Overview of Agriculture 4.0 Development Systematic Review of Descriptions, Technologies, Barriers, Advantages, and Disadvantages

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Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

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An overview of agriculture 4.0 development: Systematic review of

descriptions, technologies, barriers, advantages, and disadvantages
Franco da Silveira *, Fernando Henrique Lermen , Fernando Gonçalves Amaral
Graduate Program of Industrial Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Osvaldo Aranha 99, 90035-190 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


Keyword: Agriculture 4.0 upgrades traditional production methods and world agriculture strategies to an optimized value
Agriculture 4.0 chain using a range of emerging technologies that enhance disruptive solutions at all stages of the agricultural
Technologies production chain. Due to the complexity of the changing farm ecosystem, the new technological revolution’s
benefits will not be shared evenly. It is necessary to understand the problems and challenges that need to be
Systematic literature review
addressed so that all countries fully benefit from the potential of agriculture 4.0. This study aims to contribute to
the development of agriculture 4.0 by identifying descriptions, technologies, barriers, advantages, and disad­
vantages. Three independent researchers carried out a Systematic Literature Review based on the Protocol of
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. After applying the inclusion and exclusion
criteria pre-established in the Scopus, Science Direct, and Web of Science databases, 50 articles were selected for
analysis. As a result, it was possible to identify the descriptions of agriculture 4.0, propose a definition, and
present a compilation of approaches related to the term. Technologies of agriculture 4.0, responsible for revo­
lutionizing and impacting how commodities are produced, processed, traded, and consumed, were also surveyed.
Moreover, the barriers that hinder the development of agriculture 4.0 and that limit its progress are listed. The
barriers were classified into five dimensions: technological, economic, political, social, and environmental. These
are issues that need to be resolved in different areas to achieve a larger scale in countries looking to implement
agriculture 4.0. Finally, this study’s findings support actors in the agricultural production chain and pave the way
for the successful development of agriculture 4.0. Besides, research helps broaden the inclusive debate that can
shape the introduction of agriculture 4.0.

1. Introduction advanced economies, agriculture may be utilized as a tool to leverage

their participation in the international market of agricultural commod­
As the world population grows (Lidicker, 2020; Tamburino et al., ities (Veeck, Veeck, and Yu, 2020), transforming them into significant
2020), one of the main challenges of agriculture is to increase food players in the sector (Scown, Brady, and Nicholas, 2020).
production (Fu et al., 2020; Singh and Singh, 2020) with significant However, there is a 3.3% reduction in grain production throughout
reductions in environmental impacts (Pittelkow et al., 2014) and socio- the entire value chain (Minten, Tamru, and Reardon, 2020). A part of the
economic implications (Ofosu et al., 2020). Agriculture is a key factor in waste in agriculture is related to the incidence of bad weather (Haile
the economic sector for the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in et al., 2019), increased tolerance of pests, pathogens, and weeds to
most countries (Abioye et al., 2020). As to participation in worldwide agricultural pesticides (Leeuwen et al., 2020), and misuse of technolo­
economic productivity, agriculture represents a rate of 6.4%, and in nine gies (Baributsa and Njoroge, 2020; Bendinelli et al., 2020) in the agri­
countries, it is the dominant sector (Pathan et al., 2020). In Russia, cultural production chain (Ting et al., 2011). According to Vågsholm,
agriculture has grown more than the GDP since 2012 (Uzun, Shagaida, Arzoomand, and Boqvist (2020), to attain maximum agricultural pro­
and Lerman, 2020). In emerging countries, agriculture may be the ductivity, it is necessary to develop disruptive strategies in the produc­
driving force to improve their economies performance in the next 50 tion systems, which seek to mitigate losses and waste throughout the
years (Mueller and Mueller, 2016; Gusarova, 2019). For countries with value chain (Leia et al., 2020). The process-guided conventional

* Corresponding author at: Department of Industrial Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Osvaldo Aranha, 99, 5th Floor, 90035-190 Porto
Alegre, RS, Brazil.
E-mail address: franco.da.silveira@hotmail.com (F. da Silveira).

Received 8 January 2021; Received in revised form 24 July 2021; Accepted 16 August 2021
Available online 24 August 2021
0168-1699/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

agricultural systems must be transformed into more intelligent systems 2. Research methodology
based on data made available using a range of emerging technologies
(Lioutas et al., 2019). 2.1. Systematic literature review
A commonly adopted alternative to maximize productivity in agri­
culture is emerging technologies (Boursianis et al., 2020), such as Arti­ To contribute to the development of agriculture 4.0 in the literature
ficial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, the Internet of Things (IoT), drones, and concerning descriptions, technologies, barriers, advantages, and disad­
gene editing (Rose et al., 2021). Intelligent technologies in agriculture vantages, there is a lack of selecting, extracting, qualifying, and quan­
increase revenues and reduce the inputs needed in agricultural processes tifying data from a sample of studies published in scientific journals. The
(Rose et al., 2021). However, the advantages of developing the new Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is a tool used to manage the di­
technological revolution in agriculture will not be shared out uniformly versity of knowledge available to be consulted, allowing the researchers
and must be carefully discussed (Rose and Chilvers, 2018; Whitfield, to evaluate the state-of-the-art and specify research questions (Koutsos
Challinor, and Rees, 2018; Rose et al., 2021). et al., 2019). In this study, the SLR methodology was chosen due to the
To make agricultural development easier in transforming the complexity of the available data in the literature, which would not be
traditional food systems based on concepts and transformative visions possible for analysis by qualitative (such as semi-structured interviews)
such as agriculture 4.0 (Klerkx and Begemann, 2020; Liu et al., 2020), or quantitative (such survey) methods concerning studies in specific
it is essential to understand the limitations and risks that must be dealt locations. An SLR’s development increases the results’ legitimacy and
with so that all countries will benefit from the potential of the new reliability (Tranfield et al., 2003), supplying the researchers with a
agriculture (Hinson, Lensink, and Mueller, 2019). The fourth agricul­ reliable base to formulate future research opinions and considerations.
tural revolution, which is currently under construction (Rose et al., The SLR must be transparent and responsible for promoting guidelines
2021), comprises a set of problems and solutions from the technolog­ to help identify essential contributions to a specific research area
ical, socio-economic, and management standpoint that require taking (Denyer and Tranfield, 2009).
precautions (Jakku et al., 2019; Zambon et al., 2019; Klerkx and Rose, Through a peer review, SLR helps identify gaps that have not yet
2020). been researched. Therefore, it plays a critical role in advancing knowl­
Some studies indicate trends in the development of agriculture 4.0 edge, highlighting marks of progress along the investigation lines
(Klerkx, Jakku, and Labarthe, 2019; Liu et al., 2020), reflections on its (Hallinger, 2013). There has been an increase in the number of SLR
role in transforming agricultural development (Klerkx and Begemann, published in recent years on the agricultural sector topics. It is currently
2020), and succinct information about its benefits for people, produc­ utilized on a large scale in agriculture research (Koutsos et al., 2019).
tion, and the planet (Rose et al., 2021). Nevertheless, the research The protocol supported the present SLR research developed in agricul­
involving agriculture 4.0 is generally limited to the technological as­ ture 4.0 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-
pects (Klerkx, Jakku, and Labarthe, 2019). It provides a plethora of Analyses (PRISMA). The PRISMA protocol was utilized to ensure a
technologies without presenting metrics that define how these tech­ more complete and transparent review of previously published docu­
nologies impact the agricultural production chain (Klerx and Rose, ments (Sargeant et al., 2006; Moher et al., 2010) to broaden and
2020). There is also a lack of a clear definition of what technologies are contribute to the debate on agriculture 4.0.
included in the concept of agriculture 4.0 in the literature, as this has
largely been tacitly (Klerkx and Rose, 2020). In addition, there is a lack 2.2. Research questions, databases, and keywords
of studies that seek to explore the development of the theory of agri­
culture 4.0. It is necessary to analyze the different terms that are being To identify the aspects involving the adoption of agriculture 4.0, four
related to agriculture 4.0 in the literature as farming 4.0, smart farm, Research Questions (RQ) were formulated, which seek to help select the
digital agriculture, industry 4.0 in the agriculture, fourth agricultural most essential articles to compose the research: RQ1. What is the defi­
revolution, and the evolution of precision agriculture, to stimulate dis­ nition of agriculture 4.0?; RQ2. What are technologies currently utilized
cussion in the area (Braun et al., 2018; Rose and Chilvers, 2018; Klerkx in agriculture 4.0?; RQ3. What barriers render it difficult to develop
et al., 2019; Zambon et al., 2019). This study aims to contribute to the agriculture 4.0?; and RQ4. What are the main advantages and disad­
development of agriculture 4.0 by identifying descriptions, technolo­ vantages of developing agriculture 4.0?.
gies, barriers, advantages, and disadvantages. The research broadens The searches were performed in the Science Direct, Web of Science,
discussions on the characteristics of agriculture 4.0 and its inhibiting and Scopus databases. These databases cover periodicals with an impact
factors. Furthermore, the study supports academics and practitioners to in different areas. Since this research focuses on identifying studies in
develop new agriculture for the world. The main research question the context of agriculture 4.0, it was chosen to follow the steps of Denyer
should be answered to guide the article’s objective: which aspects and Tranfield (2009). The research strategy utilized a set of keywords
contribute to the development of agriculture 4.0? with quotation marks (“”) for a compound word and applied the Boolean
The main theoretical contribution of the article is to identify de­ operators AND and OR. The research strategy adopted was a single string:
scriptions, technologies, barriers, advantages, and disadvantages at a ((Agriculture OR Agricultural) AND (“agriculture 4.0” OR “smart farm*” OR
qualitative and exploratory level for analysis and dissemination of “industry 4.0” OR “farming 4.0” OR “digital agriculture” OR “fourth
information regarding the development of agriculture 4.0 in the in­ agricultural revolution” OR “precision agriculture”)). The string was
ternational context. The propositions and reflections raised in the applied to the title, abstract, and keywords fields during the database’s
article also contribute as subsidies for future academic research about searching process. The string ought to consider all the terms present at
agriculture 4.0, which may continue the present study. This article is the origin of agriculture 4.0, aiming to ensure the scientific articles
structured into five different sections, besides this initial introduction. coverage and representativity. The search strategy terms were selected
Section 2 presents the methodological approach adopted in the after analyzing five articles related to the research topic by two inde­
research. Section 3 offers a bibliometric analysis and answers research pendent readers (Wolfert et al., 2017; Colezea et al., 2018; Elijah et al.,
questions related to the development of agriculture 4.0. Section 4 2018; Rose and Chilvers, 2018; Muangprathub et al., 2019), as they are
outlines a discussion about the research questions and presents trends studies that carried out reviews on the theme of agriculture 4.0. It was
and a research agenda for agriculture 4.0. Finally, Section 5 contains chosen to exclude the terms (“barriers” OR “implementation difficulty” OR
the conclusions of the article, the limitations, and proposals for future “limitation”) from the search strategy because they reduced the number
studies. of articles and presented an absence of significant studies to make up the
final sample of the SLR.
Four criteria were considered to exclude articles resulting from

