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In your own opinion, what are the qualities that a good leader of our nation must possess?

Good leaders possess self-awareness, garner credibility, focus on relationship-building, have a bias for
action, exhibit humility, empower others, stay authentic, present themselves as constant and
consistent, become role models and are fully present.

How can you define success?

Success is often defined as the ability to reach your goals in life, whatever those goals may be. In some
ways, a better word for success might be attainment, accomplishment, or progress. It is not
necessarily a destination but a journey that helps develop the skills and resources you need to thrive.

Speak about what friendship means to you.

Real friendship means you can keep it real with me. When you don't have to go around the truth in
fear of hurting my feelings but telling me straight up in the most loving way you know how. Friendship
is when you love someone and think about them no matter how busy life gets.

Why are Filipinos fond of watching Korean dramas or Korean pop, and are fond of learning Korean

Some Filipinos enjoy Korean dramas because they love the romantic happily-ever-after stories that
serve as a momentary escape from the reality that real-life relationships are more difficult to
maintain. The good-looking actors and actresses also serve as ideal partners for them even if their
chances of actually marrying Koreans (especially those with really good looks) are slim to none.
Koreans do visit the Philippines but most of the time they prefer to marry fellow Koreans. I suppose
some Filipinos want what they can't easily have.

Also, some Filipinos enjoy K-pop because many of its songs sound vibrant and cheerful (even if
sometimes the song lyrics don't match the happy vibe of the tunes). The music videos are also eye-
catching because of the colorful sets and costumes. Of course, who can forget the presence of the
good-looking male and female idols with enviable beauty (enhanced or otherwise) and chic designer
fashion? These idols serve as ideal partners and/or style inspiration for many Filipinos.

Why are students from the 90s mistaking childhood trauma for precious memories?

Maybe because of how different life was back then. The way children are being treated today is very
different from how children are being treated in the 90s. And also because that these childhood
traumas can be the reason of who

Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, do you agree with it?

Yes, Because the phrase beauty is in the eye of the beholder means that people can have differing
opinions on what is beautiful. So what is pleasing to the eyes of one person might be ordinary or ugly
to another. In other words, beauty can be subjective.

Should the death penalty be revived? Why or why not?

For me, if you do something wrong against the law, you must have a penalty but not death. We're
also a human, we have right to live. We have right to respect. We're just a human, automatically we
might do something wrong. No one is perfect. Nobody's perfect. So no one have no right to punish us
to die, just only God.

Do you believe in Destiny/Fate?

Yes, Understanding the meaning of Destiny is much more important. Destiny is simply the result of
our past karmic accounts or actions. The present is a result of deeds done in the past. In that sense
you can change your destiny by changing your present Karma's.

What makes art important in our culture?

Art is important to culture because it can bridge the gap between different racial groups, religious
groups, dialects, and ethnicities. It can express common values, virtues, and morals that we can all
understand and feel. Art allows us to ask important questions about life and society.

Do Filipinos respect the LGBTQIA +?

Gays and lesbians are more tolerated than accepted in Filipino society. Despite recent events that
have promoted the rights, general acceptance, and empowerment of the Filipino LGBT community,
discrimination remains. Homosexuals in the Philippines are known as "bakla", though there are other
terms to describe them.

How does our past events/trauma affect the person we become?

trauma can also impact a person into adulthood as they experience feelings of shame and guilt,
feeling disconnected and unable to relate to others, trouble controlling emotions, heightened anxiety
and depression, anger.

How do you know when you can trust someone?

For me, I know if i can trust someone if They are consistent.

They show compassion and humility. ...

They respect boundaries. ...

They compromise and don't expect something for nothing. ...

They're relaxed (and so are you). ...

They are respectful when it comes to time. ...

They show gratitude.

Would you rather live without the internet, or without bathing?

For me, i would rather live without the internet. Because even without internet, i would still live a
normal life, the only difference is that i dont have access to the online world and I would have a hard
time to get news and information.

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