Health & Safety Manual

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Health & Safety


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Table of Contents Page No. Rev.
0.0 Authorization and Cover sheet 1
1.0 Table of Contents 2
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Goal and Objectives 3
2.3 Safety Policy 4
3.0 Organization and Responsibilities 5
4.0 Safety Meetings 7
4.1 Tool Box Talk 7
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4.2 Training Plan 8

5.0 Accident Reporting 9
6.0 Safety Appliances 9
7.0 Sub-Contractor Management 10
8.1 Scaffoldings 11
8.2 Ladders 11
8.3 Portable Power Tools 12
8.4 Hand Tools 13
9.0 Material Handling & Storage 14
10.0 Maintenance of Machinery 14
11.0 Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting 15
12.0 Health Plan 16
12.1 First Aid & Welfare Facilities 16
12.2 Waste Management 17
13.0 Transportation 17
14.0 Work Control Measures 18
14.1 Permits to Work 18
14.2 Housekeeping 18
14.3 Barricades / Signs / Tags 19
14.4 Safety Inspection 19
15.0 Annexures 21

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2.1 Introduction

 This document explains the salient features of the safety and

health management normally implemented in all the
construction sites of .

 This does not deal with the physical safety aspects of the job,
which will be covered in our health and safety plan. The safety
plan will be submitted to the clients after conducting a detailed
risk assessment of all the activities involved in the site. This is
normally done when the job is awarded to and before the
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work starts at site.

 believes firmly that managing safety is a line

responsibility and it is a good business practice to provide safe
working environment to the workmen at site.

 The role and responsibilities of the site personnel in accident

prevention is given in the Chapter on “Organization and

 Safety Officer/ Coordinator of the site will act as a catalyst in

motivating the front line engineers and foremen to fulfill their
obligations on safety. He will monitor the safety activities of the
site on a day to day basis and will report to the Project Manager
if there is any deviation/ violation from the regulations contained
in this document.

2.2 Goal and Objectives

Objective of this Safety Manual is to provide a workable model to

help the site in striving to achieve the ultimate goal of -
Zero lost time injury accident.
We firmly believe that building and maintaining a safety culture in
the day- to - day work life of all the employees is a primary task of
an organization. The Corporate Management of will do its
best to bring in this culture among the employees.
This will be achieved by integrating the safety requirements in all
the Company procedures.

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Safety & Health Policy
The management of Group of Companies holds in high
regard the safety, welfare and health of its employees. We firmly
believe that every employee is entitled to work under the safest
possible conditions. All possible efforts will be made in the interest
of accident prevention in all our work sites, workshops and
projects. We do realize that it is a good business practice to guard
against accidents and occupational diseases. Preventing accidents
and associated costs will permit us to be more competitive in the
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industry, thus helping to safeguard our business interests.

It is our belief that all accidents which injure people, damage

machinery and destroy materials can be prevented by taking
specific safety precautions. All employees in our Group of
Companies are expected to perform their duties without
compromising the safety guidelines issued from time to time.
Accident prevention is primarily a line function and the safety
personnel will work as a catalyst/ functional expert in advising the
line staff to manage safety efficiently. They will audit the
Company’s operations on a continuos basis to ensure whether the
existing safety systems are adequate enough.

Safety requirements will be a part and parcel of all our systems

and it shall be carefully planned and controlled in the day to day
operations along with customer satisfaction, productivity, quality,
cost control etc. Although all these factors have to be given equal
weightage, safety of our employees will be given the first priority,
when circumstances require us to decide between these factors.

We do realize that we have a responsibility not to endanger the

environment due to any our operations and will do our best to
preserve it to the possible extent.