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

Table 1 were not related to the objective proposed. Forty-eight (48) articles were
SLR protocol. eligible. Using the Snowball method (Biernacki and Waldorf, 1981), the
SLR stages Information Collected references of the 48 articles screened previously were analyzed. Thus,
another ten articles were identified to compose the final sample, and
Research in the Authors these also belonged to the databases adopted initially. The 58 articles
Database and Title chosen in the research followed the criteria (i, ii, iii, and iv) established
Preliminary Selection Abstract in Section 2.2. Table 1 is an example of the analysis protocol of the SLR
Keywords articles.
Title Group 1 (all yes answers): For the protocol eligibility stage, two groups of questions were uti­
Keywords – re the article objectives clear? lized to analyze the content of the 58 articles. Firstly, a partial reading of
Abstract –Do the goals of the article involve
the articles was performed, seeking to provide a positive answer to all
Objective agriculture 4.0 or correlated
Methodology descriptions? Group 1 questions. In the group, we encourage the sample articles to be
Country –Does the study empirical or empirical, which seeks to evaluate the functioning of a specific phe­
Conclusion review? nomenon in an applied manner (Powell and Butterfield, 1994; Del Val
Periodical in –Does the study show its and Clara, 2003). Secondly, to select the article and compose the final
which published contribution?
–Are the main conclusions of the
sample of the research, at least one of the answers to Group 2 had to be
study clear? affirmative. After utilizing the two groups of questions, 50 articles were
included in this SLR, and their results were described in Section 3. Fig. 1
Analysis of the Content Research Group 2 (at least one yes
Questions (RQ) answer): shows the methodological flow adopted in the SLR based on the use of
RQ1 – Does the study present the the PRISMA protocol (Moher et al., 2010) and makes it easier to un­
description of agriculture 4.0? derstand the steps adopted in the study.
RQ2 – Does the study indicate
which technologies are adopted in
agriculture 4.0?
2.4. Considerations on the quality of the articles
RQ3 – Does the present study
barriers that make it difficult to The Journal Impact Factor (JIF) was adopted to evaluate the quality
develop agriculture 4.0? of the scientific journals of the 50 articles selected in the SLR, made
RQ4 – What are the main
available by the InCites Journal Citations Reports (Ranjan, 2017). Their
advantages and disadvantages of
developing agriculture 4.0? metrics considered the data collected on December 21, 2020. Scopus’s
complete database (compiled on December 21, 2020) was utilized to
measure the citations of the scientific production selected. It was used
Barriers because of its multidisciplinary, normative and significant scientific
Data Extraction Advantages research power (Franceschini et al., 2016). Appendix A shows the in­
Disadvantages formation breadth of the JIF and citations of the articles. Based on this
data, a network of relations between SLR terms and documents was built
Research Agenda
by the circular interface software Mandala Browser (Gainor et al., 2009;
Ruecker et al., 2015). The Mandala Browser (Brown et al., 2010) is a tool
that allows analyzing scientific research interactively by visualizing the
database searches: (i) articles published before December 21, 2020; (ii) text, providing issues differently from other devices concerning content
books and book chapters, articles from congresses and or conferences, analysis. The manuscripts text of the sample studied in the SLR was
since they are independent and do not include a blind peer review (Paez, extracted to an XML file, and the Boolean consultation adopted in the
2017); (iii) duplicate articles that appear in more than one database; and software was: (i) Agriculture OR Agricultural, (ii) Agriculture 4.0, (iii)
(iv) articles written in languages other than English since it is the lan­ Smart Farm, (iv) Industry 4.0, and (v) Internet of Things OR IoT. Each
guage used in most of the scientific journals with a high impact factor research term extracts documents in its direction as per its definition.
(Morrison et al., 2012). The latter are indexed in large databases Based on the word’s relative frequency, it became possible to develop a
(Henshall, 2018). In addition, it is noteworthy that the term Internet of conceptual visualization of the entire SLR.
Things in this study was called Agricultural Internet of Things (AIoT)
due to the complexity of the term used in several studies in Industry 4.0 3. Results
(Liu et al., 2020; Mukherjee et al., 2020; Symeonaki et al., 2020;
Almadani and Mostafa, 2021). This section presents the content analysis results of the articles
selected in the SLR. Section 3.1 corresponds to the bibliometric data of
the study. Next are inserted the subsections whose objective is to answer
2.3. Sample analysis and selection the RQ1, RQ2, RQ3 and RQ4 of the SLR.

The articles were downloaded and then inserted into the Mendeley© 3.1. Bibliometric analysis
reference manager software. The database searches resulted in a
plethora of 351 documents by adding together the Science Direct (240), Fig. 2 shows the year of publication and the distribution of the topics
Scopus (74), and Web of Science (37). Fifty-two duplicate articles were discussed in the 50 articles selected. The first article presenting relations
removed using the software. In the screening stage, the evaluation was between IoT and agriculture 4.0/smart farm research fields was identified
performed by peers and independently. If there were doubts about the in 2016. There was a full increase in the publications in 2019 (24)
inclusion or not of a given article, a third reader analyzed the final compared to 2018 (12) and an increasing mix between the topics of the
decision-making discordances. Thus, 100 articles were excluded that article.
belonged in criterion (ii), and the files were identified as book chapters The agriculture 4.0/smart farm topics were identified in 47 articles.
(28), congresses and or conferences (58), magazines (2), and appendix The articles of the agriculture 4.0/smart farm set, which do not interact
or list of abbreviations (12). After the titles, abstracts and keywords with other issues, were a total of 7 cases. In the other 40 articles of the
were read, another 151 articles were discarded that did not present the agriculture 4.0/smart farm set, the following mixed topic interactions
terms defined in the research protocol (Denyer and Tranfield, 2009) and were identified: agriculture 4.0/smart farm and IoT (26), agriculture 4.0/

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

Fig. 1. Methodological flow adopted in the SLR according to the PRISMA protocol.

smart farm, IoT and Industry 4.0 (11), and agriculture 4.0/smart farm and methods in the articles in 2018 and 2019. The indicators of the sub­
industry 4.0 (3). Industry 4.0 was the subject of study in 2 articles and IoT category methods in the qualitative cases were 58.82% case studies
in 1 research in agriculture. (Braun et al., 2018; Gan and Lee, 2018; Nawandar and Satpute, 2019) as
Table 2 exhibits the research method adopted in the articles of the B, 14.71% frameworks (i.e., Ferrández-Pastor et al., 2016; Corallo et al.,
sample. Three categories were defined: 40% (review), 40% (qualitative) 2018; Colezea et al., 2018) as C, 8.82% interviews (i.e., Raungpaka and
and 20% (quantitative). Each category was divided into subcategories to Savetpanuvong, 2017; Pivoto et al., 2018; Khatri-Chhetri et al., 2019) as
examine their approaches concerning the methodologies employed. D, and 17.65% descriptive statistics (i.e., Pivoto et al., 2018; Janc et al.,
Each study could apply more than one method described, being char­ 2019; Ponraj and Vigneswaran, 2019) as E. Among the empirical
acterized as a mixed-method, which occurred in more than 35 articles. A studies, Brazil was the outstanding country to develop research with
mixed-method approach is considered a sequential junction or grouping different methodologies (i.e., Pivoto et al., 2018; Haberli Junior et al.,
of review, qualitative, or quantitative approaches (Venkatesh et al., 2019; Junior et al., 2019; Pivoto et al., 2019; Righi et al., 2020). Ac­
2013). Among the articles classified as a review, 100% developed a cording to the authors Souza et al. (2020), Brazil may be the main world
systematic literature review or literature review (i.e., O’Grady and O’Hare, supplier of food, especially concerning the demands of Asian needs.
2017; Lee et al., 2019; Ponraj and Vigneswaran, 2019) as A, which was Therefore, it is suggested to evaluate and understand Brazilian agricul­
the only method utilized in the studies and mixed-method applications tural evolution (Souza et al., 2020). For the articles that are character­
(Venkatesh et al., 2013). There was an advance in the use of mixed- ized as quantitative, 47.07% Machine Learning (i.e., Balducci et al., 2018;

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

Fig. 2. Distribution of the year of publication and the topics researched in the SLR articles.

Table 2
Research method adopted in the SLR articles.

Note: *n = Sample of studies. A = Systematic Literature Review or Literature Review; B = Case Study; C = Framework; D = Interviews; E = Descriptive Statistics; F =
Machine Learning; G = Survey; H = Structural Equation Modelling, Life Cycle Assessment, Forecasting, Artificial Neural Networks, Regression or Decision Tree.

Quiroz and Alférez, 2020; Ramli et al., 2020) as F, 17.65% survey (i.e., worldwide. The resulting map considered the country of the authors or
Janc et al., 2019; Junior et al., 2019; Pivoto et al., 2019) as G, and co-authors who developed the articles in the SLR sample. These data
35.29% Structural Equation Modelling (Haberli Junior et al., 2019; Junior help understand the collaborative relations among the researchers from
et al., 2019), Life Cycle Assessment (Belaud et al., 2019), Forecasting (Huh the different countries that are promoting the development of scientific
and Kim, 2018), Regression (Moon et al., 2018), and Decision Tree (Bal­ research in agriculture 4.0 (Fan, Li, and Law, 2020). The publication’s
ducci et al., 2018; Moon et al., 2018) as H were identified. geographic distribution was concentrated mainly in the countries of
The color saturation in Table 2 highlights the review method since it Europe (30) and Asia (22).
was utilized in 16 articles in 2019. In 2020 the review method was No scientific publications on agriculture 4.0 were identified in the
adopted in the eight articles selected in the SLR. The review research countries of Africa. The absence of research on the African continent
tool used in 40% of the sample articles is a research method that seeks to that considers agriculture 4.0 in its scope is an essential finding since
reduce the gaps and restrictions in agriculture 4.0 employing evidence governments must allocate at least 1% of their GDP to agricultural
identified in scientific studies that provide a general, reliable vision of research, according to the requirements established in the aim for the
the topic under discussion. The results shown in Table 2 may indicate follow-up of the African Union’s New Partnership for Africa’s Devel­
the wide use of mixed-method approaches, which will consider review, opment (Gaffney et al., 2019). The country that presented the most
quantitative, and qualitative aspects in the investigations related to significant number of publications was South Korea (6), which provides
agriculture 4.0. considerable financial resources to improve the agricultural sector’s
Fig. 3 presents a graph of the publications of agriculture 4.0 development and implement more advanced technologies (Jha et al.,

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

Fig. 3. Graph of scientific publications on agriculture 4.0 worldwide.

