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This system is designed to handle user registration requests by incorporating a dynamic

naming mechanism to ensure unique user identifiers. When a new user requests
registration by submitting their name, the system checks if the name already exists in the
database. If the name is not found, it is added to the database, and the system responds
with an "OK," indicating successful registration.

However, if the requested name already exists, the system employs a naming strategy to
generate a new, unique name. The generated name follows a specific rule: numerical
suffixes (starting from 1) are appended to the original name (name1, name2, etc.). The
system then identifies the smallest available numerical suffix (i) such that the newly
formed name does not already exist in the database.

The system sends this modified name as a prompt to the user, signifying their successful
registration under the adjusted identifier. Additionally, the system updates the database
with the newly generated name to maintain a record of all registered users and their
unique identifiers. This process ensures that each user in the system has a distinct name,
even in cases where there are naming conflicts during registration.


1 Introduction 1

2 Aim of the Project 2

2.1 Advantages & Disadvantages 2-4


4 Flow Chart 6

5 Algorithm 7

6 Implementation 8-10

7 Integration and System Testing 11-12

8 Conclusion 13

9 Future Enhancements 14

10 15

In the digital age, it is essential for users to have unique and secure identities when
engaging with online services. A user registration system is a crucial component of
many online platforms, enabling users to create accounts and access their data. This
system plays a vital role in ensuring user privacy, preventing unauthorized access,
and maintaining the integrity of the platform.

The user registration system typically involves a user submitting their desired
username and other personal information, such as their name, email address, and
password. The system then validates the user's information, checks for duplicate
usernames, and stores the user's data securely. Upon successful registration, the user
is granted access to the platform's features and services.

1. Register User Function:

• This function takes the name provided by the user during registration.
• If the name is not already in the system, it registers it and returns "OK" to
confirm successful registration.
• If the name already exists, it generates a modified name by adding a numerical
suffix to ensure uniqueness and returns this modified name.
2. Check Name Existence Function:
• Given a user-provided name, this function checks whether the name already
exists in the system.
• If the name is found, it returns True; otherwise, it returns False.
3. Generate Unique Name Function:
• When there's a naming conflict, this function takes an existing name and
appends numerical suffixes until it finds a unique name.
• It returns the modified, unique name.
4. Update Database Function:
• After a successful registration, this function updates the system's database
with the provided name (either original or modified).
5. Prompt User Function:
• This function takes the newly generated unique name and creates a message
prompt for the user.
• The prompt confirms the successful registration and provides the user with
their unique identifier in the system.
6. Main Registration Process Function:
• This function orchestrates the entire registration process.
• It checks if the user-provided name exists, generates a unique name if needed,
updates the database, and finally prompts the user.
• The output is the confirmation message or the modified unique name for the
user to use.

2. AIM OF THE PROJECT:- The aim of the user registration system is to provide a secure and
efficient way for users to create accounts and access online platforms.

2.1 Advantages:-

1. Uniqueness Assurance:

The system guarantees that each user in the database has a unique identifier, preventing
naming conflicts and ensuring data integrity.

2. Automatic Conflict Resolution:

The system autonomously resolves naming conflicts, alleviating the burden on users and
minimizing the likelihood of errors during registration.

3. User-Friendly Experience:

Users receive prompt feedback on successful registration, including a modified name if

needed, contributing to a seamless and positive user experience.

4. Scalability:

The dynamic naming strategy supports scalability, enabling the system to handle a
growing number of users without compromising the uniqueness of identifiers.

5. Efficiency in Handling Duplicates:

The system efficiently manages cases where users inadvertently choose names already
in use, reducing the need for manual intervention and enhancing the overall efficiency of
the registration process.

6. Clear User Identification:

Users are provided with a clear and distinct identifier within the system, enhancing
clarity and reducing confusion in cases of modified names.

7. Adaptability to Changing Data:

The system can adapt to changes in the user database over time, ensuring that new
registrations are seamlessly integrated without disrupting existing data

8. Reduced User Involvement in Conflict Resolution:

Users are not burdened with resolving naming conflicts. Instead, the system handles the
process automatically, simplifying the registration process for users.

9. Maintains Database Integrity:

By ensuring unique names for each user, the system maintains the integrity of the user
database, preventing data corruption or inaccuracies due to duplicate entries.

10. Enhanced System Robustness:

The dynamic naming mechanism contributes to the robustness of the system, allowing it
to handle various user scenarios effectively and adapt to changing user requirements.


1. Algorithmic Complexity:

The dynamic naming algorithm may become complex as the number of users in the system
grows, potentially affecting system performance.

2. Potential Name Ambiguity:

Users might find it confusing if their names are automatically modified without clear
understanding, leading to potential dissatisfaction or misunderstandings.

3. Loss of User Preferences:

Automatically generating names may lead to a loss of user-preferred identifiers, as the system
modifies names without considering user preferences.

4. Dependency on Naming Rules:

The system's effectiveness relies on the rules used to generate modified names. If these rules
are not well-defined, it may lead to unexpected or undesirable outcomes.

5. Limited Customization:

Users might have limited control over their identifiers, which could be a disadvantage for
those who prefer a high degree of customization in their usernames.