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3.0 Organization and Responsibilities

I. Project Manager  Responsible for the total compliance of this safety

manual. The Safety Officer/ Coordinator will assist him
in fulfilling this responsibility.
 Monitor the safety management of the site with the
help of safety officer/ coordinator.
 Ensure that site engineers attend to the
recommendations given by the safety officer/
 Chairing the safety review meetings and allocating
suitable and sufficient resources for all the safety
related activities.
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Site Safety Officer/ 1. Assisting the Project Manager in implementing the

Coordinator* guidelines given in this document.
2. Inspecting the entire work site on a continuos basis,
making on-the-spot corrections of unsafe acts of the
workmen and taking suitable steps to eliminate all the
unsafe conditions. He will give an inspection report
every day (Annexure 8 shows the format to be used)
indicating all the unsafe conditions noticed by him at
site highlighting the status of rectifying the same.
3. Planning the requirement of first aid, fire fighting and
safety appliances well in advance.
4. Ensuring that accident report in the prescribed format
(Annexure 2) is sent to all concerned as explained in
the chapter on “Accident Reporting”.
5. Organizing the inspection of scaffolding, ladders and
power tools at a regular basis based on the enclosed
checklists (Annexure - 3, 4, 5) and maintaining a
record of such inspection.
6. Conducting safety meeting, every fortnight of all staff
members, which will be chaired by the project
manager. Maintaining the minutes of such meetings.
7. Providing induction programs for all the staff and
workmen on their arrival at site and organizing
refresher sessions whenever required. He will maintain
record of conducting such programs.
8. Conducting job safety analysis for critical works, before
they are taken up, to identify the possible hazards and
the precautions to be taken. This will be done on a
regular basis based on the monthly/ weekly/ daily
planning schedules.
9. Preparing activity specific safety plans, wherever
required for all the critical activities based on the
method statements prepared by the site.
* - Safety officer is a qualified full time employee and the safety
coordinator could be a site engineer/ foreman with additional
responsibility of safety coordination. This will depend on the value

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the project, duration of the project and the activities involved in the
site and will be decided mutually with the clients.

IV. Site engineers / 1. Understanding this safety manual fully and

Supervisors / implementing the same in their day-to-day activities.
Foremen 2. Giving safety instructions to their workmen on a
daily basis as a part of the job instructions,
highlighting the possible hazards in that day’s work
and the precautions to be taken.
3. Keeping their work area neat and clean, especially at
heights free from loose materials.
4. Taking an active part in the site safety meetings, if
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5. Preventing horseplay of workmen.
6. Organizing toolbox talks to their workmen every
7. Identifying and eliminating all unsafe conditions in
their work area by carrying out safety inspection in
their work area everyday with specific reference to
the enclosed checklist (Annexure - 6).
8. Arranging to take suitable corrective measures in
their place of work based on the daily report given
by the safety officer/ coordinator.
V. Store keeper 1. Arranging for the inspection of all the incoming
materials with the help of safety coordinator/
2. Maintaining the first aid facilities and register at site.
3. Maintaining a minimum stock level of safety
appliances as decided by the project manager/
safety officer.
4. Checking for the test certificates of lifting tackles
and accessories on receipt at site.
5. Following up the procurement of safety appliances
indented by the site.

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4.0 Safety Meetings

Frequency: Once in a fortnight; will be chaired by the Project


Objective :

 To find solutions for any safety issues remaining unresolved

during the previous fortnight,
 To identify the problem areas and to work out suggestions for
the same,
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 To investigate accidents occurred during the previous

fortnight, if any, to learn lessons and to plan ways to prevent
recurrence of the same in the future.
 To decide any special safety requirements to be taken during
the next fortnight arising out of the new activities to be taken
up during that period.
 To review the implementation of the safety plan

Participants: All engineers at site. Other supervisors and foremen

shall be invited to attend as per the requirement.
Responsibility: Site safety Officer/ Coordinator is responsible to
circulate the agenda well in advance, to record the minutes and
to follow up the implementation of the minutes.

4.1 Tool box talk

This will be conducted every week by all the supervisors and the
foremen to their respective workmen. The safety officer/
coordinator will maintain a record of such toolbox meetings.
Subjects, which will be covered in the toolbox talks are given
below. In addition to this, depending upon the site activities
currently in progress, job specific hazards and the precautions to
be taken will be high lighted whenever required:

 Unsafe conditions and unsafe acts noticed at site during the

previous week
 Lessons learnt from the accidents / near misses, if any
 Safety precautions to be taken in the next week’s work
 Safety systems and procedures to be followed at site
 Safety checklists
 Role of workmen in preventing accidents
 Activity related safety precautions such as
 Safe usage of scaffoldings, ladders, power tools
 Electrical safety requirements