2019). Although South Korea has a small number of agricultural lands, it term Smart Farm appears with a more considerable breadth if the other
is outstanding for its primary technological research and development subsets relations are ignored. This is the contrary of Agriculture 4.0,
centers. It has great players from the electronic and computer industry which has a more significant impact if the subsets are considered.
that favor an innovative environment (Pivoto et al., 2018) to develop The interactions between the pre-established terms led to the
agriculture 4.0 technologies. development of 18 subsets with specific particularities. The subset
Fig. 4 presents a conceptual visualization of relations between the formed by the terms (Agriculture “OR” Agricultural, Agriculture 4.0, In­
terms and documents selected in the SLR. The exhibition that results dustry 4.0, Smart Farm, and IoT) presented several total correspondences
from the Mandala Browser tool use shows different sets and subsets of (17). Nevertheless, it was smaller than the total correspondence (37) in
points regarding the terms pre-established in advance (Section 2.4). The terms such as (IoT, Smart Farm, Agriculture 4.0, and Agriculture “OR”
group responsible for the most significant number of unique corre­ Agricultural). In the case of the subset (IoT, Agriculture 4.0, and Agricul­
spondences was Agriculture “OR” Agricultural (243). The most extensive ture “OR” Agricultural), the number of total correspondence (28) was
relations developed in the subsets were between Agriculture “OR” more significant than the subset (IoT, Smart Farm, and Agriculture “OR”
Agricultural and Agriculture 4.0 (248); Agriculture “OR” Agricultural, Agricultural) with several total correspondences (22). The smaller sub­
Agriculture 4.0 and Smart Farm (149); and Agriculture “OR” Agricultural sets are those involving the term Industry 4.0: (Industry 4.0 and Agri­
and Smart Farm (102). These findings can be analyzed on the labels of culture “OR” Agricultural) with several total correspondences (2),
the magnets. There was less coverage of the sample article unique cor­ (Industry 4.0 and Agriculture 4.0) with several total correspondences (1)
respondences for Agriculture 4.0 (27) than Smart Farm (150). However, and (Industry 4.0 and Smart Farm) with several total correspondences
the total correspondences are more extensive in Agriculture 4.0 (545) (1).
than Smart Farm (519). Besides, the connecting lines that indicate the The actors involved in the development of agriculture 4.0 were
relations between the magnets, through the subsets, are segmented into identified since they influenced the dissemination of the new techno­
13 cases in Agriculture 4.0 and into 11 cases in Smart Farm. Therefore, the logical system (Maria et al., 2021) of the agricultural production chain.

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

Fig. 4. Conceptual visualization developed by the Mandala Browser software of the interactions between the terms pre-established in the SLR articles.

Table 3 presents the authors of the sample studied. Nine different types the smart farm, precision agriculture, and agriculture 4.0 type have the
of actors were identified, classified according to their frequency in the same meaning. A few authors defined smart farm as the adoption of
primary studies. The names of the actor’s categories were developed digital or information and communication technologies for farm man­
based on the content analysis following the steps suggested by Elo and agement (e.g., O’Grady and O’Hare, 2017; Pivoto et al., 2019; Fielke
Kyngäs (2008), such as open coding, categorization, and abstraction in et al., 2020) to monitor different parameters (Balducci et al., 2018;
the articles selected in the SLR. Balducci et al., 2018) based on the collection of a set of data (Colezea
The highest incidence was found in the research sample by actors et al., 2018; Lioutas et al., 2019; Van der Burg et al., 2019). The data
concerned with the farmer (45). Next are the following actors: govern­ used can make it possible to cultivate crops (Lee et al., 2019; Nawandar
ment (11), universities and extension services (10), and supply chain man­ and Satpute, 2019), with potentials in the crop yields – operational ef­
agement in agriculture (6). A study was outstanding because it covered six ficiency (Elijah et al., 2018), lowering production costs, eliminating the
types of actors (A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, and A7). Concerning the main use of agricultural pesticides and non-essential fertilizers (Wolfert et al.,
author, the focus was to analyze the key questions of intelligent agri­ 2017; Moon et al., 2018; Quiroz and Alférez, 2020).
cultural systems (Lioutas et al., 2019). Three other articles involved four Other terms are used in agriculture 4.0 literature: precision agricul­
different types of actors. One of the research studies sought to identify ture, digital agriculture, smart agriculture, autonomous agricultural robots,
the socio-economic challenges faced by big data and smart farming apps smart factories, Agri Artificial Intelligence, and agri-food 4.0. Some au­
(A1, A3, A5, and A9) (Wolfert et al., 2017). Another study conceived a thors defined precision agriculture as an agricultural management strat­
framework to manage data based on analyzing the business model and egy that utilizes sensors, data, and communication networks in the
procedures related to business in the agricultural and food supply chain cultivation systems (Ferrández-Pastor et al., 2016; Jawad et al., 2017;
(A1, A2, A5, and A7) (Corallo, Latino, and Menegoli, 2018). The third Hang et al., 2020) to increase their yield and reduce their losses (Ponraj
study reviewed architectures of communication, underlying detection and Vigneswaran, 2019). The digital agriculture approach was defined by
technologies, and communications mechanisms for IoT on farms (A1, Phillips et al. (2019) as the implementation of a range of new hardware,
A2, A8, and A9) (Vuran et al., 2018). The other articles in Table 3 have at software, mobile apps, technologies that involve sensors and big data
most three actors, which indicates that there is space for the develop­ apps in the farm. Fielke et al. (2019) added the importance of devel­
ment of agriculture 4.0 (Maria, Maria, and Andrea, 2021) in the agri­ oping, adopting, and iteration between digital technologies seeking the
cultural production chain. farms’ ideal management. The authors Ozdogan et al. (2017) add that it
is necessary to adopt new digital technologies to be profitable in digital
3.2. RQ1 – Description of agriculture 4.0 agriculture and foster a sustainable agricultural production chain.
Smart agriculture is a term defined as the implementation of modern
After analyzing the content of the articles selected in the SLR, 29 information and communication technologies (IoT, GPS, big data) on
studies were identified presenting approaches correlated with the farms by farmers who seek to improve quality and increase the pro­
concept of agriculture 4.0 and seven articles that deal exclusively with ductivity of the agricultural products (Janc et al., 2019; Mistry et al.,
their description. Klerkx et al. (2019) maintain that the approaches of 2020). According to Mistry et al. (2020), the description includes data

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

Table 3
Actors in the development of agriculture 4.0, according to the SLR.
Actors’ Categories
ID Author (s) Year
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9

1 Ferrández-Pastor et al. 2016 X

2 Jawad et al. 2017 X X
3 O’Grady and O’Hare 2017 X
4 Ozdogan, Gacar and Aktas 2017 X X
5 Raungpaka and Savetpanuvong 2017 X X
6 Wolfert et al. 2017 X X X X
7 Balducci, Impedovo, and Pirlo 2018 X X
8 Braun, Colangelo, and Steckel 2018 X X
9 Colezea et al. 2018 X X
10 Corallo, Latino, and Menegoli 2018 X X X X
11 Elijah et al. 2018 X X
12 Gan and Lee 2018 X
13 Huh and Kim 2018 X
14 Moon et al. 2018 X
15 Musat et al. 2018 X
16 Pivoto et al. 2018 X
17 Rose and Chilvers 2018 X X X
18 Vuran et al. 2018 X X X X
19 Belaud et al. 2019 X X X
20 Fielke et al. 2019 X
21 Grieve et al. 2019 X
22 Haberli Junior et al. 2019 X X
23 Hradecká 2019 X X X
24 Janc, Czapiewski, and Wójcik 2019 X
25 Junior, Oliveira, and Yanaze 2019 X
26 Khatri-Chhetri et al. 2019 X X X
27 Klerkx, Jakku, and Labarthe 2019 X X X
28 Kodan, Parmar, and Pathania 2019 X X X
29 Kong et al. 2019 X
30 Lee et al. 2019 X
31 Lioutas et al. 2019 X X X X X X
32 Miranda et al. 2019 X X
33 Muangprathub et al. 2019 X
34 Nawandar and Satpute 2019 X
35 Phillips et al. 2019 X X
36 Pivoto et al. 2019 X
37 Ponraj and Vigneswaran 2019 X
38 Schmidt and Cheein 2019 X
39 Sittón-Candanedo et al. 2019 X X
40 Van der Burg, Bogaardt, and Wolfert 2019 X X X
41 Zambon et al. 2019 X X
42 Zhao et al. 2019 X
43 Fielke, Taylor, and Jakku 2020 X X
44 Hang et al. 2020 X
45 Klerkx and Rose 2020 X X X
46 Mistry et al. 2020 X X
47 Quiroz et al. 2020 X
48 Ramli et al. 2020 X
49 Righi et al. 2020 X
50 Zhai et al. 2020 X

n* 45 11 10 6 5 5 4 3 3
% 90 22 20 12 10 10 8 6 6

Note: *n = Sample of studies. A1 - Farmer; A2 - Government; A3 - Universities and Extension Services; A4 - Supply Chain Management in Agriculture; A5 - Manu­
facturers of Agricultural Equipment and Machines; A6 - Customer; A7 - Wholesalers and Retailers; A8 - Manufacturers of Food Products; A9 - Farm Credit.

regarding temperature, light, and soil moisture in a central control economically beneficial (Hradecká, 2019). Moreover, the description of
system on the farm that applies Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to agricultural robotization is related to analyses of the production system
help the farmers manage the production system. Another approach results by robots that can perform internal audits of the operational cash
defined by the SLR authors was smart factories, which deals with the flow, aiming to eliminate stealing and corruption in sales and purchases
interaction between products and services connected to the internet by the industry (Hradecká, 2019).
(Corallo et al., 2018). The Agri Artificial Intelligence approach was defined as intelligent
Authors Gan and Lee (2018) defined autonomous agricultural robots as agricultural systems that incorporate AI to process data from sources
autonomous navigation by robots without human intervention, with variability, such as nature pests, pathogens, and weeds due to
providing precise information to help develop agricultural operations. climate change (Grieve et al., 2019). Climate-smart agriculture is defined
Incrementing autonomous robots in agriculture is essential for devel­ as using digital technologies to reduce Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in
oping future smart farms (Gan and Lee, 2018). On the other hand, agri­ agricultural activities (Khatri-Chhetri et al., 2019). For Miranda et al.
cultural robotization was defined as introducing robots in the agriculture (2019), agri-food 4.0 can be defined as the new era of agri-food pro­
and food industry because it is entirely automated, efficient, and duction that utilizes automation, connectivity, digitalization, renewable

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

Table 4 Table 4 (continued )

