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Republic of the Philippines


Zabali, Baler, Aurora

Module in Contemporary World


It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity-Kofi Annan

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

a. Define what Globalization is and what it stands for in our contemporary world;
b. Identify the underlying philosophies of the varying definitions of globalization; and
c. Equip students with 21st century learning and develop higher order thinking skills that will lead
towards a deeper understanding of globalization and its role in the world.

Let’s Discuss!

- Process of world shirankage, of distance getting shorter, things moving closer. (Thomas Larsson).
- Intensification of worlwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local
happenings are shaped by events accuring many miles away. (Giddens)
- Refers both to the compression of the world amd the intensification of conciousness of the world as a
whole. (Robertson)
- It is the process of interaction and integration between people, companies andgovernment worldwide.

The task of defining Globalization

1. Broad and Inclusive

-Globalization means the onset of the boardless world. It can include a variety of issues that deal with
overcoming traditional boundaries. Describes the opportunity by which the people or factors behind a
certain development in a country benefit as well.

2. Narrow and Exclusive

-The characteristics of the globalization trend include the internationalizing of production, the new
international division of labor, new migratory movemnets from south to North, the new competitive
environment that accelerates the process, and the internationalizing of the state...making states into
agencies of the globalizing world.

Metaphors of Globalization

 Solid

Solidity refers to barriers that prevent or make difficult the movement of things. Solid can either be
natural or manmade.
Landforms and bodies of water
Man-made barrier great wall of China and Berlin wall

 Liquid
As a state of matter, takes the shape of its container.
Liquidity refers to the increasing ease of movement of people, things, information, and places. Today’s
liquid phenomena change quickly and their aspects, spatial and temporal, are in continous fluctuation.
This means that space and time are crucial elements of globalization

In global finance, changes in the stock market is a matter of seconds.
Vidoes uploaded on youtube or facebook are unstoppable once they become viral.
The forces made political boundaries more permeable to the flow of people and things.

 Flow
Movement of people, things, places and information brought by the growing”porosity” of global
limitations. In global financial system, national borders are porous. This means that a financial crisis in
a given country can bring ramifications to other regions of the world.

Foreign cuisines being patronized and consumed by the filipinos.
Poor illegal migrants flooding many parts of the world
Virtual flow of legal and illegal information such as blogs and child pornography.

Causes of Globalization Effects of globalization

1. Improved communication 1. Changed food supply
2. Freetrade agreement 2. Division of labor
3. Improved transportation 3. Less job security
4. Promotes global banking 4. Damage to the environment
5. Improved product 5. Terrorism
6. Increase mobility of labour 6. Disease outbreak
7. Competition of technology

Globalization theories

 Homogeneity refers to the increasing sameness in the world as cultural inputs, economic factors
and political orientations of societies expand to create common practices, same economies and
similar forms of governments.
a. Homogeneity in culture-linked to cultural imperialism, this means a given culture influences other
b. Homogeneity in economy- there is a recognition of the spread of neoliberalism, capitalism and the
market economy in the world.
c. Homogeneity in politics- the emerging similar models of governance in the world.

Media imperialism undermines the existence of alternative global media originating from developing
Bollywood, movies, gadgets

Mcdonaldization it is the process by which western societies are dominated by the principles of of fast food
restaurant. It involves the global spread of rational systems such as efficiency, calculability, predictability and

Efficiency-social norms for both workers andconsumers

Calculability-emphasis on speed in prep and consumption

Predictability-products, settings, employeeand cutomer behaviorbasically the same globally

Control-comes from technologies, resultingin a less customizedexperience for the consumer.

 Heterogeniety

-Pertains to the creation of various cultural practices, new econimies, and political groups because of he
interaction of elements from different societies in the world.

-Refers to the differences because of either lasting differences or of the hybrids or combinations of cultures that
can be produced through the different transplanetary processes.


Interpenetration of the global and the local to produce unique outcomes in different geographic areas.

Dynamics of Local and Global Culture

 Cultural Differentialism
-Emphasizes the fact that cultures are essentially different and are only superficially affected by global flows.
-Defines culture as a clearly bound entity with a specific geological location. Diverse cultures have dictinctions
which allows observers to identify a specific component of a culture from another

French culture or Chinese culture each is dictinct from another.
Each country has its own language, values, norms symbol.

 Cultural hybridization
-Emphasizes the integration of local and global cultures.
-Mixing of cultures leading to unique combinations of those cultures that are not reducible to either global or
local cultures.
-defined the development of new cultural forms out of existing ones through a period of contact and interaction.