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 Fire precautions to be taken at site
 Safe usage of hand tools
 Welding and gas cutting procedures
 Procedures of manual and mechanical handling of
 Safety rules related to house keeping and site tidiness
 Need for providing safe access to the work place
 Hazards associated with handling compressed gas
 Material storage and transportation requirements
 Safety precautions in the excavation
 Working near construction equipment and machinery
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 Health hazards
 Emergency evacuation procedures
 Personal protective appliances

4.2 Training Plan

 All staff and technicians will go through an induction program

before their deployment at site.
 This will be given by the site safety Officer/ Coordinator and a
record will be maintained to this effect.
 Subjects to be covered during the induction sessions will be:
 Commitment of to prevent accidents
 Hot work permit; objective and the procedures
 Scaffolding safety checks
 Electrical equipment lock out/ tag out system
 Inspection of scaffoldings, ladders and power tools
 Supervisor’s self inspection checklist
 Safety rules to be followed
 Safety appliances to be used with reference to various
 Security restrictions
 Mobile Scaffolding ; handrail/ toe board/ full planking/
height/ movement
 Ladders ; base/ lock/ height/ straight ladder/ top three
 Power tools ; guards/ cords/ plug tops/ connections/
 Fire prevention ; foster/ paint/ no smoking
 Removal of barricades
 House keeping : cables/ packing material/ scrap
 Problems associated with high rise building
 Emergency plan
 Usage of tower crane and hoist
 What to do in case of accident

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 The daily work instruction will include the hazards likely to be
encountered and the precautions to be taken.
 Toolbox talk will be organized once in a week in the morning
before starting the work. The respective site foremen will do
this for their technicians. Minutes of this meeting will be
recorded and maintained by safety officer/ coordinator.
Unsafe conditions and unsafe acts noticed at site, lessons
learnt from the accidents, safety precautions to be taken in
the next week’s works etc. will be the focus of discussion
during the tool box talks.
 All visitors will be required to meet a responsible person in our
site office before proceeding to the site. They will be briefed
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about the basic safety requirements of the job. Few safety

helmets and shoes will be kept at site for distribution to the
visitors. They will be provided with safety induction and a
responsible person will accompany the visitors if he has to be
taken to the project area.
 The induction and toolbox talk will be extended to sub-
contract employees also, if any.

5.0 Accident Reporting

 All accidents and near miss incidents at site will be recorded in

the first aid register.
 All lost time injuries and property damage accidents (near
misses) will be reported to the HO and the safety Manager.
 All accidents, including the near misses and first aid cases will
be investigated by the site safety Officer/ Coordinator.
 All serious accidents will be reported to the Police and the
scene of accident will be preserved until the Police
investigations are completed.

6.0 Safety Appliances

 All workmen entering the site will be required to use coveralls
on which name of the Company will be prominently displayed.
They will also be made to use safety shoes and safety helmets
while at site.
 Color coding for safety helmets:
Staff and visitors will use white helmets and the workmen will
use green helmet.
 Safety goggles or face shields will be provided to all the
employees who are required to do overhead drilling, grinding,
chipping, polishing and any other works where flying object
hazard exist.
 Welders will be provided with welding shields with dark glass
of suitable shade, leather hand gloves and flame cutters will

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be provided with goggles with dark glasses. Apron also will be
provided to them wherever required.
 Cotton gloves will be provided to all employees who are likely
to handle materials with sharp objects. Latex gloves will be
provided to insulation applicators.
 Earplugs will be provided to noisy operations such as
pavement breaking, using the vibratory jack hammers etc.
 Safety belts will be provided all workmen who are likely to fall
down more than 1.5 M height from their place of work.
 Dust masks will be provided to all the workmen who are
required to carry out work involving generation of dust such
as fair facing of concrete, floor polishing etc.
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Checklist for Safety appliances

Safety Appliance Applications
Hard Hat/ safety helmet All employees including visitors
Safety goggles/ face shields Overhead drilling, grinding, chipping
Welding shields Welders
Safety shoes All employees
Gloves – cotton Material handlers
Gloves – leather Welders
Safety belts As required - to all employees
Aprons Welders
Site works / operations will be periodically reviewed to determine
the requirement of any additional safety equipment.