Summary of the descriptions of agriculture 4.0. ID Authors Year Descriptions of Terms adopted in
ID Authors Year Descriptions of Terms adopted in ( agriculture 4.0 descriptions
( agriculture 4.0 descriptions Table 3)
Table 3)
already operational or Agriculture 4.0,
13 Huh and (2018, “Supported by future Environmental developing emerging
Kim p.5) technologies and concerns, technologies such as technologies
environmental agriculture 4.0, robotics,
concerns, agriculture efficient, value nanotechnology,
4.0 pursues eco- chain synthetic protein,
friendly but more cellular agriculture,
efficient farming gene-editing
methods, which technology, artificial
satisfy the intelligence,
requirements of the blockchain, and
value chain as well as machine learning.”
the demands of
50 Zhai et al. (2020, “Nowadays, the Agriculture 4.0,
society, and especially
p.1) evolution of employment of
those of consumers.”
agriculture steps into current
17 Rose and (2018, “Agriculture 4.0 is the Agriculture 4.0, Agriculture 4.0, technologies,
Chilvers p.2) adoption of emerging emerging thanks to the efficiency
technologies, such as technologies employment of
IoT, based on cloud, current technologies
robotics, and artificial like the Internet of
intelligence.” Things, Big Data,
Artificial Intelligence,
27 Klerkx, (2019, “Agriculture 4.0 Agriculture 4.0, Cloud Computing,
Jakku and p.2) implies that management tasks Remote Sensing, etc.
Labarthe management tasks on- on-farm and off- The applications of
farm and off-farm (in farm these technologies can
the broader value improve the efficiency
chain and food of agricultural
system) focus on activities
different sorts of data significantly.”
(on location, weather,
phytosanitary status,
consumption, energy
use, prices, and energies, and the appropriate use of resources. Despite all descriptions
economic mentioned above, a recent term that is being researched is agriculture
information, etc.), 4.0, in which a description of the term was previously neglected by other
using sensors,
authors (Kodan et al., 2019; Phillips et al., 2019; Zhao et al., 2019) and
machines, drones, and
satellites to monitor suggested by Sponchioni et al. (2019) the development of new de­
animals, soil, water, scriptions of the term. Table 4 presents a summary of the descriptions of
plants, and humans.“ agriculture 4.0 that were identified in the SLR.
29 Kong (2019, “Based on digital Agriculture 4.0, Kong et al. (2019) say that agriculture 4.0 can improve the
et al. p.2) technologies and data accurate decision description of precision agriculture in response to the operational un­
advances (IoT, sensor making, operational certainties and data updates in real-time. On the other hand, Huh and
data, and remote uncertainties, real-
Kim (2018) show that agriculture 4.0 uses emerging technologies to
sensing technologies), time data updates
agriculture 4.0 has the manage and operate crops and a new culture that is being developed to
potential to enhance encourage farmers to update their production methods strategies for an
precision agriculture. optimized value chain. Besides, the definition of agriculture 4.0 is also
Besides, it can also
related to four essential requirements: the growth of productivity, cor­
improve the
agricultural system’s
rect allocation of resources, reduction of food waste, and adaptation to
responsive climate changes (Zhai et al., 2020). Authors Rose and Chilvers (2018)
performance with stresses that agriculture 4.0 can also provide potential environmental,
accurate decision ethical, and social costs in the agricultural chain.
making in response to
Besides changes in traditional agriculture (Huh and Kim, 2018), a
uncertainties and real- few articles describe agriculture 4.0 through the adoption and interac­
time data updates.“ tion of digital technologies in the agricultural sector (Fielke et al., 2019;
41 Zambon (2019, “Agriculture 4.0, like Agriculture 4.0,
Phillips et al., 2019). The definition of the fourth agricultural revolution
et al. p.5) industry 4.0, stands digital information is also accordingly to the principles of industry 4.0, which aim to increase
for the combined the amount of data that are collected and used, to improve the
internal and external connection between devices, and to develop appropriate environments
interacting of farming
to process data on the farms (Braun et al., 2018; Belaud et al., 2019). The
operations, offering
digital information at relationship between the terms agriculture 4.0 and industry 4.0 was
all farm sectors and raised by Liu et al. (2020), who reviewed the current status of agricul­
processes.” ture and the lessons learned from industrial revolutions. Authors Zam­
45 Klerkx (2020, “Agriculture 4.0 bon et al. (2019) complement that agriculture 4 represents an excellent
and Rose p.1) comprises different opportunity to consider the variability and uncertainties present in the
agricultural and food chain. Another conceptual characteristic of agri­
culture 4.0 is the capacity to identify and mitigate the unpredictable

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

Table 5
Wide view technologies of agriculture 4.0 in the agricultural production chain.

Field Chain Processes Technologies of Agriculture 4.0

ID (Table 3)
State Consolidated Technologies Emerging Technologies

Genetics ERP, chemistry, genetics, AIoT, next-generation genomics, responsive effector systems, and novel [6, 13, 17, 21, 25, 35, 45]
Development nanotechnology materials, AI, synthetic protein, cellular agriculture, gene-editing
technology, biometric sensing, genotype information
Seed ERP AIoT, FMIS, ISV, sensing technologies, 3D food printing, IoUT, digital [1, 13, 18, 21, 25–28, 41, 45, 47]
Development twins, USN, CNN

Planting geoinformatics, new hardware, AIoT, cloud computing, mobile and autonomous robot, UAV, 5G, electrical [1–4, 6–9, 11–14, 16–18, 20, 21,
software, ERP, HDFS, LoRa agricultural machinery, RTK, AI, big data, blockchain, mobile apps, sensor 24, 28, 30–32, 34–38, 41, 43, 45,
technologies, sensing technologies, models for the individual farm, WoT, 46, 48, 50]
data mining, virtual reality, augmented reality, cybersecurity, intruder
detection system, smart irrigation, smartphone in field crops, short message
service, real-time monitoring, machine learning, cloud robotics, neural
network, intelligent greenhouse, sun tracker trajectory, energy generation,
decision ontologies, WSNs, IoUT, mobile sinks, USN, WCT
Harvesting geoinformatics, ERP, HDFS, new AIoT, cloud computing, mobile and autonomous robot, UAV, 5G, electrical [2–4, 6–9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 21,
hardware and software, WSNs agricultural machinery, big data, RTK, AI, cybersecurity, mobile apps, 22, 24, 29, 31, 35–38, 40, 41, 43,
sensor technologies, sensing technologies, models for the individual farm, 46, 50]
intelligent software algorithms and robots, WoT, data mining, machine

Distribution ICT, RFID, NFC, geoinformatics, AIoT, blockchain, cloud computing, big data, AI, IS, DLT, robotization of [10, 11, 19, 22, 23, 28, 33, 41, 42,
WSNs internal audit, traceability 46]
Processing ICT, RFID, modeling, edge AIoT, blockchain, cloud computing, big data, AI, IS, DLT, mobile and [3, 8, 10, 11, 19, 39–42, 44, 46,
Post- computing, NFC, WSNs autonomous robot, cybersecurity, feed intake, data analytics algorithms, 47, 49, 50]
Field machine learning, intelligent software algorithms, and robots, mooCare,
forecasting engine, hyper ledger fabric
Consumer ICT, RFID, NFC AIoT, blockchain, cloud computing, big data, AI, IS, cybersecurity, 3D food [6, 10, 13, 19, 27, 28, 40–42, 45,
printing 50]

Note: AIoT- Agricultural Internet of Things. AI - Artificial Intelligence. CNN - Convolutional Neural Network. DLT - Distributed Ledger Technologies. ERP - Enterprise
Resource Planning. FMIS - Farm Management Information System. Geoinformatics - RS, GIS, and GPS. HDFS - Hadoop Distributed File System. ICT - Information and
Communication Technology. IoUT - Internet of Underground Things. IS - Internet of Services. ISV - Improved Seed Varieties. LoRa - Long Range radio. NFC - Near Field
Communication. RFID - Radio Frequency Identification. RTK - Real Time Kinematics. UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone). USN - Ubiquitous Sensor Networks.
WCT - Wireless Communication Technology. WoT - Web of Things. WSNs - Wireless Sensor Networks.

effects of climate variations over the short term, based on an integrated impact the way commodities are produced, processed, traded, and
package of interventions that must consider the previously listed agri­ consumed (Klerkx and Rose, 2020). Authors Klerkx et al. (2019) main­
cultural scenarios. Based on the different climatic situations docu­ tain the importance of investigating the emerging technologies con­
mented, the farmers benefit from the accumulated wisdom to monitor cerning the agricultural production chain. Rose and Chilvers (2018) add
and optimize farm management (Grieve et al., 2019). a current lack of development of a structure for responsible innovation
The definition of agriculture 4.0 has been referred to as agriculture in agriculture 4.0 for the emerging technologies to provide benefits in
numérique in France (Klerkx et al., 2019), digital agriculture in Australia agriculture since there is a risk that they will not correspond to society’s
and New Zealand smart farming in many countries of the European Union expectations regarding sustainable production of foods.
(Fielke et al., 2019). Nevertheless, for Zambon et al. (2019), agriculture To help understand the structure proposed in Table 5, which seeks to
4.0 must follow the examples of the evolution in European industries, render the emerging technologies appropriate to the specific contexts of
and the next step should be agriculture 5.0. Agriculture 5.0 can be seen agriculture, the Field States will be discussed. The information on each
as serving autonomous systems in a rural environment using robotics stage of the agricultural production chain helps broaden the inclusive
and AI (Zambon et al., 2019). However, the term agriculture 4.0 is not debate and shape the introduction of agriculture 4.0 (Rose and Chilvers,
enlightening (Klerkx et al., 2019; Klerkx and Rose, 2020; Zhai et al., 2018).
2020) since it has a limited practical application and its theoretical Pre-Field: This is the stage that corresponds to the processes per­
lenses are under development (Zambon et al., 2019). formed before planting in the field (Ting et al., 2011). The first process in
the chain refers to genetic development, which utilizes a set of tech­
nologies to improve specific characteristics of the seed, for instance,
3.3. RQ2 – Technologies of agriculture 4.0 gene edition (Klerkx and Rose, 2020), which may increase the resistance
to certain weeds and tolerance to herbicides (Leeuwen et al., 2020). Next
For agriculture to achieve the desired impact on the quantity and is the process of seed development, which is the performance of the
quality of food production, it is necessary to know how to use the genetic potential of an agricultural crop for the farmer (Sivasankar et al.,
emerging technologies (Boursianis et al., 2020; Singh and Singh, 2020; 2020). One of the technologies of agriculture 4.0 (Table 5) which is
Rose et al., 2021) for each moment in the agricultural production chain. being adopted to manage soil data for the development of seeds is IoUT,
SLR enabled identifying the leading technologies currently incorporated since it supplies monitoring resources (soil moisture, salinity, and tem­
in agriculture 4.0 to detect problems in planting, identifying areas perature) and information outside the fields for the farmers and decision
affected by pests, indicating appropriate treatments, among other ben­ mechanisms (Vuran et al., 2018). Nanotechnology is another solution
efits. Table 5 presents the technologies of agriculture 4.0 in the agri­ with the potential to promote plant growth and protection in agriculture
cultural production chain. The stages and processes proposed by Ting 4.0. Based on a set of disruptive technologies including intelligent
et al. (2011) were adopted, which divided the agricultural system into nanotransporters for fertilizers, genetic engineering of plants (with
related subprocesses. Table 5 presents a broad view of the technologies greater photosynthetic capacity), and sensors in real-time for
that support the spread of agriculture 4.0 and can revolutionize and

