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Configuration Steps for the New GL in ECC 5.

Configure Real-Time Integration of Controlling with Financial Accounting

CO allocation entries do not automatically update FI. In certain cases these allocations
affect FI reporting (e.g. an internal order from Company Code 1 settles to a cost center in
Company Code 2). In previous SAP releases, it was necessary to configure a
Reconciliation Ledger which kept track of these allocations and, periodically, a summary
adjustment posting was made to the GL. This has now been replaced by real-time
updates in the GL.

The following Controlling Area settings impact this configuration (Controlling ®

General Controlling ® Organization ® Maintain Controlling Area)

If the new GL is being activated at an existing site, the Reconciliation Ledger will already
be activated (grayed out.)
Design point – for new implementations, it may still be desirable to activate this indicator
should the reports produced from the Reconciliation Ledger (report groups 5A*) be of

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The second Controlling Area setting of interest:

The reconciliation between FI and CO at the Company Code level is not possible unless
this indicator has been activated in the Controlling Area. (In existing implementations,
the indicator is activated automatically once the assignment Control has been set to
“Cross-company-code cost accounting”.)

The IMG looks like this:

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Define Variants for Real-Time Integration

Clicking on New Entries produces:

Account determination defaults as “Active”, which explains the information message to

define the GL accounts to be used when the reconciliation postings are generated.

As an example, these settings were made:

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Assign the variant a name – COFI in this case.
Activated real-time integration.
Document type – used for reconciliation postings. Selected ‘SA’.
Ledger group – group must contain the leading ledger, 0L in this example.
Selection of lines to be included – specify those objects where you will be producing
financial statements. In our example, financial statements will be produced at the
Company Code, Profit Center and Segment levels. (Note – Cross Fund and Cross Grant
are applicable to Public Sector implementations.) Therefore, any CO allocations between
these objects will automatically trigger a reconciliation posting.
Tipo de documento - usado para a reconciliação postagens.
Selecionadas "SA".
Ledger grupo - grupo deve conter a principal razão, 0L neste
Selecção de linhas a serem incluídas - especificar os
objectos que ser-lhe-á produzir demonstrações financeiras.
No nosso exemplo, as demonstrações financeiras serão
produzidos na Empresa Código, Profit Center e Segmento
níveis. (Nota - Cruz Fundo e Cruz Grant são aplicáveis ao
Setor Público implementações.) Portanto, qualquer CO verbas
entre esses objetos serão automaticamente acionar uma
reconciliação destacamento.

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Note: SAP strongly recommends that the indicator, “Update All CO LIs” not be
activated. This would produce one posting for every CO allocation.
Nota: SAP recomenda que o
indicador, "Atualizar todos
os co Lis" não pode ser
activada. Isso produz uma
postagem para cada CO

Assign the new variant to the appropriate Company Codes:

Both of our example companies have been assigned to the new variant.

If the variant defined above determined that the selection of the document lines to be
included was to be based on a rule, this would be defined under the IMG task, ‘Define
Rules for Selecting CO Line Items’. Not applicable in this case.

Define ‘Account Determination for Real-Time Integration’.

It is important to note that any account determination previously defined for the
Reconciliation Ledger is carried forward here. As a result, there may be nothing new to
do here.

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The intercompany clearing accounts settings will look quite familiar. First specify a pair
of Company Codes:

This brings you to the ‘classic’ FI configuration screen, where, at an existing installation,
the accounts should have been pre-populated:

Similarly, defining ‘Account Determination for Real-Time Integration’ produces:

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Click on Change Account Determin. Again, in an existing installation the account
defined for Reconciliation Ledger postings is displayed:

This GL account will now be used in the real-time postings.

Note: a new process will be required to deal with errors arising out of this transfer
process (e.g. if the posting period in FI is closed). An error list must be checked and
post-processed regularly via: Accounting ® Financial Accounting ® General Ledger ®
Corrections ® Post CO Documents to FI.