7.0 Sub contractor Management

 The agreements with sub contractors will include a clause

demanding strict adherence to this safety manual and any
other safety requirements issued by the Project Manager from
time to time.
 The employees of the sub contractor will also be provided with
induction sessions and their supervisors will be made to give
toolbox talks to their workmen on a weekly basis.
 They will be asked to give in writing how they intent to
comply with certain specific safety requirements given in this
plan, such as, housekeeping, power tool/ scaffolding/ ladder
inspection etc. indicating who is responsible for carrying out
such activities.
 All accessories brought by the sub contractor will be inspected
by the safety Officer/ Coordinator and cleared for use, if found
all right.

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8.1 Scaffoldings

Hazards :

1. Collapse of scaffold
2. fall of persons and materials from the scaffold


 Site safety Officer/ Coordinator will inspect all scaffoldings

every week based on enclosed checklist (Annexure - 3) and a
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record will be kept to this effect. If any scaffolding is found to

be unsafe or defective, warning board will be provided on it to
caution the people not to use it.
 Mobile scaffoldings, erected on castor wheels, will be
inspected by the concerned supervisor every day before
allowing the workmen to use it. Their height will be restricted
to 3.5 times its minimum base width.
 Working platform of all the scaffoldings will be fully planked
and provided with suitable hand rail and toe board wherever
 When a new scaffold has been erected at site, the concerned
supervisor will request the site safety Officer/ Coordinator to
inspect the same before allowing his workmen to use it. The
safety Officer/ Coordinator, after inspection will either clear
the scaffolding for use or suggest improvements to be carried
out. Each scaffolding at site will either have a green or red
tag indicating whether it is safe to use or not.
 All workmen in the platform will be asked to get down before
moving the scaffold.
 Suitable approach in the form of ladders will be provided to
the working platform of the scaffoldings wherever required.

8.2 Ladders

Hazards :

1. Collapse of ladders
2. Fall of persons or materials from the ladders

Precautions :

 All ladders brought to site will be registered to ensure that

they are inspected at regular intervals (Annexure - 4).
 Ladder inspection will be carried out by the site safety
Officer/ Coordinator every week based on the enclosed
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checklist and record will be maintained to this effect.
 Ladders with out non slip base and hinge locks, wherever
applicable, will not be allowed at site.
 Technicians will be warned about the danger of using the top
two rungs in the tool box talks.
 Metallic ladders will not be used in the jobs where it is likely
to come in contact with live electrical parts.
 Portable and extension ladders, if any, will be required to be
tied at the top and its angle of inclination will not be less than

8.3 Portable power tools

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Hazards :

1. Electric shock
2. Hit by rotating objects
3. Foreign body falling into the eye

Precautions :

 All portable power tools will be checked by an identified

electrician at site before releasing it to the site use. It will be
inspected by the same person every month to ensure that it
continues to be safe to use (Annexure -5). It will be the
responsibility of the site safety Officer/ Coordinator to ensure
that all the power tools are regularly inspected and a record
is maintained to this effect.
 If a power tool is found to be unsafe to use during the regular
inspection, it shall be marked/ tagged to that effect and
returned to stores for repair or replacement.
 Power cables provided to the tools will not have any joint
and the cables will be laid in such a way that it does not
present any trip hazard.
 All power cables will be provided with industrial plug and
sockets for power distribution.
 The guards provided in the power tools shall not be removed
either by the technicians or by the maintenance electrician.
 The power tools shall either be returned to the stores at the
end of the shift every day or shall be stored properly at site
to prevent its damage.
 Cartridge operated power tools will not be used at site.

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8.4 Hand tools

Hazards :

1. Tools falling down from heights

2. Hit by the sharp edges of the tools
3. Hit by flying objects
4. Slipping and falling due to the use of worn out tools

Precautions :

 The store keeper will inspect all the hand tools before issuing
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it to site to ensure that they are in good working condition.

 All the supervisors and the site safety Officer/ Coordinator will
look for defective tools being used on the job on a continuos
basis with specific reference to broken handles, blunt edges,
worn out heads, cracked parts etc. Any such damaged tools,
if found at site, will be removed immediately and destroyed.
 Home made, make shift hand tools fabricated at site will not
be allowed. Any such tools found at site will be removed and
 Technicians will be reminded regularly during tool box talks
about the perils of misusing hand tools and the necessity of
informing the defects found in the tools immediately.
 Technicians will be asked to use goggles while carrying out
chipping, hammering and similar operations.
 Using pliers or wrenches as hammers, using screw drivers as
chisels, using screw spanner or pipe wrench instead of double
end or ring spanner etc. are unsafe practices and are bound
to result in minor accidental injuries. All these will be
explained to workmen in the tool box talks and will be
 As far as possible, the hand tools will be provided with a rope
which can be used for tying the same with the safety belts so
that it does not fall down during usage inadvertently.