Table 6

F. da Silveira et al.
Barriers identified in SLR which make the development of agriculture 4.0 difficult and limit its progress.
Technological Economic Political Social Environmental
(Table 3)
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B24 B25

1 X X X X X
2 X X X X X X
3 X X X X X
4 X X
5 X X X X
6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X
7 X X
8 X X X X X X X X X X X X
9 X X X X
10 X X X X
11 X X X X X X X X X
12 X
13 X X
14 X X X
15 X X X
16 X X X X X X X
17 X X X X X X
18 X X X X X X X
19 X X X
20 X X X X X
21 X X X X X X X X X
22 X X X X X
23 X X

24 X X X X X
25 X X
26 X X X X X X
27 X X X X X X X
28 X X X
29 X
30 X
31 X X X X X
32 X X
33 X X X
34 X X X
35 X X X X

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

36 X X X X X X X X X X X
37 X X
38 X X
39 X X X X
40 X X X X
41 X X X X X
42 X X X X X X
43 X X X X X X
44 X X X X X
45 X X X X X X X X
46 X X X X
47 X X
48 X X X
49 X X X X X
50 X X X X
TB (%) 40 54 14 26 42 10 14 18 18 8 18 18 12 14 26 22 6 26 26 8 12 10 8 12 2
TD (%) 38 15 19 19 9

Note: *n = Sample of studies. TB = Total Barrier. TD = Total Dimension.

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

phytosanitary monitoring (Hofmann et al., 2020). 3.4. RQ3 – Barriers in the development of agriculture 4.0
In-Field: This is the second stage of the agricultural production chain,
which is performed inside the farm—in the field, and it concentrates a The development of agriculture 4.0 is a process with a certain degree
range of technologies of agriculture 4.0 to develop the planting and of heterogeneity due to the complexity of the farm ecosystem that is
harvesting activities (Ting et al., 2011). For authors Grieve et al. (2019), transforming (Klerkx and Rose, 2020; Maria et al., 2021) and to external
arable agriculture adopts the emerging technologies on a larger scale in factors such as the influence of climate and environment (Braun et al.,
specialized crops, such as horticulture or fruit farming, due to the lack of 2018). Therefore, agriculture 4.0 presents a series of interconnected
human resources to perform the functions of the vegetative cycle of barriers that influence the adoption of any new concepts of emerging
plants and the crop harvests. Schmidt and Cheein (2019) include elec­ technologies (Rose and Chilvers, 2018; Grieve et al., 2019). Few types of
trical agricultural machinery as solutions for collecting and utilizing research studies approach and discuss the barriers to the development of
data for the decision process. Lu and Young (2020) mention that one of technologies of agriculture 4.0 (Rose and Chilvers, 2018; Liu et al.,
the technologies currently used to perform the tasks from planting to 2020), the challenges related to its inclusion and exclusion (Klerkx and
harvesting automatically and efficiently is the computational vision, Rose, 2020), and the problems that the new agricultural system may
integrating robotics with AI. Colezea et al. (2018) report that farms in trigger (Pivoto et al., 2019; Zambon et al., 2019; Zhai et al., 2020).
agriculture 4.0 can be managed, monitored, and controlled at a distance, Moreover, the scientific debate about the barriers that make it difficult
besides supplying the information collected for online communities of to develop agriculture 4.0 is still ongoing (Klerkx et al., 2019; Rose et al.,
farmers who can help make the best agricultural processes decisions. 2021).
Ferrández-Pastor et al. (2016) add that smartphones or onboard devices Table 6 shows the barriers identified that make it difficult to develop
based on IoT should help the farmers manage crops. Wolfert et al. (2017) agriculture 4.0 in the actors (Table 3) of the agricultural production
add that with the implementation of machinery and intelligent sensors chain. After analyzing the articles, 25 barriers were identified related
on the farms, decision–making in agricultural processes should be directly and indirectly to the context of agriculture 4.0. The barriers
guided by data. This idea is supported by Lioutas et al. (2019), in which were classified as five dimensions due to the diversity of the topic
data will provide insights to restructure conventional agriculture based studied: technological, economic, political, social, and environmental.
on processes, designing the course for more intelligent agriculture. The barriers were coded as: B1 - Technological Complexity; B2 - In­
Therefore, the role of human beings in agriculture 4.0 will require a compatibility between Components; B3 - Energy Management Problems;
higher intellectual level, leaving a significant part of the operational B4 - Lack of Infrastructure; B5 - Concerns about Reliability Issues; B6 -
activities to the machines (Wolfert et al., 2017). For Klerkx and Rose High Cost of Facility Maintenance; B7 - High Cost of Skilled Labor; B8 -
(2020), although the technologies of agriculture 4.0 radicalize how High Cost of Operational Components; B9 - Lack of Solutions Accessible
agricultural production chains are designed and operated, the transi­ to Farmers; B10 - Concerns about Environmental, Ethical and Social
tions must occur gradually. Costs; B11 - Problems in Increasing Availability and Accessibility; B12 -
Post-Field: This refers to the chain of processes for crops developed Lack of Farm-Centered and Farmer-Centered Approaches; B13 - Need to
outside the farm—after the harvest. It is constituted by the phases of develop an Action Plan to Implement; B14 - Political Challenges and/or
crop distribution, processing, and consumption (Ting et al., 2011). This lack of Procedures and Agreements about the use of Data; B15 - Need to
stage of the agricultural chain is characterized by the most considerable foster R&D and innovative business models; B16 - Problems in Educa­
portion of the number of grains wasted, besides being little explored in tion (training, qualification, training in agricultural data analysis,
research studies that aim to develop innovative solutions for agriculture transfer of data to practical knowledge); B17 - Age Group Risk; B18 -
(Lermen et al., 2020; Miljkovic and Nelson, 2021). A set of technologies Lack of Digital Skills and/or skilled labor; B19 - Asymmetry of Infor­
must be adopted to identify flaws in the post-field agricultural processes mation; B20 - Interruption of Existing Work; B21 - Challenges of the
and anticipate possible problems and enable proactive actions (Table 5). Influence of Climate and of System Behaviors; B22 - Lack of efficacy in
Adopting the technologies of agriculture 4.0 in the post-field phases may the Data on the Rural Environment; B23 - Sustainable Restrictions; B24 -
provide a competitive increase and a higher level of compliance in the Limited Techniques for Data Collection on Farms; and B25 - Concerns
market, such as transparency in the products’ traceability (Corallo et al., about Sustainable Sources of Energy.
2018). Authors Zhai et al. (2020) add that the optimization of the supply However, some issues must be resolved in different areas to achieve
chain is widely acknowledged as one of the most effective approaches to successful development in agriculture 4.0. Based on the grouping of the
avoid food waste at each stage of the agricultural production chains, barriers in Table 6, the technological dimension (38%) stood out above
including production, delivery, and trading. Zhao et al. (2019) present the other areas. Next come the social (19%), political (19%), economic
blockchain technology as one of the tools of agriculture 4.0 to improve (15%) and environmental (9%) dimensions. As regards the barriers (TB),
four aspects of the agricultural and food chain of value: traceability, the following were prominent in the sample articles: incompatibility
information security, manufacturing, and sustainable water manage­ between technological components (54%), concerns about issues of
ment. For Hang et al. (2020), this may guarantee food production con­ reliability (42%), technological complexity (40%), lack of infrastructure
formity according to the current requirements of the food, (26%), lack of R&D and innovative business models (26%), lack of
environmental, and social security standards. Wolfert et al. (2017) digital skills or skilled labor (26%), asymmetry of information between
corroborate that traceability is one of the technological alternatives actors in the agricultural production chain (26%), and problems in ed­
(Table 5) that can be adopted in the agricultural commodities produc­ ucation (22%). On the other hand, the least represented barriers were:
tion processes to promote food security and acceptability by society. sustainable restrictions (8%), concerns about environmental, ethical,
Among the technologies presented in Table 5, it is noteworthy that and social costs (8%), interruption of existing work (8%), age group risks
this study shows a broad view of what exists in the literature; never­ (6%), and concerns about sustainable sources of energy (2%). Thus, the
theless, it is suggested to carry out studies of SLR and empirical studies barriers with the highest incidence in the SLR indicate the main limiting
that evaluate the real functioning of the specific technologies. However, factors in developing agriculture 4.0, requiring attention from all actors
many barriers may be identified during the development of agriculture in the agricultural production chain. The dimensions of Table 6 are
4.0 (for instance, lack of confidence and transparency around the explored to contribute to the discussions on the barriers in the devel­
property of the data) (Rose and Chilvers, 2018; Jakku et al., 2019; opment of agriculture 4.0.
Zambon et al., 2019), that makes it challenging to develop new agri­
culture (Klerkx and Rose, 2020) and limits its progress (Braun et al., 3.4.1. Technology
2018). The operational and technical problems and equipment maintenance
are dominant factors for the implementation (Ferrández-Pastor et al.,

