaders
3. Is the willingness to be open to yourself and others, even in painful times
with a gentle and non-judgmental attitude.
A. Acceptance B. Betterment C. Compassion D. Discovery
4. It is normal for disagreements or betrayal to arise in relationships, when this
happen the better way handle the situation is to ______.
A. plan a revenge
B. forgive and move on
C. block the person from entering in your life again
D. post in social media the dishonesty of the other party
5. All are responsibilities in a relationship, EXCEPT A. Cultivate codependency.
B. Be ready to provide support when needed.
C. Respect the other party or parties involved.
D. Ensure the relationship is mutually beneficial.
6. The following are primary factors needed in keeping a relationship healthy
and balance, EXCEPT
A. integrity B. position C. respect D. trust
7. ________ allows partners to openly express about each other’s need for
physical, emotional, mental, and sexual health.
A. Communication B. Diplomacy 8. C. Empowerment D. Openness
________ means being trustworthy.
A. Credibility B. Faithful C. God-fearing D. Resilience
9. ________ means following your moral or ethical convictions and doing the
right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you.
A. Honesty B. Integrity C. Obedience D. Respect
10.Statements given below are examples of integrity, EXCEPT A. Do not gossip
or talk badly about someone.
B. Keep your promises even if it takes extra effort.
C. Flirting with other girls while still in a relationship.
D. Never betray a friend's trust even if you get in trouble.
11.This means that it is always good to have a give and take attitude in the
relationship, for this assures fairness and equality. A. Respect the other
party or parties involved.

B. Ensure the relationship is mutually beneficial.
C. Be responsible for what you promise to do or not do.
D. Be responsible for what you think and say to the other person.
12.Signs of unhealthy relationship.
A. Avoidance C. Dishonesty
B. Co-dependency D. All of the above
13.The right to ______ is violated when someone in the relationship suffered
violence such as hitting, slapping, and kicking from his or her partner.
A. emotional support
B. be respectfully asked rather than ordered
C. live free from emotional and physical threat
D. have feelings and experiences acknowledged as real
14.Right thing to do as a responsible friend, EXCEPT A. Introduce your friends
to your parents.
B. You share your time doing fun things together.
C. Not being sensitive to friends’ feelings and needs.
D. Go with friends who also believe that it is OK not to be ready for sex yet.
15.We all have responsibilities for all our relationships, and these are primarily
anchored on _______________.
A. intelligence, love, and pride
B. health, happiness, and success
C. diplomacy, generosity, emotions
D. mutual respect, trust, and integrity

Additional Activities

Make an, oath/plan on how you can improve your personal relationship.
Use the graphic organizer given below in drawing out your plan.

I will, I swear…


Next, After That,

First, Finally,

Adapted from:


Rubric for Grading

5pts 3pts 1pt

Content Interesting content and Some interesting Cursory; gives the
presentation; ideas content; points not impression of writing
wellconceived and developed sustained or not fully just to complete the
with sufficient examples. developed. assignment.

Relevance Logical progression of ideas with Organization is clear. Connections between

a clear structure that enhances ideas seem confusing or
Transitions are present.
the thesis. Transitions are incomplete. No
mature and graceful. transition present.

Mechanics Is free of mechanical, Has one or three severe Has four or more
grammatical, and spelling errors mechanical or mechanical or
grammatical errors grammatical errors


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