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9.0 Material handling and storage

 While transporting materials in vehicles, it will be ensured

that undue projections from the vehicle will not be allowed. If
there is any projection either red flag or red lamp will be tied
to the projections to warn the vehicles coming behind.
 Before carrying out heavy erections such as motors, panels,
chillers, AHU’s etc., a detailed method statement will be
prepared incorporating all the safety requirements to be
 Trained and licensed operators/ drivers will be used to
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operate lifting machinery.

 All technicians will be instructed on the correct and safe way
of handling various type of materials.
 Tower crane available at site will be used for lifting materials
to various floors. One experienced and trained person will be
used for rigging the materials to the tower crane and he will
also act as the signaler to the crane operator until the load is
safely unloaded at its place. He will be identified by a special
uniform. An effective communication system will be worked
out to clearly transfer the signals from the loading/ unloading
point and the operator.
 All lifting appliances brought to the site will be provided with
a test certificate. It will be periodically inspected by approved
agencies every year.
 For lifting materials to higher elevations single point slinging
will not be allowed for handling any materials.
 Gas cylinders will be hoisted to various floors in specially
prepared cages or in the material hoist.
 The material safety data sheet will be made available at site,
if any chemical is to be handled at site and all the precautions
indicated in it will be carried out.

10.0 Maintenance of machinery

Hazards :

1. Electric shock
2. Hit by rotating objects
3. Foreign body in eye
4. Failure of machinery due to poor or lack of maintenance

Precautions :
 All lifting machinery and hoist platforms will be inspected by
approved persons and will be certified before deployment at
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 All construction machinery deployed at site will be inspected
and certified by Maintenance Engineer before actual usage.
These machines will also be inspected every fortnight to
ensure that they continue to function satisfactorily.
 Adequate number of electricians and mechanics will be
identified to carry out the maintenance activities of all the
machinery at site depending upon the number of machinery
at site.
 One supervisor will be identified to be responsible for the
maintenance works. He will prepare the preventive
maintenance schedules and will carry out the maintenance
works according to the schedule.
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 While carrying out maintenance works on electrical

machines, the power supply should be switched off. The
maintenance personnel will be required to use tested hand
gloves to prevent electric shock while working on electrical
 If the isolation switch of the machine, which is under
maintenance, is not in the vicinity, the fuse should be
removed, the switch should be locked and tagged so that
others will not be able to energize the machine under
maintenance inadvertently.

11.0 Fire prevention and fire fighting

 Welding and flame cutting works will be taken up only after

taking all the precautions mentioned here.
 Keeping fire extinguisher is a compulsory requirement and a
fire watcher will be deployed if the sparks are unable to be
contained in the floor in which the hot work is being carried
 Oxygen and acetylene cylinders will not be taken inside any
confined areas. The cylinders will be kept upright always and
will be prevented from accidental falling. They will be stored
separately in the storage area. All the fuel cylinders will be
provided with flash back arrestors.
 Smoking will be totally banned at site. “No smoking” stickers
will be displayed at appropriate locations.
 Enough number of fire extinguishers will be installed and
maintained at site wherever there is a potential fire hazard.
 Site safety Officer/ Coordinator will conduct a fire survey, as
frequently as required to assess the fire load, type of
prevention and fighting plan required at site.
 An emergency evacuation plan will be worked out indicating
the action to be taken by various personnel, fire fighting plan,
means of alerting the people, means of escape, assembly
point etc.
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 The flammable liquid (paint, insulation compounds etc.)
storage area will be clearly identified and will be suitably
barricaded. The storage area will be provided with fire proof
walls. Storage of flammable liquid in the main building will
not be permitted.
 All the used flammable liquid containers will be collected
immediately and brought back to a safe storage place and
suitably disposed off. Flammable liquid containers will not be
left unattended at site without their lids.
 Incandescent or halogen lamps will not be used near the
insulation application areas.
 Packing materials, if any, will be removed on the same day
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from the site, whenever it is opened from the consignment.

