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I Love My Cats

I love animals and especially cats, they are always there for you and love you
unconditionally and they don’t judge you. Kinky was very affectionate and she
used to love cuddling up on my lap and when she was a kitten she used to love
sucking my jumper! I always seemed to have a soggy jumper so when she got a
bit older I had to stop her from doing it.
She was so special to me because she was the first cat I ever had that was mine
and loved me the most. Does that sound childish? When I lived with my
parents all our cats loved my mum the best and I was so sort of tolerated (as a
child), but with Kinky because we got her as a kitten she grew up in our home
and loved me the best because I was her “mummy”.

The Cats Call A Truce

When we first bought Boss home, Kinky got a little bit jealous. I suppose it was
only natural, she had been the centre of attention, getting all the fuss and now
she had be unsurped by this “runty” little kitten! She looked at him with
distain and sulked for days. Boss was so small and his tail was really thin like a
little pigs tail. I remember I lifted his tail to look at it and he gave a great big
angry meow. When he got a little older his tail did eventually become thick
and bushy.

We used to have all these little cat toys, a squeaky mouse, a plastic ball etc and
used to try to get Boss to chase them and play. He used to get hold of the ball
in his mouth and walk around growling and after a while he got tired and went
to sleep. Kinky on the other hand would chase around and play for hours on
end, even when she was an older cat.

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