6. System Downtime Impact:

The system's reliance on dynamic naming may impact user registration during system
downtime or maintenance, potentially causing delays or disruptions.

7. Privacy Concerns:

Users may be concerned about the privacy implications of having their names automatically
modified, even if it's for the purpose of ensuring uniqueness.

8. Increased System Overhead:

The need to constantly check and modify names could result in increased system overhead,
affecting resource utilization and potentially leading to performance issues.

9. Difficulty in Name Retrieval:

If users need to retrieve their names later, the automatically generated names might be less
memorable, making it challenging for users to recall their identifiers.

10. Resistance to Change:

Users may resist or find it difficult to adapt to a system that automatically modifies their
chosen names, especially if they are accustomed to more traditional registration processes.

The major software requirements of the project are as follows:
Language : C
Operating System: Windows Xp or later.


The hardware requirements that map towards the software are as follows:

RAM : At least 8GB is required

Processor : Intel Core i5 and more is good for using c programming and many more if
MAC company is also good to using a code


STEP 1:start

STEP 2: Initialize an empty set or array to represent the system database.

STEP 3: Prompt the user to enter their name.

STEP 4: If the entered name does not exist in the database:

a. Insert the name into the database.

b. Display "OK" to the user, confirming successful registration.

STEP 5: If the name already exists:

a. Initialize a counter i to 1.

b. While (name + i) exists in the database, increment i.

c. Generate a new name by appending i to the original name.

d. Display the new name as a prompt to the user.

e. Insert the new name into the database.

STEP 6: Repeat the registration process as needed.

STEP 7:End


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 20

#define MAX_USERS 100

struct User {

char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];


struct Database {

struct User users[MAX_USERS];

int count;


int isNameExists(struct Database* db, const char* name) {

for (int i = 0; i < db->count; ++i) {

if (strcmp(db->users[i].name, name) == 0) {

return 1; // Name exists

return 0; // Name does not exist

void generateNewName(struct Database* db, char* newName, const char* originalName)


int i = 1;

do {

sprintf(newName, "%s %d", originalName, i);


} while (isNameExists(db, newName));

void registerUser(struct Database* db, const char* name) {

if (isNameExists(db, name)) {

char newName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

generateNewName(db, newName, name);

printf("Username '%s' already exists. Try '%s' instead.\n", name, newName);

strcpy(db->users[db->count].name, newName);

} else {

strcpy(db->users[db->count].name, name);


printf("Registration successful. Welcome, %s!\n", db->users[db->count - 1].name);

int main() {

struct Database userDatabase;

userDatabase.count = 0;

while (1) {

char inputName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

printf("Enter your name: ");

scanf("%s", inputName);

if (strlen(inputName) > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) {

printf("Name is too long. Maximum length is %d characters.\n", MAX_NAME_LENGTH);



registerUser(&userDatabase, inputName);

printf("Do you want to register another user? (Y/N): ");

char choice;

scanf(" %c", &choice);

if (choice != 'Y' && choice != 'y') {


return 0;


Screen Shots:


The system described implements a user registration process where each user is
identified by a unique name. The registration process involves checking if the provided
name already exists in the system database. If the name is unique, it is inserted into
the database, and the user receives an "OK" response, indicating successful
registration. However, if the name is already in use, the system generates a new name
by appending numbers starting from 1 to the original name until a unique name is
found. This new name is then sent to the user as a prompt, and both the user-provided
name and the new prompt are inserted into the database.

In conclusion, this registration system ensures that every user has a unique name in
the database. If a user-provided name is already taken, the system provides an
alternative by appending numbers until a unique name is found. This approach helps
in maintaining a consistent and unique identification system for users within the

9.Future Enhancements:-

• Multi-factor authentication (MFA):

Implement MFA to strengthen user authentication by requiring additional verification

factors beyond just username and password, such as one-time passwords (OTPs) or
biometric authentication.

•Social login integration:

Allow users to register or sign in using their existing social media accounts, providing a
more convenient and seamless registration process.

• Progressive profiling:

Gather user information gradually over time, allowing users to control the level of
information they share and reducing the initial registration burden.

• Adaptive risk assessment:

Implement risk-based authentication, dynamically adjusting authentication

requirements based on user behavior, device characteristics, and potential threats.

• Context-aware registration:

Personalize the registration process based on user context, such as device type, location,
or time of day, to provide a more relevant and user-friendly experience.

• Self-service account management:

Empower users to manage their accounts independently, including changing passwords,

updating profile information, and resolving account issues.

• Data privacy and compliance:

Enhance data privacy measures, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations
and providing users with clear transparency and control over their data.

• Continuous security monitoring:

Implement continuous security monitoring to detect and prevent unauthorized access,

data breaches, and other security threats.

• AI-powered user profiling:

Leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze user data and create personalized user
profiles, enabling targeted marketing, tailored recommendations, and enhanced user


1. Database Management Systems (DBMS):

2. A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship:

3. User authentication and authorization best practices:

• National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Digital Identity

• OWASP Authentication Cheat

4. Unique identifier generation algorithms:

• UUID (Universally Unique

• Hashing functions for unique identifier

5. Database design for user management:

• Entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) for user

• Normalization principles for efficient data


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