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

2016; Elijah et al., 2018) of the agriculture 4.0 technologies. The intensive agriculture. The challenge is to render the solutions accessible
complexity of the technologies and the incompatibility between their for all types of rural producers so that there will not be high costs
components are barriers that prevent equipment and machinery acqui­ (Wolfert et al., 2017), expressing a need for low-cost connectivity on the
sition by the farmers and managers of rural businesses (Ferrández-Pastor farms (Corallo, Latino, and Menegoli, 2018).
et al., 2016; Pivoto et al., 2019). An additional factor that may interfere To analyze the information from the data surveyed at the farms, it is
in the consent of agriculture 4.0 is the lack of usability of technological necessary to have devices with a high computational cost (e.g., mighty
equipment for the farmers (Jawad et al., 2017; Haberli Junior et al., graphic boards) (Sittón-Candanedo et al., 2019; Righi et al., 2020). The
2019). Moreover, the high energy consumption by the technologies solutions to farm decision-making problems may not be viable due to the
(Jawad et al., 2017; O’Grady and O’Hare, 2017; Schmidt and Cheein, prohibitive costs of agricultural technologies 4.0 (Zhao et al., 2019;
2019) and the low reach of communication for agricultural applications Klerkx and Rose, 2020). Likewise, the costs of the new technological
are also issues that require attention (Jawad et al., 2017; O’Grady and equipment’s disposal process must also be reduced (Miranda et al.,
O’Hare, 2017). Another challenge is adapting the use of technologies 2019). The social, ethical, and environmental implications may also give
that were not designed for the agricultural environment (Vuran et al., rise to potential costs in the large-scale introduction of agriculture 4.0
2018; Quiroz and Alférez, 2020). (Rose and Chilvers, 2018; Grieve et al., 2019); as well as expenditures to
Several sources deal with the characteristics of the data that may commission the infrastructure needed for the rural communities (Vuran
present risks for the implementation of agriculture 4.0, such as property, et al., 2018) and the operational costs coming from the data interoper­
availability (Wolfert et al., 2017; Colezea et al., 2018; Phillips et al., ability (Hradecká, 2019). It indicates that the technical feasibility of
2019), quality, responsibility, interoperability (Hradecká, 2019; Junior, agriculture 4.0 requires additional charges from the farmers for its
Oliveira, and Yanaze, 2019), scalability, visual disorder (Kodan, Parmar, implementation (Khatri-Chhetri et al., 2019). Another determining
and Pathania, 2019; Lee et al., 2019; Ponraj and Vigneswaran, 2019), economic factor is skilled labor costs to control and keep the agricultural
transmission (Hang et al., 2020; Ramli et al., 2020), interference, pri­ technologies working (Ferrández-Pastor et al., 2016).
vacy and cybernetic security (Elijah et al., 2018; Fielke et al., 2019;
Klerkx et al., 2019). Other studies point to uncertainties in agriculture 3.4.3. Political
4.0 concerning how to explore and manage the information raised, the The differences in the politics created by developed and developing
quantity of heterogeneous data produced – both structured and un­ countries may delay the collective advance of agriculture 4.0 (Phillips
structured (Wolfert et al., 2017; Balducci et al., 2018; Braun et al., 2018; et al., 2019). New agreements, laws and, regulatory challenges (Wolfert
Colezea et al., 2018; Zhai et al., 2020), and the data mining process et al., 2017; Elijah et al., 2018; Van der Burg et al., 2019) must be
(Muangprathub et al., 2019). Moon et al. (2018) mention that one of the developed and should include the characteristics of the data raised by
main problems that interfere in its development is the complexity of the agricultural devices, as discussed previously in Section 3.4.1, to
integrating data from multiple different sensors. Pivoto et al. (2018) and avoid business model problems (such privacy and data availability) that
that the difficulty of integrating the distinct agricultural technological occur between farmers and technology suppliers (Wolfert et al., 2017;
systems is a limiting factor in the evolution of agriculture 4.0. Other Braun et al., 2018; Elijah et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2019). Other sets of
issues that deal with the farmers’ problem in structuring the database rules are also missing, which refer to the relation of the actors involved
(Musat et al., 2018) and understanding the functionality of apps and in the changing farm ecosystem (Lioutas et al., 2019). Agriculture 4.0
software that analyze the agricultural data (Pivoto et al., 2019) also will establish adaptive governance between countries, with common
influence its adoption. Grieve et al. (2019) emphasize that the temporal principles, to make it easier and encourage agricultural technology
and spatial dimensions of the biological, climatic, economic, and so­ development (Fielke et al., 2019). Another mechanism that may affect
ciological dimensions may trigger problems in interpreting data, making agriculture 4.0 is the lack of invitations by policy formulators to present
it even more challenging to implement technologies of agriculture 4.0. proposals to promote startups aimed at farmers’ needs (Zambon et al.,
For agriculture 4.0 to function, it is essential to develop a modern 2019).
telecommunications infrastructure in rural areas (Braun et al., 2018; For agriculture 4.0 to be experienced fully, it is necessary to broaden
Zambon et al., 2019). The infrastructure must mainly enable broad the availability and accessibility of the technologies for the farmers
connectivity at the farms (Corallo et al., 2018). Otherwise, it may be (Jawad et al., 2017) through a new agricultural policy structure (Braun
challenging to obtain instantaneous access to the large volumes of data et al., 2018). There is a lack of farmer-centered approaches (O’Grady
generated in the field (Vuran et al., 2018). The lack of robust connec­ and O’Hare, 2017). Therefore, new measures must be incremented to
tivity in the area, together with flexible access and modularity, may also speed up the practices (Ozdogan et al., 2017) of agriculture 4.0. Rose
impair the advances of detection technologies of agriculture 4.0. (Braun and Chilvers (2018) add that the agricultural sector may initially present
et al., 2018; Vuran et al., 2018). Moreover, the deficiencies of the social resistance, making appropriate governance difficult to develop
infrastructure derived from the large number of devices connected to the agriculture 4.0. Turkey is one of the countries that are welcoming the
system or by integration with other systems may develop data latency development of an action plan to implement new agriculture as occurred
problems and provoke a lack of trust among the actors involved in the in EU countries and the USA by integrating universities and techno­
system (Pivoto et al., 2018; Mistry et al., 2020). logical incubator centers (Ozdogan et al., 2017). Moreover, countries
like China, South Korea, Germany, and Japan are also investing in R&D
3.4.2. Economic to facilitate the development of technologies (Pivoto et al., 2018) in
The high investment needed to acquire the equipment and techno­ agricultural 4.0.
logical components discourages the process of developing agriculture
4.0 (Ferrández-Pastor et al., 2016; Jawad et al., 2017; Elijah et al., 2018; 3.4.4. Social
Pivoto et al., 2019). A survey performed on Polish farms pointed out that The actor’s social role (Table 3) in the agricultural production chain
the limitation of investments in advanced solutions may delay the requires further investigation since this directly influences traditional
transformation of agriculture 4.0 (Janc et al., 2019). Furthermore, the agricultural transformation into agriculture 4.0 (Fielke et al., 2020). One
farmers cannot invest in new agricultural technologies (Khatri-Chhetri of the social challenges in the implementation of agriculture 4.0 tech­
et al., 2019), especially in developing countries (Miranda et al., 2019; nologies is the lack of skilled labor (Ferrández-Pastor et al., 2016; Pivoto
Pivoto et al., 2019), thus influencing the rate of development of the new et al., 2019), technical know-how (Khatri-Chhetri et al., 2019), and

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

Table 7
Research agenda on the development of agriculture 4.0 with methodological suggestions.
Dimensions Research questions Authors used to create research Methodological suggestion

What are the factors needed to foster the use of Kong et al. (2019) Mistry et al. Semi structured interviews to identify the factors
agriculture 4.0 technologies on farms? (2020) with farmers and interpretive structural
modelling to interrelate the factors with experts.
What are the sociological and psychological factors that Schmidt and Cheein (2019) Righi A survey with a sample of 350 farmers of small,
influence the adoption of any new technologies et al. (2020) Zhai et al. (2020) medium, and large size to prioritize the factors.
originating in agriculture 4.0?
What are the stages and methods appropriate for Pivoto et al. (2018) Belaud et al. A systematic literature review of stages and
implementing agriculture 4.0 on farms? (2019) Haberli Junior et al. (2019) methods in Agriculture 4.0 empirical studies.
Behavioral and managerial
Mistry et al. (2020)
What are the effects of agriculture 4.0 on the farmers’ Janc et al. (2019) Kodan et al. Focus groups with 3 farmers by each size to
behavioral bias in implementing new technologies? Are (2019) Kong et al. (2019) identify the effects and agricultural fairs
there methods for awareness-building and re-education? participation to re-educate farmers.
How to measure the barriers to the implementation of Wolfert et al. (2017) Grieve et al. A survey with farmers in different countries and
agriculture 4.0? (2019) Muangprathub et al. (2019) different sizes.
What strategies can be developed to overcome the Rose and Chilvers (2018) Focus groups with six farmers and six experts to
barriers identified in the implementation phase of Klerkx, Jakku, and Labarthe (2019) identify strategies and use the interpretive
agriculture 4.0? Fielke et al. (2020) structural modeling to relate them.

How are methodologies of the development of products O’Grady and O’Hare (2017) Correlate studies of agriculture 4.0 with the areas
and services in agriculture 4.0 integrated? Colezea et al. (2018) Corallo et al. of Product and Service development.
How are methodologies related to innovation in Braun et al. (2018) Fielke et al. Correlate studies of agriculture 4.0 with the area
agriculture 4.0 integrated? (2019) Ponraj and Vigneswaran of Innovation management by content analysis
Factors related to the (2019) and discourse analysis.
development of the How are automation and robotization implemented or Hradecká (2019) Grieve et al. Develop a longitudinal case study to map the
technologies adapted in technologies that exist in agriculture? (2019) Pivoto et al. (2019) implementation process in different farm sizes.
How is the difference in the implementation of Phillips et al. (2019) Survey with 150 farmers of developed,
agriculture 4.0 evaluated in developed, developing, and ‘Hang et al. (2020) Zhai et al. developing, and underdeveloped countries to
underdeveloped countries? (2020) evaluate the significant differences.
What technologies are appropriate for communication Klerkx et al. (2019) Khatri-Chhetri Survey with farmers in different sizes and assess
throughout the agricultural processes chain? et al. (2019) Ramli et al. (2020) maturity levels in the evaluated field.

How can the influence of connectivity and climate in the Raungpaka and Savetpanuvong Perform big data analysis with field information
implementation of agriculture 4.0 be quantified? (2017) Colezea et al. (2018) Zhai for the farmer decision making process.
et al. (2020)
How can the efficacy of IoT and data analytics in farms Gan and Lee (2018) Moon et al. Assess the influence of the use of big data in
4.0 be applied and evaluated? (2018) Van der Burg et al. (2019) decision making concerning farm incomes.
What are the effects of implanting agriculture 4.0 in a Fielke et al. (2019) Janc et al. Focus group with heads of state and government
Factors related to the
new ecosystem based on the perspectives of public (2019) decision-makers to suggest strategies to improve
implementation of
policies? Klerkx, Jakku, and Labarthe (2019) the agriculture 4.0 implementation.
agriculture 4.0
What are the differences between the barriers of Phillips et al. (2019) Hang et al. A barrier survey with 150 farmers of developed
agriculture 4.0 in developing and developed countries? (2020) Zhai et al. (2020) and developing countries to identify the
significant differences.
How can one measure whether a given region is prepared Huh and Kim (2018) Moon et al. Assess via survey whether the region’s influences
to adopt agriculture 4.0 technologies? (2018) adapt through the chi-square test to evaluate
statistical significance.

