TOS-1 Theory Questions and Solution

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Q.1 Explain different types of force systems.


Q.2 Explain triangle law of forces


Two vectors represented as two sides of the triangle joined tail-to-tip, then the third side of the
triangle represents the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector from first point to last point.
Q.2 Explain paralleloram law of forces
Q.3 Explain polygon law of forces

Q.4 Explain Lami’s theorem


Q.5 Explain principle of transmissibility of forces


Some example of using principle of transmissibility are as follows:

When analyzing the internal forces (stress) in a rigid body, the exact point of application does matter.
This difference in stresses may also result in changes in geometry which will in turn affect reaction
forces. For this reason, the principle of transmissibility should only be used when examining external
forces on bodies that are assumed to be rigid.

Q.6 State and explain Varignon’s theorem.


For example,
moment of force 600 N about point ‘O’ = 600 x d
And also can be written as
moment of force 600 N about point ‘O’ = 600 con 40 x 4 + 600sin 40 x 2

Q.7 Explain various types of loads and support

Types of Loads:

1) Point load : A concentrated load

2) Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) : load is evenly spread over a beam, meaning the rate of
loading is uniform across the length of the beam.

3) Uniformly Varying Load (UVL) load varies across the length of the beam. For example
triangular load that is zero at one end and increases uniformly to the other end

4) Couple Two equal and opposite forces separated by a distance is called couple. It produces
purely rotational effect.
Types of Supports:

1) Hinged support: It can resist both vertical and horizontal forces but not a moment. It
allows the structural member to rotate, but not to translate in any direction.

2) Roller support: This support cannot provide resistance to lateral forces and are free to
rotate and translate along the surface upon which the roller rests

3) Fixed support: can resist vertical and horizontal forces as well as moment since they
restrain both rotation and translation.

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