Language, Music

 Cultural convergence
-Approach stresses homogeneity introduced by globalization. Cultures are deemed to be radically altered by
strong flows while cultural imperialism happens when one culture imposes itself on and tends to destroyat least
parts of another culture. Deterritorialization means that it is much more difficult to tie culture to a specific
geographic point of origin
-When cultures are subject to many same global flows and tend to grow more alike.

The Globalization of Religion

-globalization has played a tremendous role in providing a context for the current revival and the resurgence of

-scholte (2005)- accelerated globalization of recent times has enabled co-religionist across the planet to have
greater direct contact with one another.

Origin and history of Globalization

a. Hardwired- connected to four aspects of globalization-tade, missionary, work, adventures and

b. Cycle-long term cyclical process, notion suspected that soonwill disappear and reappear.
c. Epoch- these are also called “waves” and each has its own origin.

The following are the sequential occurence of the epochs:

1. Globalization of religion (fourth to seventh centuries)

2. European colonial conquests(late fifteenth century)
3. Intra-european wars (late eighteenth to early nineteenth century to 1918)
4. Heyday of European imperialism(mid-nineteenth century to 1918)
5. Post-world war II period
6. Post-cold war period

d. Events – explain not only the origin but also the history of globalization
Birth of Jesus Christ, Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America in 1942.
Activity 1:Personal Concept Map
Make your own concept map by using the words associated with Globalization

Activity 2: The World Made Closer

In this activity, you are to see the actual application of globalization on the different aspects of daily life
such as politics, music, sports, film, celebrity and disaster.

1. Answer the following questions:

a. Enumerate at least three of the most recent songs you have listened. Where did they originate? Identify
the nationality of the writer and/or artist for each music.


b. What gadgets or devices do you usually use to listen to music?

c. Where were these gadgets or devices made? Where is the company based?
d. How did you access these music? Did you purchase them online or listen to them through youtube,
spotify, and other music channels?
2. What metaphors are you going to use in order to improve your own definition of globalization?

Activity 3 “The Poet in Me”

Compose a short poem about Globalization
Chapter 2: The Global Economy

Trade is the oldest and most important economic nexus among nations. Indeed, trade along with war has been
central to the evolution of international relations-Robert Gilpin

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Know what is economic globalization;
b. Identify the actors that facilitate economic globalization;
c. Define the modern world system;
d. Articulate a stance on global economic integration


8 Millennium Development Goals of UN

1. Eradication of extreme proverty and hunger

2. Achieving universal primary education
3. Promoting gender equality and women empowerment
4. Reducing child mortality
5. Improving maternal health
6. Combating diseases like HIV/AIDS and malaria
7. Ensuring environmental sustainability
8. Having global partnership for development

Economic Globalization

-refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing scale of cross-border
trade of commodities and services,flow of international capital, and wide raprd spread of technologies.

-it reflects the continuing expansion and mutual integration of market frontiers, and is an irreversible trend for
the economic development in the whole world at the turn of the millennium.

Two types of economy

a. Protectionism
- means a policy of systematic government intervention in foreign trade with the objective of
encouraging domestic production.
- this encouragement involves giving preferential treatment to domestic producers and discriminating
against foreign competitors.
-it usually comes in the form of tariff and quotas
b. Trade liberalization/free trade
-Goods and services move around the world more easily than ever.
-removal or reduction of restrictions or barriers on the free exchange of goods between nations.
Fair trade
-it is the concern for the social economic and environmental well-being of marginalized small producers.

 Economic globalization and sustainable development

Sustainable development

-the development of our world today by using the earth’s resources and the preservation of such resources for
the future.

The continous production of the world’s natural resources, such as water and fossil fuel allows humanity to
discover and innovate things. We were able to utilize energy,discover new technologies, and make advancement
in transportation and communication.

 Environmental Degradation

-This is the period of human history that made possible the cycle of efficiency.

-Effeciency means finding the quikest possible way of producing large amounts of a particular product. This
process made buying of good easier for the people.

-detorioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water, soil.

Destruction of ecosystems, habitat detruction,extinction of wildlife, pollution.

 Food security

-Delivering sufficient food to entire world population. The security of food also means the sustainablity of
society such as population growth, climate chane, water scarcity, and agriculture.

-as defined by the United Nation’s Committee on world food security, means that all people, at all times, have
physical, social and economic access to suffiecient, safe and nutritious food that meets their food preferences
and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.

 Economic globalization, poverty and inequality

Multiplier effect

-means increase in one economic activity can lead to an increase in other economic activities.

