Congress Ministries

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People also were unable to become a part of Muslim League due to lack
of offices.

Efforts of Jinnah to reconstruct Muslim

Jinnah after coming back to India from his self-exile stated to concentrate
towards the weaknesses of Muslim League. Following are the measures he took to make
Muslim League popular among the Muslim masses;

1. He visited many colleges and universities and met many students. He asked them to
participate in Muslim Politics to help their community to achieve its goals. He made them
believe that they are the future and they have to play their role.
2. Muslim League opened new offices in many different cities across the country to
accommodate more Muslims. This helped in spreading the message of Muslim League.
3. He travelled across India to get support from Muslims living in all parts of the country.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi

Congress Rule and difficulties faced by Muslims (1937-

After a comprehensive victory Congress was able to form their government in 8
out of 11 provinces. In 5 of them they formed single party government and in other three
they formed coalition governments. Before taking oath Congress party made it sure that
there is no check on their ministries that is why they said that they will not take oath until
British assure that the governors of the provinces will not use their emergency powers.
After forming government Congress brought all the changes they wanted to
without considering the feeling of other communities’ particularly Muslim community.
Immediately after taking control Congress started to pass draconian laws which were
offensive to Muslims. Many Muslims living in the Congress provinces started to complain
to Muslim League. In March 1938 a committee of 8 members was formed to find out
about the grievances of Muslims. The chairman of this committee was Raja Syed
Muhammad Mehdi of Pirpur. The report came out in November 1938 which identified
and discussed the atrocities of Congress. Then another report came out in March 1939
known as Shareef Report which served the same purpose. Lastly Fazul Haq Report was
prepared to find out the atrocities faced my Muslims in provinces under Congress
Ministries. Following are the findings of these reports which describe the true picture of
Muslims of Hindu majority areas;

1. Ban on Azan:
The congress ministries banned “Azan” on loud speakers in their provinces. This
was a step which infuriated Muslims living in these provinces. Muslims are bound to
observe “Namaz” and “Azan” is the call for it. By taking this step they showed that they
do no care about other religions.

2. Ban on slaughtering of cows:

Cow is one of those animals which are not forbidden by Allah for Muslims. It also
is a main meat source for Muslims across the world. On “Eid -ul-Azha” Muslims sacrifice
animals in the path of Allah and cow is the main choice of most.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
3. Disturbances during worships in mosques: 0322-2391591,
The congress supporters and Hindus used to conduct noisy processions during the
‘namaz’ time which was disturbing Muslims. Then in some places it was reported that
some fanatic Congress supporters threw dead pigs in Mosques.

4. Education Policy:
A new education policy was introduced under the title of Wa rdha Scheme. There
were many new proposals which were not acceptable to Muslims living in Congress
Provinces. The religious education was not allowed at any level. This way the Muslim
families thought that their children will slowly get far from their reli gion. Then the Hindu
principle of ‘Ahinsa’ was propagated on a large scale according to which one should not
resort to violence at any cost. On the other hand Islam also teaches about the peace but it
also tells Muslims to fight in the name of Allah, Jihad if someone tries to wage war against

5. Schools and colleges:

Students of schools and colleges were supposed to pay respect to the portrait of
Gandhi on their way into the building. This was again an act which Muslims cannot
accept. Then in schools and colleges the practice of making thread by throwing wheel
was adopted. This was a political symbol of Congress which was started by Gandhi.

6. Wande Mataram:
A Hindu nationalist song was written by a Bengali writer. This song gave the
message that India is a sacred land only for Hindus and all the other people including
Muslims are outsiders.

Day of Deliverance 22 nd December 1939:

In September 1939 World War II started and again England was involved in it.
The government of England asked for support in the war from Indians. The people of
India replied that they will only support British in this war if they get complete
independence from British rule.
When British government did not accept this demand Congress party resigned from all of


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