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Using the example of either “Nestlé” or “L’Oréal”, critically discuss one ‘ethical challenge’ that either

Nestlé or L’Oréal has had to address in terms of legal and cultural frameworks and standards. Does
this MNC follow its own Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments? Why or why not?

Animal Testing


-(Negative view of the business) Breaking the law, animal testing is Banned in eu countries and was
continued in China (Causing problems ethically).-Complying with legal frameworks meant that loreal
had presented ethical contradiction. Which explains the fact that Loreal doesn’t have a csr to follow.

L’Oréal doesn’t follow its own Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments because the mns
doesn’t have an established Csr explaining the reason for the acquisition of the body shop


-Legal development of animal welfare is developed through cultural framework. The belief of
harming animals is unethical and the justification of using animal testing for cosmetic purposes is
frowned upon in comparison to medicinal reasons.


-Obeying the legislation and regulation put forward by national governments

- Loreal has damaged their image due to past animal testing productions

To improve standards merging with the body shop (known as ethically sourcing products with no
animal testing-Strong Csr)

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