Inequality is concerned with the full disribution of well-being. Poverty is focused on the lower end of the
distribution only.
 Global income inequality
-globalization and inequality are closely related. Income inequality is the gap between rich and poor. It
is the state of an economy in which the shares of total income earned by the rich and poor are highly

The Modern World System

Immanuel Wallerstein
Was an American sociologist and economic historian. He is perhaps best known for his development of
the general approach in sociology which led to the emergence of his world-systems approach.
 Core

-Described high-income nations of the world economy.

-this is the manufacturing base of the planet where resources funnel in to become the technology and wealth
enjoyed by the Western world today.

 Periphery

-Low income countries, whose natural resources and labor support the wealthier countries, first as colonies and
now by working for multinational corporations under neo-colonialism.

-remains economically dependent on the core in a number ways, which tend to reinforce each other.

 Semi-periphery

-middle income countries such as India or Brazil due to their closer ties to the global economic core.

Acivity 1 “Caricature of Globalization”

In a short bond paper, Draw a caricature that depict the various negative or positive facets associated
with Globalization.

Activity 2 Essay
In the case of the Philippines, how much do you think are we involved in the modern world
system? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of being a part of such?

Activity 3: Where do I belonged

1. Identify whether the following countries fall under core, periphery, or semi-periphery category.

Australia China Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Sudan

Bangladesh France Italy Mexico Singapore Turkey
Brazil Germany Japan Nepal South Africa UK
Canada Hungary Kenya Nigeria Spain USA
Chile India Madagascar panama Sri lanka Uruguay

Chapter 3: Market Integration

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

a. Expalin the role of international financial institutions in the creation of a global economy;
b. Identify the attributes of global corporations;
c. Narrate a short history of global market integration in the twentieth century.


Three Sector of Economic System

1. Primary sector-extract raw materials from natural environment


Mining, forestry, agriculture, hunting, fishing, farming

2. Secondary sector- gains the raw materials and transforms them into manufactured good.


Manufacturing, construction

3. Tertiary sector- involves service rather than goods. Includes activities which renders services to the
other two sectors. These activities dont produce a good but a support for the production process.


Professionals, entertainment, transporatation.

International Financial Instittions

World economies have been brought closer together by globalization. It is reflected in the phrase “when
the American economy sneezes, the rest of the world catches cold.”

The Bretton Woods System

Known as the keystone international economic organizations (KIEOs) due to their central role in trade,
development and monetary relations.

Five key elements

1. Expression of currency in terms of gold or gold value to establish a par value
2. The official monetary authority in each country would agree to exchange its own currency for those of
other countries at the established exchange rates, plus or minus a one-percent margin.
3. Establishment of an overseer for these exchange rates.
4. Eliminating restrictions on the currencies of member statesin the international trade.
5. The U.S dollar became the global curency.

International Monetary Fund

-promote global monetary cooperation and international financial stability.

-provide short-term loan to prevent devaluation and retain the state’s fixed exchange rate in instances of the
temporary balance payment defecits.

-its main goal was to help countries which were in trouble at that time and who could not obtain money by any

World Bank

-grant long-term loans for the economic development of less developed countires and the reconstruction of war-
torn countries in Europe.

-reduce extreme poverty while adressing the imperfections of global capital markets continues to be secondary

General Agreement on Traiffs and Trade (GATT)

-was established in 1947 and it was a forum for the meeting of representatives from 23 member countries.

-it focused on trade goods through multinational trade agreements conducted in amy rounds of negotiation.

-its purpose is to avoid trade wars by rasing protectionist barriers as witnessed during the interwar period.

Word Trade Oragnaization (WTO)

-headquartes is located in Geneva, Switzerland with 152 member staes as of 2008.

-independent multilateral organization that became reponsible for tarde in services, non-tariff-related barriers to
trade, and other broader areas of trade liberalization.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

-the most encompassing club of the richest countries in the world with 35 member states as of 2016, with Latvia
as its latest member.

-it is highly influential, despite the group having little formal power.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

-originally comprised of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, Venezuela. Thay are still part of the major exportes
of oil in the world today.
-was formed because member countries wanted to increase the price of oil, which in the past had a reatvely low
price and had failed in keeping up with inflation.

European Union (EU)

-made up of 28 member states.

-aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within the internal market.

North American free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

-is a trade pact between the United States, Mexico, and Canada created on January 1, 1994 when Mexico joined
the two other nations.

-helps in developing and expanding world trade by broadeneing international cooperation. It also aim to
increase the coopeartion for improving working conditions in North America by reducing barriers to trade as it
expands the markets of the three countries.

Global Corporations

Multinational or transnational corporation (MNCs or TNCs)

-companies that extend beyond the boarders of one country.

