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Analyzing Impact of Smoking on students physical health Towards Academic Performance


Smoking can have several negative effects on a student's physical health, including decreased lung function, increased risk
of respiratory infections, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. These health issues can ultimately impact a student's academic
performance by leading to decreased concentration, fatigue, and absence from school due to illness.

Effects of Smoking on Physical Health: The detrimental effects of smoking on physical health have been the
subject of numerous studies. A study by Johnson et al. (2015) found that smoking is linked to a higher incidence of respiratory
issues, such as asthma and chronic bronchitis. Moreover, smoking has been connected to heart conditions such coronary artery
disease and hypertension (Smith et al., 2018). The general well-being and academic achievement of students can be greatly
impacted by these physical health problems.

Effect of Smoking on Academic Achievement: A number of research have looked into the relationship between smoking
and academic achievement. According to a 2016 study by Brown et al., smoking among students was linked to worse academic
performance and less passion for learning. Similarly, smoking in adolescence was associated with worse academic achievement in
adulthood, according to a longitudinal study by Anderson et al. (2019). These results imply that smoking has a detrimental impact on
pupils' academic performance, possibly as a result of diminished cognitive function and focus issues.

According to; Song, H., Yang, X., Yang, W. et al. 2023 (Published: 07/03/ 2023).Cigarettes smoking and e-cigarettes using
among university students: a cross-section survey in Guangzhou, China, 2021. BMC Public Health 23, 438 (2023). There is an
increase in the use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes worldwide, and the similar trends may be observed in young adults. Since
2014, e-cigarettes have become the most commonly used nicotine products among young adults 4:e2118788, 202(Sun et al.,
JAMA Netw Open 1). With the increase in e-cigarette use and the decrease in use of cigarettes and other tobacco products,
however, there is limited information about Chinese smokers, e-cigarettes users and trends in cigarettes and e-cigarettes use
among university students. Therefore, our objective was to investigate the using of cigarettes, e-cigarettes and smoking
behavior among the students from 7 universities in Guangzhou, China.

Smoking Beliefs Among Chinese Secondary School Students: A Theory-Based Qualitative Study

According to :Zhao , Xiang; White, Katherine M,China has the world’s greatest number of smokers but theory-based smoking
interventions are rare. To develop an effective intervention, understanding the determinants of Chinese adolescent smoking is
crucial. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is empirically supported to predict and assist in informing intervention strategies to
change health-related behaviors. Based on the TPB, the elicitation of shared smoking beliefs among adolescents can inform future
intervention designs among this at-risk population.

The association between cigarette smoking attitudes and social capital among Iranian health and medical
students: a cross-sectional study

According to :Zahedi, H., Sahebihagh, M.H., Sarbakhsh, P. et al(Published10 July 2020).

Smoking remains a leading public health challenge globally. As a psychosocial determinant of health, social capital can
influence health attitudes and behaviors, and thus it may have the capacity to reduce smoking rates. The aim of this
research was to examine the association between social capital and attitudes towards smoking among university
students.(Published10 July 2020)


Cigarettes smoking and e-cigarettes using among university students: a cross-

section survey in Guangzhou, China, 2021.

Author:Song, H., Yang, X., Yang, W. et alReceived20 August 2022 Accepted28 February 2023

Published:07 March 2023
Smoking Beliefs Among Chinese Secondary School Students: A Theory-Based Qualitative Study
Author:Zhao, Xiang; White, Katherine M

Nicotine & Tobacco Research


Oxford University Press


Zahedi, H., Sahebihagh, M.H., Sarbakhsh, P. et al. The association between cigarette smoking attitudes
and social capital among Iranian health and medical students: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 21, 1366

Received12 April 2021

Accepted30 June 2021
Published10 July 2021
Author :Zahedi, H., Sahebihagh, M.H., Sarbakhsh, P. et al.

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