Finally, ‘Transfer CO Documents Retrospectively’, would be used in those cases where

CO documents meeting the selection criteria existed prior to the activation of the New

At this point we have finished configuring the new IMG items under the Financial
Accounting Basic Settings (New) chapter:

The balance of the items will not be reviewed - they are as they appear under the old IMG
format. We will move on to the General Ledger Accounting (New) chapter.

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Again, we will highlight only those areas that are new.

The Master Data chapter – nothing new here except that it serves as an alternate entry
point for maintaining Profit Center master data:

Under Business Transactions, we will focus our attention on this new item:

Document Splitting:

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In order to produce financial statements against dimensions such as segment or profit
center at any time, it will be necessary to define how to split certain items (e.g.
receivables, payables). In addition, to produce balanced sets of books at this level,
additional accounts will be required for zero-balancing clearing entries.

Classify G/L Accounts for Document Splitting

In this step, GL accounts are assigned to SAP-delivered Item Categories:

According to the documentation, the only categories that need to be defined here are:
 Revenue account
 Expense account
 Bank/Cash account
 Balance Sheet account

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The classification of all other accounts is known to the system, so you do not have to
enter them here. You can enter an account interval since the system recognizes SAP-
specific classifications and does not allow SAP settings to be overwritten by your own
settings (assume this means that the balance sheet reconciliation accounts related to
receivables, as an example, that fall within the range entered here will not be affected.)

Based on chart of accounts CACP, these entries were made:

Note: needed to include the CO-FI reconciliation account (590299) in the range.

Classify Document Types for Document Splitting

Every business transaction that is entered is analyzed during the document splitting
process. In this process, the system determines which splitting rule is applied to the
document. In order that the system can determine the splitting rule, you must assign a
business transaction variant to each document type.

To ensure that a splitting rule is used appropriately, the relevant documents must meet
certain requirements. These requirements relate in particular to certain item categories
that either must or must not be available. This information is specified for each business
transaction variant and is checked against the current document during posting. If the
document does not meet these requirements, the system rejects the posting.

For example, accounting transaction 0200 (customer invoice), variant 0001 (standard), is
delivered. In this accounting transaction, the following item categories are allowed:
customer, value added tax, withholding tax, expense, revenue, exchange rate differences,
and company code clearing.

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Initially the table is empty:

The SAP-delivered transactions:

Each has a corresponding Variant of ‘0001’.

A few entries were made for illustrative purposes (all document types where splitting
will be relevant must be assigned to a variant here):

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Define Zero-Balance Clearing Account

For account assignment objects for which you want to report a balanced set of books, the
system checks whether the balance of the object is zero after splitting has occurred. If
this is not the case, the system generates additional clearing items. In this activity, the
GL clearing account is assigned (likely need to define a new GL account here).

Highlight Account key 000 and double click on the Accounts folder.

Specify your Chart of Accounts and Enter.

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Enter a GL account and Save.

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Define Document Splitting Characteristics for General Ledger Accounting

In this activity, the system proposes those characteristics it derives from the choices made
earlier in Ledger configuration and CO-FI real-time integration. (In our example,
segments and profit centers are characteristics for which financial statements could be
produced. Had a Customer field been created, it would be available here as well.)

You can define the following:

 Whether you want to apply a zero balance setting for the characteristic

 Whether you want to use a partner field to document a sender/receiver

relationship in the clearing lines generated additionally in the document

 Whether you want the characteristic to be a required entry field (whereby the
system only accepts postings when this field can be filled with a value from the
document splitting)

Upon entering the table the system proposes:

In our example, we will make both fields Zero-balance and Mandatory. Save the entry.

Data Conversion Implication: In existing installations, there will be open items that
pre-date the activation of the new GL and document splitting. It will be necessary to add
any missing document splitting characteristics to these documents – obligatory if these
fields have been set as mandatory, as in our example.

Dados Conversão Implicação: Em instalações existentes,

serão abertos os itens que pré-data da ativação do novo
GL e documento divisão. Será necessário adicionar
qualquer documento em falta divisão características
desses documentos - obrigatória se estas áreas, foram
estabelecidas como obrigatórias, como no nosso exemplo.