-they intentionally surpass national boarders and take advantage of opportunities in different countries to
manufacture, distribute, market, and sell their products.

-often locate their factories in countries which can provide the cheapest laborin order to save up fot expenses in
the making of a product.

Acivity 1:Film Viewing “The Corporation”

The corporation is an award-winning documentary film that examines the modern-day corporation directed by
Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott. In a 1 whole sheet of paper, write a reflection based on what you have
understand in the film.
Chapter 4: The Global Interstate System

“No nation can make itself secure by seeking supremacy over all others. We all share responsibility for each other’s
security, and only by working to make each other secure can we hope to achieve lasting security for ourselves”. –Kofi

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

a. Explain the effects of globalization on governments;
b. Differentiate internationalism from globalism;
c. Identify the possible solutions to the problems in the United Nations structure and dynamics.


Global Governance in the Twenty-First century

United Nation

-serves as the primary organization for international cooperation, peace, and security.

Economic and social Council’s (ECOSOC)

-primary objective is to advance the economic, social and environmental dimensions for sustainable

-it serves as the gateway of the UN’s partnership with the rest of the world for the coordination,policy review,
dialogue, recommendations and implementaion of international development goals.

Trusteeship Council

-was established as a main organ of the UN to provide international supervision of Trust Territories that are
under the administration of seven-mamebr states, to ensure the adequate steps are being made to prepare the
people of Trust Territories for self-governance.

International Court of Justice

-is the United Nation’s principal judicial organ.

-its role is to settle legal disputes between states and to provide advisory opinions on leagl questions reffered by
the UN organs and specialized agencies, in accordnace to international law.

Security Council
-is the most potent organ with the power to make legally binding resoultions.

-it is compromised of the strongest military states and is a concrete manifestation of the reality of power

Factors in the emergence of global governance

 The declining power of the nation-states

 The vast flows of all sort of things that run into and often right through the borders of nation states.
 Mass migration of people and their entry, often illegally into various nations.
 The flow of criminal elements as well as their products.

Effects of Globalization to Government

 Each state has its own right to self-determination and that other country should not intervene in the
affairs of that state unless thare are extraordinary reasons to do so.
 Other countries must recognize sovereignty or the right of the government to those who are governed.
 Each state is autonomous unto itself and responisible within its own system of government to those who
are governed.
 The decisions, the conflict and the resolution of that conflict are done through the institutions of
government established and codified in that particular state.

Element of State

 Permanent population

-population that is present in one location. it is also the whole number of people who live in a specific place.

 Territory

-this is the location/place for the population to thrive and it has clear boundaries.

-it is a geographic are belonging to or under the juridiction of a governmental authority.

 Government

-it is a group of people who have the ultimate authority to act on behalf of a state.

- it regulates relations among its people and with other state.

 Sovereignity

-in is the country or state independent authority and right to govern itself.

 State
- A politically organized body of people usually ocuppying a definite territory.

Non- Governmental Organization

-commonly referred as NGO’s, usually non-profit and sometimes international organizations, independent of
government and international governmental organization that are active in humanitarian, educational. Health
care, public policy, social human rights, environmental, and other to affects changes according to their

1. The Red Cross or Red Crescent (Muslim countries)

-was first used by ICRC volunteers during the armed conflict between the ottoman empire and Russia (1876-
1878). The symbol was adopted in 1929 and so far 33 states in the Muslim have recognized it.

-it was first used by its successor nation Turkey, followed by Egypt. From its official recognition emblem of
nearly every national society in countries with majority Muslim populations.

2. Doctors without Borders

-provides medical humanitarian assistance in more than 70 countries. We have offices in 21 countries:
Australia. Autria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hongkong, Italy,
Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and US.


-a confederation of 20 independent charitable organizations of focusing on the alleviation of global poverty,

founded in 1942. It is based in Oxford England.

4. Amnesty International

-a London based non-governmental organization focused on human rights. The organization claims to have
more than seven million members and supports around the world.

5. Save the Children

-believes every children deserves a future. Give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and
protection from harm.

Global Economic Association

1. World Trade Organization (WTO)

-the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.

-it operates a global system of trade rules

-it act as a form for negotiating trade agreements.

-it settlers trades disputes between it members.

2.The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

-an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico and United States creating a trilateral trade bloc in North America.

-has been beneficial to the North American economies and the average citizen, but harmed a small monitory of
workers in industries, exposed to trade competition.
Activity: Essay

1. How do we make Globalization more just?

2. How is the state affected by globalization? How is the nation affected by globalization?

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