 Training on the use of fire extinguishers will be conducted to
all the employees as a part of the induction session and it will
be repeated in the tool box talks whenever required.
 If LPG cylinder is allowed in the site premises in the pantry,
canteen etc. the cylinder will be kept out of the building and
copper tube shall be installed from the cylinder to the stove.
 The platform and the walls around the stove area should be
provided with gypsum board or metal sheets.
12.0 Health Plan

12.1 First aid and welfare facilities

 Suitable first aid facilities, as applicable, will be mobilized

during the beginning of the project itself.
 Enough number of trained first aiders and first aid boxes will
be made available at site.
 Injured persons at site will be evacuated through the hoist
facilities available at site. As an additional precaution, if any
workmen are deployed in areas where the hoist facility does
not exist, a man-hoisting platform will be maintained for use
with the tower crane for evacuating the injured persons.
 clinic at HO will be alerted to handle any minor
injuries, if required. All major injuries will be taken to the
nearby Hospital.
 An emergency vehicle will always be available at site.
However the ambulance facilities of the Police department
will be called in to handle major injury cases.
 The temporary facilities area will be provided with garbage
bins with lids to dispose all food left overs by the employees.
It will be removed every day.
 The accommodation facilities of the workmen are being
maintained in a hygienic condition to ensure that they are
able to take necessary rest during their rest period.
 Pest control treatment is given at regular intervals at the
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labor camps to provide a healthy environment.
 Enough number of toilets and urinals will be installed at
appropriate locations. It will be maintained clean and dry.
 Cool drinking water will be made available at site and all
workmen will be encouraged to drink enough amount of
water during summer months.

12.2 Waste Management

 All the scrap materials generated at site will be placed at the

scrap bins provided at the respective floors. This will be the
responsibility of the respective group of workmen.
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 The flammable wastes such as empty containers of paint,

insulation glue, and adhesives etc. will not be disposed off in
the scrap bins. It will be removed on a daily basis to the site
stores where a separate storage is maintained for such
 The garbage bins provided in the temporary facilities area
will be cleared daily once or at more frequencies depending
on the requirement. The storekeeper will be responsible to
ensure this.
 A skip will be maintained at site if found necessary to dispose
all the solid waste materials and it will be removed through
authorized agencies at regular intervals.
 The drainage lines from the offices and the wash rooms will
be connected to the existing drainage lines. Any leakage to
the drainage lines will be attended to immediately.

13.0 Transportation

 Store keeper will be responsible for the transportation and

vehicle management.
 All the vehicles will be operated by licensed drivers holding
valid driving license.
 Speed limit of the vehicles at site will restricted 20 kmph
within the site premises. If the vehicles have to reverse in
crowded work premises, a helper should assist the driver.
 Workmen will not be allowed to sleep under the parked
 It will be the responsibility of the drivers to ensure that the
vehicles are not overloaded beyond its rated loads.
 They will also be responsible for informing the store keeper
whenever the regular maintenance of the vehicle falls due.
No compromise will be made on the maintenance and
upkeep of the vehicles.
 Drivers and operators will not be allowed to work for more

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than 12 hours continuously on any circumstances.
 Vehicles will only be parked at designated locations in the
site without obstructing the free flow of the traffic.
 If there is any projected material from the vehicles, warning
flag and/ or red lamp will be tied to the projection to warn
others of the danger.
 The materials will be tied properly when loaded in vehicles to
prevent its dislodgment while moving.