digital skills (Ozdogan, Gacar, and Aktas, 2017; Janc et al., 2019; Klerkx new operations in this sector may disqualify or displace agriculture
et al., 2019), with the competencies required in the new agricultural professionals and exclude or discriminate against existing functions
system. A few studies pointed out the lack of training and qualification generating significant social problems (Klerkx et al., 2019; Klerkx and
(Zambon et al., 2019), long training time (Ponraj and Vigneswaran, Rose, 2020). It is also still necessary to develop a new cohort of engi­
2019), and the limited capacity for data analysis by the farmers as ob­ neering graduates who will cover the biological and agronomical con­
stacles to agriculture 4.0 (Braunet al., 2018; Musat et al., 2018; Lioutas cepts to perform multifunctional research. The students’ range of
et al., 2019). In this context, the transfer of data to practical knowledge technical skills must be remodeled to make it easier to solve two-
is also a challenge for the farmers (Zhai et al., 2020). Other research directional problems of agricultural science in the context of agricul­
mentions the farmers’ age group (Ozdogan et al., 2017), digital exclu­ ture 4.0 (Grieve et al., 2019).
sion, and information asymmetry (Raungpaka and Savetpanuvong,
2017; Wolfert et al., 2017) as ambiguities in the transformation of 3.4.5. Environmental
agriculture 4.0. In developing countries, the lack of appropriate The data collected in agriculture 4.0 may not be adequate due to the
knowledge among the farmers regarding the agriculture 4.0 technolo­ influence of the climate and the behavior of the system (Braun et al.,
gies may also retard its adoption (Elijah et al., 2018; Pivoto et al., 2018; 2018; Moon et al., 2018; Grieve et al., 2019; Haberli Junior et al., 2019),
Janc et al., 2019). Further, data literacy is delayed in developing causing uncertainty in the implement of significant technologies among
countries compared to developed countries (Lioutas et al., 2019), the farmers. Smart and sustainable solutions are lacking (Muangprathub
making the evolution of agriculture 4.0 difficult. et al., 2019; Nawandar and Satpute, 2019; Hang et al., 2020), as well as
Grieve et al. (2019) add the need to perform changes in the agri­ the development of useful techniques to collect data on farms that seek
cultural communities’ mentality so that the technologies will have a to carry out, for instance, monitoring and control of carbon emissions in
more significant impact on the sector. In this sphere, another critical real-time (Huh and Kim, 2018). Nevertheless, the slight increase in
factor is the lack of inclusion of women in adopting the technologies of agricultural productivity due to the use of equipment with sustainable
agriculture 4.0 (Khatri-Chhetri et al., 2019). Some studies allege that the tendencies can also make it challenging to develop the technologies of

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

agriculture 4.0 (Pivoto et al., 2019; Righi et al., 2020). Restrictions on profitability analysis (Zhai et al., 2020).
the radical mode of food production, food consumption, and disposal of Regarding the advantages of agriculture 4.0, the importance of
food residues may be developed by the consumers (Klerkx and Rose, inserting robots in specialized crops with productivity risks was identi­
2020). Moreover, concerns about the externalities of farms that work fied. In applied cases, they successfully utilized machine learning in the
with the environment may also impair agriculture 4.0 (Klerkx et al., farm management system (Hradecká, 2019). Big data may also be
2019). highlighted, and it is one of the tools used to manage agricultural pro­
duction to transform the farm gradually. This tool can make it easier to
achieve productivity, a better quality of the product, more efficient
3.5. Advantages and disadvantages agricultural management, and reduced environmental impacts (Lioutas
et al., 2019). The adoption of both technologies highlights the need to
Although there are discussions in empirical studies about testing and map the emerging technological models systematically. One of the ad­
implementing agriculture 4.0 technologies (Gan and Lee, 2018; Quiroz vantages of agriculture 4.0 is understanding the innovation ecosystem
and Alférez, 2020; Ramli et al., 2020; Righi et al., 2020), few research undergoing a transition in the sector (Fielke et al., 2019).
discusses the development and dissemination of information exploring Concerning the disadvantages of agriculture 4.0, some authors report
their advantages and disadvantages, e.g., factors economic, managerial, the propensity of farmers to adopt risks in implementing new technol­
technological (Klerkx and Rose, 2020; Rose et al., 2021). The present ogies on the farm (Pivoto et al., 2019) and exclusion or discrimination
research lists the advantages and disadvantages that may motivate against the farmers who are not digitally literate (Klerkx et al., 2019).
farmers and other actors mentioned in Table 3 of the agricultural pro­ Another disadvantage to be considered involves the difficulty of inte­
duction chain to make decisions about the possibility of migrating to the grating a set of technologies to reveal insights of large databases in real-
diffusion of agriculture 4.0. Among the main advantages of using the time for decision-making (Wolfert et al., 2017).
technologies of agriculture 4.0 are increased financial returns (Huh and In this study, the advantages predominated, even when disadvan­
Kim, 2018; Kodan et al., 2019), positive and sustainable image to the tages were identified involving the high cost of acquiring and using the
consumers (Fielke et al., 2019; Nawandar and Satpute, 2019; Miranda agriculture 4.0 technologies (Zhao et al., 2019). Authors Kernecker et al.
et al., 2019), efficient and safe storage, accessibility and treatment of (2020) added that the advantages of agriculture 4.0 technologies among
data (Wolfert et al., 2017; Moon et al., 2018), an ideal time for har­ specialists and farmers are impartial. The solutions presented,
vesting agricultural commodities (i.e., soy, corn, wheat), detecting dis­ comprising the technologies of agriculture 4.0, support the increased
eases, controlling machinery (Muangprathub et al., 2019), reducing productivity and quality of agricultural products and deliver alterna­
costs, more excellent knowledge of the cultivated areas (Pivoto et al., tives for the triad of sustainability. However, they should not be
2019), and help in solving the productivity problems of the farm considered a panacea for all problems of the agricultural system.
(Ozdogan et al., 2017). Klerkx and Rose (2020), examining different visions for the future of
A plethora of studies reported the advantages of approaching the agriculture 4.0, reported the difficulty in anticipating the environ­
actors in the agricultural production chain, making it possible to mental, social, and economic impacts on the transition of the new
calculate the positive economic impacts of the implementation of agri­ agricultural sector. Another issue involves the differences in the
culture 4.0 (Ferrández-Pastor et al., 2016; Righi et al., 2020). On the complexity levels of agriculture 4.0 between developed and developing
other hand, as to the environmental impacts, there are reports of a countries (Zhai et al., 2020). Regarding the heterogeneity of technolo­
reduction of waste in plantations, water, and energy (Grieve et al., 2019; gies included in the description of agriculture 4.0, disadvantages were
Quiroz and Alférez, 2020; Zhai et al., 2020), as well as the efficient use of looked at regarding public policies, difficulty in farmer re-education and
the inputs and agricultural pesticides by the on-board technologies with awareness-building, little development assistance from funding agencies
machinery automation (Jawad et al., 2017; Belaud et al., 2019; Lee to support the farmers, and other sector factors (Elijah et al., 2018;
et al., 2019). Advantages were also identified in the social aspects that Khatri-Chhetri et al., 2019; Van der Burg et al., 2019). Indeed, it is a set
deal with farmers’ security (Wolfert et al., 2017) and the increase in jobs of challenges that must be studied, analyzed, and overcome to increase
in the agricultural sector (Miranda et al., 2019; Quiroz and Alférez, the scale of countries in enabling and implementing agriculture 4.0
2020). (Hinson et al., 2019; Zambon et al., 2019; Klerx and Rose, 2020). Thus,
Nevertheless, other factors such as climate monitoring, efficient use many trade-offs must be considered in the development of agriculture
of soil nutrients, forecasting the health of grains, quality of agricultural 4.0.
products, provenance and traceability of foods and animal well-being The difficulty in forecasting the main consequences of implementing
(Jawad et al., 2017; Klerkx et al., 2019) were listed as advantages of new technologies in agriculture should be highlighted. The fourth
agriculture 4.0. However, it is noted that there are a range of benefits agricultural revolution will cause significant changes in the scope and
that help farmers, agricultural workers, and farm managers in the organization of traditional world agriculture, requiring new strategies to
decision-making process (Colezea et al., 2018) and in the validation of solve the barriers presented in Table 6. To support the paths of trans­
the data obtained using sensors for analysis in terminal devices (Hang formation of agriculture 4.0, the actors of Table 3 involved in the agri­
et al., 2020). For instance, the farm management system in agriculture cultural production chain should broaden their behavioral approaches.
4.0 should help farmers with solutions, decisive actions, and support in Agriculture 4.0 in developed and developing countries requires ad­
the final decision making (Ponraj and Vigneswaran, 2019) for an vances at all levels, ranging from the implementation on a small scale
economically viable and environmentally correct bias (O’Grady and (for specialized crops) to the implementation on a large scale (for
O’Hare, 2017). The detailed information supplied by IoTs devices can be traditional crops). However, it is a challenge to bet on developing the
visualized on web-based smartphones, tablets, computers, and apps to high technology of agriculture 4.0 since the tangible yields at the farm
manage each type of agricultural crop (Muangprathub et al., 2019). may result from the implementation of simple ideas (Klerkx and Rose,
Since it is practical to access data, it is possible to train individual 2020).
farmers who are part of the agricultural production chain to make Another critical issue raised by the authors of this SLR is the chal­
complex decisions (Phillips et al., 2019). Another advantage of agri­ lenge of the complexity in the environment of disruptive technologies
culture 4.0 is the decision-support systems that can help the farmers and their algorithms (Fielke et al., 2020; Righi et al., 2020; Zhai et al.,
through information about farm operation planning and control, 2020). On the other hand, the lack of connectivity in the field was also
segmented cost of operation, history of use of the resources, and