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Define Document Splitting Characteristics for Controlling

In this IMG activity, you specify on which additional characteristics you intend to apply
document splitting. The additional characteristics are not relevant for General Ledger
Accounting. Instead, they are relevant for other application components (such as
subcomponents in Controlling) that use documents transferred from General Ledger
Accounting (from such GL processes as: cash discounts from customer/vendor clearing;
realized exchange rate differences from open item clearing; expenses/profit from foreign
currency valuation).

IMG Nesta atividade, você especificar em que outras

características que você pretende aplicar documento divisão.
As características adicionais não são relevantes para o
General Ledger Contabilidade. Em vez disso, eles são
relevantes para as outras aplicações componentes (como os
subcomponentes em Controladoria) que utilizam documentos
transferidos de Contabilidade Geral Ledger (GL a partir de
tais processos, como: dinheiro descontos de cliente /
fornecedor compensação; percebeu diferenças cambiais de
abrir item limpeza; despesas / Resultado de avaliação em
moeda estrangeira).

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The following fields are available for this purpose:

No further splitting for CO has been set up in our example.

Define Post-Capitalization of Cash Discount to Assets

If the setting in this table is activated, the cash discount pertaining to an asset-related
invoice is split (capitalized) directly to the fixed asset instead of the cash discount GL

Edit Constants for Nonassigned Processes

Here you define default account assignments (e.g. a default Segment) in GL processes for
which it is not possible to determine the correct account assignment at the time the
document is posted (e.g. a cash receipt clearing posting that ultimately will be assigned to
multiple segments).
Aqui você definir atribuições
conta padrão (por exemplo, um
padrão do segmento) em GL
processos para os quais não é
possível determinar a conta
correta atribuição do momento
em que o documento está
afixado (por exemplo, um
recibo clearing destacamento
que, em última instância,
será atribuído a múltiplos
segmentos) .

The table looks like this:

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There is no input help for the Constant field i.e. it does not appear to be tied to a
characteristic (e.g. segment). Entered an alpha-numeric code then double clicked on the
Assignment of Values folder.

It appears that the link to a field (e.g. Segment) would be made here. However, the New
entries function was grayed out. Therefore, no further processing was possible.

Note: After activating document splitting in the final step of this process and returning to
this section, the system proposed the Segment field:

Parece que o link para um campo (por exemplo, do segmento)

seria feita aqui. No entanto, as novas entradas função era
cinzento. Por conseguinte, não foi possível o tratamento

Nota: Depois de activar documento divisão na etapa final

deste processo e retornar a esta seção, o sistema proposto
no segmento campo:

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It was necessary to return to segment configuration and create ‘999’ = ‘Unassigned’.

Conversely, the table was active for the Profit Center assignment (Created a profit center
999 tied to the newly created segment)
Era necessário retornar ao segmento configuração e criar'999
'=' Unassigned ".

Inversamente, a mesa estava activa para a atribuição Lucro

Center (centro Criado um lucro 999 vinculado à recém-criada

Activate Document Splitting

In this step, document splitting is activated in the system. Splitting rules delivered by
SAP are put into effect for each business transaction.

The default settings:

The Document Splitting indicator was activated.

Context-sensitive help was performed for both the Inheritance and Default A/C Assignmt
fields to determine their purpose. There was none  initially left blank. However,

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preliminary testing of having a profit center/segment default into FI documents with the
Constant configured above failed until that value was entered into this table as follows:

It is possible to have certain Company Codes opt out of document splitting by double
clicking on the Deactivation per Company Code folder:

Left these blank. Returning to the original folder revealed the splitting method defaulted
by SAP:

Save the data.

At this point document splitting is active in the system. Should you decide that the SAP-
delivered splitting methods are not sufficient, user-defined methods can be defined under
the IMG chapter that follows, entitled, ‘Extended Document Splitting’ (not pursued here).
Neste ponto documento divisão está ativa no sistema. Se você
decidir que o SAP-splitting entregues métodos não são
suficientes, user-definidos métodos podem ser definidos no

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âmbito do IMG capítulo que se segue, intitulada, "Extensão
Documento Fraccionamento" (não-pronúncia aqui).

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