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oo leer eS) UL) @ 00 Concepts Need of Operating System eens Cr Need of Operatin ACs | eee a bea a kd tg Le eye ea) i pe ee) aN Mele dal ee Sy Cat Se ca te SLA UU Some Common Terminology Came] ST STe- en 01 n - O.S Provides an Inte) ° Peer a poner EUR rlca) POUL MA Generations of OS > Third Generation(1965-1980) ST Cu eR Ce R Ce Ld Nua) | »second Generation(1980-Present) * Components :- Large Scale Pee) Cg Rd | k Types of OS Thank You. ar) Application.& Solve SACO sre tey Soe ae f A ed Generations of OS pa WC CEL) Ce SRT re > Second Generation(1955-1965) ee UCU UCU eur CICS a RU eC LE SCr)) * Components :- Integrated Circuits and Cer ey the system as a machine whichis easier to Me cen Ra an oud OP UCR Ld SSS els el ee SEO sis eS Se uC * Here, OS manages CPU, memory etc. Ba Ae 9 See ET Peres) Oe rete UE ur Pa ee aces ec DUE CA lene Top-Down View. OS :- Programmer’s m Multiprogramming foyer hina) A Ee Priyeshsir Vidhyapeeth Tilt i * A Multiprogramming OS provides the ability to run more than one program a ia ———_.)) SRN a ee ed ee = eed Pots . een ae * Memory s shared between OS and such kind of Programs) | ut Dee Ue Multipr in BT Sg Ln Or Objective. cy td A ce 2 2F- Ee) rd bie UMUC uaa ele a Orta ek Tod _ el key | Programmers do not have direct interaction with the job. ° RU ek tuk itd Erasing ee Mu enue Ta cr te MT Thank You. ay ORY AOL Bret Crt rly Ns 5 eee SYA) eee Batch Operating SA BST Sg PE Ay Introduction Input Devices ~ Card Readers, Tap Drives | =— -Line Printers, Punch Cards and Tap Drives. aT programs, data and some control informations. — Poet erty eS i computer available, run them batch wis. See rete rr cored tT OCre emer ed CA cy Batch Operating System rt DN aoe be EF Te Me Tah t=) 419 Aco ale Re nara, eye ea} eelaa-y elt INTRODUCTI DSO ee CoRR To SS RM Me MLR de Pod Tu Ue CT ay m=) *-HARD REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM, eam eer RA ar Trg eg sed TD | the primary of Time Sharing 5 is brit thst if eee aed eae Pasa cation Sl et ° thalso lows shasing of compstes 2mong sarious users Beye ee —<——— Re es eee eee te eared eet cere ee ed a MaMa Ta al 4 Operating System. SL A Introduction Pee errs BRS SEU eB} BEE eu RR CR menue util Pee eee) CUS Ne eienerant oad Sgesudaae eT ba Introduction ° Pu te US SOS CTE pe EY iia a) eae eT aca liy +i ll Girectly interact with the program, Pe) re CCC oO | Perens DA Objective, oro ie | is Bt PA PY Nene) ood BN leer tT au Ake SUR UICTU eu DPCM chs RM CUM ede t in caTh b| ee eum UCT simultaneously TCL Ong PA Thank You. Cownload DPP From Our Application,® Solve by Yourself, See SRUd CT strictly within the SIRO SUS Rud RS UU Ce LC Au a Ps feat tN =e =) pL Eee Hc aaa UR ee oo boty uy Au Senet SCs * Example :- Digital audio or Multimedia System, a Rss PA ng Required Features, aed use Ta A) fo quick ee Reed eur | rrr I Et) CC * Most of the processes are memory/resident for quick access. Su Ba TU Oar a SULT rai? CUCM OMe els re and —— Ca ety isters. the conditional code bits, which are set by comparision instructions, th TiS RR ELT Rigas) Ee Operating System Tu Processors and General Purpose Registers, a ey ele aia) Best k-ta) oe) et Operating System Eaten a - INTRODUCTION * Operating System services are divided in 2 Parts Pa a eA where primary goal is pe = ua ay CT cr) Crag etd enn a User Point of View ee cou ae Lu Ce — 2) ff i yy eg TD Ce Ca ert ECan mg ae Oe tt eed ag ere eye a ey 101g) eolaley ltd INTRODUCTION Reg a eaten Sua * Ideally, the memory should be extremely fast, abundantly large and dirt cheap. Priyeshsir Vidhyapeeth Memory Hierarchy RU ORCA UUL ae PG ety Pic KM AC Leda Mea (21 SOM RU Re uC ORCC 2 * after the decoding of the instruction, CPU will get to know that now the CPU intervention is not required for the execution of these BO LOR) URE Cea without the CPU's intervention, BRUCE MOR Na Te) PUT OC EOC RUT uC cls uu ee RUC UCC n Ss PO CL an) | by Yourself, Taian) #4 * In these method all the things will be done as discussed in busy waiting except, j Sms a aU od ] | Be aca tude = 2 Interrupt Re et tnd eee] when the task of the 1/o Processor gets over then teak a mura) bled Y Ot eee dee UR ett _ AU Tr eat tae #et to know that now the CPU intervention is ST aU en Cer re er Cts Caen Direct Memory Access (DIV anh Wi GE UU LLC LE I) i] rn ‘wanianh STO unl Lt, Converted ta pra eg POW RUC Un OP a CLs DR ee ak MicroKernel — SUE) ce Ue Cee EMC au CLL Be ce ee eu because bugs in the kernel can bring down the Pca OR reed arene a uc ing OS up into small well defined modules, only one See US Coe Eg Doe Client-Server Model err EE Me Re en eee ea eer ae ea ue Cd by LAN or WAN and communicate via message passing. * To obtain a service, a client construct a message saying — uu ET na RTT ie * The server then does the work and send back the answer Ey Cay System Call nt Saeed Monolithic System: Peetu ey Oe mur SE em Ld Se SUA ee koe aria CIE Der CO UC cuc aay terms of parameter and results, and each one is oR TE uae Ct Ceca nerd Monolithic Systems * Amain program that invoke the requested service eset * Asset of service procedures that carry out the system calls. * Aset of utility procedures that help the service procedure Operating System | Cet Jaret) 1} Sonera | Sc aL eed INTRODUCTION )=—*9 is a way for programs to interact with interface between a process and the operating Secu A computer program makes a system call when it Cu nari g Bue tg Priyeshsir Vidhyapeeth INTRODUCTION Se Or Koruna eu TEER rand co eeu Ca TR Ty dy Pu Cut

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