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

indicated as a challenge for access to agriculture 4.0 technologies development (Almadani and Mostafa, 2021). To can also be explained
(Grieve et al., 2019; Janc et al., 2019; Sittón-Candanedo et al., 2019). by the fact that AIoT is one of the main research objectives within the
These challenges are often seen as disadvantages, as they are points that agriculture 4.0 approaches (Symeonaki et al., 2020).
can hamper the development of agriculture 4.0 in many countries.
4.3. RQ3
4. Discussion
The development of agriculture 4.0 is a complex process, for faces a
This section is divided into six topics that contribute to the devel­ series of barriers that cause to impact on your openness in the world.
opment of scientific literature on agriculture 4.0. The main conclusions Therefore, agriculture 4.0 barriers need to be identified to enable the
of RQ1, RQ2, RQ3, and RQ4 are discussed. In addition, trends in SLR development of strategies that can overcome them. This SLR is one of the
sample articles and a research agenda are presented. preliminary studies that try to explore what these barriers are. In this
sense, were identified and analyzed 25 potentials barriers, which were
4.1. RQ1 categorized into five dimensions (technological, economic, political,
social, and environmental) due to the diversity of the theme studied. The
The debate in the scientific literature on the definition of agriculture barriers are presented in Table 6, which shows what needs to be
4.0 has increased in recent years. However, there are still few studies addressed to allow for a broad development of agriculture 4.0. However,
that help to develop his theory. To evaluating the descriptions about the the SLR indicates that the following barriers need more attention: in­
agriculture 4.0 identified in this SLR, it is was evidenced that there compatibility between components (B2), concerns about reliability is­
ambiguity about the definition of the term, as well as is not provided a sues (B5), lack of infrastructure (B4), need to foster R&D and innovative
systemic view of the theory. For example, the articles in Table 4 do not business models (B15), lack of digital skills and/or skilled labor (B18),
include tactical and operational decisions in the description of agricul­ asymmetry of information (B19), and problems in education (B16).
ture 4.0. Besides, the research questions of the studies analyzed in the Moreover, it is still unclear, at least from an empirical perspective, to
SLR do not investigate what is the definition of agriculture 4.0, or what what extent the different barriers affect the development of agriculture
is necessary to consider in the literature to have a more comprehensive 4.0. So despite the benefits and advantages that agriculture 4.0 can
definition. More, the term agriculture 4.0 is not uniform, being confused provide, there is substantial progress that needs to be made.
and related to other terms in the literature (i.e., smart farm, precision
agriculture, digital agriculture, and smart agriculture). Following this 4.4. RQ4
observation, it is necessary to build and propose a scientific definition of
the concept of agriculture 4.0, to make the findings and evidence in the The SLR reveals that studies are optimistic about the development of
literature more understandable and accessible to farmers, academics, 4.0 agriculture in the world. However, no were identified articles
and professionals in the field. Therefore, a comprehensive definition of dedicated to the possible advantages and disadvantages of agriculture
agriculture 4.0 was created based on the terms conceptual adopted in 4.0. The information pointed out in this SLR, relate a set of benefits (i.e.,
the descriptions presented in Table 4, such as: “agriculture 4.0 is the in the detection of diseases in agricultural crops, efficient control of
implementation of emerging technologies and innovative services on the machines, cost reduction, greater knowledge of cultivated areas, and in
agriculture, that require a cultural and behavioral change in all actors the efficient use of inputs and pesticides), which are boost the devel­
involved in the agricultural production chain, to increase their productivity opment of agriculture 4.0 in different crops (specialized and traditional).
and efficiency, and support a more sustainable agriculture, using precise and Already, the disadvantages found in the SLR (i.e., lack of public policies,
momentary of information that will help make strategic decisions”. difficulty in farmer re-education and awareness-building, little devel­
opment assistance from funding agencies to support the farmers), have
4.2. RQ2 little influence on the development of agriculture 4.0. Besides, some
authors (Elijah et al., 2018; Khatri-Chhetri et al., 2019; Van der Burg
It is important to articulate the technological trends being imple­ et al., 2019) have treated these previously exemplified disadvantages as
mented in agriculture 4.0 to anticipate future trajectories in the agri­ challenges. In this context, the resolution of these challenges can reduce
cultural production chain. The articles of SLR cover specific and the difference in the level of complexity of agriculture 4.0 in developed
empirical evidence, without providing an overview of the technological and developing countries. This corroborates to advance in the con­
applications of agriculture 4.0. The present study tried to address this struction of the new world agricultural scenario, which will be based on
question systematically, extracting and offering theoretical insights into the benefits of agriculture 4.0.
the stages and processes proposed by Ting et al. (2011). By noting
Table 5, it is seen that in the pre-field (seed development), and in the 4.5. Trends
post-field (distribution and consumer), are the lowest concentrations of
technologies of agriculture 4.0. Therefore, the development of emerging The trends of the SLR articles that help develop agriculture 4.0 were
technologies in these areas of the agricultural production chain should analyzed. Some studies mention the need to raise the attributes and
increase in the coming years. According to the results of the SLR, tech­ requirements that farmers have to acquire the technologies that are part
nologies of agriculture 4.0 are concentrated in the in-field (planting). of the fourth agricultural revolution (Musat et al., 2018; Kong et al.,
This is due to the many technological applications of agriculture 4.0, 2019; Mistry et al., 2020). Other studies described the need to evaluate
which may be related to the dependence on water and soil factors, that behavioral and cultural aspects of the aversion and awareness-building
increasingly need to be used efficiently (Cisternas et al., 2020), as well as of farmers to developing the new technologies (Ozdogan et al., 2017;
by the set of operations (prepare, sow and irrigate the land, among other Huh and Kim, 2018; Pivoto et al., 2019). Moreover, a longitudinal
activities) that are part of this agricultural cycle. The research findings evaluation (Ployhart and Vandenberg, 2010) with small, medium, and
also evidenced the AIoT as the only technology of agriculture 4.0 present large farmers regarding the implementation and sustainability of the
in all field state (pre-field, in-field, and post-field). This finding is sup­ agriculture 4.0 technologies was a trend pointed out in scientific studies
ported by the broad functionality of AIoT, such as in the monitoring, (Raungpaka and Savetpanuvong, 2017; Lioutas et al., 2019; Phillips
tracking and tracing, agriculture machinery, and precision agriculture et al., 2019).
(Elijah et al., 2018). It should also include the benefits that can be To develop the trends mentioned above, a structured survey-type
provided by its implementation in agriculture, such as increased pro­ interview can be performed to collect data and information based on
ductivity, cost optimization, and encouragement of sustainable farmers’ characteristics and opinions about the aspects that potentiate

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

agriculture 4.0. agriculture.

Other proposals are related to the transport and logistics issue con­
cerning the suppliers of the technologies that make up agriculture 4.0 5. Conclusion
(Klerkx et al., 2019; Schmidt and Cheein, 2019; Zhai et al., 2020).
Research studies that approach the way agriculture 4.0 should be This study aims to contribute to the development of agriculture 4.0
implemented in developed and developing countries can also be fol­ by identifying descriptions, technologies, barriers, advantages, and
lowed (O’Grady and O’Hare, 2017; Khatri-Chhetri et al., 2019; Zambon disadvantages. The sample content analysis in this Systematic Literature
et al., 2019). For matters related to the technologies implementation in Review (SLR) identified an exponential growth of scientific research on
agriculture 4.0, some authors reported the need to evaluate farms of the topic of agriculture 4.0. However, it is a relatively new term and
different sizes (Vuran et al., 2018; Muangprathub et al., 2019; Nawandar underdeveloped. The study shows that the researchers describe agri­
and Satpute, 2019) and other sectors of the agricultural production culture 4.0 differently, considering adopting emerging technologies as
chain—Field States (Ting et al., 2011; Hradecká, 2019; Klerkx and Rose, its pillar. To overcome this gap, this article proposes a definition of
2020; Hang et al., 2020). agriculture 4.0 based on the results of the SLR. Besides, it was presented
For the questions that seek to evaluate how agriculture 4.0 is a comprehensive view of agriculture 4.0 technologies in the agricultural
implemented and its functions, longitudinal case studies can be adopted. production chain responsible for revolutionizing the way commodities
The researchers go into the field and assess all changes in the farm are produced, processed, traded, and consumed.
ecosystem that is being modified. The gap in information about the 25 barriers that hinder the progress
A survey was performed of trends regarding methodologies that of agriculture 4.0 was filled by discussions about the five dimensions:
could be adopted in researching with the scope of implementing agri­ technological, economic, political, social, and environmental. These
culture 4.0. Some authors suggested applying tools such as life cycle dimensions concern a set of challenges that must be studied, analyzed,
costing (Belaud et al., 2019), risk management (Fielke et al., 2019), big and overcome to increase the scale of countries in the implementation of
data analysis (Gan and Lee, 2018), innovation models (Wolfert et al., agriculture 4.0. The advantages, disadvantages, and research agenda
2017; Rose and Chilvers, 2018), and product development models (Janc that academics and professionals in the field must support for devel­
et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2019). On the other hand, studies suggested oping agricultural theory 4.0 were also presented.
developing environments favorable for partnerships among private In this way, the discoveries made in this study help the agricultural
businesses and the public sector—seeking to construct robust ecosys­ production chain actors open the way for the successful development of
tems—during the implementation process of agriculture 4.0 (Haberli agriculture 4.0. The research also corroborates to broaden the inclusive
Junior et al., 2019; Junior et al., 2019; Zhao et al., 2019). Research debate that can socially shape the introduction of agriculture 4.0.
studies also presented the need to create versatile and managed archi­ However, this SLR does not support the identification of which actors
tectures, programs, and modelings related to agriculture 4.0 (Sittón- are responsible for each of the barriers presented in Table 6. It is
Candanedo et al., 2019; Hang et al., 2020; Quiroz and Alférez, 2020; necessary to develop more articles on the theory of this concept to
Righi et al., 2020), to consolidate improvements in the farmers’ decision stimulate discussion in the area. Future studies may be aligned with: (i)
making (Ponraj and Vigneswaran, 2019; Kodan et al., 2019). list strategies to overcome the barriers identified in this SLR; (ii) identify
Researchers can develop these trends, technology professionals, agri- for which actors the barriers arise in adoption agriculture 4.0; and (iii)
technology startups, and lawgivers, based on interdisciplinary projects answer the questions raised in the research agenda to disseminate this
employing mixed-methods focused on agricultural improvement (Grieve topic.
et al., 2019), supplying different visions of the characteristics of agri­
culture 4.0.
CRediT authorship contribution statement

4.6. Research agenda

Franco Silveira: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis,
Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administra­
Table 7 presents information related to matters of future research
tion, Software, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing,
studies that will contribute to disseminating agriculture 4.0. This agenda
Project administration. Fernando Henrique Lermen: Conceptualiza­
comprises questions related to the development of agriculture 4.0, au­
tion, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology,
thors that support the creation of these research questions, and presents
Software, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Fernando
methodological suggestions to support academics and professionals in
Gonçalves Amaral: Funding acquisition, Supervision, Project admin­
the field. The research agenda and research methodological options
istration, Writing – review & editing.
were grouped into three dimensions (behavioral and managerial factors,
factors associated with the development of technologies, and factors
related to the implementation of 4.0 agriculture), based on RQ1, RQ2,
Declaration of Competing Interest
RQ3, RQ4 and the results of the SLR.
The research questions in Table 7 help the agricultural production
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
chain actors broaden the development of agriculture 4.0. The actors of
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Table 3 need to be part of the action plan that seeks to implement
the work reported in this paper.
emerging technologies on the farm (e.g., government project Agri 4.0) to
enhance the vertical integration of agriculture 4.0. In addition, further
studies are needed to reach a consensus on the topic. However, several Acknowledgments
interconnected barriers (Table 6) must be solved for an extensive change
in traditional agriculture. A balance between technological progress The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of Co­
(digital competence) and the social context of such innovations (social ordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) and the
competencies) must also be considered (Janc et al., 2019). The transfer Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Develop­
of knowledge and information about agriculture 4.0 will have a more ment (CNPq), Brazil.
excellent opportunity to be shared among the actors who may develop
new ideas, values, and perspectives. It makes it easier to understand how Appendix A
agriculture 4.0 technologies are used and identify in practice who,
when, and why they are being adopted to transform traditional See Table A1.

F. da Silveira et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 189 (2021) 106405

Table A1 References
Journal impact factor, journal publications, and citations of the sample.
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