14.0 Work Control Measures

14.1 Permits to work

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 Any gas cutting or welding work can be taken up only after all
the precautions mentioned in this manual is taken and after
the site safety officer/ coordinator is satisfied about the
arrangements. The concerned supervisors will be responsible
to arrange all the precautions mentioned in this manual
before starting the hot work.
 Any electrical maintenance work in the temporary distribution
network will be carried out only after necessary authorization
from the concerned engineer. The engineer will ensure that
all shut down precautions such as locking/ tagging etc. are
done before allowing such works to be taken up.
 During the testing and commissioning stage of the project,
before energizing/ charging each system, (equipment,
pipelines, ducting, panels etc.) a checklist will be prepared
based on the local conditions and the commissioning engineer
will authorize such actions after checking all the points listed
in the checklist.
 If any barricade or edge protection is to be removed, it shall
be fixed back immediately or alternative arrangements shall
be made.
 Radiography works, if any, will be taken-up during lean
periods such as lunch time, night shift etc. as far as possible.
Irrespective of the time, suitable barricade and caution signs
will be provided to prevent others from entering the radiation
zone. Only authorized agencies will be allowed to carry out
the radiography works.
14.2 Housekeeping
 Smoking will not be permitted in the entire site, including site
office and stores.
 Trash containers will be kept near the rest area and the
technicians will be advised to dispose lunch box, soft drink
bottle etc. only in trash containers.
 All materials at site will be neatly stacked in the assigned

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location provided with suitable enclosures.
 Scrap generated at site will be removed on a day to day basis
by the respective technicians at the end of the shift everyday.
The concerned supervisors will be responsible for ensuring
this without fail.
 Packing materials, if any, shall be removed from the site
immediately after opening the boxes.
 Gas cylinders shall be kept in the floors in such a way that it
cannot be tipped inadvertently by anybody.
 Welding cables, power cables etc. will be laid in such a way
that it will not cause trip hazard.
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14.3 Barricades/ signs/ tags

 All dangerous parts of the machinery will be suitably guarded.

 All edges of the incomplete floors will be suitably barricaded.
 All the openings in floors, shafts etc will be either covered or
 Whenever any maintenance work is taken up in the
temporary electrical distribution network, caution boards such
as “Do not operate”, “Men at work” will be put up in the main
boards and it will be locked for further protection.
 Defective scaffoldings, ladders or power tools, if found during
the scheduled inspection, will be tagged immediately and will
be removed from service.
 If the edge protection or barricade is removed to gain access
to the prohibited locations to carry out any specific work
there, it will be replaced after the work is over.
 Information posters will be put up in appropriate locations
indicating the emergency telephone numbers, location of fire
extinguishers etc.
 No smoking signs and hot work prohibition signs will be
installed wherever required.
 Suitable safety posters and stickers will be arranged from
time to time.
 Posters indicating emergency telephone numbers will be kept
in the site office.
14.4 Safety inspection

 The site safety Officer/ Coordinator will inspect the entire site
on a regular basis and will give an inspection report
(Annexure -8) daily to the Project Manager. All unsafe
conditions pointed out by the safety Officer/ Coordinator will
be attended to by the respective area supervisor or the
foremen. It will be the responsibility of the concerned
engineers to ensure that the suggestions given by the safety
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Officer/ Coordinator are implemented.
 Safety Manager from HO will also inspect the site at a regular
frequency to check the implementation of the safety policy
and to incorporate any additional requirements in the safety
plan to strengthen the accident prevention efforts.
 All the site supervisors will inspect their site atleast once in a
day based on the checklist (Annexure - 6).
 Site safety Officer/ Coordinator will ensure that all
scaffoldings, ladder and power tools at site are recorded
properly and inspected on a regular basis as per the enclosed
formats (Annexures 3,4,5).
 He will also conduct periodical surveys to identify the target
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focus areas, so that the safety management of the site is on

the right path always.

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Name of Injured :
Card Number :
Category :
Nature / Extent of Injury :
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Witness of Accident :

Location of Accident :

Date & Time :

Circumstances & Description of the Accident :

Action Taken to prevent similar accidents in future :

Safety Officer/ Coordinator Project Manager

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(This inspection is to be carried out every week by the site safety Officer/

Mobile Scaffoldings


1. Is the scaffold approval system being
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followed properly?
2. Are the castor wheel locks in mobile
scaffold in good working condition? Are
the wheels being locked before the
workmen climb on it?
3. Has the height of the mobile scaffold
been restricted to 3.5 times the
minimum base width?
4. Are all the bracing in place?
5. Is the working platform provided with
handrail on all sides and toe board?
6. Are the planks tied to the scaffolding
7. Is the projection of the plank outside
the support restricted to 4 times the
thickness of the plank?
(but it should be more than 50mm)
8. Are the planks free from defects such
as knots, cracks, split ends, etc.?
9. Is there a proper access to the working
platform? Is it secured properly with the

After the inspection, the scaffolding is approved for work / sent for
Signature :
Name :
Date :

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This inspection is to be carried out by the site safety

Officer/ Coordinator every week.

Fixed scaffoldings

Check points Yes No Remarks
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Does the scaffold look straight in both vertical

and horizontal direction?
Is the scaffold provided with sole plate
2. wherever required and base plates in all the
vertical pipes?
Is the scaffold provided with adequate number
of bracings in all the directions?
Does the scaffold have enough number of ties
and are all the ties in place?
5. Does the scaffold have the approval tag?
Is the working platform of the scaffold provided
6. with planks without any gap, hand rail,
toeboard and a proper access from the ground?
Are the planks of the working platform tied
properly to prevent its toppling?
Are the pipes, couplers and the planks free
from any defects?
Is the scaffolding protected against the
movement of any construction machinery?

After the inspection, the scaffolding is approved for work / sent for

Signature :
Name :
Date :

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(This inspection is to be carried out every week by the site safety Officer/



Is the non slip base of the ladder in
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Is the lock provided in the ladder (if
any) in good condition?
Is there any sign of crack or bend in
the stile or rung?
Is the warning stickers / safety
4. instructions sheets kept on the ladder
Is there any defect in the locking
mechanism of the extension ladder?
Are the portable and straight ladders
6. placed at correct angle and secured
properly to prevent its slipping?
Is the ladder placed in such a way
that there is about 1.5 m projection
above the working platform, if it is
used as approach?
Is the ladder strong enough for the
8. worker to use it without another
worker holding it?

After the inspection, the ladder bearing the identification number

………… is sent for work / sent for repairs.

Signature :
Name :
Date :

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(This inspection is to be carried out every month by site electrician)

Portable Power Tools


1. Is there a provision for earthing the body of
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the tool?
2. Has a plug top been provided to the power
3. Is there any unusual sparking from inside
the machine?
4. Are the connections inside the machine well
5. Is there any vibration or unusual noise while
the machine is in operation?
6. Is there any leakage current on the body of
the tool?
7. Are all the rotating parts of the machinery
properly guarded? (Including the collapsible
guard in the angle cutter)
8. Is the cutting edge of tool (wherever
applicable) sharp enough and properly
connected to the machine?

After the inspection, the portable power tool bearing the

identification number …………is sent for work / sent for repairs.

Signature :
Name :
Date :

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(To be used by all the Site Supervisors)


Are the workmen clear about the
complete details about the work, with
particular reference to the correct
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method to be used?
Are they aware of the specific hazards
2. likely to be encountered while
performing the job?
Have they been briefed about the safety
3. precautions to be taken for the specific
Have the workmen been informed about
4. their responsibility to keep their
workplace neat and tidy?
Are they cleaning their work place at the
end of the job every day?
Is the work place free from all unsafe
Is there adequate lighting available at
the place of work?
Is there any fire hazard in and around
the work place?
Do the portable power tools having
earthing ? Are they protected by ELCB?
Is there proper approach to the place of
work for all the workmen?
Are the scaffolds and ladders being used
by workmen free from all defects?

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To be obtained before starting welding / gas cutting operation at


I have personally inspected to ensure that the fire precautions

mentioned here below have been complied with.
Exact location where hot work is being planned: ……………………..
Approximate duration of work: ………………….
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1 Has the area immediately below the work spot, Yes/No/NR

been cleared and oil, grease & waste cotton etc.
2 Have fire extinguishers been kept handy at site? Yes/No/NR
3 Has tin sheet / wet gunny bag / fire resistant Yes/No/NR
cloth been placed to prevent sparks from
4 Is there a flash back arrester installed in the gas Yes/No/NR

5 Are the gas cylinder and the fittings free from Yes/No/NR
any gas leakage?

6 Are the cylinders kept vertical and prevented Yes/No/NR

from toppling?

7 Do the operators have appropriate goggles, Yes/No/NR

gloves, face shield, apron etc. depending upon
the requirement of the job?

Name and Signature of the site supervisor

Any other precautions required to be taken :

…………………………… …..
……..Under the above conditions, hot work in the above area is
permitted for a duration of…………………..

Safety Officer/ Coordinator

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LOCATION: ……………………………… DATE:



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Inspected by:………………………………. Report to :………………….

Copy to :………………….

To be completed and returned within 24 hours to the Safety Officer/


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